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November 10, 1965 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-10

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USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- Noon-Prof. David Sumner of
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially the English dept. will lecture on
recognized and registered student orga- "The Broken Center: A Definition'
nizations only. Forms are available in of the Crisis in Values in Modern1
Room 1011 SAB. Literature" in Rm. 2 of the Mich-
Cercle Francais, Baratin, Thurs., Nov. igan League.
11, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. 3:30 p.m. - Saul Alinsky will
4 **speak on "The Mechanics of So-
Finance Club Presentation: P. Fred cial Change" in Rackham Amphi-
Fox, president of New York over-the-l hageA
counter firm, P. F. Fox and Co., will theatre.
speak on "Controversy in the Securi- 7:30 p.m.-P. Fred Fox, presi-
ties Business," Room 131, Bus. Ad., dent of P. F. Fox & Co., will
Wed., Nov. 10, 7:30 p.m. speak on the "Controversy in the
Joint Judiciary Council, There will Securities Business' in Rm. 131
be a meeting of the Joint Judiciary of the Business Administration
Council Wed, evening, Nov. 10, at 7:15 Bldg
p.m. in the Council Room, SAB.
** 7:30 p.m.-John Howard Grif-
Student National Education Associa- fin, author of "Black Like Me,"
tion, National Education Association will speak in Rackham Aud.
Film Festival, Nov. 10, 3-5 p.m., Nov. 11, 8 p.m.-Joseph Blatt will con-
3-4 p.m., University Elementary School m-Jsp Batwilcn
Aud. duct Wagner's "Lohengrin" in
* * * Hill Aud.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 8 p.m.-The Professional The-
Washtenaw, Wed. evening devotion, 10
p.m., communion to be celebrated. atre Program will present the
-- APA in "The Wild Duck" at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Read !9 p.m.-TheaOffice of Religious
Affairs will present "Coffee with
John Howard Griffin" in the Kal-
amazoo Rm. of the Michigan
Daily League.
Classifieds THURSDAY, NOV. 11

research mathematician, will lec-
ture on "Indices of Lexical Space"
in Rm. 1057 MHRI.
4:15 and 7:30 p.m.-Nathan A.
Scott Jr. of the University of
Chicago Divinity School will speak
on "The Crisis of Faith and ne
New Theology and the Promise of
Grace in Poetic Arts, Parts I and
II" in the Multipurpose Rm. of
the UGLI.
7 and 9 p.m. - The Cinema
Guild will present "Me and the



(Continued from Page 1)

,; '
^ .

State Board of Education
To Examine Fund Request

Colonel" in the Architecture Aud.
8 p.m. - Joseph Blatt of the
music school will conduct Wag-
ner's "Lohengrin" at Hill Aud.
8 p.m.-The Professional The-
atre Program will present the APA
in "The Wild Duck" at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
8 p.m.-I. B. Tabata, president
of the Unity Movement of South
Africa, will speak on "The Lib-

ommendations on the colleges'
total budgets.
But the board needs no sub-
stantial staff to evaluate proposed
new programs at the state's col-
leges, such as the CRLT, he ex-
plained. He said the board was
investigating new projects at all
state universities, for examplel
Western Michigan University's!
proposal to begin offering five new
doctoral programs.
Different Bases
Brennan said that the board
would evaluate the CRLT on very'
different bases than those on
which it would evaluate other new
"In considering WMS's proposed
doctoral programs, we will con-
sider primarily the added costs of


the programs as against the
state's need for them. But the
question of state support for the
CRLT must also take into con-
sideration that it is a radically
new program that can directly
serve the whole state," he said.
The program for the CRLT
which the University has present-
ed to the state asks a total of
$2.55 'million over the next three
years. Briefly, the center would
run a computer network connect-
ing all the state's colleges to
share "programmed instructions,
library materials and informa-
tion." It woul also run programs
to consolidate information on
teaching innovations, improve in-
struction methods for students
and teaching fellows and revise
curricula in the colleges.


our Miss J takes
a big ribbing
with her smashing poor boy look.
S, M, L sizes. 8.00
A. Cotton velour poor boy. Cranberry, navy, gold.
B. Poor boy of 100% orlon. Navy, burgundy, off white, pink.

' eration Movement in South Afri-
L ca" in the Union Ballroom.
4:15 p.m.-Prof. Saul Sternberg
of the Bell Telephone Laboratory
will speak on "On Scanning One's
Memory" in Aud. B.
7 and 9 p.m. - The Cinema
Guild will present "Me and the
Colonel" in the Architecture Aud.


