WRONG QUESTIONS AT 'U' AUDIT See Editorial Page C I 4c Sitri au :43 a t I# CLOUDY High-44 Low-29 Overcast and slightly warmer Seventy-Fine Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No.64 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Legislators Hit Faxon' s Probe By LEONARD PRATT landsen was unavailable last night. being "very uncourteous to legis- proceeded as though it had power Ahighly-placed state represent- The source, who requested to lative committees who are more in this matter, although there ative charged yesterday that Rep. remain unnamed, charged that directly concerned w i t h the has been no policy statement on aikFarn's (Dyetraytt Re. Faxon's hearings yesterday were matter." this." mittee on Higher Education of the "duplications" of ones held this Esch later said that the sub- Esch added that "the confusion House Ways and Means Commit- summer by Vincent Petitpren's committee's actions, at WSU and here is not in the University, but Houe, WahystdedaysCodtd (D-Wayne) House Committee on in announcing its proposed in- within the Legislature." hearings on the University's tui- Higher Education. vestigation into Regent Eugene Esch saw two factors as creat- tion and residence hall fee ac- Those hearings, initiated by Power's relationship with the Uni- ing this "confusion." First, he ex- counts, "does not have the sanc- Petitpren after the University's versity through his ownership of plained, many representatives, in- tion of its committee chairman for tuition and residence hall fee in- UMI, involve a question of eluding Faxon, are now serving its investigation." creases last summer, included the "whether or not subcommittee their first term in the Legislature. Regents, University President Har- chairmen have the power to func- Thus many are unaware of juris- Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann Ar- lan Hatcher and members of the tion unilaterally." diction of the different committees bor) added fuel to the fire by state board of education. He saw a definite duplication and subcommittees. condemning Faxon's pending in- The source, noting that Faxon's between yesterday's investigation He also charged that "House a vestigation of the relations be- hearings included neither Regents and that conducted by Petitpren officers" have not clarified the tween University Microfilms Inc. nor Hatcher and only one mem- last summer. roles of committee chairmen. and the University as "a Demo- ber of the Board of Education, Esch mentioned two areas in Faxon denied the charges, say- crati,: form of witch-hunting Mc- charged the hearings were "in- which he felt the subcommittee's ing "the more people that are in- Carthyism." complete." actions were questionable: terested in higher education, the Faxon said that yesterday's He said Faxon's subcommittee! -"It confuses the question of better." criticism was "the first I knew of was operating outside its proper ' who, the Ways and Means Com- He said he has sent copies of such opinions." "There is no ques- area of concern in many cases. mittee's higher education subcom- all his minutes to Petitpren, "kept tion," he said, "but that the Ways Mentioning Faxon's recently-an-, mittee or Petitpren's higher edu-jhim posted on developments" and and Means Committee is the ap- nounced investigation of Wayne cation committee, has the respon- invited him to all hearings. propriate committee to investigate State University's system of police sibility for legislative policies to- "The only thing I haven't done," these matters." protection for its students as an ward state colleges. Faxon said, "is let him be chair- His chairman, Rep. Einar Er- example, he said the group was -"Faxon's subcommittee has man of my subcommittee." -Daily-Jim Lines REP. JACK FAXON (D-Detroit) (left) and Rep. James Farnsworth (,IHolland) quiz University ad- ministrators on the use of tuition and residence hall incomes at the hearing yesterday. REr. MARVIN ESCH What's New at 764-1817 Hot Line At tonight's meeting Student Government Council will consider a motion sponsored by council members Mickey Eisen- berg, '67, and Steven Daniels, '67. It would place an opinion survey concerning military and political involvement in Viet Nam on the ballot for the November 17 SGC election. The motion also urges SGC to implore students to ignorej the Hornberger poll, which asks the student body to affirm or reject the statement, "I believe the student body to be in basic agreement with the administration's policy in Viet Nam." The two sponsors feel that the Hornberger motion is "ambiguous and meaningless" and that only "an opinion survey using rank order preference can provide a meaningful statement of student sentiment." * * * * Michigan colleges are experiencing a dramatic enrollment surge for the second. successive year, a University registration official revealed yesterday. According to a report prepared by Harris D. Olson, a total of 256,939 students are enrolled in Michigan's 76 colleges and