I 4 Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD, IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Over-Discussed Universities: More - Tt OpiillAeFree, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. DAY, OCTOBER 30, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT CARNEY If Rhodesia Declares .Independence The UN Should Take Action A UNILATERAL declaration of Inde- pendence by Rhodesia seems now to be only hours away. Events in that African natio of 4 million blacks ruled by 172,000 whites are rapidly moving toward a cli- max, one that may have grave conse- quences for much of Africa as well as the British Commonwealth. British Prime Minister Harold Wilson last night concluded talks with Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith's white-su- premacist government. Wilson's sudden trip to Salisbury, the Rhodesian capital, Tepresented a last-minute attempt to stave off a UDI by Smith's government. Wilson has demanded that Smith pr- vide a timetable for movement toward eventual leadership by the nation's na- tive population, but Smith was elected 18 months ago on a pledge of "no African rule in my lifetime.":. RHODESIA is a prosperous land with many natural resouices and a high standard of living - for whites. Large homes boast swimming pools, lavish fur- nishings and the latest goods and appli- ances-for whites only. The average in- come for whites is $3500 per year, which buys a great deal in Salisbury's low-priced stores. The average African yearly in- come is only about $350. There are, approximatly one million voting-age Africans, but there are only $0,000 on the voting rolls. Only 15 of the 60 members of Parliament are Africans and a plan is in the works to transfer black representation to a docile band of native chiefs who are viewed as "Uncle Toms" by leaders of the Black Nationalist movement. In land apportionment, the Africans, who constitute 95 per cent of the popula- tion, are restricted to 50 per cent of the available acreage, and even that is the least desirable land. In education, the average expenditure for white students is 20 times the amount spent to educate the Africans. The Africans are forbidden to live in the cities or anywhere near the whites. They have been herded together into housing complexes at least seven miles away from major cities. Although the housing is clean and sturdy by African standards, it is vastly inferior to housing provided for even the poorest whites. MOST RHODESIAN whites are postwar immigrants, formerly members of the lower middle class in Britain, now living resplendently in an economy which is the envy of even the upper-middle economic class in London. Prime Minister Smith's government operates on three bsic principles: - -That the African population is hope- lessly primitive, impossible to educate, and thus has no right to rule over its own territory. -That the country's booming $150 mil- lion-a-year economy has been created by white enterprise and, therefore, the whites have a preponderant claim to nearly all the prof its. -That the white man's burden is an archaic concept, and that the Africans can expect no privilege and hardly any Happy ' Pp Mistake T LOOKS LIKE the University made a little error. Instead of falling to 25.8 per cent as it should have, the ratio of out-of-state students at the University rose from last year's figure .of 27 per cent to this year's 27.2 per cent. As Vice-President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith explained, the increase wasn't intentional. All that happened was that more out-of-state students, who had attended the University last fall, re- turned than had been expected. THE UNIVERSITY'S out-of-state ratio should be at least stabilized, if not raised somewhat. A higher educational level and a much more cosmopolitan air are among the vital contributions out-of- state students make to the University. share in the nation's vast wealth "until they raise themselves by their own boot- straps to European standards." These principles formed the essence of Smith's election campaign, and are also the principles by which he rules today. A unilateral declaration of independence, it is feared, could set off seething resent- ment and discontent among the Africans and therefore result in a civil war with t'ace pitted against race. The conflict could also extend to neighboring nations such as Zambia and Malawi, former Brit- ish colonies as part of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland but now ruled by governments composed of native leaders. Rhodesia, Zambia and Malawi are eco- nomically interdependent. Smith's gov- ernment has threatened to cut off the railroad transport and electric power sup- ply upon which the Zambian copper in- dustry depends if the British impose eco- nomic sanctions on Rhodesia following a unilateral declaration of independence. Wilson, on the other hand, has threaten- ed a total embargo on oil supplies to land- locked Rhodesia if Smith goes through with a UDI. Wilson has reportedly also promised Zambia a Berlin-type airlift if Rhodesia issues economic reprisals against Zambia. The United States may partici- pate in sch an airlift. THUS, A RHODESIAN declaration of in- dependence would have worldwide repercussions which may rival the recur- rent crises over problems in the Congo during the past five years. 