I I Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Education ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MiCH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1965 NIGHT EDITOR: MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Laws on Conscientious Objection: Change Is Imperative, Historic rfHINGS CHANGE - not just some things, but all. It might be said, as it has often been (so many times!), that this is "life's only constant." Yet, how- ever over-used the phrase, it must merit repetition, for there are still those who refuse to yield to the future and who, in cherishing past notions, cause the cor- rosion of American society from within. They lay the blame at the feet of those attempting to expedite change, failing to see the mud on their own outworn shoes. The reaction to recent anti-draft demonstrations belies such a predicament in America today. Today's controversy over conscientious objection could be said to have begun in the 1929 Supreme Court case of the United - States v. Schwimmer. Rosika Schwimmer, a 49-year-old Hungarian woman, was denied citizenship because she was a pacifist. Two similar cases fol- lowed in 1931, both yielding the same re- sult. No alien could be naturalized unless he consented to bear arms for the United States. Federal endorsement of such a viola- tion of the professed American "liberty of conscience" was undoubtedly applaud- ed by the majority of those who had knowledge of this case at the time. The next decade, however, saw a drastic change in the entire complexion of the Supreme Court. The Vietnamese Battle Must Stay Limited MAJ. GEN. LEWIS W. WALT, command- er of the 30,000-man Third Marine Division stationed in Da Nang, said open- ly Tuesday what a few senior United States officials in Saigon and some Re- publican politicians in Washington have been saying privately for some time: that the United States will soon have to de- cide "whether or not we are going all the way in order to win this conflict" and that the U.S. and the free world will be making a "great mistake if they don't carry this through to the end, regardless of cost." The purpose behind such statements clearly seems to be to build up pressure for attacks on Hanoi and other North Vietnamese population centers, or possi- bly for an invasion of North Viet Nam and attacks against Communist China. It expresses opposition to any settlement in Viet Nam which would not insure a staunchly pro-American Saigon govern- ment. But the United States is not in Viet Nam, contrary to the views of such mal- contents, to dominate the country for- ever. It is there simply to prevent the country from being dominated by others. THE RECENT HISTORY of Yugoslavia is an excellent example of how coun- tries with political and economic systems vastly different from our own, but en- joying political self-determination, need not disrupt world peace or world diver- sity. American foreign policy is based on that fact. Statements such as Gen. Walt's, sug- gesting that the United States, rather than protect diversity, can and should en- force its own hegemony in the world, do not reflect United States policy. The ad- ministration should emphasize this clear- ly once more-both to other countries and to Gen. Walt. --MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Editorial Staff ROBERT JOHNSTON, Editor LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM JEFFREY GOODMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director JUDITH FIELDS ............... Personnel Director LAUREN BAHR ........... Associate Managing Editor ;UDITH WARREN.......Assistant Managing Editor ROBERT HIPPLER.....Associate Editorial Director UAIL BLUMBERG..............Magazine Editor LLOYD GRAFF.............Acting Sports Editor SHELDON DAVIS. .....Acting Photo Editor NIGHfT EDI ~TORRbrTA~ thnCp,4 v. C larence Fa nto. THE SUPREME COURT became, in the 1940's, the fountainhead of, not what is or was, but of what ought to be. Pre- viously, the Supreme Court had rather faithfully reflected the predominant ideals and sentiments of American so- ciety, evaluating issues more upon con- text than content. The World War II era, however, saw the emergence of a more "supreme" Supreme Court in that it began to set examples rather than follow precedents; it concerned itself more with "perfect justice" and "right reason" than with consensus and exped- ience. In 1946, in Girouard v. United States, the Supreme Court decided that an alien could be naturalized, even though a conscientious objector, if he agreed to serve the military as a non-combatant. Yet the altered function of the Su- preme Court, while establishing its moral and legal autonomy, did not provide it with any power to effect the changes it proposed. Thus, during World War II, about 6000 CO's were put in jail and, as a result, were deprived of many of their allegedly protected rights. Those respon- sible for convicting these 6000 were not "fascist"; they were flesh and blood Americans, resisting change, resisting progress, resisting, in fact, democracy. In 1946, the Supreme Court initiated the only action of which it was capable in order to ensure liberty of conscience to the citizens of the United States. Then as now, it rests with the U.S. citizenry to institute into practice what the Su- preme Court has invoked in theory. EVERY PIECE of draft legislation