uni- versities-representing a 17 per cent increase over last year's record-breaking enrollment of 219,525. The freshman increase of 27 per cent accounts for 39.3 per cent of this year's increase, and considerable increases were noted on the graduate and profes- sional graduate levels as well. The University Professional Theatre Program has announced that its 1966 Play of the Month Series will present "Absence of a Cello," "The Subject Was Roses," "The Trojan Women," and1 "Barefoot In the Park." In addition, the program this season will also sponsor a new Winter Festival of repertory by the Ameri- can Conservatory Theatre, which will present "Tiny Alice" by Edward Albee and Moliere's "Tartuffe." Senators Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass), Philip A. Hart (D-Mich) and Patrick McNamara (D-Mich) and Rep. Weston E. Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) will be arriving at Ann Arbor airport Friday afternoon at 4:45, it was announced today. A reception for Kennedy, sponsored by the Ann Arbor and University Young Democrats, will be held at the airport. Students needing rides to the reception have been asked to meet in front of the SAB at 4:15 p.m. Friday., Kennedy is the guest speaker at a Second Congressional district dinner in Dundee that evening honoring Vivian. Long Distance University instruments were launched from the Fort Churchill, Manitoba, rocket range at noon Tuesday and early yesterday morning, the Space Physics Laboratory here reported yesterday. Three of them were "among the best we have ever had," 4 , David R. Taeusch, Associate director of the electrical engineering laboratory reported. The instruments were launched under NASA Goddard Space Flight Center support to measure nitrogen gas concentration and electron density and temperature at altitudes from 18 to 200 miles and to find the effect on these of extremes of sunlight.1 Faxon Unit Focuses on Housing Students Cite' Burdens of Living Costs Suggest Free Tuition,> 'U' Help for Students Economic Welfare: By SHIRLEY ROSICK Student leaders advocated free tuition for college students yes- terday afternoon in a testimony before the Subcommittee on High- er Education of the House Ways and Means Committee. They also expressed concern that students from low-income levels are often unable to afford to attend the University. Student Government C o .u n c i 1 President Gary Cunningham, '66, cited figures compiled by the In- stitute of Social Research on the family incomes of freshmen in the fall of 1963 to demonstrate that TWO OF THE PRINCIPAL the University is educating only Stephen Daniels, '67, reads the "economic elite." dued-and a bit bored-as he Bob Goyer, Grad, chairman of the Graduate Student Council Housing Committee, said that the TIRED OF IQC: University attracts chiefly stu-_ dents from high-income families not only because of tuition costs' but also because of the high cost F ro st of room-and-board, which amountsj to about half of a student's ex- penses. By NEAL BRUSS Hears Student -Daily- WITNESSES SHOWN AT YESTERDAY'S HEARINGS. At left: Student Government Council prepared statement. At right: Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont appe e listens to a question. Views -. Legislators a yHit Fee Hike, High Costs Say Housing Prices Major Reason Poor Unable to Afford 'U' By NEIL SHISTER Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit) and his House subcommittee held the first of several anticipated hearings yesterday on the Uni- versity's use of income from its tuition and residence hall fees. The hearings are being held In conjunction with the auditor gen- eral's recently-released report on the results of his audit of the University's financial books. Faxon emphasized that he is not seeking to expose administra- -Jim Lines tive impropriety, but is concern- member ed that the University make the ears sub- most efficient use possible of its revenues while still maintaining a concern for the economic status of the student. 'U' Vice-Presidents Testifying before the Ways and Means Subcommittee were four University administrators-Mar- v*~ in Niehuss, executive vice-presi- Sdent; Allan Smith, vice-president for academic affairs; Wilbur K. Pierpont, vice-president in charge of business and finance, and Michael Radock, vice-president for Y University relations. ty Young Richard Cutler, vice-president leaflets at for student affairs, was also sched- 1 in a joint uled to appear but was unable to ion d r i v e because of illness. nan for the Most of the day-long meeting table" the focused on the University's policy o recognize and action in the area of stu- erican Fed- dent housing, and also considered ounty and the recent tuition hike, approved as official by the Regents this summer. mployes in High-Cost Housing ry and in Faxon expressed great amaze- ment that the publicly owned Uni- ile the Uni- versity housing was not signifi- s a war on cantly cheaper than private rents it uncon- in Ann Arbor, one of the highest deny eo- in