CHANGES NEEDED IN DRAFT LAWS See Ediortal Page C, 14C Sw a Iaii4 COLD Hiigh-50 Low--25 Windy, diminishing tonight partly sunny Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 58 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Regents To Weigh Proposed Distribution Changes By LYNN A. METZGER Supporting the need for distri- bution requirements, but adding that the present ones are not a satisfactory balance between depth and breadth of course require- ments, the Literary College Cur- riculum Committee has prepared a report of suggested requirement revisions. These revisions were presented to the faculty' as a whole in the spring of 1965, and were later passed. These proposals will now come before the Regents at their November meeting. If they are approved by the Re- gents, they will be incorporated into the 1966-67 Literary College bulletin, and the entering fresh- man class of 1966 will fall under these new provisions. These re- quirement changes, however, will have no bearing on presently en- rolled students at the University. The basic hope of the faculty is that under these new require- ments, the student will be able to fulfill his distribution require- ments without being unnecessar- ily restricted. "These proposals received very enthusiastic faculty and student approval, and we regard them as a big step forward," said Associate Dean William Hays of the lit- erary college. What are these new changes? At present a student must take 14 hours in social studies, 12 hours in natural sciences and 12 hours in humanities. The changes elim- inate the hour requirements and put a required number of courses in their place. If the proposal is passed by the Regents, a student would ohly have to take three courses in the three different fields. There will still be a division as far as areas within each field of study, and a student would have to take two courses within one of these di- vision areas and the third in an- other. There would also be a require- ment that at least one of the natural science courses involve laboratory work. Another proposed new require- ment stipulates that the third course in any oft he fields can be replaced by either a course in mathematics or philosophy except the one laboratory course. In 1963 the distribution re- quirements were changed, and the required mathematics or philoso- phy course was eliminated. That meant if a student desired to take courses in either of those areas (especially mathematics, since philosophy was classified as a humanities course), he would not be fulfilling any requirements. Subsequently many students were unable to take those courses. In addition to these formal pro- posals, the Curriculum Commit- tee has also released a list of supplementary recommendations. The committee feels that there should be a direct relationship between the credit hours given for a course and the amount of work required. There is presently a definite discrepancy between hours and credit in many courses, especially in science. The committee also urged the different departments to remove all prerequisites which tend to cause a mature student to mark time at the introductory level. The present requirement of one term of English Composition to be satisfied by a student in his first two semesters of residence remains unchanged. The present foreign language requirement of a fourth semester proficiency in one language also remains unchanged, but there is reportedly hope of a further study into this area. The Curriculum Committee is continuing its study into the prob- lems of requirements and is at present setting up a survey. Throughout all its study, the Curriculum Committee has tried to value those "qualities of in- tellectual initiative and mature self-reliance" which it feels ought to characterize all students. What's New at 764-1817 Says Law L Perils First, Amendment Call Indiana 'Red' Act E Unconstitutional, Seek L tt ic High Court Decision By ROBERT SCHILLER Panel To Ask Hotline Prompted in part by a Daily article dealing with the subject, Councilman Richard E. Balzhiser has requested *a report from the Ann Arbor Police Department on the use of narcotics in the city-campus area. He said yesterday that independent sources using unfamiliar terms had informed him that "something" implying marijuana. was smoked at parties and was freely distributed Balzhiser hopes the current police investigation will determine the existence and/or the extent of the problem and will create a general awareness throughout the community of the use and effects of narcotics. A motion to place a questionnaire to discover how the majority of University students really feel about the government policy in Viet Nam on the next Student Government Council ballot will be considered at tonight's SOC meeting. The poll will present political and military alternatives and the voter will be asked to state his preference. * * * * Students interested in studying in Germany for a year may learn about the University's junior year abroad program in Frei- burg at an informational meeting 'tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 3-R of the Union. The program, in its second year of operation, is jointly sponsored by the University, the University of Wiscon- sin and Wayne State University. "The program offers students the opportunity to live in Germany for a year and study at a German university," Asso- ciate Dean of the Literary College James H. Robertson said yes- terday. The details of the program, plus impressions from students who have returned from Freiburg, will be discussed at tonight's meeting. Municipal Court Judge Francis L. O'Brien, who last month sentenced 36 anti-Viet Nam war demonstrators to 10 days in the County Jail on a trespassing charge, has received more than 40 letters commenting on the sentence. Because the appeals are pending, Judge O'Brien does not feel it proper to reveal the contents of the letters. "However, I can say many have come from servicemen in Viet Nam," he said. Congressman Robert Kastenmeier (D-Wis) spoke last night at the Law Club Lounge on "The Judiciary Committee-The Lawyers' Committee." Kastenmeier said he was definitely in favor of student protest, but labeled draft-board sit ins and draft-card burning "ludicrous," and "most probably illegal." "They are self