since the first in 1917 has provided for the exemption of those who, believing in a Supreme Being, cannot in good con- science serve with the active military. In the 1964 Seeger case, however, the Supreme Court struck down belief in di- vinity as a prerequisite for classification as a conscitntious objector. The decision to abandon religion as the basis of CO classification certainly reflected the im- partial justice to which the court is com- mitted, for discriminatory practices are undemocratic, whether directed against those within or without religion. , As of yet, however, the Supreme Court has not finished with the evolution of the CO status. As far as the law is concern- ed, any person who desires this classifica- tion must object to all war, in any place, at any time, for any reason. The law says that objection to the aims or results of a war is not grounds for refusal to serve in the active military.- Until the ultimate priority of the individual con- science has been established, the Supreme Court will be periodically confronted with this issue, for change is today's most in- sistent aggressor. The evolution of the Supreme Court toward greater concern for the protec- tion of individual rights has been closely paralleled and recently anticipated by that of minority groups concerned about the expedition of meaningful change. This concurrent stream of thought is eloquently illustrated in the CO contro- versy. Perhaps the greatest concept within the United States' liberal democracy is that of "majority rule-minority rights." With the inrease of this country's in- terests and responsibilities outside its boundaries, the rights of the minority, and, more especially, those of the indi- vidual, must be as effectually protected as they are contractually guaranteed. The people of the United States must be con- stantly on their guard against the loss of these rights to international power strug- gles or the inclination towards exped- ience. STUDENTS for a Democratic Society is one example of an organization con- cerned with securing the right of any citizen to refuse military service be- cause he is averse to the ideological ram- ifications of the war. In this respect, SDS is a foresign of what must ultimately concern the Supreme Court. The ideological and constitutional grounds for limitations on freedom of conscience are being challenged, by politi- cal climate, public opinion, and time. EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article, "Education: What Next? Where We Stand and Where We're Going," is reprinted by permission of The New Republic. The author is education editor of that maga- zine and was also largely respon- sible for California's Byrne Report. (First of a Two Part Series) By CHRISTOPHER JENCKS THE PASSAGE last spring of the Elementary and Second- ary Education Act has already as- sured the 89th Congress of a place in the history of American educa- tion. This 1.3 billion dollars a year Act established a mechanism for siphoning potentially unlimited amounts of federal money to needy school districts. The Act was drafted in such a way as to encourageglocal districts to nar- row the gap between rich and poor, damp down tension between Catholic and non-Catholic par- ents, and bring new kinds of teachers and new ideas about teaching into their classrooms. It is still too early to tell wheth- er any of these objectives will be reached through federal legisla- tion. After husling the Johnson proposals through in record time last spring, Congress waited until September to apropriate funds with which to make the new laws operative. As a result, the legisla- tion has had almost no impact on school programs for this year. Nor is it easy to be optimistic even about next year. The new Act calls for a major shakeup in local school systems. Instead of designing the system for middle-class students and then offering a cut-rate, watered down version of it -to the poor, schoolmen are being asked to de- sign a system specifically for the poor and spend more on it than they do on the middle classes. Only a dunce could suppose that the majority of local schools will undertake this shake-up spontaneously. They would move only if the reformers offered them a wel-designed plan, and if the U.S. Office of Education made it clear that nothing less would suf- fice to pry loose federal funds. So far, neither condition is being fulfilled. THE PROBLEM of transform- ing poor schools is closely analo- gous to that which confronts the Office of Economic Opportunity in trying to promote "commun- ity action" against poverty. The roots of poverty, like the roots of slum schools, and very deep. It would take a major social upheav- al to eliminate either, and the idea that such an upheaval could be sponsored by the federal gov- ernment is somewhat question- able. But at least the strategists of the poverty program recognized the difficulties and girded them- selves for battle. To begin with, they campaigned for and obtained legislation which gave them enor- mous power, both to stimulate and help formulate nominally "local" proposals, and to withhold money when proposals failed to live up to the standards and ideals of the Act. But when it was suggested that education reformers would need similar powers, the Office of Edu- cation took the "realistic" view that Congress and the National