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October 31, 1965 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-31

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Is a

Lon g-A waited


of Power

Happy days are here again,
We'l enjoy that keg of beer
There's a back who's in the clear
Happy days are ,here again!
Racking his brains to the bone,
Anonymous was right on the beam
again with this verse which he
ripped off during Michigan's foot-
ball rebirth yesterday.
Wisconsin came on the field,
lined up to receive the opening
kickoff, fooled around with the
ball for a cou'ble of plays .. . and
then BLAM!
They never knew what hit them.
It was Michigan's point-a-min-
ute team of another era, some said..
Forget it. This was more or less

(actually less) the same squad
that has been hemmed in offen-
sively since the first half of the
first game of the season by pen-
alties, fumbles, injuries, and just
bad luck. Yesterday 66,907 fans
watched things fall into place.
They fell in and locked there
for 60 minutes and 50 points.
Best for Bump

This is the
the Blue have
Coach Bump
since a 54-27

highest point
racked up for
Elliott, their
slaughter of


nesota in 1951.
It got to the point where Mich-
igan's cheerleaders, counting out
scores with back flips off the low
wall around the field, were getting
air sick.,
And it was only by the grace
of Bump Elliott, who started go-
ing through six full teams after

program schedule
Tune in the Philharmonic each Sunday at 2:00 p.m.,
(WUOM-FM, 91.7 on your dial), brought to you through
special arrangements between the University of Mich-
igan, Ann Arbor Federal and the Liberty Music Shop.
The current program schedule is:
Sunday, October 31
SZELL, Conducting; GRAFFMAN, Pianist'
Moussorgsky: Prelude, "Khovantchina";
Prokofieff: Piano Con. No. 3;
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5
Sunday, November 7
SZELL, Conducting; CURZON, Pianist
Mozart: Ov. "Marriage of Figaro"; Mozart: Piano
Con., 3 K. 595; Bruckner: Symphony No. 7

the first five minutes of the sec-
ond half, that the Wolverines'
scoring total was 10 short of be-
ing unforgettable or infamous, de-
pending on your point of view.
Laying for Hayes
The last time 50 points were
scored in the Big Ten was in 1961,
when Ohio State poured it on
with its first string to rip the
Blue 50-20 at Columbus. Woody
Hayes' gesture was and will be
remembered , for quite awhile in
Ann Arbor.
But yesterday it was different.
In the opening minutes it was a
friendly, one-sided game. The 50-
14 final score wasn't fought for,
it just happened. In the second
half the scoring was done with
In all the Wolverines had the
ball for an incredible 93 plays.
And it seemed as though they
put every one of them to good use,
as they finished with an overall
average of 5.5 yards per play.
Blue rushing netted 361 of a to-
tal of 513 yards.
Finally Happens
"Everything just came to us,"
said Elliott in the dressing room
after the game. "It's been a long
time in coming, but once things
start rolling they just aren't go-
ing to get stopped."
Wisconsin Coach Milt Br'uhn
realized exactly wsat was going,
on and, after the battle, statedj
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that he "would never accuse Bump
Elliott of pouring it on."
It was all over before many
people had entered the Stadium-
with Michigan's first offensive
play. The Badgers had scraped out
three yards in three plays after
Paul D'Eramo's opening kickoff.
Then Blue quarterback Wally
Gabler took the snap at his own
48, stepped back into the pocket,
and fired the picture bomb that

Michigan has been waiting for for
years to Jack Clancy at the 10-
yard line. Clancy tucked it away
and beat safety Bob Grossman
into the end zone with 1:39 gone
in the game.
"If it hadn't been the first play
it would have been another," ad-
mitted Bruhn. "We were never
in the game. We were outcharged
and outfought all over the field.
"This team looked more like


the. Michigan of last year than And he scrambled: back 20 yards: pointed offensive line coach Tony
the one we've been seeing on films . . . in circles 10 yards . . . right 20 Mason toward the playing area,
this year. That whole team was yards ... and then (finally) for- but Mason's look said that he
outstanding today." ward 28 yards for a first down. didn't think it was his turn quite
The Wolverines pulled out all yet.
the stops and used just about But Fisher was the Wolver- Elliott commented that it defi-
every play in their book. They ines' Iron Horse, and when Wis- nitely felt better to be on the
ran the roll-out option to perfec- consin's defense keyed on him it safe side of some fumbles and in-
tion, the halfback pass, the "Al- got double-crossed by Rick Sy- terceptions for a change. Tom
ley Oop" play, the "scramble" play gar. Fisher, besides blocking, car- Cecchini, Rick Volk, Louis Lee,
and on defense the safety play, ried 20 times for 106 yards and and Dick Bass each picked off an
the fumble play, and the inter- was never pinned for a loss. He aerial while Cecchini, Volk, and
ception play ... and they all work- played only five minutes of the George Knapp recovered fumbles.
ed. second half. And it was the Badgers' soph
Master Scheme The 215-pound fullback ran in- QB, Chuck Burt, whose fumble
Asked about the game plan for side, outside, and around the in his end zone (after Stan
Wisconsin, Elliott explained that Badger line, showing an unusual Kemp had punted out of bounds
it was simple "to win!" amount of speed turning the cor- on the two-foot line) gave Mich-
"We contained them and found ners. igan a safety.

