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November 06, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-06

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See Editorial Page

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Becoming slightly

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom


Most stulents probably don't
realize that it cost the University
37 per cent more to give them one
credit hour's worth of instruction
last year than it did in 1958.
But the University's administra-
tion and faculty are very aware
of this fact, with results that bear
on all their students.
They are aware of it because
of a series of reports entitled Stu-
dent Credit Hours and Direct
Costs in the Schools and Colleges,
which have been issued by the
Office of Institutional Research
annually for the past seven years.
The fact that average costs per
credit hour have risen 37 per cent{
during these seven years is only
one bf the interesting facts this
year's report contains.
Theodore Drews, director of the


Soaring Cost of Instruction at


OIR, said yesterday that his of-
fice's reports are primarily in-
tended to supply "academic ad-
ministrators," chairmen, deans
and the vice-president for aca-
demic affairs with figures which
accurately compare the costs and
teaching load outputs of different
teaching ranks and colleges.
"Data in the reports are entirely
quantitative," Drews warns, "and
have only a most indirect relation-
ship to the qualitative aspects of
University operations." ,
But even with this precaution in
mind, this year's report shows up
some very interesting facts.
For examplei the fact that costs
per credit hour have risen 37 per
cent over seven years indicates "a
tremendous number" of underly-
ing changes within the University
according to Drews.
First, it indicates the emphasis

that the University is placing on
graduate studies. The report also
notes that "the cost of the PhD
student credit hour is eight times
that of a credit hour taught to a
freshman or sophomore."
"In other words," Drews ex-
plained, "the number of graduate
hours taught is weighted eight
times as heavily in determining
needed financial support as are
freshmen credit hours." Part of
this 37 per cent rise, he con-
tinued, is accounted for by this
continuing increase in the number
of graduate hours taught at the
Another changing element which
helps account for the rise is the
increasing number of technical
programs which the University
offers, Drew said. He mentioned
the addition of the nuclear en-'
gineering department to the en-

gineering program as a factor
which greatly boosted costs per
credit hour in the engineering
He also mentioned "the knowl-
edge explosion" as contributing to
a rise in costs. "The University
must now offer more information
to a student to maintain the
quality of its programs than was
necessary in the past," he said.
A second interesting element of
this year's figures is that, despite
criticism that class sizes are in-
creasing to levels where meaning-
ful instruction is no longer pos-
sible, the data show that teaching
loads for all levels of faculty have
been kept quite constant.
In fact, the teaching loads for
associate professors, instructors,
lecturers and teaching fellows
have actually decreased since 1958.
The load for instructors has fal-

len an average of some 46 credit,
hours in seven years, a decline of
22 per cent.
Drew's report emphasizes the
many factors which tend to coun-
teract this trend and increase the
load on the faculty. Trends toward
increased research grants and
eased teaching loads for the high-
er professorial levels all tend to
lure teachers from the University
into writing or research.
What has kept teaching loads
constant despite these factors?
Drews gives the- faculty itself
credit for "this tremendous ac-
"There is an optimum teaching:
load in any given department,"
he said, "and the faculty must be
given the credit for maintaining
those loads," by not letting its
faculty be outrun by its enroll-

He mentioned that, in years
when state appropriations were
too small to support teachers for
the University's expanding en-
rollments, department chairmen
voluntarily cut back spending in
such areas as nonacademic staff
and travel expenses to provide
funds for more teachers. This pro-
cess ensured that teaching loads
for the individual teacher would
remain constant.
The report also documents
great diversities in teaching loads
between different colleges.
For example, while the teaching
load per staff member in the
pharmacy schiol last year was
95.5 credit hours per teacher, the
law school's average staff load
was 422.3 credit hours per faculty
member. ("Credit' hours per
teacher" is the product of the
number of students in the course

he teaches and the - number of
credits per semester the course is
The engineering schools aver-
aged 139.2 credits per teacher
while the literary college had an
average teaching load of 219.9
credits per staff member.
These figures were quite con-
stant for any one college over the
last seven years, with physical
education showing the only major
increase, from 83.7 credit hours
per teacher in 1958 to 199.7 per
teacher in 1964.
Drews explained these differ-
ences in terms of the way classes
within the different colleges are
That is, a law professor can
handle a larger number of credit
hours per semester than can pro-
fessors in other colleges because

