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November 04, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-04

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NEW YORK OP)-On the morn-
ing after his greatest political
victory, John Vleit Lindsay rolled
his lanky frame out of bed and
returned to the pavement he had
been pounding for five months.
It wasn't habit that sent Lind-
say back onto the sidewalks where
he had worn out four pairs of
shoes, but political savvy.
'I told you that if I were elected
mayor, I would come back," he
told a crowd welcoming him in
Brooklyn's Bedford - Stuyvesant
section. "Now I'm back."
This predominantly Negro-and
predominantly Democratic-neigh-
borhood was the first stop on
Lindsay's walking tour to thank
the people for electing him the
103rd mayor of the nation's big-
gest city, his hometown town.
This was the sort of personal
contact with the voters which has
worked magic in the political ca-
reer of the 43-year-old, 6-foot-3,
180-pound, boyishly handsome
congressman from Manhattan's
"Silk Stocking" District.
He never has lost an election.
The Republican mayor-elect was
faced Wednesday with getting this
~Sa ys I
JAKARTA, Indonesia ()-An
improvement in the critical situa-
tion in central Java was reported
yesterday and thousands of rebel
forces there were said to be sur-
Radio Jakarta said the army
chief, Maj. Gen. Suharto, report;-
ed on central Java at a morning
cabinet meeting attended by Pres-
ident Sukarno. The radio added

battered city "on the move again"
with a Democratic crew.
His election victory Tuesday
over Democrat Abraham D. Beame
failed to carry in any of the young
congressman's fusion team.
And while his personal triumph
makes him a national GOP figure,
Lindsay faces staggering problems
in a City Hall which has been a
political deadend for all previous
The new City Council president
is Democrat Frank O'Connor, who
promised cooperation with Lindsay
but said he would not be a rubber
A jubilant Governor Nelson
Rockefeller said Lindsay had made
New York "a Republican town."
Only Four Votes
But Lindsay can be certain of
only his own four votes on the 22-
vote Board of Estimate, the city's
key budget body. The Democrats
have 16, counting 4 each for
O'Connor and the new comptrol-
ler, Democrat Mario Procaccino,
who also ran under Beame's ban-
The Democrats also maintained

dt in
a firm 37 to 7 grip on the City
During the campaign, Lindsay
charged that 20 years of Demo-
cratic rule had "brought the city
to its knees." He pointed to budget
deficits, a water shortage, a severe
crime and narcotics problem,
slums, inadequate transportation,
air pollution, dirty streets and
myriad other problems.
Republican JFK
Sometimes called a Repuglican
John F. Kennedy, he now is being
compared with Fiorello LaGuardia,
the late mayor whose campaign
tactics Lindsay copied in winning
City Hall.
Like LaGuardia 32 years ago,
Lindsay cloaked his Republican-
ism in a multiparty "fusion" or-
ganization, winning Liberal party
endorsement and wooing many re-
form Democrats.
As a consistently liberal con-
gressman, Lindsay frequently had
bolted his party and in 1964 he
disavowed Barry Goldwater, the
GOP presidential candidate.
Thus he wore his campaign
mantle of nonpartisanship so na-
turally that the Democratic can-

didate purchased full-page news-
paper advertisements to remind
voters that Lindsay was a Repub-
One irony of the success of
Lindsay's "fusion" tactics is that
his victory projected him into the
front ranks of Republicans na-
Lindsay, a social registerite, was
born on Manhattan's West Side
on Nov. 24, 1921. As a boy, he
played football under the Queens-
borough Bridge, but he went to
private schools-Buckley School
here and St. Paul's in Concord,
N.H., where he prepped for Yale.
Ivy Leaguer
The Ivy League influence is re-
flected now in his clothing, and
his lifelong interest in athletics
now manifests itself in riding,
swimming, tennis, skiing and sail-
ing. He also mixes in some bowl-
ing and bike riding.
Newly graduated from Yale,
Lindsay served as a naval officer
aboard a destroyer in the Mediter-
ranean and Pacific. He returned
from World War II with five
battle stars and returned to Yale
for his law degree, which he re-
ceived in 1948.

REP. JOHN V. LINDSAY posed with family in home yesterday.

udone sian

that 100,000 university students
declared they will help crush the
rebel forces, mostly Communist
or pro-Communist.
Several thousand of the stu-
dents paraded through Jakarta's
streets demanding dissolution of
the Indonesian Communist party,
blamed for masterminding the
coup attempt against Sukarno Oct.