Education Association would never stand for it. They sought and ob- tained legistlation which left init- iative at the local level and the power to veto largely with the states. EVEN IN THOSE areas where the Office has a free hand, it has refrained from using it. The Of- fice has, for example. money for "research a n d demonstration" projects. In other government agencies such "free money" is seen as a heavenly opportunity. Agen- cy officials beat the bushes for potential grantees who are willing to "demonstrate" ideas which the agency itself thinks likely to be bolli effective and contagious. The Office of Education init- iates almost nothing. Most of its "R & D" money goes to projects designed not so much to solve the problems of the public schools (e.g., better vocational training) as to answer the questions which now head the agenda of the disci- pline in which the applicant has made, or hopes to make, a reputa- tion (e.g., studies in occupational sociology). Sometimes the con- cerns of the academicians prove relevant to the schools, but often not. MY OWN GUESS is that the Office of Education will admin- ister the Elementary and Secon- and dary Education Act in much the same spirit as the anti-discrim- ination section of the 1964 Civil Rights Act has been administered -very cautiously. USOE officials do believe in both innovation and integration. But they do not be- lieve that either is indispensible. They do not even believe them important enough to risk one's political life for. So when it comes to a choice between letting the local system do what the local balance of political power dictates or cutting off federal money, the Office of Education can be ex- pected to get along by going along (witness the Office's recent de- cision to withhold federal funds from Chicago, followed by its backing down as soon as Mayor Daley called the White House). That is undoubtedly Just what Congress intended. The defenders of localism ought therefore to be pleased.. When one turns from elemen- tary and secondary to higher edu- cation, the horizon looks rather different. President Johnson's higher education bill is now in a Senate-House conference, and barring unforeseen mishaps should be signed into law within a couple of weeks. On its face, it is a far less ex- citing piece of legislation than the . Elementary-Secondary Act. But it includes two new depar- tures which might turn out to be highly significant. The first of these is undergraduate scholar- ships for the poor, the second is the National Teacher Corps. Government in Higher Education ACTUALLY, the Teacher Corps is designed to help the elementary and secondary schools, not the colleges, and the reasons for its inclusion in the Higher Educa- tion bill are of some interest. Pro- posals for a National Teacher Corps have been floating around for more than a year. The idea was to create a federally spon- sored Corps which would make teams of specially trained teachers available on invitation to poor schools throughout the country. Each team was to consist of an experienced "master teacher" who would be a career employe of the Corps, and three or four "ap- prentice teachers," who would be recent college graduates appoint- ed for two years. The proposal was designed to achieve a variety of related objectives. It would be the nucleus of a kind of Educa- tional Extension Service, for the teachers would be trained under federal auspices, would be up on the latest educational ideas, and would be able to introduce these ideas into the schools they served in. By using teaching teams with four or five members the Corps .ould ensure that innovators in bad schools were not so isolated or overwhelmed that they simply gave up. At the same time, the teams would provide a completely new kind' of teacher training, one emphasizing apprenticeship and supervised teaching instead of the accumulation of credits in educa- tion. Having the imprimatur, of the federal government, and the pres- tige and visibility which went with participation in the Corps, ap- prentices might after a couple of years be able to land regular teaching jobs and get certifica- tion without the usual nonsense about courses in audio-visual aids. Finally, the creation of a fed- eral career service for "master teachers" would do a great deal to solve one of the pressing prob- lems of education, namely the rec- ognition and reward of unusual teaching talent. The idea was to provide gifted teachers, especially men, with a way to earn a good living without becoming admin- istrators. WHEN EFFORTS were made to sell the idea to the Office of Education for inclusion in the Eelementary-Secondary Act, the idea was vetoed. The Office didn't want to revive the church-state controversy, upset its uneasy truce with the NEA, or seem to confirm conservative fears of a "federal takeover." Its advocates persisted, how- ever, and last spring, after the Elementary-Secondary Act w a s already passed. Sen. Gaylord Nel- son (D-Wis) became interested in the Teacher Corps idea. So did Edward Kennedy (D-Mass). In due course, the Nelson and Kennedy staffs worked out a joint proposal which, while eliminating some of the potentially contro- versial features of the scheme, still promises to serve a number of useful purposes. Their plan won the support of Wayne Morse, the chairman of the Subcommittee which