SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY V&t"4.l TINE MICHIGAN DAILV YlA A '1Hf : 5 Emergency Rhodesia; Declared in [ravel Limited' UN Votes To Allow British use of Arms Act on Resolution To Guarantee Complete Political Freedom UNITED NATIONS (P) - The General Assembly, over British objections, voted overwhelmingly yesterday for a demand that Brit- ain use military force if necessary to assure complete political free- dom in Rhodesia. By 82-9, with 18 abstentions, it approved its second resolution in three weeks aimed at blocking seizure of independence by Prime Minister Ian Smith's white mi- nority government. Britain's minister of state for foreign affairs, Lord Caradon, de- clared Britain could not conceiv- ably accept the assembly's demand for use of force. Such an action could only introduce "discord and disagreement" at a moment of ex- treme danger in the self-governing British colony. Supports Britain The United States supported Britain, although U.S. Delegate Eugenie M. Anderson affirmed her country's support of freedom, jus- tice and self-determination for all Rhodesians. African, Asian and Communist countries were solidly behind the resolution which was approved by a slightly smaller margin of 79- 8, with 17 abstentions, in the as- sembly's Trusteeship Committee on Monday. Oppose Force The only other opposition came from some Western and Latin- American countries, which oppos- ed the force clause. They said only the Security Council could make an appeal for resort to arms. The resolution authorized use of military force by Britain to free all political prisoners, repeal discriminatory legislation and re- move all restraints on African po- litical activity. In addition, it ap- proved force to compel suspensionl of Rhodesia's 1961 constitution and the convening of a new constitu- tional convention of all political elements in the country., Secretary of State Dean Rusk spoke yesterday to reporters at a news conference, and said that the U.S. struggle against Communist conquest of Viet Nam "has been progressing well" but that he foresees severe fighting in the future. Rusk also discussed the present situation concerning the integration of U.S. and allied forces in Europe. RuhCites s Viewvs on European Involveme nt, Viet Nam Conflict WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary of State Dean Rusk expressed his views on U.S. and allied forces in Europe, and on the Viet Nam situation at a news conference yesterday. Clashing with French President Charles de Gaulle, Rusk declared that integration of forces in Eu- rope is an operational necessity to avoid "complete confusion at a moment of crisis." "We have a very substantial force in the heart of Europe - if my friends in Europe would forgive me-surrounded in a sea of for- eigners," Rusk said. "Integration UN Demands End of SIndo-Pakstan War UNITED NATIONS (P) - The UN Security Council approved a strong new resolution on the In- dian-Pakistan crisis yesterday but a Soviet abstention broke the big- power unanimity that had prevail- * ed on the issue. The resolution insisted that vio- lations of the Sept. 22 cease-fire should stop. It demanded also that India and Pakistan meet with a UN representative to agree on a deadline for withdrawal of their armed personnel to Aug. 5 pre- crisis lines. The council adopted it 9-0 with two abstentions, Jordan and the Soviet Union. Time Limit The Soviet Union said it ab- stained because the resolution failed to heed a Soviet demand for a three-month time limit on keep- ing UN cease-fire observers in In- dia and Pakistan. It also criticized the role of Secretary-General U Thant in the crisis. But it did not cast a veto which would have killed the reso- lution. Jordan abstained because the resolution failed to stress the need to settle the underlying Indian- Pakistan dispute over Kashmir. Leaders Place Blame Soviet Ambassador Nikolai T. Fedorenko blamed "the United States and others" and U.S. Am- bassador Arthur J. Goldberg blam- ed the Soviet Union for the lack of unity. Fedorenko repeated an earlier charge that Thant broke UN char- ter provisions in sending more observers to the subcontinent. He said the council itself must de- cide everything about the observ- ers. "We have drawn special atten- tion," Fedorenko said, "to the fact that the Security Council should set up a concrete time limit for the presence of UN observers, which in any event must not