The armed forces n
Angkatan Bersendjata sa
3000 Communists surren
military authorities in K
central Java 17 miles eas
jakarta. Jogjakarta hast
of the cities reported und
munist terror attacks.
Suharto also reported
first surrender appeal t
bers of the armed for

Eshkol Leads Israeli Voting aii
Ben-Gurion is Roundly Defeat

ewspaper joined the rebels had met with a
id about good response, Jakarta'radio said.
dered to
laten, in More trouble was reported in
t of Jog- eastern Java, where Communists
been one burned 230 tons of sugar at Situat-
ier Com- bondo and tried to destroy a sugar
mill at Pragdjekan.
that his The ,army pressed its purge of
o mem- Communists in office. The official
ces who news agency Antara said 57 In-
donesian Communists had been
dismissed temporarily from the
House of Representatives, an ad-
visory body.
Among the 'Reds ousted were
M. H. Likman and Njoto, No. 2
and 3 leaders of the party and
both members of Sukarno's cab-
inet. D. N. Aidit, the party leader,
has been in hiding since the coup
nists lost attempt.
ree. More than 1300 Communists
two par- were fired by the Maritime Min-
of four istry, Antara said, and 14 Com-
hat with munist or pro-Commuist uiver-
.1 aim at sities and colleges have been clos-
deputies ed.
the nine Meanwhile, diplomatic sources
pam or said a mob attack Tuesday on
and five Red China's consulate in Medan,
ikol now northern Sumatra, might balk Su-
coalition. karno's efforts to maintain close
his Rafi ties with Peking.
t in the About 100,000 demonstrators
with Esh- crowded in and around the con-
n affair, sulate, tore down its flag and
rs ago in shield, and presented a petition
ed a ju- protesting Red China's backing of
air. the rebel movement.
Diplomats said Peking is ex-
pected to file a protest and pre-
dicted the attack would jeopar-
dize talks Sukarno had been hav-
ing with Chinese Ambassador Yao
Chung-ming. After each talk, Su-
karno has insisted relations with
past or Peking will remain as friendly as
may sit ever. But the army has been in-
1 decide sisting Peking backed the coup
y of fail- attempt.
nt of the An Indonesian official accused
Communist China of not honoring
a navigational agreement, An-
The issue tara said.

JERUSALEM (P)--Israel's Par-
liament elections may have spell-
ed the end of the political line for
David Ben-Gurion, 79, who saw
his new Rafi party go down to
resounding defeat.
The patriarch of Israeli politics,
Ben-Gurion came out of retire-
ment to form his party as a splin-
ter from the Napal party, which
he helped found.
Decisive returns from Tuesday's
'election show Ben-Gurion's for-
mer protege, Prime Minister Levi
Eshkol, is assured 44 votes in the
new 120-seat Knesset (Parlia-
ment). The Rafi party got only
10 seats.
Eshkol's two-party combination
By The Associated Press
LONDON--Prime Minister Har-
old Wilson said yesterday there
are still wide differences between
the British and Rhodesian govern-
ments on granting independence
to that white-governed central
African colony.
Wilson told the House of Com-
mons both he and Rhodesian
Prime Minister Ian Smith were
agreed on, setting up a royal com-
mission to sound out the Rhode-
sian people on the independence
issue, but they were far apart on
what instructions to give the com-
Wilson said his differences with
Smith "are very great, not merely
as legal matters, but because of
the political differences, and I
fear they may represent some-
thing deeper than physical ap-
proaches to the problem."
* * *
SAIGON - U.S. Marines and
Vietnamese government t r o o p s
joined Wednesday, nearly 2,000
strong, to clear Viet Cong from
the area of Chu Lai, whose air
strip was the target of a guerrilla
suicide raid a week ago.
The operation, 340 miles north-
east of Saigon, was dubbed Black
Ferret. Briefing officers said the
Marines drew sporadic sniper fire

Cleveland Election
Results Contested

Writer-In-Residence Program
Committee Help Needed:

-the Mapai and the somewhat
more leftist Achdut Avodah party
-will search for enough other
votes to form a coalition govern-
Eshkol was reported as not eager
to take in his former friendsfrom
the Rafi party, particularly Ben-
The result of the Israel elections
shows there was no landslide in
the state's internal sociological
The Herut and Liberal parties
kept their same strength, 27 seats.
Both conservative, they announc-
ed they would remain in opposi-
tion to Eshkol's government. The
religious block lost 8 seats but

retained 17. The Commu
one seat but retained thr
Observers say Eshkol'st
ties can expect the votes
Arabs. They predicted t]
these 48 seats, Eshkol wi:
a coalition with the 17
from the religious bloc,t
deputies from the Ma
United Workers party,
independent liberals. Esh
governs under a similarc
Thus Ben-Gurion and
party would be left oui
cold. Ben-Gurion broke w
kol mainly over the Lavo
a security foulup 10 year
Egypt. Ben-Gurion wante
dicial inquiry into the aff