that the best thing for us to do
was run around end.I
"The plays seemed to be execut-
ed a little better this week, but
the important thing was that we
didn't beat ourselves. There are
times when you can't do anything
Individual performances were
outstanding. '
Carl Ward picked up 85 yards on
the ground in only six carries. This
included a 52-yard romp- around
left end on Michigan's second play
from scrimmage. For this one he
had to be sprung by a key block
from Dave Fisher (did you say
Dave Fisher?).
Although in the past "block"
and "Dave Fisher" have been con-
sidered contradictory when used
together, things seemed to have
Ward Does It Again
On another play, with a third-
and-seven situation on the Badger
26, Ward ran his by now polished
"Scramble Play." Taking a hand-
off from Gabler, the, halfback
rolled left but didn't enjoy the
view, so he switched directions.

Caught 'Em Looking
But when Wisconsin was look-
ing too hard and leaning in Fish-
er's direction, Gabler would turn
around, his back to the line, make
a neat fake to his fullback going
right and hand off to Sygar go-
ing left.
In addition to his 4.2-yard rush-
ing average, Sygar pulled off an-
other halfback-pass play for a 26-
yard TD strike to Clancy, who had
left his defender in the dust.
Gabler had what was perhaps
his finest collegiate day. He ran
for 48 yards (netting 24) and two
TD's, and had the scoring bomb
to Clancy among 121 air yards.
But his execution and judgment,
especially on the roll-out option,
were what made his game.
Subs Rack Up Yardage
After Sygar's bomb, the entire
backfield was switched to include
Dick Vidmer, John Rowser and
Ernie Sharpe, and Tim Radigan
(together they netted an addi-
tional 94 yards on the ground).
and ,substitutions became whole-
After Dave Fisher came out, he

Chance for Recovery
Elliott could afford to retire Bill
Yearby, Rocky Rosema (whose leg
was banged up late in the sec-
ond quarter), and Tom Cecchinj
(who was at the' wrong end of a'
shoe-top tackle, reinjuring his an-
kle, on an interception return)
early. Neither injury is consider-
ed significant. He was also able
to rest members of his defensive
secondary as early as the second
But Wisconsin was at a distinct
disadvantage for most of the way,
since it was obvious that they
weren't going anywhere on the
ground. -Nor, because of the score,
could they even affprd to try.
They carved out 20 yards on the
ground against a first-string de-
fense, and later added 57 against
the rest of the team.
On the other hand, Burt threw
for 130 yards on 13 connections
in the opening stanza, but fired
only three strikes for 31 yards in
the second half.
But by late in the game it had
become a scrimmage between two
red teams anyway.




-Daily-Jim Lines
end Warren Dyer's grasp on a rollout. Gabler completed 5 passes
for 121 yards and rushed 9 times for gains totaling 48 yards,
though losses reduced his net to 24 yards.


Longhorns Lose Third Straight at Hands- of SMU

By The Associated Press
DALLAS, Tex.-Sophomore Jim
Hagle's 93-yard touchdown 'run
broke open a tight gamedand Ron-
nie Reel's .58-yard return of an
intercepted pass clinched it yes-
terday as Southern Methodist beat
Texas 31-14 to stay in the run-
ning for the Southwest Confer-
ence football championship.
Southern Methodist jammed
three touchdowns into the final
period to humiliate the proud
Southern Methodist was beating
Texas for the first time in six
years, and it was the first time in
10 years for Texas to lose three
games in a row.

Ole Miss Upsets LSU
JACKSON, Miss. - Mississippi,
playing like the mighty Rebel
teams of the past, stunned crip-
pled Louisiana State 23-0 yester-
day and virtually knocked the
fifth-ranked Tigers out of the
Southeastern Conference football
Hard-hitting Mississippi de-
fenders captured four LSU fum-
bles and picked off three passes
as the Tigers bowed for the sec-
ond time in three conference
Three of the LSU errors were
converted into Mississippi points
as the rebounding Rebels rolled
to their third straight triumph.
Halfback Mike Dennis scored


As you know, people are better than machines
when it comes to fine details in finishing a suit
or dress. That's why Greene's have fashion-wise,
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hand before it goes to final assembly.
It's another "Finishing Touch" Greene's cus-
tomers have come to expert.

twice for Mississippi, on a one-
yard run and a five-yard sprint.
His second touchdown, at the
start of the third quarter, put the
Rebels in front 16-0, and line-
backer James Nelson clinched the
upset with a 26-yard touchdown
run with an intercepted pass.
Louisiana State, which had av-
eraged 24 points a game in win-
ning five of its first six starts,
never threatened as its attack
sputtered with quarterback Nel-
son Stokely on the sidelines.
Huskers Die a Little
COLUMBIA, Mo.-Fred Duda,
a tricky runner and bold passer,
led third-ranked Nebraska in a
tremendous comeback to a 16-14
victory over Missouri yesterday on
little Larry Wachholtz's 26-yard
field goal.
The winning field goal by Wach-
holtz with 5:56 left in the game
capped Nebraska's uphill fight
after trailing 14-0 in the first
Nebraska's victory, seventh in a
perfect season, made Bob Deva-
ney's club an overwhelming fa-
vorite to sweep on to the Big Eight
football championship. A record
crowd of 58,000 watched the Ti-
gers fall to 4-2-1 for the season,
3-1 in the league.
Quarterback Gary Lane led Mis-
souri to two touchdowns its first
two times with the ball for its
amazing 14-0 first quarter lead.