ex- ceed three months." is imposed upon us by the de fac- to situation. "Our responsibility for the ef- fectiveness and the security and the future of those forces in Eu- rope is such that we need to know who is going to do what, when and where, if there is trouble." De Gaulle, who announced Thursday that he would stand for a second seven-year term as pres- ident of France, already has de- clared-at a September news con- ference-his determination to seek an end to the integration of North Atlantic Treaty Organization forc- es by 1969, at least so far as France is concerned. A showdown on this issue prob- ably will begin to develop next year with French proposals for reorganization of NATO. In ef- fect, de Gaulle's press conference in September and Rusk's response yesterday marked the joining of the struggle. U.S. Strategy While Rusk left the implied threat of a U.S. withdrawal of forces from Europe without de- nial, U.S. officials say privately that their strategy in meeting the de Gaulle challenge does not con- template such an outcome. On the contrary, the United States and other non-French allies already have started planning for main- taining the present NATO sys- tem without France, if necessary. U.S. authorities are confident that the other allies will not fol- low de Gaulle's lead and that whatever pull-out occurs will be executed by the French and not by the United States. The United States, in fact, is seeking greater integration of forc- es in NATO through the forma- tion of a nuclear weapons force in which Germany and any other interested allies would become a partner in nuclear strategy and operations alongside this country, Britain and France, if France were willing. On this issue, Rusk chided the Soviet Union and others who con- tend that proposals for an East- West treaty to block the spread of nuclear weapons should be linked in any way with the NATO nu- clear plan. Also during yesterday's news conference, Rusk reported good progress on the Viet Nam war front, predicted some severe fight- ing ahead-and vigorously defend- ed the rights of anti-war demon- strators at home. While making plain that he dis- agrees with critics of the admin- istration's Viet Nam policy, Rusk said that in "a vigorous and thriv- ing democracy such as ours we must have debate and an oppor- tunity for dissent." Normal Processes "I think it would be wrong for the government to try to restrict those opportunities in any way," he said. "I certainly feel very strongly that government should not interfere with the normal processes of democratic discussion' in our system." Rusk coupled with this a sug- gestion to the demonstrators that they may be defeating their own avowed aim of bringing peace to Viet Nam. Aggressors in the past have in- creased their appetites through miscalculating the amount of dis- sent within the United States, he said, and therefore Americans who criticize should remember their "voices travel beyond our borders" and "sometimes have ef- fects which are not intended." As for the Southeast Asian con- flict itself, Rusk said again he found no evidence yet that the Reds want a peaceful settlement. He noted North Viet Nam has sent more troops South, the Viet Cong guerrillas are continuing re- cruiting, and Hanoi has indicat- ed an end to U.S. bombing of the North would not lead to negotia- tions. Passes New Act To Stop Nationalists Snith Hits Sabotage; Says Independence Not Point of Decree SALISBURY, Rhodesia () - The government decreed a state of emergency yesterday controlling the movement of persons through- out Rhodesia, saying that it was necessary to head off a possible wave of Arfican sabotage. Caught by surprise, British: Prime Minister Harold Wilson met with his top advisers in London as speculation spread that the white government of Rhodesia was about to take the fateful step of declaring independence for this British colony. Prime Minister Ian Smith de- nied this, however, telling re- porters: "When we are going to declare a state of emergency for a unilateral declaration of inde. pendence we will tell you about it." Zambia To the north in Zambia, how- ever, people rushed to buy up food and gasoline just in case. Zambia, hostile to the Rhodesian govern- ment, is dependent on Rhodesia for supplies from the outside world. Although Smith has threaten- ed to declare independence, when a newsman asked him if a declar- ation was closer he replied: "No." He 'said he