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November 03, 1965 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-03

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Coach Johnson
Gives a Pep Talk
What can a former President do?c
Maybe he can hover over his library or polish up his memoirs,E
but for a vigorous man who just stepped down from the most
testing job on earth few occupations provide much challenge.
When President Johnson leaves the White House in '68 or '72,
it is difficult to envision him taking up the simple life of a rancheri
or the petty problems of a TV station owner.
To my mind there is but one vocation that might really suit f
President Johnson's colossal energy and gentle armtwisting-
college football coaching.
When President Johnson returns to San Marcos State after1
he hangs up his Secret Service men for good we can see him twanging
something like this to his boys before the big game.
"Now you young men, the flower of our youth, I wish I didn't]
have to send you out there to tackle and block other fine young
men who just happen to be misdirected, and if possible we canj
reason this thing out at the fifty yard line before the game starts.
But if they refuse to be reasonable and it appears they might win1
the ballgame, I want you young men to run to the locker room when
the aeroplane with the napalm circles over the stadium.1
"Now you fine young men know what you're going out there
for, I'm sure. You may think this one game doesn't mean that
much in itself, but let me tell you something. If we lose here
just where do ya think we'll be in the national rankings. And
I think you know what the national polls mean.
"Now you fine young men know what fighting for your alma
mother means. You boys will be battling for a way of life, the single
wing. We want no flankers, no split T, no slots, just good old
fashioned single wing football. Now if any of you believe some of
these new fangled formations have something you just better drop
those thoughts here and now, or quit the team. If you think about
passing when you're running up the middle you fall.
You Must Have Truth
"Now maybe some of you fine young men think you know how
to play the game better than me: Well, that's simply impossible. You
just don't have the necessary information. Why I have assistant
coaches, and all they do all day is study the opposition's tactics.
Some of them have been watching the same films for twelve years.
And you can see how far they've gotten us in this great game we
all love.
"And I'll tell you something else about my coaching staff.
There's no dissension. If someone doesn't fit .into the single
wing philosophy they don't stick around and gripe. No sir, they
quit, or I fire them. We get only one kind of information from
our staff-the truth.
"Now you fine young men, this coaching business isn't all that
easy. You've always got some kooks who second guess and burn you
in effigy. Not that I care, but it makes us look divided, and if
there's anything that hurts a single wing it's appearing split. We
have reason to believe that the leaders of these effigy movements
not only burn in hell, but are inspired by our enemy. Some say
they don't even believe in football.
"Well, young flowers of our youth, you go out and hold that
line and fight, fight, fight, go, go, go."
"But, Coach Johnson," shouts one of the players from the
back of the locker room, "we might get killed out there."
"Yes, but at least you'll know why."
President Drops Robes,
Grabs Coach's Whistle

By HOWARD KOHN sidelines for the Purdue tilt, but Price, a returning letterman masters of the roll-out option other of the soph crop and the
the Illini are hoping for his return tabbed as a starter before the sea- play. I Illinois state champion in the low
An explosive, as in nitroglycerin, against the Wolverines. son, has had trouble keeping his Around the Sides hurdles. He is a split end who has
is what the Michigan football Bess and Price job against the strong challenge "Illinois has not been content caught 28 bombs for 459 yards.
team will have to contain in In addition, Illinois offers sopho- of sophomore talent. He is, how- to stay with the traditional up- Il
Champaign, Ill., this Saturday. more Ron Bess and senior Sam ever, averaging 4.1 yards per try the-middle runs, either," stated "Illinois has a sound defensive
"Illinois has initiated a new, Price as break-away threats. on the year in 34 attempts. Fitzgerald. "Grabowski has been team again, too," admitted Fitz-
daring brand of offense," explain- B h according to Fitz- Just to stress the plethoa of running around the ends in a wide gerald. "They don't have the
ed an almost envious Dennis Fitz- rushwo ccring iz utt streg theuartra f range of patterns." steamrolling tactics of Dick But-
eral s Michiga s fehman F gerald, has "good size and good rushing strength, quarterback Fred e ens kus any more, but they make up
gerald, Michiga sfreshm Fht ihands," splits his time running Custardo rates as one of the bet- alsoidemonstrated last wveek whe for it with speed.
Illini last weekend. and catching the pigskin. He has ter running signal-callers in the the call for a fourth down and one "Gary Eickman is probably
snagged five touchdown aerials to nation. As a three-year veteran, their best defensive lineman,"
"Instead of their usual grind- Ila h liii crn.Csad ersnso~o h situation, with the ball in Illiiiterbs eesv iea
ing, rock 'em-sock 'em, offensive territory, was a 50-yard pass play added Fitzgerald, "and Bo Batch-
game, they have switched to a that worked. elder has been outstandig as a
fast-paced, more versatile running Top player in the pass receiving defensive end. Batchelder inter-
attack. They are experimenting line has been John Wright, an- cepted two passes, recovered a
with a number of different plays
and formations . . . using espe-
cially a double flanker and more
pitch out and swing pass plays." - From the wires of the Associated Press news has come thatN FL
Bombs Away the central Pennsylvania town of Jim Thorpe went to the polls
This is the team that exploded yesterday to consider a referendum that would change the town'stfio ru100 B ig!
in the face of Bob Griese and his name back to the original Maunch Chunk. M S ~I 1 J1 ,
Purdue teammates to the tune of Let all ye admirers of traditioh find solace in the proposal's(-
21-0, a team that exploded after defeat, and more in the fact that Grid Picks are still Grid Picks,
half a season of frustration due canainnwodk T A
tn inxn*i~ Adid iioA and, by filling out a blank at the Daily, youca witotcks