law classes are typically large
lectures. Thus though the profes-
sor may only spend three hours a
week lecturing, if he lectures
to 100 students he has "produced"
300 credit hours by the end of the
On the other hand a class in
painting would normally be taught
in very small groups, thus lower-
ing the apparent teaching load of
a professor in the architecture
and design college.
This factor also influences costs
per credit hour, according to the
report. "Schools and colleges with
small enrollments that prevent
them from having classes at op-
timum size, may be seen to have
relatively high cost per student
credit hour."
See EXPLAINS, Page 6


What's New
At 764-1817





The "blue ribbon" committee on housing appointed by
University President Harlan H. Hatcher one year ago has basic-
ally finished its report, with only some minor revisions remain-
ing. The report should go to the printers sometime this weekend
and be in the President's hands by early next week, a committee-
spokesman said.
The Interquadrangle Council endorsed the following candi-
dates for Student Government Council: Bob Bodkin and Joan
Irwin, Independent; Edward Robinson, Group; and Pat McCarty,
Neill Hollenshead and Alex Goodwin, Reach.
Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss said yesterday
' that the University's administration has not yet decided whether
it should take action over the issue of whether the University or
that State Controller's office should have control over the Uni-
versity's building planning funds. Administrators at several
state colleges have felt that the Legislature's decision to assign
planning funds to the controller, instead of to the individual
institutions as in the past, constitutes an unconstitutional inter-
ference with the colleges' autonomy from the state's executive
Mosher and Tyler Houses won first place in the IQC Sing
Contest held in the Union Ballroom last night. Cook and Michigan
Houses received recond place, and Couzens and Wenley won third
place in the contest.
Susan Briggs, '68, was convicted of illegal possession of a
narcotic drug in Circuit Court Thursday, and was sentenced to
25 days in the county jail and five years of probation. In addi-
tion, Miss Briggs was fined $75, and was charged a fee of $175 to
pay court costs. The court made provisions by which Miss Briggs
will be able to credit against her 25 day jail term any time spent
in a hospital or institution for psychiatric treatment.,
Long Distance
The University of Pennsylvania Faculty Se.nate yesterday
passed unanimously a resolution, based on a statement made ear-
lier by the university president, Dr. Gaylord Hornwell, condemn-
ing "research of which results mays not be published." The
resolution grew out of recent campus protests surrounding re-
search on chemical poisons for use -against agricultural goods,
specifically rice, and other Southeast Asian products being done
at the Institute of Cooperative Research at Pennsylvania for
the U.S. government.
Groups such as the University of Pennsylvania Committee
to End the War in Viet Nam had charged that the institute was
working on chemicals whose affects on the rice crop of Viet
Nam could cause wirespread starvation. The Daily Pennsylvanian
reported that a U.S. government official had admitted that
aerosol cyanide gas and other poisons were being used in South
Viet Namr. Other sources said that such poisons were only used
upon order of the Saigon government, although the U.S. supplied
the planes and equipment necessary.
Several reliable Washington sources said yesterday that
Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh is resisting pressure to ;
accept the newly created cabinet post of Secretary of Housing
and Urban Affairs. President Johnson announced yesterday that
he would not make an appointment to fill the post until after
Jan. 1. Cavanagh, who has repeatedly been listed among those
intop contention for the post, says that he wishes to remain in.
Detroit to complete the job he started in his first term as mayor,
the sources said.,

Can the 8000 nonacademic em-
ployes of the University be rep-
resented by an agent for purposes
of negotiating for a collective
bargaining agreement?
For 148 years, the Regegts as
the elected representatives of the
people, have set the employment
standards, wages for the em-
But a basic change in the state's
labor legislation, penned this sum-
ner by liberal lawmakers in Lan-
sing, has raised the question of
union representation anew.
The University claims that its
autonomous status under the con-
stitution excepts it from public
employes laws passed by the Leg-
Labor leaders contend they are

now entitled to represent the 8000
men and women who work in the
dorms, laundry, hospital and
A legal opinion which will clar-
ify the issues for all the parties
involved is being written by At-
torney General Frank Kelley and
is expected in a few weeeks.
His ruling will clarify the intent
of the labor amendment, but the
constitutionality of the act will
eventually reach the Supreme
How this question is settled will
have a profound 'ifluence on all
concerned since it will define the
cloudy relationship between the
Legislature and the universities
and whether the new constitution
has redefined their roles. The at6
of the unions and employes at

