WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE W E N S A , N V MEY, 9 5T l ~ C I G N D I YP C H F i li 4.i Lt L 1l1VLU W Michigan Supreme Court Orders Re-Apporti )ment By The Associated Press LANSING-The Michigan Su- preme Court yescterday invalidat- ed the state's present legislative districting arrangement and or- dered the Legislative Apportion- ment Committee to draw up new plans for the 1966 election. In five separate opinions, the court voted 5-3 to send the 1964 apportionment plan back to the commission to redraw districts for members of both houses of the Michigan Legislature. Two justices, Chief Justice Thomas M. Kavanaugh and As- sociate Justice Otis M. Smith, vot- ed to dismiss a petition by 33 citi- zens to have the plan remanded back to the commission. Associate Justice Theodore Sou- ris voted to hold up action until next Feb. 15 to give the Legisla- ture time to begin to make cor- rections in the constitutional ap- portionment provisions. But they were outvoted by the court majority and the plan was sent back. Affected are 110 House districts and 38 Senate districts. The petition asked the court to overturn the current districting and to send the problem back to the commission with orders to draw a new plan in accordance with the 1963 state constitution and "guidelines established by applicable decisions of the Su- preme Court of the United States." The petition by the 33-man team-most of them Republicans -charged the apportionment plan drawn by the Democratic mem- bers of the commission violated the 1963 Michigan constitution and that it was gerrymandered to insure topheavy Democratic majorities. The overhaul of the districts re- sulted in a near 60 per cent turn- over of legislators last year and a return to Democratic majorities for the first time in 30 years. The present plan was ordered by a 6-2 vote of the State Supreme Court from among plans submit- ted by commission members after the commission failed to agree on one plan by a constitutionally-set deadline. The court ordered on May 26, 1964 that a Republican-drawn plan be put into effect; but, after the U.S. Supreme Court's deci- sion on June 15, changed its .mind and ordered instead on June 22, 1964 that the adoption of the Democratic Austin-Kleiner plan to conform with the federal deci- sion. The plan was named for Demo- cratic Commissioners Richard Austin of Detroit and A. Robert Kleiner of Grand Rapids. Challengers claimed the rival Republican plan, drawn up by for- mer Gov. Wilbur M. Brucker of Detroit and William F. Hanna of Muskegon, is the only valid one because it was ordered by the court first. The state court, which had waited for several months for guidelines from Washington on population apportionment, had or- dered the Republican plan in des- peration when the entire 1964 elec- tion picture was thrown into chaos because of the lack of districts. But the justices -- five Demo- crats and three Republicans - were forced to shift their sights. when the "one man, one vote" de- cision was handed down. Only one Republican, Justice Michael D. O'Hara, sided with the Democrats to approve the present plan. The Republican-sponsored plan adhered closely to the 1963 con- stitution that required in part that State Senate districts be drawn according to a formula based 80 per cent on population and 20 per cent on area. One of the key questions debat- ed before the court May 11 was whether the area provision was the only one struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, or whether the rest of the apportion- ment section would also have to be thrown out. It requires that districts be compact, convenient, contiguous, as nearly uniform in shape as pos- sible-and that they stick where practicable to existing city, coun- ty and township boundaries. The Republican Brucker-Hanna plan honored those provisions. The present plan chops up town- ships, cities and counties into a maze of districts that are almost equal in population. But they also forced several incumbent leg- islators into primary races with each other. Th petitioners-headed by for- mer State Bar President Maxwell F. Badfley of Jackson and six former constitutional convention delegates-charged this was a fla- grant violation of the constitution and that it also discriminated against minority voters because of partisan gerrymandering. U.~S. econsid ers Using WILSON CRITICIZED: Rhodesians Predict Independence Near 17-Year-Olds in Viet U.S. Planes Rescue GI Near China Other Strikes Drop Newspapers over North Viet Nam Coast SAIGON (P-U.S. planes stag- ed their northernmost sea rescue of the Vietnamese war yesterday, plucking a reconnaissance pilot from the Gulf of Tonkin only about 70 miles from Red China's coast. The pilot is Capt. Norman P. Huggins, Mullins, S.C. The incident was a highlight in a day of aerial activity. As recounted by U.S. briefing offi- cers: Huggins' plane was hit by con- ventional ground fire while he was on a photo-reconnaissance mission over three surface-to-air missile sites 35 miles northeast of Hanoi that U.S. Air Force and Navy jets attacked Sunday. He nursed his crippled craft to- ward the gulf and finally bailed out over the water 57 miles east of the port of Haiphong. He landed considerably north of the area of previously successful search-and-rescue operations and spent an hour in his life raft. Narrow Rescue North Vietnamese machine gun- ners were closing in aboard a sam- pan and shooting at him when other fliers located him. Two U.S. dive bombers shot up the sampan. A plane piloted by Capt. David