fumble and stole the ball in the
Purdue game."
Don Hansen, moving out of the
shadow of All-American Butkus.
has done more than a competent
job of filling the linebacker gap.
Michigan has defeated the Illini
six times in a row dating back to
1959 and holds a 33-17 edge in
'the 67-year hi story of the rivalry.
In the five meetings between the
two Elliott brothers Bump and
Pete, the Wolverine mentor has
emerged victor all five times.


team that exploded in the persons
of Jim Grabowski and his fellow
backfield workhorses.
Jack Mollenkopf, head coach at
Purdue, commented, in somewhat
of an understatement, "Illinois has
progressed tremendously this year.
They'll make it miserable for any
future opponent."
After losing three of their initial
four games, the Illini have bounced
back with three consecutive wins.
Grabo and Friends
The credit for the rejuvenation
must go mainly to Grabowski and_
his rushing helpers. Grabo, who
has now eclipsed both Jimmy
Brown's and Red Grange's career
rushing records with his mark of
2,275 yards over three years,
spearheads the charge. (Brown
had 2,223 and Grange 2,071).
"But the ability of the other
backs is what makes the Illinois
offense work," emphasized Fitz-
Cyril "Kelly" Pinder, one of the
seven sophomores that opened the
season on the first string, has come
into his own as a speedy, power-
ful halfback. The 18-year-old
runner, who 'runs the 100-yard
dash in 9.6 seconds, ranks, third
on the team in yards gained on'
the ground.
An injury forced him to the1

to the Michigan Theater, now showing "The Ipcress File."
After all, a Grid Pick by any other name would not smell as sweet.

1. MICHIGAN at Illinois
(pick score)
2. Indiana at Ohio State
3. Michigan State at Iowa
4. Wisconsin at Purdue
5. Northwestern at Minnesota
6. Kansas at Nebraska
7 Notre Dame at Pittsburgh
8. Southern Cal at California
9. Alabama at LSU
10. Washington at UCLA
Basketball Schedule '65-'66
Dec. 1-Tennessee
4-Bowling Green
6-Ball State
1 8-At Wichita
11-San Francisco at Chi-
cago Stadium
21-Duke at Cobo Hall
22-At Butler
27-30-Far West Classic at
Portland, Ore. (Air
Force, Arizona St., Ore-
gon, Oregon St., Stan-
ford, Utah St., Wash-
ington St., and Mich.)
Jan. 8-At Ohio State
15-At Northwestern
29-At Wisconsin
Feb. 1-Illinois
5-At Indiana
21-At Iowa
26-At Purdue
Mar. 5-Northwestern
7-At Michigan State

11. Baylor at Texas
12. Georgia Tech at Tennessee
13. Mississippi State vs. Auburn
at Birmingham
14. Arkansas at Rice
15. Oregon State at Syracuse
16. SMU at Texas A&M
17. Wyoming at New Mexico
18. Missouri at Colorado
19. Air Force vs. Army at Chicago
20. Claremont-Mudd at LaVerne

The next time your Southern
buddies corner you and start ham-
mering away about the ascendancy
of Southern football throw this
statistic at them.
On National Football League
rosters this season there are 100
men from the Big Ten, far more
than its. nearest rival the South-
eastern Conference, represented by
Breaking it down by individual
colleges, the leader is Notre Dame
with 19. Michigan State is sec-.
ond with 16, followed byLouisiana
State and Southern California
with 13 each, Ohio State 11,
Georgia, Maryland, Indiana and
Illinois 10 each, Nebraska and
Pittsburgh with 9 each, and Penn
State with 8. Michigan has 6
alumni in the NFL.
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Looking for
my wallet.
S. The last time I dropped in
you were taking the sink
apart to get at your tiepin.
I didn't want it
to rust.

2. In the lighting fixture?
I once found my
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4. A Month you left y'our
clarinet on the bus to Boston.

I really miss the
ol(d licorice stick.





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president of Susquehanna Univer-
sity took over the reins of the
football team yesterday after the
mass resignation of Head Coach
James W. Garrett and his assis-
"We're not going to attempt to
teach a new system," President
Gustave Weber said. "We're going
to try to spot weaknesses, make
the necessary substitutions and
keep an eye on the physical con-
dition of the players."
Garrett and his aides quit Mon-

day after the team had lost its
seventh straight game. The as-
sistants were Robert Pittello, Jeff
Gannon and Benedict DiFrancisco.
Garrett had been coach five
years and his teams had compiled
a 39-4-1 record until the bottom
dropped out this year.
Weber will coach the team for
the final two games-Geneva next
Saturday and Tufts Nov. 13.
"Don't worry about the out-
come of the next two games,"
Weber told the squad. "Just have


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