was dealing with education legislation, and Morse made it clear to the Ad- ministration that he would tack some version of the Teacher Corps onto the Higher Education bill. AT THIS POINT President Johnson announced that he would propose a National Teacher Corps to Congress. Unfortunately that bill, drawn up by the Office of Education and the Bureau of the Budget and sent to Congress, left the Commissioner virtually no control over the Corps, except re- cruitment. It handed training over the the very schools of education which the original proposal was trying to escape. It eliminated the hope of lively recruiting by requiring every volunteer to prom- ise to remain in teaching for five years. It allowed the local schools to take individuals rather than teams. It eliminated the career service for master teachers. Most serious of all, it provided that the salaries of Corpsmen would be paid not by the federal government but by local school districts, reducing to almost zero their incentive to apply. Fortunately, the Senate has stuck to the Nelson-Kennedy ver- sion, and as this is written the best guess is that the House will accept this version in conference. The Office of Education continues to promote the weaker version, however, and there is still a chance that the House Conferees will insist on postponing the whole issue until next year. Federal Scholarships THE federal scholarship pro- gram in the bill nearing passage has such a strict means test that it will affect higher education only marginally. The great ma- jority of financially eligible stu- dents never even graduate from secondary school, and therefore cannot be gotten into college by any conceivable scholarship pro- gram. Wash ington: * e * 4, 4 How the 'U' Prepared for War in 1917 By PHILIP SUTIN Daily Guest Writer AN ALL-CAMPUS VOTE, 3,369- 335, called for compulsory mili- tary training of all male Uni- versity students. But the Re- gents the next day adopted only a limited program and appropri- ated $2500 to cover war mobiliza- tion costs. Thus the University prepared to enter World War I in late March, 1917, as battle with Germany be- came a certainty. A week later Congress declared war. Soon University students will again be requested to support their country's policy in a war, al- though they will not be asked to train for it. If a referendum pe- tition receives the necessary 1,- 000 signatures, students will vote Nov. 17 on whether they agree with their government's Viet Nam policy. In 1917 the issue was more im- mediate. The vote came as Ger- many declared unconditional sub- marine warfare against all ship- ping around the British Isles. The United States had broken diplo- matic relations with Germany and a clash seemed imminent. THE REGENTS had asked stu- dents March 27 to vote on com- pulsory training. The army would provide uniforms and supplies to the training unit and an officer to teach it. Engineering and medical stu- dents declared themselves ready to fight. The chemical and civil engineering faculties offered their services to the ordnance and mili- tary engineering branches of the army. Some 2500 students, out of a student body of more than 5200, marched from State St. to the center of Ann Arbor at Main and Huron Streets and then to Regent Junius E. Beal's home. A hastily- formed band led the parade, play- ing patriotic songs. "Michigan for Am rica," a banner said. "the crisis has united Michi- gan Just as it is uniting the coun- try," the Daily commented editor- ially on the vote. "Michigan is prepared to do its duty, but it is not prepared for war . . . Michi- gan is for America-a prepared America." THE REGENTS praised the stu- dents' "patriotism of the highest order," but said, "we have not the facilities to install compulsory training." In addition to expanding the Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, Acacia, Delta Kappa Epsilon and Psi Up- silon-drilled daily at noon on State St. "STATE ST. presents quite a patriotic sight to the persons walking past this group of houses for practically every Greek letter lodge is flying a great American flag," the Ann Arbor Daily Times News reported. A giant Hill Aud. rally, spon- sored by the National Security League, brought this patriotic fer- vor to a peak. "Never in the history of Ann 4r- bor has there been such a patriot- ic celebration aswas held yester- day. . . From the time the im- mense emblem of the United States was unfurled from the top of the building and hid the stage by its massiveness until the dy- ing notes of 'My Country 'Tis of Thee,' Michigan men sat, bound by patriotism," the Daily Times News recalled glowingly. Some 5500 persons-students, the entire Naval Reserve Corps, President Harry B. Hutchins, University and local officials - roared their approval to resolu- tions calling for universal mili- tary training and a declaration of war. Hill Aud. was draped with flags, capped by the massive one that covered the stage. Students now marched on Corn- wall Place and Washtenaw Ave. as well as State St. Twelve hundred were drilling instead of the hand- ful at the beginning of the school year. PREPAREDNESS had been a major issue in the presidential campaign the previous fall. Twice large Hill Aud. rally crowds ap- proved resolutions calling for "protection against possible in-. vasion either of our territory or our rights" through