P. Westenbarger, Fairfield, Ohio, picked up Huggins. He was re- ported to be in good condition. U.S. Air Force F-105 Thunder- chief fighter-bombers made wide- ranging strikes over North Viet Nam. A spokesman said they blasted a communications station, a military camp and supply area, a truck park and several bridges. Other Raids There was also a raid of an- other kind. A U.S. C-130 Hercules dropped 5000 gift packages and 25,000 newspapers over a 90-mile stretch of the coast to help persuade North Vietnamese people that South Viet Nam has their inter- ests at heart. The largest such. drop of household goods so far, the packages contained cloth, plas- tics, needles, threat, notebooks, towels and undershirts. The New China News Agency broadcast a Hanoi declaration that three American planes were shot down. South Viet Nam In strikes south of the border, a spokesman said U.S. and Viet- namese planes destroyed or dam- aged nearly 500 Viet Cong struc- tures. U.S. B-52 jet bombers from Guam struck at a Viet Cong stronghold 35 miles northwest of Saigon in the Bot Lot forest. Re- sults of this foray were not re- ported. In the ground war, paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division killed four Viet Cong in fighting off an attack on an outpost near Qui Nhon, the spokesman said. The Americans were reported to have escaped with light rcasualties in that action, 260 miles north- east of Saigon. .Nam May Exclude All Draftees Under Age 18 Pentagon Says Study By Manpower Experts Being Carried Out WASHINGTON ()-The Pen- tagon is taking a new look at whether 17-year-old servicemen should be used in Viet Nam, it was learned yesterday. Under current policy, most 17- year-olds in uniform may be as- signed duty in Viet Nam or else- whre overseas. The only exception is in the case of youths who volunteer for the draft to get their service ob- ligation out of the way. These are held back from overseas until they reach 18. Asked whether consideration is being given to ruling out use of 17-year-olds in Viet Nam, the Defense Department replied: Stundy Under Way "There is a study now under way on this general subject. No decision has been made" The study is being carried out by officials who set manpower policies for all the armed services. "We don't know exactly how many 17-year-olds there are in Viet Nam," Pentagon authorities said. According to official statistics, 1.8 per cent of the enlisted men servicewide are 17. This includes young men still in basic training. Thus, officials said, odds are slight that many youths of that age are in the war zone. Under the law, no member of the armed forces-regardless of age-may be shipped overseas un- til he has finished at least four months of basic training or its equivalent. Parental Consent Military authorities noted that 17-year-olds are allowed to en- list only with the consent of their parents. It is assumed, these officials said, that such parents realize their sons may be subject to duty overseas, including a shooting war, after they have completed their basic training. A check of all the services re- sulted in a report that only one 17-year-old, a soldier is listed as killed in action in Viet Nam so far. The Marines, Navy and Air Force said they have suffered no such losses. Overall, the combat death toll stands at more than 846 service- men, according to the last offi- cial tally nearly a week ago. U.S. strength in Viet Nam- is placed officially at 148,380 men. SALISBURY, Rhodesia 1P) - Prime Minister Ian Smith warnedc Prime Minister Harold Wilson yes-c terday that, "The end of the1 road could be nearer than we think."l Apparently referring to a Rho- desian declaration of independ- nee, Smith was criticizing Wil- son's report to Parliament that a wide gap still existed on in-{ structions for a royal commission.1 The commission would try to work, out a formula for independence from British rule. Smith in a television address to the nation asked whether Wilson might be about to slam the door on last-minute moves to solve the deadlock. Britain wants eventually to provide Rhodesia's four million blacks with the vote. Rhodesia is ruled by the 225,000 whites. Royal Commission "The only way to reconcile the position between the two govern- ments as I see it is to allow the royal commission to get on with its work," Smith said.1 "And I sincerely hope Mr. Wil- son and his colleagues in Britain are not going to try to do the work or even part of the work on behalf of the commission before allowing the commission to com- mence." Government sources said Smith Sects Oppose Israeli Election TEL AVIV, Israel (M)-Religious zealots tried in vain yesterday to stop the voting in Israel's na- tional election. The balloting, put- ting David Ben-Gurion against an old friend, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, may result in a political deadlock. Sveral hundred zealots, mem- bers of the Naturei Karta ex- tremist sect that advocates rule by theocracy, demonstrated in Jerusalem's MEA Shearim quarter. They hoped to prevent fellow Or- thodox Jews from voting, but the demonstrations were unsuc- cessful. Deadlock may come as a result of 79-year-old Ben-Gurion's new Rafi Labor party. (Prime Minister Levi Eshkol's Mapai Labor party alignment took an early lead yesterday in unof- ficial and incomplete returns in the Israeli national electionss.) Eshkol, 70, Ben-Gurion's suc- cessosr as head of Mapa, urged his former close friend and asso- ciate to return to Mapai to avoid a deadlock and possibly new elec- tions. But it appeared unlikely that Ben-Gurion