defeating and tend to alienate," he said. The University housing and finance advisory, committee to Wilber Pierpont, vice-president for business and finance, and Richard Cutler, vice-president for student affairs, met yesterday. "The meeting was frustrating. We have no enthusiastic support of our suggestions, only conceding nods. We have not received as much cooperation as we could have. Everyone is sitting on his heels waiting for the President's Blue Ribbon report due Mon- day," Stuart Gordon, '66L, said. "Another problem, " Gordon added, "is the lack of long-range University planning. They do not build until there is a crush of students and then they build piece meal, not for future needs. They are still thinking like a small town college," Gordon said. Long Distance Freedom of speech must be protected even for "fringe minor- ity" students whose antics on Viet Nam policy are widely un- popular, Michigan Lt. Gov. William G. Milliken (R) said yester- day. "I deplore the actions of this fringe minority . .. They are clearly out of step with the vast body of state and national opinion. They reflect unfairly on the 80,000 draft-age men on Michigan college campuses. "It is difficult to grant freedom to immature individuals who remember their rights and forget their responsibilities," he said. "Yet we must. It is precisely when our anger and disgust are most intense that we must guard most against the suppression of legitimate dissent in the name of patriotism." Alameda County's Board of Supervisors has announced that it is .billing the University of California $15,982 to cover expenses incurred,* in halting the recently Berkeley Viet Nam protest marches. The County Board voted approval for the bill, which represents the overtime pay given to sheriff's deputies who blocked the marchers at the Oakland City limits on October fifteenth and sixteenth. The reason given for the board's action was that the protest march was spearheaded by a group whose activity centered on the Berkeley campus. The Calofirnia regents have unofficially indicated they will decline to pay. An official reply will be forth- cnming at their November meeting. lent Testimony The defense of three University of Indiana students indicted for alleged Communist conspiracy is basically a defense of the right to free speech, Prof. Joseph Schneid- er of the school's sociology de- partment said last night. The question is, he said, "Do you believe in the First Amend- ment?" The three students, members of the Young Socialist Alliance (YSA), were indicted in 1963 for violation of the Indiana Anti- Communism Act, but have not yetC faced trial. In localpre-trialdproceedings the law had been declared un- constitutional, but a subsequent Indiana Supreme Court decision reversed the ruling early this year. The three students were joined by Schneider and several others in filing a complaint October 6 with the United States Supreme Court. They asked for an immediate injunction to stop prosecution and an ultimate ruling that the act is unconstitutional. Although the constitutionality of a law restricting the right of free speech is the main issue, observ- ers feel the most vociferous stu- dents have devoted more atten- tion on a different issue. While these students say that the Indiana Anti-Communism Act should be declared unconstitution- al, most of their outrage has cen- tered around the misuse of the, law in Bloomington, where thei three students allegedly conducted their conspiracy. The committee, in a press re- lease last week, said that local prosecutor Thomas Hoadley con- ducted a "campaign to force In- diana University to remove the YSA from the campus and prevent it from functioning as a legiti- mate student organization." The committee also charged that he "initiated a witch hunt against the YSA." They claimed that he had had someone "eaves- drop" on a meeting of the stu-I dents in a private home.! The committee did not explain how, if at all, Hoadley's actions have any bearing on the constitu- tionality of the act. Ralph Levitt, one of the defend- ants, implied recently that this example shows how "local prose-' cutors in various states can use them (sedition statutes) to vic- timize individuals for their poli- tical ideas." Hoadley was cautious in an- swering the charges. He told Thel Daily last night, "I am only doing my job. They (the committee) have said these things from coast to coast and I don't have the time or inclination to oppose them." FBI's Probe, Of Pro-Cong 'Group 'uiet' Members' Names Not Sought; Justice Department Involved By DAVID DUBOFF If the Federal Bureau of Inves- tigation has begun an investiga- tion of the Committee to Aid the Vietnamese as announcedin the Daily Friday, it has been doing so quietly, the committee's chairman indicated yesterday. As yet the only act by the FBI in the investigation has been an interview last Saturday with Stan- ley Nadel, '66, chairman of the group, which has been raising money to aid Vietnamese citizens living in Viet Cong controlled areas. Nadel said yesterday that the FBI investigators only asked him if he had anything to say about his activities, which he refused to answer on the grounds that he had not consulted a lawyer and no formal charges had been laid against him. Names Not Sought No attempt has been made by the FBI to obtain the names of the 25 members of the organization from the office of student affairs, according to Duncan Sells, direc- tor of student organizations. Sl. s pointed out that the office is not required to divulge the names to the public, and will not do so unless the information isI subpoenaed by the attorney gen- eral's office. Justice Department The United States attorney in Detroit, who announced last Thursday that his office was look- ing into the possibility that stu- dents belonging to the committee' would have to register as agents of a foreign government, said yes- terday that the information had been passed on to the internal security division of the Depart- ment of Justice. The probe had been requested of University officials by the Uni- versity Young Republicans, and was then forwarded to the office of the U.S. attorney in Detroit, who yesterday declined comment on the outcome of the investiga- tion. * DISTRIBUTE BOOKS FREE A. Eight thousand copies of the book "None Dare Call It Treason" by John A. Stor tributed free to students at the University this week. The books are being mad Americanism Educational League which has its offices in California. The organiz an essay contest relating to this controversial book in which students may either statements in the book. According to John R. Lehrner, executive director of thec copies of the book are to be distributed at the University and the books are bein proximately 400 colleges across the country. "We are distributing the books so th a better idea of what we mean by the Communist conspiracy." BIRTHDAY PLANNED: Year=Long Ce lebrc' Of 'U' Sesquicentei Investigation fStemns fronm Tuition Hike, Faxon Releases Audit a;4Results; Announces Power Quiz Delay By LEONARD PRATT Representatives from Student Government Council and the Uni- versity of Michigan Student Em- playes Union will be invited to speak before Rep. Jack Faxon's (D - Detroit) higher education subcommittee at its public hear- Ings here next Wednesday, Faxon said yesterday. "We want to hear their side," I Faxon said in announcing the unprecedented move. Faxon also released yesterday the audit of the University's tui Daily-Jim Lines tion and housing accounts which T ' ' his"subcommittee began last sum- mer in response to the University's tuition and dorm fee hikes. Wed- nesday's hearings, which will be- er avbe bn -the gin at 10 a.m. in the Regents' eailable sbys e meetingroom, will center on the cation is sponsoring results of the audit. r support or refute Postponement organization, 10,000 in addition he announced a g given out at ap- postponement of the Legislature's at students can get probe into the University's rela- tionship with University Micro- films, Inc., from next Wednesday until "early in December." The UMI hearings will be post- poned, Faxon said, to allow Regent Eugene Power (Ann Arbor) presi- dent of UMI and currently in Ja- pa to be present at them and also because the current hearings will occupy his group until then. Faxon also mentioned that he expected two members of the State Board of Education to be present at Wednesday's meetings. He emphasized that the audit ations, is overseeing itself contains no conclusions cipation in the affair, about the 'University's use of its i began its meetings funds, and that those conclusions mester, and plans are will only be reached by his sub- lementary stage. Pro- committee after hearing testi- r major annual activ- mony from the University's execu- dapted to the Sesqui- tive officers. eme.d Three copies of the audit were ing are proposals for sent yesterday to Marvin Niehuss, icipation in the ses- executive vice-president, Faxon l celebration: explained, "so the University can gras-type weekend to make comments or corrections n observance of the the figures before the hearings birthday. Skits and begin." Faxon said copies would icenter on the theme be made available to the public as s in the life of the soon as they are printed. Donald Resnick, '68, president anor international of UMSEU, said last night that nce retenatnal his group's address to the hearings erence directed at a will be in three parts. na stdentaor issue. ,Three Sections ba dramnan uial, "One section will deal with our be written and per- general economic philosophy, one udtenesitcha'show, with local housing problems and the Univpersity's an- one with student fees," Resnick celebrations and be- s Mickey Eisenberg, '67, com- ty alumni in Detroit's mented that "student fees" in- cludes "everything but housing." on to the student, "Student costs can be divided into regularly scheduled two general accounts," he said, i college of the Uni- "housing and 'other.' Whatever been urged to mark we do not 'present to the sub- sary with symposia committee under 'housing,' we will events, therefore present under student By ROBERT KLIVANS Second of Two Parts The University will be 150 years old on Aug. 26, 1967, but instead of observing this auspicious occa- sion for a day, it plans to celebrate it for a year. Besides the five major ceremon- ies being planned by the Central Sesquicentennial Committee, the students and faculty are also planning supplementary events to honor this educational landmark. In 1967 the University will be the site of various important con- ferences of educators. For exam- ple, the Congress of Orientalists, a meeting of about 1500 scholars of Asia, will be held in Ann Arbor Aug. 11-20, 1967. The city of Ann Arbor is plan- ning a gala celebration on Aug. 26 to mark the birthday of its home- town institution. A huge dinner -and party are planned at the IM Bldg. The University did not move to Ann Arbor until 1837. It was previously located in Detroit. From the student standpoint the outlook is for an interesting and festive 1967. A Student Advisory Board, composed of a representa- tive from each of the major cam- pus organiza student parti The Board early this se still in the e: posals call fo ities to be a centennial th The follow student part quicentennia .-A Michig kick-off the University's booths would of 150 years school. -A natio student conf contemporary -An origi* which could formed by sti centering on niversary, co many of the fore Universi Cobo Hall. In additi alumni and affairs, each versity has1 the anniver and cultural Cavanagh Seen as 'Close to Charismatic' In Appeal; Political Future Called Bright By MARSHALL LASSER Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cav- anagh's overwhelming victory over Walter C. Shamie Tuesday has presented some interesting ques- tions: Where does he go from here, why is he so popular, does Urban Affairs or Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare; or remaining mayor until a senate seat or the governorship is open. Competitors for Cavanagh Thomas pointed out, though, that if' Sen. Pat McNamara (D) retires in 1966. former Democratic also applicable in higher levels of lations with the government aided politics. in obtaining the dollars he needed Record of Achievement for his programs. Foremost is the fact that Cav- Close to Charisma anagh developed meaningful pro-; A third source of his popular- grams and was able to achieve them, the hallmark of a strong mayor. ity, Thomas and Bromage agreed,I is the youthful, dynamic, articu- ite imace he ha nrnoiecter an I ;I I