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October 31, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-31

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Neutrals Press China for



Nonaligned countries are trying
to find out whether Communist
China would attend a world dis-
armament conference if the UN
General Assembly should call for
Diplomatic sources said yester-
day that 'the question was raised
at a private meeting of such
countries here last Wednesday and
referred to those on good terms
with Peking to be passed along
to that capital.
They said the main idea was to

discover how to draft a resolution
for the conference that would in-
sure Communist China's attend-
ance despite that country's pro-
nounced hostility toward the
United Nations.
Cairo Meeting
The Cairo summit meeting of
57 nonaligned countries in Octo-
ber 1964 urged that the participat-
ing countries work in the assembly
to convene "a world disarmament
conference under the auspices of
the United Nations to which all
countries would be invited."
The main object of such a con-

ference would be to bring into
disarmament talks the two nu-
clear powers not yet involved-
France, which is boycotting the
Geneva negotiations, and Com-
munist China, which was never in-
vited to those negotiations and
does not have a UN seat.
Before the Cairo summit took
place, Communist China had pro-
posed a world conference for a
specific purpose-to ban and scrap
all nuclear weapons,
Campaign of Abuse
However, when Indonesia an-
nounced its withdrawal from the

United Nations at the turn of the
year, the Chinese Communists be-
gan a campaign of abuse against
the United Nations that culmi-
nated in the charge that it had
become "a tool of the United
States" to facilitate aggression.
So when 36 nonaligned coun-
tries introduced a resolution for
a world disarmament conference
in the UN Disarmament Commis-
sion here last June, they omitted
the reference to UN auspices.
Resolution Adopted
The commission adopted the
resolution 89-1 on June 11. Of the

Royal Commission To Study
Demands for Independence'

nuclear powers represented, Brit-
ain and the Soviet Union voted
for it but the United States and
France were among 16 countries
Now that the assembly is about
to take up the question, the Unit-
ed Arab Republic has drafted a
tentative resolution, which was
shown last Wednesday to dele-
gates from other countries that
attended the Cairo summit.
Diplomats generally expect that
the assembly will call for a world
disarmament conference to be held
toward the end of 1966.



Win in

Viet Battle


Reaction Varies
From Fruitcakes
To Demonstrations
By The Associated Press
While Americans across the na-
tion found ways yesterday to show
their support of U.S. policy on
Viet Nam-the ways ranging from
an "Operation Fruitcake"-in Rich-
mond, Va., to a mass march down
New York City's Fifth Avenue-
students from other nations show-
ed varied reaction to U.S. policies.
Through demonstrations, gift
collection campaigns, letters, and
blood donor drives, young and
old citizens came forward to ex-
press support for American troops
in Viet Nam and approve their
presence there.
The Fifth Avenue parade, like
most of the other expressions" of
support of President Johnson's
Viet Nam policy, came about as
an answer to recent draft card
burnings and other demonstra-
tions against U.S. involvement in
Viet Nam.
'Victory' Signs
Signs carried by the marchers
read "Victory Over Viet Cong"
and "Fight the Reds in Viet Nam
and New York ,City." Many
marchers held small American
There were several incidents
when antiwar demonstrators ap-
peared on the sidelines with a
sign or a remark against Viet-
namese involvement. One' man
with a sign reading "Profits Equal
Murder" was pummeled by about
40 marchers and suffered head and
rib injuries.
At the head of the parade were
five metropolitan area men who
have won ' the nation's highest
military decoration, the Congres-
sional Medal of Honor.
Young and Foolish
One of the marching medal
holders, John Meagher, of Jersy
City, N. J., dismissed the Oct. 16
antiwar marchers as "young and
"When they grow older," he
said, "they'll realize how foolish
they were."
The "Operation Fruitcake" was
the idea of the Woodman Civic
Assn. of Richmond. The fruit-
cakes were sold at shopping cen-
ters, and each cake will be sent
to a serviceman in Viet Nam with
a Christmas card from the pur-
Worldwide Student Opinion
Meanwhile, on the whole, a
sampling of student opinion on
three continents suggests the U.S.
image has not fared as badly as
the clamor often raised by the
vocal left might indicate.
A Philippino student feels "Red
China is helping-North Viet Nam,
so the United States should help
S South Viet Nam."
A Latin American youth boils
at the word "intervention," and
thus condemns the American role
in Southeast Asia as he sees it.
Many European students could
not care less about the U.S. role
in Viet Nam.
The demonstrations, teach ins,
draft card burnings and the like
in the United States have cap-
tured student attention abroad.
But sympathy, or lack of it, de-
pends upon the individual student,
his background, his area, his poli-
tical orientation and his own
nation's problems.
Japan's campus publications
constantly discuss Viet Nam and
authorities say almost all oppose
U.S. actions.

