. q, Air iigan Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom Ia it1 VOL. LXXVI, No 1- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 165. _ r rroriirw r rr / Whether you are going to amount to anything, in later life, depends largely upon the manner in which you spend your student days. Moreover - the manner in which you spend your student days is determined while you are a freshman. Barring rare exceptions, students decide, very early in their course, what sort of peo- ple they propose to be - on - through -to the finish. It is not too much to say that today, while you are in the business of plan- ning your future, and that this day is not only the most important of your life thus far, but the most significant of your whole career. -Handbook of the University of Michigan Issued by the Students Christian Association 1920 S T U D E N T U B I C A T I I 0 M P