would heed such a call. Ben-Gurion split with Eshkol over Eshkol's personal endorse- ment of a cabinet decision to re- habilitate former Defense Min- ister Pinhas Lavon. Lavon was fir- ed in 1954 after the controversy, generally understood to have in- volved a spy or sabotage plot that failed and resulted in the death of Israeli agents in Egypt. would not allow the question of operating conditions for a royal commission to become the focal point for a fresh round of drag- ged-out negotiations. He met with his cabinet before going on tele- vision. The royal commission will de- cide if all the people of Rhodesia, white and black, want independ- ence under an amended constitu- tion. Th British and Rhodesian governments would have to agree on the amendments. London In London, the British cabinet could not agree on what the com- mission will discuss and what in- structions should be given it. Commonwealth Secretary Ar- thur Bottomley told the House of Commons that Wilson would make new proposals to Rhodesia on the commission as soon as agreement is found. Smith promised Queen Elizabeth II yesterday that his all-white government will "do all in its power" to find a solution to its - quarrel with the British govern- ment over independence. Smith's promise was conveyed in a message to the queen. Free to Michigan Students 25o- to others A new booklet, a non-profit educational founda- tion, tells which career fields lets you make the best use of all your college training, including liberal-arts courses-which career field offers 100,000 new jobs every year-which career field produces more corporation presidents than any other--what starting salary you can expect. Just send this ad with your name and address. This 24-page, career-guide booklet, "Oppor- tunities in Selling, will be mailed to you. No cost or obli- gation. Address: Council on Op- portunities, 550 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N. Y., MICH-11-1 READ THE DAILY -Associated Press A MAN WEARING the robes of a Buddhist Monk burned himself to death in Saigon's main Bud- dhist pagoda on the second anniversary of the overthrow and assassination of President Ngo Dien Diem. Buddhists monks examined the body, but could not determine his identity or motive. INDONESIA: Bulletin Reveals Communists May Have Led Sukarno Revolt EUROPE '66 U-M CHARTER FLIGHTS FLIGHT 1- MAY 3-J UNE 15 SABENA JET FLIGHT 2- MAY 13-AUGUST 13 TWA J ET FLIGHT 3- JUNE 28-AUGUST 14 BOAC JET LOW, LOW, RATES MASS MEETING NOV. 22 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE MICHIGAN UNION JAKARTA, Indonesia (P)-The Indonesian Communist party - PKI-was reported yesterday to have laid down a scheme to lead a revolution against the Indones- ian army. The Armed Forces Bulletin pub- lished a document it said includ- ed directives issued by the PKI Central Committee after the Oct. 1 coup attempt that revealed this plan. The document said that the PKI is "only supporting the Revolu- tionary Council" that was estab- lished by the short-lived coup. It added if the Revolutionary Coun- cil is crushed then the PKI will "directly confront" the council of generals which the coup leaders had accused of planning to stage a coup to overthrow President Su- karno. The document, which included World News Roundup guidelines for the party members, said, "Later, when the revolution would be directly led by the PKI, we can achieve victory because the command would be under the PKI -our hidden strength is in the armed forces." This is an indica- tion that the PKI would count on Communists who were said to have infiltrated the ranks of the armed forces. So far the PKI has failed to stage a large-scale action against the army which is conducting a merciless crackdown against the Communists throughout the coun- try. However, in central and east Java, the Communists have be- gun terrorism and sabotage in lim- ited areas. The army has launch- ed mopup operations in these areas which are reported to be still tense. The document said that when the situation becomes "tense a PKI national command staff would be established to fight on national level." ammmmemin.m.. - - ill By The Associated Press MOSCOW-The foreign minis- ters of France and the Soviet Un- ion agreed yesterday to continue high-level talks that could lead eventually to a new grand design for Soviet-French cooperation on European security. Then French Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville return- ed to Paris with an invitation to French President Charles de Gaulle to continue the talks in Moscow on the summit level. A joint communique indicated that Couve de Murville's five days of talks with top Soviet leaders involved little more than a broad restatement of well-known views. WASHINGTON - A man who carried a baby in his arms set fire to himself in front of the Pen- tagon yesterday and died short- ly thereafter. He was identified as Norman R. Morrison of Baltimore, Md., 31, who was a Quaker. An 18-month-old baby girl, whom he held in his arms as he set himself afire, escaped injury. THIS SUNDAY NEWMAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION presents EVENING OF SONG with Sister Mary Lorena, S.S.J. Friday, Nov. 5 8:00 P.M. Program presents PAUL GOODMAN THE HONORARY ANGRY YOUNG MAN ON THE AMERICAN CAMPUS They're New! They're Wild! I They're "GI DDI EST!" These clever little homilies come with their own frames, perfect for livening up any wall, party, or conversational vacuum. ATTENTION: FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES JUNIOR YEAR ABROAD II I I I II II