Some students profess to be
favorably impressed by draft card
burnings in the United States
end some, even though describ-
ing themselves as moderate in
view, agree that the Americans
ought to give up trying to solve
the Indochina problems with arms.

-Associated Press
VIET CONG ARE REPORTED to be building their forces in highlands north, of Saigon, shaded
area (A). U.S. Marines today killed 56 Viet Cong in a "human wave" assault-on their position
south of Da Nang (B), while another guerrilla force fired mortars at the U.S. Special Forces camp
at Plei Me (C).
Peace Force Troops Destroy
Restaurant in Rebel Sectionl.

Republic ()-Brazilian troops in
the inter-American Peace Force
shot up a seaside restaurant in
the rebel zone of Santo Domingo
yesterday, killing a waiter. The
shooting followed an argument
involving, civilians after a Brazil-
ian soldier was refused service.
None of the other patrons was
hurt by the hail of bullets that
badly damaged the restaurant.
A spokesman for the Peace Force
said an investigation was under
way and that there would be no

immediate comment.
The incident was one in the
series of violent acts that have
claimed 15 lives since the assas-
sination of a conservative poli-
tical leader Oct. 16.
Four workers were shot and kill-
ed Friday in a clash with police
at a nearby sugar mill.
Details of the shooting at the
Cesare Restaurant on George
Washington Avenue, only a block
from a police station, were given
by Vittorio Torino, an Italian na-
tional and part owner of the res-

World News. Roundup

By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI, India-The De-
fense Ministry reported 10 to 12
Chinese soldiers intruded about
100 yards into the Indian pro-
tectorate of Sikkim on the Sabu
Pass in midweek and withdrew
when engaged by Indian border
* * *
MOSCOW-The Soviet Union
yesterday announced a second
series of booster rocket shots in
the Pacific Ocean area for the
next two months. Another series
was announced Friday.
KEY WEST, Fla. - A Coast
Guard cutter brought in 50 Cu-
bans yesterday from distressed
craft of the motley refugee flee't.
And from Havana came indica-
tions that a few more exile boats
will be allowed to load passengers
in Cuba despite an announced
suspension of the pickup.
* * *
White House announced yesterday
that President Johnson has signed
a bill granting a 3.6 per cent pay,
increase to 1.8 million federal em-
ployes, including postal workers.
The pay raise is the second for
federal workers in two years.
* * *

New no-silver 25-cent pices with
a copper-colored edge will go into
circulation Monday, President
Johnson announced yesterday.
The new coins will circulate side
by side with old quarters having
a 90 per cent silver content. The
new model is a three-layered item
with heads and tails of a copper-
nickel alloy bonded to a core of
pure copper.
* * *
BONN-The West German gov-
ernment announced a 14-day sur-
vival ration kit costing -$5 per
personrwillnbe marketed to help
householders comply with a law
effective Jan. 1 requiring storage
of a fortnight's food supplies for
use in case of war and disaster.
The ration has been tested on men
and women living in separate
shelters-starting with about half
the normal German calorie intake
and tapering off from there.
VATICAN CITY - The Vatican
Ecumenical Council began a 10-
day recess yesterday that could
bring action on a long awaited
papal letter on mixed marriages.
As a preliminary for preparing
for the postcouncil period, the
cardinals anounced a 10-day per-
iod of daily 2%-hour spiritual re-
treats and invited all council
fathers to attend them.