had drafted a reply to Wilson on a proposed royal commission to study the independ- ence crisis but gave reporters no inkling of what it was. The cab- inet met to consider the reply during the morning. The British government is will- ing to see Rhodesia become inde- pendent if the African majority is guaranteed rule eventually. Police headquarters in Salisbury announced that pamphlets threat- ening the establishment of an Af- rican nationalist government in Rhodesia were found Wednesday in the Bulawayo African reserva- tion of Zilikazi. The pamphlets read: "If Britain does not stop its mi- nority negotiations with Smith by Nov. 16, 1965, the Zimbabwe Afri- can Peoples Union will form a government in Zimbabwe." The union has been banned and its leaders restricted. Zimbabwe, taken from myster- ious ruins thought to be about 1000 years old in the southern part of Rhodesia; is the African na- tionalist name for Rhodesia. Three Months Desmond Lardner-Burke, minis- ter of justice, law and order, or- dered the state of emergency for three months. Under the order, the government can control weap- ons, public gatherings, public statements and the movement of persons. Lardner-Burke declared train- ed African saboteurs were at large in Rhodesia and poised in coun- tries to the north. This was ap- parent reference to Zambia, for- merly Northern Rhodesia. "The public is, of course, well aware of incidents of arson, viol- ence, intimidation and other sub- versive activities taking place in this country at present," he said. While roptresr said they could not recall any recent incidents, a government spokesman mentioned four since Oct. 2, including two bombings. The spokesman said there were "numerous trained saboteurs sponsored by both proscribed Af- rican nationalist organizations." 7 J 1 VIET NAM SITUATION: Find Five Northern Regiments in South By The Associated Press Cambodian chief of state Prince U.S. military authorities said Norodon Sihanouk to President yesterday that captured documents Tito of Yugoslavia. and the interrogation of prison- I Pince oro y Sno ers and defectors show five regi- Tito, Prince Norodom Sihanouk ments of Communist North Viet pointed out clearly that to solve Nam's regular army--perhaps 7,- the Viet Nam problem it is not 500 men-are now operating in ufficient to stop bombing the South Viet Nam. That is a rise Democratic Republic of Viet Nam. from a tentative estimate of three Must Withdraw regiments in mid-July. "It is known to everybody that This was revealed after the Boi -the United States is the only one Loi Forest, a Viet Cong stamping who has systematically violated ground bombed three times this the 1954 Geneva agreements, week by U.S. B-52 jets from Guam, therefore, first, the U.S. occupa- yielded some of its secrets to tion and attacking forces must Vietnamese patrols yesterday. withdraw from South Viet Nam," Nhan Dan said in its broadcast Government troops probing the heard here. forest, 30 miles northwest of Sai- And in Los Angeles, Sen. Robert gon, killed one Viet Cong and freed F. Kennedy (D-NY) said yester- 10 Vietnamese soldiers from a day that to give blood to the North guerrilla prison camp. They said Vietnamese would be "in the old- they found a workshop containing est traditions of this country." a generator and a store of mines, "I'm willing to give blood to grenades, ammunition and uni- anybody who needs it," he told a forms. news conference. Central Highlands Gone Too Far There was action again in the The senator said he thought: central highlands, though the im- that opposition to this country's, port was vague. Reports from Plei- role in Viet Nam had gone too ku, a military headquarters, said far in some areas. But he said he about 300 Viet Cong overran a gov- was not opposed in principle toj ernment camp 20 miles southeast giving blood to North Vietnamese. of that city before dawn, then "I'd rather concentrate on thej pulled out again. South Vietnamese, and those who, The camp's 100-man garrison need it," Kennedy said, "but I'm was said to have fled. There was in favor of giving blood to any- no information concerning casual- one." ties. He was asked if he thought U.S. Navy and Air Force planes He wa deifhstouht hammredagan at taget onanti-Viet Nam demonstrators had hammered again at targets on gone too far. both sides of the border. Radio e think they have. For Hanoi broadcast a declaration that example, where they won't let