2:15 p.m. - Anatol Rapoport,'




The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organiration notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Conference on Implications of Fed-
eral Support on Michigan High School
Programs-Michigan Union Ballroom, 9
Office of Religious Affairs Luncheon
Book Discussion-David Sumner, De-
partment of English, "The Broken
Center: A Definition of the Crisis in
Values in Modern Literature," Nathan
Scott, Jr., from "Symbolism in Re-
ligion and Literature": 2 Michigan
League, 12 m.
Zoology Seminar-Thomas E. Moore,

sity, will speak on "The Hydrogen
Fluoride System," on Thurs., Nov. 11,
at 8 p.m. in Rm. 1300 of the Chemistry
Principal - Freshman Conference:
Freshmen who recently received let-
ters notifying them of appointments
to confer with counselors from their
high schools Thursday morning are re-
quested to be punctual.
Law School Admission Test: Can-
didates taking the Law School Admis-
sion Test on Sat., Nov. 13, are request-
ed to report to Rackham Lecture Hall
at 8:30 a.m. Saturday.
Graduate Record Examination: Can-
didates taking the Graduate Record
Examination on Sat., Nov. 13, are re-
quested to report to Rm. 130 Business
Admin. Bldg. at 8:30 a.m. Saturday.
Applications for Fellowships and
Scholarships in the Grad School for
1966-67 are now available in Depart-
mental Offices. Competition closes Feb.
15, 1966. Renewal of application forms
are also available in Departmental
Offices for thosewho have applied in
previous years. Only students who in-
tend to enroll in the Horace H. Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies for
1966-67 may apply.


Department of Zoology, "The Evolution
of Acoustical Communication in Ci- Doctoral Examination for Attila Imre
cadas": 231 Angell Hall, 4 p.m. Simanyi, Electrical Engineering; thesis:




Apartheid regime in South Africa
continues arbitrary arrests and
illegal jailings of freedom fighters,

"The Freedom Struggle

Graduate School of Business Admin-
istration Lecture-P. Fred Fox, presi-
dent of P. F. Fox & Co., "Controversy
in the Securities Business": 131 Busi-
ness Administration, 7:30 p.m.
Principal-Freshman-Counselor Con-
ference-"Education for Change": Mich-
igan Union, 7:30 p.m.
Office of Religious Affairs University
Lecture-John Howard Griffin, novel-
ist and lecturer, "Black Like Me"
Rackham Aud., 7:30 p.m.
School of Music Opera-Joseph Blatt.
music director and conductor, Ralph
Herbert, stage director, Wagner's "Loh-
engrin": Hill Aud., 8 p.m.
Electrical Engineering Dept. Collo-
quium: Prof. A. D. Moore will speak
on "Creativity," Nov. 10, 4-5 pam Rm.
1042 E. Engrg.
Social Work Colloquium: Saul Alin-
sky will speak on "The Mechanics of
Social Change," 3:30' p.m., Rackham
Amphitheatre, Wed., Nov. 10.
General Notices
American Chemical Society Lecture:
Prof. Alan F. Clifford, Purdue Univer-
a free service of 1 0 de-
nominations to some 200
church - related liberal
arts colleges throughout
the United States. Ad-
ministrative and faculty
positions in all areas of
curriculum. Ph.D. level
or near desired. Salaries
$6,000 - $19,000 p l u s
fringe benefits. Inquire
at University of Michigan
Bureau of Appointments,
relative to interview
schedule Nov. 15, 16,
17, 18.