taurant, which caters to pro-rebel
Torino gave this version:
A Brazilian soldier ordered a
soft drink. When he was served,
about 50 other patrons left in
protest. The soldier was told he
could not be served again and
left. The patrons returned.
Soldier Returns
Shortly aftr midnight the same
soldier came back and engaged a
Dominican civilian in conversa-
tion. Some of the patrons became
angry and argued with the Do-
minican. A scuffle ensued. A jeep-
load of inter-American military
police, including Brazilians and an
American, arrived. The Brazilians
in the jeep opened fire. Soon
other Brazilians, posted along the
seashore across the street, also be-
gan shooting at the restaurant.
"We all had our hands up but
they kept shooting," said Torino.
"It was then that the waiter was
struck in the head. If it hadn't
been for the American soldier who
quieted down the Brazilians, Lord
knows what would have happen-
Passive Resistance
Some rebel sympathizers in the
downtown sector are practicing a
form of passive resistance to the
occupation of the former rebel
zone by inter-American Peace
Force troops by refusing them
requests for food or water or the
use of bathroom facilities. Much
of the population, however, is eith-
er indifferent or friendly to the
Some demonstrations against the
Peace Force also have been held,
including another small one yes-
terday morning that was quickly
dispersed without force.
The Brazilians have come under
sharp criticism from Dominicans
for their tactics in dispersing dem-
In other developments:
-U.S. tanks used in the occupa-
tion of the central part of Santo
Domingo earlier this week were
withdrawn to the outskirts. But
2000 troops remained.

Cong Forces
Attack Camp,
Kill Threea
First 'Human Wave'
Assault Pushed Back,
56 Viet Cong Dead
SAIGON, South Viet Nam ()-
A company of U.S. Marines met
and vanquished a Viet Cong hu-
man wave assault, the first thef
Red guerrillas have triednagainst
the Leathernecks, at a tent campI
10 miles southwest of Da Nangi
The Marine camp was the major
target in a flurry of Viet Cong
strikes that included mortar shell-
ing of the Special Forces camp at
Plei Me in the central highlands,1
where U.S. and Vietnamese reliefs
forces broke a week-long siege1
Monday. Others were made in the
Mekong Delta.
A U.S. military spokesman said
the 300-man Marine force and
supporting jet fighters, in an
hour-long predawn fight, killed 56
Viet Cong, many of them teen-
agers that the Marines thought
had just been conscripted from
nearby vilages.
Moderate Losses
Marine losses were officially de-
scribed as moderate. However,
men on the scene said the Viet
Cong killed three Marines at a
nine-man outpost in the opening
phase and one squad of 14 was
eliminated in the close quarter
fighting that followed, withtwo
killed and the others wounded.
The camp is one of many hill-
side posts established as the outer
defense of the Da Nang Air Base,
380 miles northeast of Saigon,
from which U.S. and South Viet-
namese squadrons fly against both
the Viet Cong and Communist
North Viet Nam.
A picked group of 100 from a
guerrilla detachment estimated at
300 to 400 launched the attack at
2:30 a.m., little more than 48
hours after the Viet Cong suicide
squads wrought havoc among
planes and helicopters on Marine
air strips at Marble Mountain
and Chu Lai, in the same general
Turned Back
Gunfire and hand-to-hand
fighting turned them back.
"We dropped a lot of Viet Cong
with pistols," said Sgt. Harry
Dowdy of Salisbury, Md. "They
came right up to our holes."
Leatherneck patrols moved out
in pursuit after the Viet Cong
survivors pulled back. But they
returned empty handed.
The city of Da Nang was tem-
porarily placed off limits to all
U.S. military personnel because of
the guerrilla activity and the fact
that Monday is a Vietnamese holi-
day, in which Viet Cong agitators
might stir up trouble. About 30,000
U.S. servicemen are based in the
Da Nang area.
New Offensive
Yesterday's activity suggested
the guerrillas may be on the verge
of a new offensive to prove that
the military buildup of the Unit-
ed States, which now has about
150,000 men in Viet Nam, has not
blunted the determination of the
Red high command.
Senior U.S. military sources in
Saigon said Communist North
Viet Nam has infiltrated fresh
troops into the central highlands
for what could be one of the show-
down battles of the war. They
said 10 or 11 Communist regiments
are roaming the area now and
seven of these are North Viet-