increased de- fense efforts. Deans Victor Vaughn of the Medical School and Mortimer Cooley of the engineering college particularly pushed the military effort. "Don't be afraid you will be called away from college," Cooley, a Naval Academy graduate, told newly-sworn in naval reservists. "If you are called, you won't be the only ones. Thousands will go with you, but you will be pre- pared. "Universities don't go on in time of wardas they do in peace," he concluded. DISSENTERS found Cooley's remarks particularly true. Speak- ing at the prewar mass rally, prominent New York lawyer Fred- eric R. Coudert told students: "In a few hours more there will be two classes in this country - those who are loyal to the Ameri- can flag and American princi- ples, and those others who are pacifists. Call them pacificts, pro- German, or what you will, they- are traitors." Charles A. Peters, ..Jr., execu- tive director of a forum held above Calkin's Drug Store on State St. where controversial issues were de- bated, had to defend his forum against charges it was the home of anarchists and traitors. Rowena Bastin, a coed junior, had at the forum urged women not to work in hospitals and not to marry men who believe in war. If these sacrifices are made, she said, "the name of women will be written in the book of time as the symbol of peace." AT AN ALL-CAMPUS mass meeting before the military train- ing vote, Prof. C. E. Wilson call- ed non-students passing out anti- training pamphlets "anarchists." "Students were anxious to have the outsiders thrown out, but were dissuaded," the Daily Times News reported. Cities--Ignored in U.S. Political Debate ONE OF THE most significant things about the municipal elections, especially in New York, is what didn't happen. It is like the story in which Sherlock Holmes solved the mystery by noting that in the night the dog had not barked The country has just seen a tremendous legislative program enacted by Congress designed to begin the construction of what is called the Great Society. Yet very little, almost nothing, has been said by the national leaders of either party about the factthat, while the Great Society can be authorized and in part financed in Washington, it will have to be worked out and paid for and ad- ministered and enforced in the greateurban conglomerations where an increasing majority of our people live. The Goldwater Republicans can be excused here because, as a matter of fact, they do not believe in the Great Society. The other Republicans may be allowed to plead that they cannot be ex- pected to line up as Lyndon John- son Democrats. BUT WHAT of the Democrats? They will have passed through the campaign acting as if the para- mount issue in New York were Today anid Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN Yet the connection is at the very heart of the problem. Under the President's leadership the 89th Congress has enacted a most im- pressive and most promising batch of legislation. But legislation is no more than a batch of architect's plans and a few holes in the ground. The edifice of the Great Society will have to be built, if it is to be built at all, in the great cities which are now the focal point of the new American way of living. HOWEVER promising and im- pressive the legislation enacted by Congress, it is a mere beginning and much the easiest part of the whole undertaking. The hard nub of the matter is the political back- wardness of local government- state, county, municipal. This backwardness is not only in the archaic legal structure of local government-which comes down from an earlier America- but in the political habits of the The problem of governing a great city like New York is by all odds the most important, the most pressing and the most unavoid- able domestic problem that we have to face. THIS GAP, this void, this dog that has not barked is enough to make one ask how deeply the problem of creating a Great So- ciety is appreciated by those who have made the legislative blue- prints. Last summer Richard Goodwin, in his memorable valedictory speech on resigning from the White House staff, said that it is necessary "to reshape the his- toric relationships of our federal structure. Today's problems ignore the traditional boundaries of city, state and nation. We are not wise enough to solve them from the top, nor are there resources enough to solve them from the bottom." In the light of its attitude to- ward the municipal elections this year, it is impossible not to won- der whether the administration has taken these truths to heart. That may well be the reason why the dog did not bark. The ideas which the administration needs are ideas of how to get the Great Society constructed upon the foundations which the 89th Congress has authorized. The absence of any urgent in- terest in the local elections this year suggests that the Adminis- tration has been too busy and too preoccupied to grapple with the truth that legislation is only the frame, not the actual substance and structure, of great changes in human society. (c) 1965, The Washington Post Co. Schutze 's Corner: Period of Silence? 0 A RECENT Detroit News edi- torial announced that it is now "time to shut up." "The plurality of students," the a spirit of vicious or acerbic irony, but was published as a sincere and valiant effort to praise college students. I