seven U.S. planes were shot down those with opposite views speak. in raids on North Viet Nam. Or where violence is used," he There was no confirmation in rreplied v SEE DANIEL'S IN ANN ARBOR FOR YOUR Keepsake DIAMtOND RING i~ ALSO S25 To 197 O e F-TO 210C0 A style for every taste. Each with a guaranteed perfect center diamond (or replace- meat assured).e4. CONVENI ENT TERMS SHOP MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 'TIL 8:30 MAIN AT WASHINGTON DOWNTOWN ANN ARBOR balgon. Nine Killed Briefing officers said, however, nine persons were killed in the aerial collision Thursday night of two U.S. Army helicopters 250 miles northeast of, Saigon near An Khe, headquarters of the U.S. 1st Cavalry, Airmobile, Division. Farther north, about 2000 U.S. Marines and Vietnamese troops pressed through the third day of "Operation Black Ferret" with lit- tle to show for their efforts. Meanwhile, North Viet Nam has indicated that a second pause in the bombing of North Viet Nam alone would not be rcognized as a peace gesture. Four-Point Demand It said today the United States must accept its four-point demand of last April 8 before the Com- munists would enter peace nego- tiations. The demand includes the withdrawal of American troops from South Viet Nam and a halt in U.S. air raids on North Viet Nam. The Communists hint of reject- ing suggestions that a bombing lull would lead to peace negotia- tions was made by the official newspaper Nhan Dan in comment- ing on a recent letter sent by Morrissey To Decline Offer Francis X. Morrissey of Boston, whose nomination to be a U.S. District Court judge stirred a storm in the Senate, asked Presi- dent Johnson yesterday to with- draw his nomination. Johnson said he would comply. Morrissey, a long-time friend and political ally of the Kennedy family, told Johnson in a letter received yesterday: "To prevent further anguish to my family and further harass- ment to you and to those who have supported me so loyally, I respectfully request that my nom- ination to the federal bench be withdrawn. "I shall always be grateful for the confidence you showed in nominating me, but, notwithstand- ing, I do not want to be the cause of diverting your time and energies from the important pro- grams of your great administra- tion." Each Keepsake setting is a masterpiece of design, re- flecting the full brilliance and beauty of the center dia- mond ... a perfect gem of flawless clarity, fine color and meticulous modern cut. The name, Keepsake, in the ring and on the tag is your as- surance of fine quality. Your very personal Keepsake is now at your Keepsake Jeweler's store. Find him in the yellow pages under "Jewelers." The ENGAGE -ABLES go for TFe ep s alC4E Prices from $100. to $200. Rings Enlarged to Show Beauty of Detail. Tradc-Mark Reg. World News Roundup 7 TI By The Associated Press JAKARTA, Indonesia - The army-controlled newspaper Api said yesterday the government is drafting a decree banning the In- donesian Communist party. President Sukarno has been under increasing army pressure to ban the party, but so far has re- sisted it. The army has suspend- ed the Communists' political ac- tivities but it wants a formal ban. * * * UNITED NATIONS-The Unit- ed States warned yesterday it might reconsider its pledge of $60 million to UN development ac- port city Cypriot that the charge. of Famagusta. The Greek government countered facts do not bear out the RAWALPINDI, Pakistan-Fif- ty Indian troops have been killed in the biggest clash so far with Pakistani troops in the Khuiratta sctor of Kashmir, about 150 miles north of Rawalpindi, an official Pakistani statement said yester- day. * * * NATCHEZ, Miss. - A plan to break a civil rights boycott by forcing Negroes off their jobs failed to win quick Chamber of That's some two months after the Department of Housing and Urban Development comes into existence just after midnight next Monday. During the gap, the Texas White House said yesterday, the Housing and Home Finance Agen- cy under Robert C. Weaver, a 57- year-old Negro, will start operat- ing automatically in the headless new department. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Form- er Vice President Richard M. Nix- on predicted yesterday Republi- cans will win a minimum of 30 ad- ditional U.S. House seats in 1966. Just biding your time 'til next semester when 'Ensians cost $6 ? DON'T DO IT! 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