Michigan will be affected by the
Although the issue came to a
head this year, the controversy
has ,its roots in the original labor
legislation of 1947.
Original Bill
The Hutchinson Act passed in'
1947 prohibited the right of public
employes ' to strike or walk off
their jobs. Severe penalties such
as the loss of job or pension were
listed for violation of the 'act.
The act is a state implementa-
tion of the Wagner Act of 1937.!
The Hutchinson Act was part ofj
the anti-labor reaction which1
erupted right after World War II
when labor - was involved in a
number of post-war strikes.
In June of this year, the Demo-
cratically controlled Legislature

passed Public Act 379 which
amended the Hutchinson Act.
Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor) explained that the amend-
ment now made it legal for public
employes, state and local govern-
mental or institutional employes
other than those who are elected,
to organize and elect a collective
bargaining agent who would deal
with their employers.
It defined the word strike to
mean more than one person wil-
fully being absent from their work
for the purpose of inducing a
change in conditions, although
public employes still cannot strike.
However the act makes it un-
lawful for the employer to inter-
fere with or restrain 'public em-
ployes in their right to form and

be represented by a labor union in
bargaining, and the employer
must bargain with the designated
Bursley said that other sections
of the amendment listed the
method of election of the agent,
the role of the mediation board,
the procedure for grievances and
unfair labor practices.
In September three labor or-
ganizations filed petitions with the
mediation board and asked to be
the sole bargaining agent for the
employes at the University which
they claimed to represent. Under
the amendment a union can file.
a petition when it allegies to rep-
resent 30 per cent or more of the
employes in a certain unit such
as the University Hospital, laun-
dry, plant workers.

The mediation board would then
hold a public hearing to deter-
mine what the actual representa-
tion is and to set up elections for
the employes so they. can deter-
mine their agent.
The University after consulta-
tion with the labor board did not
appear at the Oct. 4 hearing of
the State Labor Ml ediation Board.
The hearing was scheduled to con-
sider petitions by three unions-
the Teamsters, the Operating En-
gineers and the Washtenaw
County Construction Trades Coun-
cil-each seeking to represent
groups of University employes as
their bargaining agent.
The University drew severe fire
from labor officials when it did
not attend the hearing and claim-
See VIEW, Page 6

Seek Business,
By RANDY FROST make annual recruiting visits to
our campus underlines the strong
sity' b uines f admiisth raU n reputation that the school enjoys
sity's b usiness administration in the nation's business circles."
school are among the most sought
after in the nation. He points to the increase in en-
American Telephone and Tele- rollment, the high quality of its
graph, General Motors, Chase students, unsurpassed placement
Manhattan Bank and Firestone opportunities, and- a faculty and
are only a few of the several hun- curriculum of the highest order as
dred business concerns in the na- among the school's marks of ex-
tion seeking the services of busi- cellence.{
ness school grads. Figures Released
Business school Dean Floyd A. Figures released by A. S. Hann,
Bond commented, "The blue rib- director of placement for the busi-
bon character of companies that ness school, showed a recruiting
Exchange with Tuskegee
Ofered NeXt Semester


ratio of two companies for every
graduate. Demand was particular-
ly strong in the fields of account-
ing, banking, corporate finance,
marketing, actuarial science and
quantitative methods.
Starting salaries for MBA grad-
uates ranged as high as $1350 per
month, with the median at $700.
Salaries f o r BBA candidates
ranged up to $725 per month with
median at $590.
"It is too early to judge the
salary picture accurately, but it
is safe to guess that they will
range three to four per cent over
last year," Hann asserted.
{ ~Comparative Level
However, on a comparative
level, the University still ranks
below Harvard 'whose graduates
have an average starting salary of
$9500 per year.
Salaries, however, are not the
most important factor determin-
ing job selection by the school's
graduates. At the top of the list
for both MBA and BBA candi-
dates was "type of work," while
"opportunity for future growth"
ranked second.
MBA candidates put "salary
level" in third place, followed by
"my type of people," "location,"
"type of industry," "size of coin-
pany" and "possibility of draft
Location Ranked Third
BBA candidates ranked "loca-
tion" third, followed by "my typet
of people," "type of industry,"i
"salary level," "size of company"
and "possibility of draft defer-
Hann concludes that the futurek
of business school graduates willi
continue to be bright.E