CLEVELAND, Ohio (IP)-Carl B.
Stokes, Negro Democrat who
bucked the party organization and
came within 2,458 votes of pulling
an upsetin Cleveland's mayoral
race, plans a court action to stop
Mayor Ralph S. Locher's inaugur-
ation Monday.
Stokes, 38, first Negro Demo-
crat ever - elected to the Ohio
Legislature, planned to consult
aides before deciding whether to
seek a recount. But hetsaid he had
to block the inauguration.
"Once he-Locker-is sworn in,
we're out in the cold," he ex-
Stokes added his aides are com-
piling a report on alleged irregu-
larities in the balloting. He would
not cite any specific reports of
irregularities, but said he had
asked Secretary of State Ted W.
Brown for an investigation. Brown,
in turn, said in Columbus he was
suggesting that the Cuyahoga
County (Cleveland) Board of
Elections impound the ballots.
Election board officials said
they had not heard from Brown
but indicated they would go along
with his request.
Political observers, meanwhile,
were studying the vote by which
Stokes, with 3,000 volunteers head-
ed by Dr. Kenneth Clement, a
noted surgeon but political ama-
teur, came close to becoming the
first Negro mayor of the nation's
eighth-largest city or any of the
nation's metropolitan cities.
Locher's margin of 87,833 to
85,375 for Stokes gave the Dem-
ocratic incumbent a margin of
only 1 per cent on the 236,977
votes cast. Republican Ralph J.
Perk and Ralph A. McAllister,
like Stokes an independent Demo-
crat, apparently divided Stokes'
opposition, polling 41,100 and
22,660 votes respectively.
Leaders of the Negro commu-
nity, which accounts for one-third
of the city's 337,803 registered
voters, interpreted the close vote
as a repudiation of Mayor Locher's
policies as much as support for

Richard L. Gunn, attorney for
the United Freedom Movement,
called on the mayor "as a start"
to lift trespass charges against
UFM leaders arrested for a sit in
at the mayor's office last summer.
Negro leaders have been critical
of Locher for his refusal to see
the UFM leaders and for his re-
fusal to discuss with them state-
ments made by Police Chief Rich-
ard Wagner at a legislative hear-
ing in Columbus.
The chief, testifying on propo-
sals to end capital punishment in
Ohio, was quoted as saying the
death penalty was a deterrent to
members of certain Negro ex-
tremist organizations that advo-
cate violence.
Locher, 50, a Democrat who
won by a heavy plurality two years
ago, gave no indication of plans
to make any changes. But he is-
sued a statement saying his first
job is to "bring harmony and
unity to the city."

Second Floor, Union

B'nai B'rith H illel Foundation
1429 Hill Street
"Must Religion Be Meaningful?"
Friday, November 5, at 7:30 P.M. sharp
Participating in the Service:
Ed Adler Judy Elkin Sue Ellen Lorge
Marcia Berlin Marc Gertner Sue Meyers
Leslie Klein
John Planer, Cantor
The Hillel Choir under the direction of Mike Robbins

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Daily Classifieds



I News Roundup

and suffered light casualties, but
captured six Viet Cong and seized
an enemy battle flag in the open-
ing phase.
* * *
PARIS-With secrecy befitting
a military headquarters, Charles
de Gaulle is preparing to tell
Frenchmen tonight whether he
wants them to elect him to a
seven-year presidential term that
would end when he is 82.
The president's message, to be
broadcast at 8 p.m. (2 p.m. EST),
will be recorded a few hours ear-
lier. To guard against any leaks,
the television technicians will be
kept inside the Elysee Palace un-
til the speech goes on the air.
Most Frenchmen think De
Gaulle will be a candidate in the
Dec. 5 election. Two separate
newspaper polls have indicated
that 75 to 85 per cent of the pop-
ulation expects him to run in the
nation's first popular election of
a president.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Trial of the
U.S. Communist party was further
delayed yesterday as court offi-
cials tried to find in this federal
city 75 potential jurors who have
never worked for the U.S. govern-
U.S. Dist. Judge William B.

Jones has ruled that no
present federal employes
on the panel that wil
whether the party is guilt
ure to register as an age
Soviet Union.
* * *
of seating Communist C
the United Nations is exp
come before the General.
on Monday, diplomatic
said yesterday. A U.S. su
pressed confidence in tli
of the United States to1
Peking regime out of th

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