Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 50 Billion Dollars Can't Be Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT CARNEY Reach: Research, Diversity, Person-to-Person Approach By PETER McDONOUGH Daily Cuest Writer T HE EX-MARINE and I are pretty good friends. I usually say "Hi, killer," when we meet in class; and he says "Hi, tiger." I don't believe that the only good soldier is a dead one. My relatives have been in and out of the military, too. An uncle used to talk about his million- dollar wound, having sat on a bayonet during the Great War. A neighbor, gassed at Ypres, pissed in his handkerchief and put it over his face. The ammonia saved him from the worst, and every few weeks he visits the local vet- erans' hospital to cheer up the vic- tors in that and subsequent wars. Another uncle, when he was be- ing inoculated during induction into World War II, fell forward in a faintsand broke his nose. There are, also, misty stories about cousins in the Sinn Fein blowing up post offiices with the convo- luted abandon of Latin American colonels taking radio stations. And my brother-in-law, who is with the Air Force, cooks stupen- dous Italian meals, and doesn't beat my sister without good rea- son. For all I know, he might not beat her at all. He is certainly not a hawk. We get along. Even its severest critics, he says, would admit that the military gives you superb management training. He has a point. Fifty billion dollars can't be wrong. GROWING UP in Brooklyn and traveling some, I've crossed paths with shivs, revolvers, brickbats and-once-a spear. When the army was about to take me, I went through the CO literature, and decided that if a fellow at- tacked my wife, I would try to stop him, after all, with force. This is the crudest argument against pacifism, but it is not altogether unfair. The spectacle, for example, of Japanese youth embracing pacifism in somewhat the same way as they do Coca- Cola makes liberals and reac- tionaries alike wonder about the strange ways of American global- ism. Then too, in matters of private conscience, public opinion reports can be confusing. We are "be- hind" the President, so the polls tell us, as we are "for," say, the Beverly Hillbillies. So, by and large, it is not con- sidered obscene that the harassed gentlemen in our State Depart- ment should comprehend the in- stant killing and the slow goug- ing-out of eyes, the massive- whether random or systematic- devastation of this or that hot- bed of communism or bulwark of democracy in terms of, as they say in their more unbuttoned moments, "eyeball - to - eyeball" showdowns. Mostly, they suffer from tedium vitae. AND IT IS to be expected, like- wise, that General Eisenhower should note how "atmosphered" we are in disrespect, cowardice and unpatriotic haircuts. "Nor- malcy"-as another one of our departed gods put it-is as hard to come by as the kind of gal that married dear old dad. Neither is it too extraordinary -but merely ridiculous, and as cruel as it is ridiculous-that a United States Senator should print the, uh, record of one of our teach-in professors as though it were out of the Police Gazette. Nor, probably, should I be sur- prised when another professor, speculating to his colleagues like a common gossip, with walk-like- a-duck, talk-like-a-duck reason- ing, says about me: "Well, it looks as if we have a Communist on our hands." It is, I grant, on such fits of in- competence and persecution that radicalism of the less wholesome varieties flourishes. NOW AND THEN it bothers me. There are times-now that the sky is failing, as it is in Viet Nam-when you should rake a little muck, and go for the throat. There is some shit, as one of our dead lyricists wrote, I will not eat. The induction center in down- town Brooklyn, during the winter, is about as soft and warm as a brass toilet seat in the Klondike. They start you in at seven, and by three in the afternoon you should be through. First, you get a shot. Ahead of me stood several Puerto Rican boys. A young medic, up so early that his eyes were beady and blood-shot as target patterns, but otherwise quite brisk, said: "Well, Pedro, do you speak Eng- lish?" "No." "Well, Pedro, how long you been in this country?" "Ten years." There was giggling down the line. "Well, Pedro, we're going to send speak English and they don't you someplace where they don't speak Spanish-Viet Nam!" One punk terrorized. UPSTAIRS to the mental test. Someone was kicked out for rau- cous masturbation. A second lieu- tenant out of ROTC recited the test directions with something be- Wrong tween authority and fury. It was difficult, but not impossible, to feel for the guy. Even if you hate the army, as I suspect he was be- ginning to, it makes you want to fight. The physical began after lunch. The staircases and corridors, the frosted windows and the aimless desks, the odd postures and the hanging clothes, the whole she- bang all angles and levels, looked like ditches from Dante by way of Kafka. The studs kept their hats on, and cocked them like guns. We walked in double-file to the largest room, where a very ener- getic, older medic stood with his arms folded. "Now listen to the instructions, boys," he said. We noticed a tape recorder towards the front of the room. "Listen to the instructions. Pay attention." It