namese units.I


SALISBURY, Rhodesia ({)-The
prime ministers of Britain and
Rhodesia agreed yesterday on a
proposed royal commission to
study the African colony's demand
for independence, easing slightly
the deadlock that has gripped ne-
Prime Minister Ian Smith of
Rhodesia warned, however, that
if the commission doesn't deliver
results, "it would be the end of
the road" and his white minority
government would resort to "the
other step," a unilateral declara-
tion of independence.
British Prime Minister Harold
Wilson, in a statement before
leaving Salisbury after a week of
talks, also had words of warning
to both the black nationalists and
the white Rhodesians. He told the
nationalists Britain would not use
force to bring in a one-man, one-
vote law, and he told the whites
that if Rhodesia should unilater-
ally declare independence, Britain
would counter with economic, poli-
tical and constitutional measures.
Smith told a cheering crowd
in Rusape that if Wilson had not
flown to Salisbury for the talks,
"the country would have taken
its independence-it would have
been done and over."
He said Rhodesians must be
patient and wait several months
for a negotiated independence.
He added: "If negotiations
break down, we will carry out the
inevitable step."
There was wild cheering and
The Rhodesian leader indicated
a decision could be forthcoming
sooner than in several months,
however. He said the royal com-
mission's most difficult step would
be to produce an agreement re-
garding the present Rhodesian
Constitution, adopted in 1961.

"It is possible that the exercise
may fall down over this step, in
which case we will know in a
couple of days whether we have
come to the end of the road," he
Wilson, at his final news con-
ference here, said, "The door is
open for agreement."
He said hopes lie in the royal
commission to solve the constitu-
tional problem that lies in the way
of Britain's granting independence
to his self-governing colony.
Smith's white government has
threatened a declaration of in-
dependence that would allow Rho-
desia's 3.8 million blacks little or
no say in governmental affairs.

TICKETS: $3.50/couple
Sale starts Nov. 2 at International Center
PROCEEDS: Foreign Students Emergency Loan Fund


4 A

Political and economic power now
lies in the hands of 225,000 whites,
mostly of British heritage.
Wilson came here Monday and
had talks with 126 Rhodesian
leadeers of opinion. They included
two banned African nationalist
leaders, Joshua Nkomo and the
Rev. Ndabaningi Sithole. They
head rival groups but Wilson man-
aged to get them to sit down to-
gether under his chairmanship.
Wilson made it clear to them
that Britain is not willing otuse
military measures to get the 1961
Rhodesian constitution changed
and that time would have to elapse
before the "one man, one vote"
goal can be achieved.


PLACE: Michigan Union Ballroom


Nov. 12-8:30 P.M.


Maximilian Band

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Author of four books, contributor to
legal and theological journals, visit-
ing lecturer to numerous law and
theological schols, Stringfellow is a
lawyer and Episcopal layman who does
not try to speak for Negroes and
Puerto Ricans in the Harlem ghetto
but who does underline the failure of
the American legal system to provide
equal justice for the poor, and the re-
luctance of the churches to "be in-
volved in the racial crisis beyond the
point of pontification."

(Practicing Attorney in Harlem,
author and lecturer)
SUNDAY, 7:15 p.m.: "The Scandal of the Church"
Lutheran Student Center,
Hill Street at South Forest Ave
MONDAY, 4:15 p.m.: University Lecture
"The Challenge of Harlem to the
Renewal of the Church"
Multipurpose Rm., Undergrad Library
"It was to Harlem that I came from the Harvard Law
School. I came- to Harlem to'live, to work there as a lawyer,
to take some part in the politics of the neighborhood, to be
a layman in the Church there. It is now seven years later.
In what I now relate about Harlem, I do not wish to indulge
in horror stories, though that would be easy enough to do."



TODAY 2:00 & 8:00

ll IC '

I William Stringfellow




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