6OIL-Z99--4sj! 'S tZZ-sI'S :/W NOSIOHIN-
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wdi OOOSL dij LZ suOJ4 ds 5 'wa4SAS uoip3aIul
S,O LOD)l 4'I~M OU elqolloAo 0 LO'DA 996 L-

The Huskers stormed back behind
Duda, cutting it to 14-13 at half-
Missouri gave ground grudging-
ly in Nebraska's 51-yard drive that
set up the winning field goal. A
15-yard personal foul penalty hurt
the Tigers, moving the Huskers
to the Missouri 17.
The running of Duda and 217-
pound sophomore Charlie Winters
led the winning drive. Missouri
tried to come back, but halfback
Kaye Carstens made a key fourth-
down tackle on Earl Denny at the
Nebraska 39.
* * *
Gators Grounded
AUBURN, Ala. - Quarterback
Alex Bowden threw two touch-
down passes and linebacker Bill
Cody scored on a pass intercep-
tion and a recovered fumble yes-
terday to give Auburn a 28-17 up-
set football victory over seventh-
ranked Florida.
A crowd of 45,000 howling 'fans
saw Auburn win its 15th home-
coming game in 'a row, this one a
regionally televised affair. It was
Florida's. 11th consecutive unsuc-
cessful attempt to beat the Tigers
on Auburn's home grounds.
An inspired, come-from-behind
Auburn team struck with swift
fury for 14 points in the third
quarter after a listless first half
had netted the Tigers only 11
yards rushing and 44 in the air.
Syracuse Stomps
NEW YORK - Floyd Little
rambled for four touchdowns,
marking his biggest explosion of
the season, 'as a rampaging Syra-
cuse football team romped over
Pitt 51-13 yesterday.
Syracuse's third straight victory
and fifth in seven games came
surprisingly easy.
Little, a junior who threatens to
surpass the amazing feats of past
Syracuse stars Jimmy Brown and
Ernie Davis, scored 'two touch-
downs in the second quarter-on a
15-yard run and on a 95-yard
punt return-and two in the third
--on runs of one and 26 yards.



In Syracuse's first six games
this season, Little scored three
touchdowns in three different
His 95-yard ramble against Pitt
was his fifth long TD run of the
year. He also has scored on runs
of 69, 72, 85 and 91 yards.


MICHIGAN 50, Wisconsinl4
Illinois 20, Purdue 0
Indiana 21, Iowa 17
Michigan State 49, Northwestern 7
Ohio State 11, Minnesota 10
Nebraska16, Missouri 14
Texas Tech 27, Rice 0
Auburn 28, Florida 17
SMU 31, Texas 14
Mississippi 23, LSU 0
Kansas 34, Kansas State 0
Georgia Tech 35, Duke 23
Georgia 47, North Carolina 35
Colorado 13, Oklahoma 0
California 21, Penn State 17
Washington 41, Stanford 8
TCU 10, Baylor 7
Maryland 27, South Carolina 14
Kentucky 28, West Virginia 8
William Jewell 20, Nebraska Wes. 0
Hamilton 28, Wesleyan 0
Clemson 26, Wake Forest 13
North Carolina St. 13, Virginia 0
Notre Dame 29, Navy 3
Princeton 45, Brown 27
Massachusetts 41, Vermont 6
Cornell 20, Columbia 6
Colgate 29, Army 28
Boston College 41, VMI 12
Boston University 30, Rutgers 0
Connecticut 27, New Hampshire 0
Holy Cross 20, Buffalo 7
Harvard 10, Pennsylvania 10 (tie)
Syracuse 51, Pittsburgh 13
Dartmouth 20, Yale 17
UCLA 10, Air Force 0
Utah 22, Colorado State 19
Oregon 17, Idaho 14
Washington State 10, Oregon State 8
Vanderbilt 13, Tulane 0
N. Texas State 28, Cincinnati 24
Wooster 47, Hiram 12,
Miami (Ohio) 23, Bowling Green 7
Iowa State 14, Oklahoma State 10
Utah State 34, Brigham Young 21
Indiana (Pa) 14, Slippery Rock 7
Alabama 10, Mississippi State 7
Toronto 4, Detroit 3
Chicago 6, Montreal 4
New York 8, Boston 2
Philadelphia 134, Cincinnati 114
St. Louis 122, Detroit 95


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