The Synthesis of Linear and Circular
Antenna Arrays by Gaussian Quadra-
tures," Wed., Nov. 10, 3073 E. Engrg.
Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, C. B.
Education Juniors and Seniors: Ap-
plication for School of Education Schol-
arships for the Winter Term (II) are
now available in Rm. 1431 University
School. Applicants must have high
scholastic standing. The application and
interview should be completed during
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Nominees
are invited to a meeting on Fri., Nov.
12, at 4:10 p.m. in the E. Conf. Rm.,
Rackham Bldg. Campus representatives
will speak briefly, and answer ques-
tions concerning the criteria for selec-
tion, the nature and purpose of the
interviews, the choice of schools, the
intellectual biography, and other cre-
dentials submitted by each candidate
which will most clearly indicate to the
Foundation his or her qualtifications
for a fellowship.
Joint Judiciary Council: Petitioning
is now open for five 'student members
of the Joint Judiciary Council and
two student members for the Univer-
sity Committee on Standards and Con-
duct. Deadline date, Nov. 17, at 5
p.m. Interviewing will be on Nov. 21
and 22 in the SGC Rm., Third Floor,
SAB. Petitions are available in Rm.
1011 SAB.
Student Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored
events becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All
publicity for these events must be
withheld until the approval has become
Approval request forms for student
sponsored events are available in Room
1011 of the SAB.
Panhellenic Association, Winter sor-
ority rush and rush registration, Nov.
15-16 (registration), Lloyd, Stockwell,
Hunt House (SQ), 4-8 p.m.; Nov. 17-18
(registration), Michigan League, 10
a.m.-2 p.m.; Jan. 5-23 (winter rush),
sorority houses.
Soph Show '65, slave auction, Nov.
9, Diag, 12 noon.
Voice,.Diag rally, Nov. 8, noon.
Delta Delta Delta, pancake supper,
Nov. 7, 718 Tappan, 5-7 p.m.
Delta Sigma Theta, Thanksgiving food
drive, Nov. 8-12, Diag, 9-11:30 a.m., 1:30-
Young Americans for Freedom, lec-
ture by Rev. Daniel Lyons, Nov. 12,
4 p.m.
3R-S, Union, 8 p.m.
Scabbard and Blade, Veteran's Day
memorial ceremony, Nov. 11, flagpole,
Alpha Phi Omega,, Willowpolitan, Nov.
22-23, Fishbowl, 9-4 p.m.
Student National Education Assoc.,
School of Education film festival, Nov.
9-11, UES Aud., 3 p.m.

in South Africa"


. B. TABATA (of Zambia)
Pres., Qlnity Movement of South Africa
MR. TABATA is currently on tour for the
Alexander Defense Committee
(Established to aid Dr. Neville Alexander
and other South African political prisoners)
SPONSORS (partial)

Mr. Tabata has been active
in the South African freedom
movement since the early thir-
ties. He was a delegate to the
1935 founding conference of
the All-African Convention, a
federation of African civic, po-
litical, peasant, and profes-
sional organizations. In 1943, he
was one of the founders of the
Unity Movement of South Af-
rica, which extended the unity
achieved by the All-African
Convention to organizations of
o t h e r oppressed non - white
In 1961, Mr. Tabata became
president of the African Peo-
ples Democratic Union of
Southern Africa, a multiracial
political party committed to
the program of the Unity
Movement. During the forties
and fifties, Mr. Tabata led the
peasant opposition in the Tran-
skei "native reserve" to the gov-
ernment's plunder of the Afri-
cans' cattle 'and to the govern-
ment's brutal efforts to compel
cooperation with the phony
"native representation" scheme.
He has been arrested many
times for his activities and was
banned from 1956 to 1961. In
1963, facing certain imprison-
ment, he was assigned by the
Unity Movement and A.P.D.U.
S.A. to continue his leadersnip
from Zambia.
Mr. Tabata is widely regarded
as one of the most eloquent
speakers and as the leading po-
litical theorist of the South Af-
rican liberation movement. In
addition to numerous pam-
phlets and articles, he has
written three bookks, the best
known nf which. Education for


The lusty life is back.
And it starts at
the Sign of the Pub
Uncork a flask of Pub Cologne. If you hear tankards clash
and songs turn bawdy, if the torches flare and the innkeeper
locks up his daughter for the night... .. .
it's because you've been into the Pub
and unloosed the lusty life. :«w::



All students are
cordially invited to attend
an International Tea

James Aronson Not Henthoff
Carlton Beals Prof. Henry Herrmann
Anne Braden James Higgins
Carl Braden Len Halt, Esq.
Dr. John Henrik Clarke Dr. Horace M. Kallen
Rev. Albert B. Cleage, Jr.John 0. Killens
Rev. Henry M. Crane Slater H. King
Ossie Davis William Kunstler, Esq.
Dorothy Day Sid Lens
Noel Day Rev. Donald G. Lothrop
R.., r e Waltr Loweanfels

Captain Hugh Mulsac
George B. Murphy, Jr.
Rev. A. J. Muste
Truman Nelson
Prof. Reinhold Niebuhr
George Novack
Dr. Linus Pauling
Prof. Alan Rhodes
Dr. Annette Rubinstein
p John R. Salter
Marc Schleifer

tobe held Thurs., Nov.
at Jordan Hall from


4.30-6.00 P.M1



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