told us to line up on either side and face the wall. Pause. It told us to drop our shorts. Pause. It told us to bend over. Pause. THE MEDIC inspected the ranks, saying: "Ah, what a noble thing is man! Ah what a noble thing Is man! Ah what a noble thing is man .. ." From there on, it was downhill. - SPARKS ARE FLYING between tensed adversaries in the controversy over whether the student organization Reach is viable in the context of University poli- tics and whether Reach candidates are worthy of seats on Student Government Council.. Criticism of Reach follows a standard format at the University, illustrating the old rule that most young healthy minds are negatively oriented-adept and agile at pointing out what is wrong with what is being attempted, but lacking in con- crete alternatives. The goals of Reach are comparable to goals already set by many students. Reach methods are novel, daring and, to be fair, quite interesting. Optimism and positivism seem to be chief touchstones for the group. It believes that by care- fully defining what problems are imme- diate to University students and by care- fully, systematically and completely turning the efforts of SGC to these prob- lems, very satisfying results can be ob- tained. Reach believes that administrators and Regents are human beings (a novel con- cept at the University); and that the people who make laws and carry on the gargantuan task of administering to the University are genuinely sympathetic to student needs and desires, when these important people are given the oppor- tunity to hear student opinion, clearly, accurately and completely. Several Reach candidates recently de- scribed the Regents as "a body of very successful and intelligent individuals who have flourished in the art of professional business and administration." They said further that for this reason, "The Re- gents will continue to be unimpressed when there are sophomoric power plays designed to corner them with sensation- alism." THE NATURAL and actual course of action for Reach is to attempt to ex- pand student participation (it has about 120 members and has established liaisons with 57 student organizations after 31/2 weeks of existence) in problems immedi- ate to students, and to get its proposals professionally researched (it has gradu- ate students already committed to re- search). Reach also wants action. It has nearly completed an itemized list of Ann Arbor prices in clothing, cleaning, food, drug items and books. This list, which may be completed by the time of the election 10 days from now, has been bantered about by various organizations for some time. Reach is building files of research data on all areas of University problems. It is attempting to unify University infor- mation on all subjects and make this data available to SGC as a whole for use in decision making. It is reasonable to say that unity is needed in view of the fact that there are at least four housing boards on campus, without a central fil- ing system and without significant liai- sons between them. CRITICISM OF REACH has focused basically on three areas: It has been charged with naivete with regard to po- litical tactics (against) Regents and ad- inistrators, with putting forth unquali- fied candidates for SGC, and with dilut- ing its position through the great diver- sity of its members. These accusations should be considered carefully. The U.S. Loses Again ELSBURG, SOUTH AFRICA-A long-leg- ged South African bullfrog named Fanjan established a world jumping rec- ord yesterday by springing a distance of 20 feet, 8 inches. This beat the previous listed American- held record by 3 feet, 6 inches. tMore than 400 frogs, including several from foreign countries; took part in the 13th Frog Olympics held at Elsburg in this country's Transvaal Province. Reach believes that the era of stu- dents versus Regents and administra- tors is in its death rattle, following a lengthy fiasco of abortive, directionless war tactics and religious-like crusades "for the student cause" which in actual- ity have been somewhat demeaning to student intelligence and accomplish- ments, It merely wants to raise the issues from the quagmire of bickering and in- direct communication to a laying of pro- posals on the bartering table and a person to person communication and under- standing. If this is naivete in student politics, then Reach is guilty. It is per- haps time, however, that students under- stand that a positive approach to student problems is a healthy approach. As regards the charge that Reach has overextended itself, and diversified the organization so greatly that nothing can be done effectively, there is an adequate explanation: Reach is diversified in terms of mem- bers who have been active in diverse and even opposing organizations on campus. But diversity and opposition will not man- ifest itself substantially with the Reach operation because Reach goals do not in- clude the area of greatest controversy- national and international affairs. Reach is working toward solution of the imme- diate problems of University students. While Students for a Democratic So- ciety and the Young Republicans may disagree on the war in Viet Nam, they are both in favor of the Student Bookstore, and better housing, counseling and prices. Cosmic political theories are not