the country. He said that this nan dignity high cost of housing is "prob- k in its own ably the principal reason why larly ironic many of the state's poorer stu- these em- dents cannot afford to attend the the spokes- University." In a survey conducted by the nds that it'Institute for Social Research it be covered See FAXON, Page 8 hinson Act, igan public Ik Su f r e unions as ning agents es if a ma- Second Attack support the ts, however, FT. GORDON, Ga. ()-Former igan State President Dwight D. Eisenhower louse Will Withdraw 3 , ordering the house treasurer to re-, The Frost IQC committee's in- Goyer cited a lack of adequate housing, especially at the lower-; At its weekly meeting last night, cost end of the housing spec- Robert Frost House Council vot- trum as contributing to the high ed to withdraw membership from: cost of living. Inter-Quadrangle Council. He called for the University to The 10-2 vote came after pres-I plan now for expansion of hous- entation of evidence by a special ing accommodations over the next committee chosen last week to as-! five to ten years to take care of sess IQC contributions to resi- the ever-increasing student popu- dents of the Mary Markley Hall1 lation. Honors house. See STUDENT, Page 8 The motion included a clause fuse to pay current IQC dues until vestigation centered around cur- further notice. The dues are as- rent budget figures, which includ- sessed at 35c per resident. ed a $400 office supply allocation, a $317.17 miscellaneous fund, a An IQC meeting next Monday $161.70 telephone charge, a $50 night is slated for discussion of president's fund, a $210 requisition benefits and improvements with- for 'Ensian advertising and a $260 in IQC, according to Frost House special project allotment for which' sources. IQC President Lee Horn- no specific use was found by the berger, '66L, was unavailable for Frost committee. comment last night after the: Frost House action. Group Charges Waste The committee heard rumors in its investigation that IQC had been selling athletic equipment to res- idence halls at a profit out of a LFocal, YI Denounc4 Union PC A group of Univers Democrats distributed the University Hospital Young Democrats - uni yesterday as a spokesm group termed "regret University's refusal tc Local 1583 of the Am eration of State, Cc Municipal Employes bargaining agent for e the University laundr units of the hospital. HAS MIXED VIEW OF SDS: Alinsky Hits Poverty Program as Wishifu By STEVE WILDSTROM Social critic, protest organizer and writer, Saul Alinsky lashed out at the government's War on Poverty before an overflow au- dience at Rackham Amphitheatre yesterday. "If you saw Watts," said Alin- sky, referring to the race-riot torn area of Los Angeles, "you wouldn't question why it blew up. You'd only ask why it didn't go in 1964, or '63 or '62." He added that to assume, as R. Sargent Shriver, poverty war di- pathetic and positive towards Stu-{ dents for a Democratic Society (SDS)." He added, however, "The way they operate towards issues is just' not realistic from our point of view. People in the ghettoes are not interested in the bomb. They wouldn't mind seeing the bomb, dropped-on the white commun- ity." He likened social organization to a play-the fir'st two acts are boring but lay the groundwork forj the exciting action of the third act. "The trouble with these kids (SDS) is that. they want, to come $50 athletic fund-"It is ironic that whi l~In addition, the committee versity actively support. caNaedehat s eermd b oeryi pslni scattered and unclaimed copies, nomicly continues to Negro area of Woodlawn on Chi- the IQC Newsletter-published at omi justice and hun for the people who work cago's south side. a cost of $126 this semester-was hospital. It is pamticu "When we hold a delegate con- an ineffective use of funds. becase s ay of vention of the Woodlawn Organ-..as o n f ization, we have in the ioom twice Committee members said that ployes are Negroes, ' the total membership of all the IQC President Hornberger had man said. civil rights organizations in Chi- claimed to them thatall residencer The University contc cago. Tihis ogiszh aor Daeyi-hal government derives power !cannot constitutionally ago. This is why Mayor Daley from the IQC. by the amended Hute. will pay attention to TWO, even which requires Michi if that attention is negatively di- Frost Members Dispute Charge employers to recognize rected," he said. Several Frost House Council sole collective bargain Regarding Daley, he said, "There members, however, felt that claim for a group of employ is a wide gap between those who could be disputed, according to jority of the employes hold power, the Daley organiza- Charles Ballard, '68E, committee union. tion, and those who do not, par- chairman. In addition, Frost House The Young Democra ticularly the Negro community, President David Satchell, '67, said point out that Mich n, .............. .Vis 6% 4:4i::4ii: t ^YN' !}{':. __ 'ikL' ifs 'v. G'.. .... f LM1 ............ h. ' .