a r'r nfIA T. Ii
Hike Tuition, Dorm Fees
(continued f'rom Page 1) "small double," which formerly
tion even more itlicredible," Feren- cost the same as a triple, has been
cy said, "is that ft follows closely eliminated.
on the heels of tbae largest appro- Living Uhits
priation granted ho the University The across-the-board hike ap-
by state and fede -al governments plies to all but four living units.
in recent years." Although with few exceptions
But Gov. Geo de Ronney has freshmen are required to live in
twice defended the University residence halls, some students
against Ferency'4 criticism. Tak- with sophomore standing or above
ing the position jhat the Regents. voluntarily signed up last Spring
as an autonomouis board, have for residence hall accommodations
the right to inde pendently adjust ! in 1965-66. Administrators felt
fees, he has calle l Ferency's state- that their decision to return might
ments "sheer pop ?ycock" and "an- have been different if they had
other in a series of Ferency fan- known about the rate increase, so
tasies." the housing office notified them
New Itrates that, they could cancel their con-
When the new, tuition rates go tracts during the two-week period
into effect in thi i fail, fees for following the fee hike.
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The housing office
processed all replies
has not yet
from such
Heyns, Top U' V-P,
Goes to Berkeley
Under the new f~e schedule, the
University. will havie the highest
tuition charges of atty state school
in Michigan, assumiig none of the
other nine state inmitutions raise
fees before the fall term.. In 1964-
65, the University ranked seventh
for resident freshm~in and sopho-
mores, third for re ident juniors
and seniors and fir t for nonresi-f
Although adminisiators expect
tle tuition hike to Fiing in extra
gross revenue of rougihly $1.75 mil-
lion, the University's net gain' will
be somewhat less; tis is largely
due to the $250,000 increase in
student aid funds, $150,000 of
which was added expl city because
of the tuition increase.
The $50 residence hall increase
will bring the cost of a triple room
to $895. Doubles will cost $950 and
singles $1010. The category of
Breakey Rules
On Ordinane
(Continued from Page 1)'
despite Kelley's different opinion.
"The local housing ordinance is
legal, for it in no' way attempts
to authorize what the legislature
his forbidden, or forbids what
the legislation has authorized.
There is nothing between the pro-
visions of the state statute and
the local ordinance which might
* prevent their effective co-exist-
ence," Breakey explained.
Asked if he would appeal
Breakey's decision, Kelley replied
that he has not been directly in-
volved and neither had the state'sI
Civil Rights Commission nor any
state agency.
"The litigation," Kelley contin-
ued, "involved local law and local
individuals. We would therefore
be unable to make a determina-
tion, at this point, as to whether
or not we would intervene, until
we have considered the court's
findings. We will then make a de-
termination as to the state's in-
terests in an appeal."
. Informed sources close to the
-case have speculated that in view
of Kelley's past stand, he will be
forced to appeal this case, making
a test case of it.
(Continued from Page 1)
dent Hatcher said after the closed
The next day, he reported that
Heyns had asked that no "patch-
work administrative reorganiza-
tion" be enacted on his behalf.,
Heyns did not acknowledge this
directly, but declared that "I
have been very moved by. the
many eloquent expressions of sup-
port for my work here from fac-
ulty, students and my adminis-
trative colleagues in the schools
and colleges; and these statements
will weigh heavily in my final de-
cision. The challenge and appeal
of the University comes from
these statements, not from pos-
sible changes."
Tenure Highlights
Heyns' unusually intense sup-
port within the University has re-
sulted from several aspects of his
three-year tenure in the academic
affairs vice-presidency.
-Heyns is known as a "faculty
man." He was a graduate student,
then a member of the psychology
faculty, then dean, in the .Univer-
sity's literary college, and thus has
close relations with many faculty
members. In the vice-presidency,
he has established' a reputation
for ,consulting the faculty free'
quently in making policy deci-
sions-an extremely popular prac-
tice among a faculty very pro-
tective about its own prerogatives.
-'Ie is known as an innovator,
an administrator concerned with
improving the University rather
than just keeping it functioning..
-Though his job generally iso-
lates him from direct contact with
students, those interested in Uni-
versity affairs generally see him
as one of the "student's friends"
in the bureaucracy.
'Difficult Task'
Heyns, in announcing his de-
cision said it "turned out to be
one of the most difficult tasks of
my career.
"I have may regrets about leav-
ing this wonderful institution," he
said, but he stressed the "impos-
ing challenge" of the Berkeley job
as the major determinant in his
Smith's appointment was made
within a week and a half after his
predecessor decided to leave the
University, and accept Berkeley's
Rapid Selection
According to University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher the rapid se-
lection of the new head of the Of-
fice of Academic Affairs was im-
perative because of the need for
the new xice-president to get the
experience of preparing the Uni-
versity budget request u n d e r
Explaining why. Smith w a s
chosen over Dean William Hub-
' bard of the Medical School, the
runner-up in the selection pro-
cess, once source said that Hub-
bard's "extremely powerful per-
sonality would have clashed with
other tbp University administra-
Advice From
An Old-Timer:
Hit the Books
(Continued from Page 1)
something like, "Briefly compare
the origins, theory and practice of
Communism and Democracy."
You will find it to your advant-
age not to try to be overly cre-
ative in answering essay questions.
Teachers appear to be searching
mainly for facts. The facts they
want are merely the . ones they
told you pr made you read. In
other words, if you effectively give
back on the test what they gave
you, you will be doing well.
All this' doesn't sound very ex-
citing. And it isn't. But as far as
I can tell the idea is that some
basic facts have to be driven into
your mind before you can be al-
lowed to think, probe, originate
and reate.
If you get one interesting course
be satisfied. Reportedly things get
Incidentally you will find the
counseling'service woefully inade-
quate. The University simply does
not have enough counselors to go
around. The only students who
get adequate counseling are the
honors students,, who actually
need the help much less than nor-
mal students.
As for your fellow students your
reaction will vary. If you are
from a metropolitan suburb in the
East you will probably be appalled
by the small towners who are so
very "midwestern." If you are a
midwestern small towner you will
probably be appalled by the east-
ern suburban snobs.
But be a little tolerant and
don't let the Bohemian fringe
bother you. Most take baths, and
many are quite cool.
As for the administration, Pres-
ident Harlan Hatcher is not a bad
guy and a good figurehead for the
school. But probably the best' ad-
ministrator in the school is Vice-
President for Student Affairs
Richard A Cutler. He has a real
love of students, is interested in
their affairs.
You will probably hear a lot of
slanderous talk about Director of
Housing Eugene Haun. Haun is
the University's scapegoat because
of the overcrowding in the dorms.
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