here at issue; rather, at issue are the common economic, social and educational needs of University students. ANALYSIS OF QUALIFICATIONS in any political campaign should be under- stood as a necessary evil. All qualifica- tions can present is a codified representa- tion of the candidates' activities. The candidate to SGC, however, will not as a council member, necessarily be doing the things he did on his list of qualifications. He will rather be conducting the affairs of SGC, with-more or less-leadership, with-more or less-enthusiasm and as- tuteness. An editorial should not, therefore, pre- sume to analyze the worth of a candidate on the basis of a list of titles. It is for the individual voter to meet the individual candidate and assess his leadership, en- thusiasm and astuteness. This is not, however, to say that Reach candidates are void of activities. Al Goodwin, '66, did research under Sen. Robert Kennedy (D-NY) this summer in the area of housing and urban renewal. He is also public relations chairman for SGC at the present. Bob Smith, '67,rhas worked briefly on the SGC public relations committee and has worked in several social activities in- cluding Winter Weekend '65 (Skit Night co-chairman), Michigras parade '64, Homecoming '65. Neill Hollenshead, '67, is personnel di- rector for SGC at the present, has serv- ed on the SGC Public Relations Board and the IFC Special Events Committee. Pat McCarty, '67, has served on the Lit- erary College Steering Committee since last March, has worked on the Panhel- lenic Association and has served briefly on the Personnel Committee of SGC. She is also general co-chairman of Winter Weekend, '65. Qualifications, 'as said before, do not constitute that which is most- significant is intelligent voting. This is merely an ef- fort to show that the candidates Reach offers have a representative amount of experience and activity and that they are not categorically "unqualified" as has been charged. Reach is making the voters' task of meeting their candidates easier through use of their campaign headquarters (front part of the Dugout Restaurant on South University) where a candidate is always present, and through exten- sive speaker engagements. TALK TO, LISTEN TO, and assess these candidates against the others run- ning. There are also independent incumb- ent, and GROTTPcanndidates who have r ke ato . E.COib^ Reach Shows Some Subversive Signs So What? by sarasohn SINCE Reach is a new party, most students will not, take it too seriously. However, Reach is quite a serious matter for it is potentially the most subversive political unit on campus-much more so than even the school of business administration. For example, even the first plank in their platform-the ba- sic philosophy of their, cause-is dangerous to the common student. Alex Goodwin, '66, Reach candi- date, has said recently that "the first step" of Reach is to be a network of "informal liaisons" be- tween the students and the. Re- gents, the Ann Arbor City Council, local politicians and faculty mem- bers. Even "informal liaisons" would be highly dangerous. The conse- quences. of discovering what teach- ers are really like would be dis- astrous. THE professor elevated on a platform is a glamorous person- ality. He speaks through a mi- crophone, tells jokes at which everyone laughs and shows slides. But, imagine meeting that same professor at a party or in the john. What would happen to a student if he suddenly discovered his professor had pimples or he was actually seven inches taller than his lecturer-especially,,if he was a she? How could he repress fhe fact that his professor had bad breath? Then imagine the same situa- tion with the Regents or the Ann Arbor City Council members. How could a student continue believ- ing in their intelligence if he realized that they only sound lit- erate through the columns of the Daily because the reporters are masters in deciphering their hiero- glyphics? How could a student continue believing in them after he actually met them? The dam- age would be irreparable. FURTHERMORE, the Universi- ty is built on myths. If these myths are removed we will col- lapse. Coming to the University from a small town, a student feels automatically emancipated. He stops believing that all liberals are communists, that Santa 'Claus is the only one who's a beard, that God isn't really' dead, that honor students are different from every- one else, that the Daily puts out issues the size of the freshman supplement every day or that the social life is better in college than high school. But, for all the old forgotten myths there are new miyths' that become even more essential to the collegiate value system. Besides the feeling of emancipation, an- other new myth is the belief that the faculty has somehow escaped the fate of that horrible everyday existence. They become the God- surrogates of the new system. It would be unnecessarily cruel to explode these myths just for the sake of a measly SGC elec- tion. And the surest way to ex- plode them is for the students to actually get to know the faculty and vice-versa. BECAUSE of its basic philoso- phy, Reach must be exterminated, or at least be caused to sink back into the primordial ooze from whence it came. V 4 6 'TONG' O\X> LATIN REEFRA1r". The Nev By JEFF GREENFIELD Collegiate Press