Applications are now being
accepted by the Office of Student
Affairs to select 12 students to
participate in the first student
exchange between the University
and Tuskegee Institute in Ala-
There are few restrictions on
eligibility. All students married or
single are eligible. Recommenda-
tions of applicants will be made
on the basis of interviews by their
individual schools and colleges,
and final selections will be an-
nounced by the vice presidents for
student and academic affairs.
Students chosen will register at
the University and pay regular
tuition. They are expected to pay
their own transportation, the cost
of which should be offset by sav-,

ings due to lower dormitory fees
and expenses in Tuskegee.
John Feldkamp, assistant to the
vice-president for student affairs,
who is coordinating the exchange
alls it a "superb opportunity to
understand the culture of the
South; but," he added, "the ac-
tivist would probably not find
Tuskegee as stimulating as Mich-
igan in the area of civil rights."
The exchange is part of a larg-
er inter-institutional program or-
iginally established as a means
to promote race relations research
through mutual cooperation. Since
its inception in 1963, it has in-
volved joint studies, teacher and
cultural exchanges, consultations,
equipment loans, and surveys be-
tween the schools.
However the 12 students from
Tuskegee who are attending class-
es here this fall are the first stu-
dents to be exchanged.

A view on Main Street of the partially completed promenade, which will be completed in the mid
dle of this month. The promenade is one of several projects planned in the city's beautification pro-
gram. It will include tree planting, water fountains and benches. The plan was approved by the
City Council in July and titled the Elizabeth Dean Promenade, since the cost of the tree-planting
will be drawn from her bequest to the city.
Investigate CMU Policies

A state Senate committee is
currently investigating adminis-
tration relations at Central Mich-
igan University at the university
in Mount Pleasant.
The controversy started last
spring when several faculty mem-
bers told state Sen. Edward Rob-
inson (D-Detroit) of their dis-
satisfaction with administrative

procedures. Robinson began the
investigation which is currently
holding a series of four hearings.'
Last month the CMU regentsI
refused to hear the appeals of
four professors who had been de-
nied general pay increases and
one who had not been granted'
Prof. Oscar Oppenheimer, one
of the five, charged that he and

the others were, in effect, "fined,"
by the administration in an at-
tempt to muzzle their criticism
of university policy.
The 42-member student senate
attacked the regents for denying
the instructors a hearing, and
said that it spoke for all of the
school's 8300 students in "severely
censuring and condemning the
The senate presented a petition
signed by over 3800 students to
Robinson's committee. The peti.
tion requested implementation of
"a full and complete examination
of the conflict."
Football Coach Ken Kelly ad-
mitted at the Tuesday hearing
that any player who signed the
senate's petition would be dropped
'from the team, but he denied that
he was applying duress. Other wit
nesses admitted that there was
conflict at CMU. but attributed

Discuss Cycle Noise Control


Tuskegee is a co-educational in- I
stitutio with a present enroll-eferen d
ment of about 2700 students, of Joeal ferenddular
The curriculum will be approved By HARRIET DEUTCH
by the colleges, will fulfill credit Controversy raged yesterday
requirements and will be consider- over the SGC Viet Nam referen-
ed an extention. dn which is to he n1 red on the

uum Triggers Debate

University officials and student
representatives tackled the pri-
marv asnect of the motorcycle

'safety and education have been
I drawn up.

tion will be utilized in drawing up
an ordinance.
It is also their hope that the
enforcement of any cycle regula-

' We feel that the student body of
the University is in basic agree-
ment with the administration's
policy in Viet Nam. This motion

of placing the referendum on thej
ballot by "refusing to consider it."'i
Thus, the referendum will be plac-
ed on the ballot by default accord-

The- student driver board will
eventually submit the draft to


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