Service THEY MARCHED down Fifth Avenue under, a sparkling blue sky, with a golden sun gleaming off their orange and black Buck- ley for Mayor buttons. It was a beautiful brisk fall day, the kind New York City turns out about two or three times a year when you take your girl and stroll up Fifth along the park and talk. Only this Saturday there were people marching down Fifth, and they did not come to love. They were hard men, with the legion caps and VFW hats pulled down over their faces flushed red from the wind and the whiskey. Some laughed and cheered; most marched down the long avenue chanting the Pledge of Alleg- iance, "Victory" and "Buckley." They were women, _some with baby carriages, with the look of bitterness on their faces, with the cardboard epithets slung around their necks. "Burn the Card- Burners," 'Kill Kommie Kow- ards," "Jail the Traitors." They took their sons and daugh- ters. A smalil boy, grinning as the crowds cheered his sign: "If I Weren't a Youngster, I'd Kill Me a Kommie." THEY CAME TO HATE. Some with good reason, the exiles from York Anti-Protest: How To Hate not understand dissent, who take the street not to persuade, but to demand, and who require not an- swers to their viewpoints but blind obedience on pain of physical as- sault. It was billed as the answer to the irresponsible minority which Time and Life began calling last week the "Vietniks"; in addition the march drew those to whom Viet Nam and civil rights and so- cial justice are the same thing -the giant Red menace which lurks under the bed and around the corner. IT WAS A DAY for the vets to break out the army jackets and the whiskey bottles and remem- ber good times and younger times and march through the street with cries of militancy. It was a day for the local civic bands to display their skill and practice for Thanksgiving Day. It was a Cay for a newspaper once again to cash in on participation. It was a day for vendors to peddle their veterans pins and to urge the spectators to "wave a flag, buddy, 'wave a flag. What- so matter, c'mon wave a flag." It was a day for the alienated, for those whom history has pass-s ed by to shout for their witty, engaging Bill Buckley, the man who told it like it was through the lens of fear and ignorance. It was most of all, a day of re- pudiation. For the pacifist, it showed that the moral appeal can- not capture those who lack the compassion to place the human life above the political slogan. The David Millers will not win when his countrymen wish him at the end of a rope. For the moderate, it was de- pressing proof that the spirit of war is not moderation; that when a government uses the rhetoric of war to justify itself, it cannot halt the blight of the war mentality. From the battlefields of Viet Nam, those who most fervently back this war now seek to expunge the Red ghost from the campuses and cities of America. And the march for responsible patriotism became, as it had to, the cry of the Philistine against the hand- ful of those who dissent. FOR THE OPPONENTS of the war, it was a clearcut sign that their work has failed; that too often the hackneyed jargon of the Left has been used as a sub- stitute for rational and convinc- ing discussion, within the con- text of the American interest, of why this war is wrong. The rhetoric of radicalism will inevitably spawn the response of reaction; more is required of this minority than emotionalism. But above all, the sound of those feet on Fifth Avenue was a repudiation of Saturday's New York autumn, when the affirma- tion of life became lost in the calls for death, and when the brilliant afternoon sun shone on the flags and the Buckley buttons and the 6-foot cross with "Smash Communism" carried in triumph through the streets of the city. Letters: Are Liberals 'Neo-McCarthyites'? To the Editor: IT WAS ironic that Walter Lipp- mann's editorial on Lindsay's victory (November 5, 1965) should occur on the same page with an editorial urging opposition to Neo- McCarthyism. While Mr. Wasserstein is wor- ried about legitimate liberals be- ing smeared as Communist sympa- thizers, Mr. Lippmann sees noth- ing wrong with implying that Bar- ry Goldwater is an anti-Negro who voted only 50 per cent of the time with the ADA would be a conservative, and someone like Mr. Buckley who dared to disagree with the ADA 99 per cent of the time would necessarily be a right- wing extremist. THE ORIGINAL McCarthyites didn't know the difference between liberals and Communists. Today's McCarthyites don't seem to rec- ognize the difference between con- SGC Election To the Editor: I WOULD like to express my con- cern arid sadness in relation- ship to the upcoming SGC elec- tion. I am witnessing a sincere at- tempt by a new political party to gain partial control of SGC. What disturbs me is there seems to be no major point of differentiation between REACH and its opponent GROUP save that of methods. ested, and committed body which is willing to take constructive and drastic measures if necessary. of the Bookstore Committee is also a member of GROUP? And Is it so ironic that for once SGC is a respected body and not seen as a group of conservative, apa- thetic "leaders" who are willing only to toe the mark with the ad- ministration and thus concentrate on social and relatively minor events? I think not.