'White Rhodesians contend that the na- tives in their country are well off com- pared to other black Africans. An official government pamphlet 'contends that the nations governed by black natives are "degenerating into Fascist slums propped up by international doles." If Rhodesia unilaterally declares inde- pendence from Britain, it will be the first time a British colony has so acted since 1776, the year of American independence. This does not faze Smith, who is count- ing on support from Portugal and South Africa and fears no intervention from militarily weak black neighbors to the north. Britain's precarious economy and the stability of the pound may be seriously affected if drastic action is necessary, against Rhodesia. Thus, Smith has his doubts that the British would actually impose a blockade on his country. Smith also has -been persuaded that the U.S. will not act because of large American investments in Rhodesia, which supplies 50 per cent of the U.S. supply of chrom- ium ore. Furthermore, Smith feels that interna- tional opposition to his regime, which was censured in the UN by a 107-2 vote, will crumble if the British fail to act. The Rhodesian prime minister foresees an international race for commercial advan- tage following a declaration of inde- pendence. The totalitarian, police-state methods of Smith's government are well known and are surpassed only by the apartheid policies of South Africa's white-suprema- cist prime minister, Hendrik Verwoerd. THE COMMUNITY of nations must trake action if Rhodesia flouts internation- al opinion and sets up an independent, white-ruled regime. An emergency meet- ing of the United Nations should be con- vened immediately to make clear to Smith that nearly all the world's peoples and governments are opposed to his regime and the racist principles by which he governs. If necessary, some kind of UN presence in Rhodesia might be necessary to forestall violence between the Euro- pean settlers and the native population. Eventually, it will be necessary for the Rhodesian government and the white mi- nority to recognize certain facts of poli- tical life--that the black majority must be educated and prepared for self-govern- ment as soon as possible. Such a pro- gram for eventual native rule has long been proposed by Britain without any re- sponse from Smith's government. Every feasible form of pressure must now be brought to bear upon Rhodesia to move toward twentieth-century concepts of, equality and emancipation. THE NOVEMBER Atlantic de- votes 54 pages to "The Trou- bled Campus," but- doesn't quite pull it off. The American university-is rap- idly becoming the most over-stud- ied and over-discussed social in- stitution around. Predictably, how- ever, little of importance has been said, and less has been done; and the patient, tired corps after corps of doctors and advisors en- gaging in ceaseless examination and consultation among them- selves, is wishing it could holler STOP! But even if it could, and did, it probably wouldn't help. Students agitate. Faculty cogitate. Legis- lators probe. Alumni react. Ad- ministrators vacillate. The masses utter. The federal government sends money (like CARE). For- eign governments send students. Liberal magazines decry. Con- servative magazines decry. Middle- of-the-road magazines fill them- selves with thoughtful, thorough but empty discussions. MEANWHILE, the university has, in a sense, been betrayed. The appointment custodian of learning since the decline of the church, it is a victim of too much success. Suddenly learning has be- come relevant. Suddenly the per- ceived fruits of investment in the production and distribution of knowledge correlate ever-so-nicely with commonly-held goals in our society. I Harnessed to the social machine, the university produces more horsepower than Ford's factories ever did. And it does it cheaply, efficiently-compared to the old- fashioned industries. Whatever committee designed the California system of higher education (and even I don't blame Clark Kerr for that), now being copied in New York, will one day be dubbed the Henry Ford of the new age. The production and dis- tribution of talented people. Howard Mumford Jones dis- courses on "The Meaning of a University" in the Atlantic. He of- fers a well-articulated description of what will never be again. He traces the historical growth of the problem of definition. He speaks of the great, traditional republic of learning and of the rights, du- ties and responsibilities of the stu- dent therein. BUT HIS REPUBLIC has been overwhelmed. Surely he must real- ize that by clinging stubbornly to this vision of what is past, he loses his chance to have a say in what the replacement will be. His university, the custodian of learning, is being swept away in a tidal wave of public interest- (one hesitates to use the word greed, but it is partially applicable). And the traditionalist, strangely ignorant of his own newly-ac- quired value and importance, has as good a chance of preserving his institution untouched as a bank owner who offers free money dur- ing a Manhattan noon hour. LEARNING IS MONEY. Ask Thomas Watson at IBM, or the heads of the oil companies' re- search teams, or the "think tank" captains in Los Angeles if you don't believe it. They can tell you in dollars and cents how much every year of learning their em- ployes have acquired is worth. Learning was translated into power in the crucible of World War II. The nation's universities plugged into programs of tech-. nological development of sea, air and land vehicles, of weapons sys- tems (there were only weapons be- fore the War, no systems), of con- trol and monitoring systems, and of the Bomb. Michigan MAD By ROBERT JOHNSTON It was only a small step from' the equating of learning with pow- er to harnessing it to money, mak, ing it 'good for economic power. And, as learning has become in- creasingly valuable, it has, through its relative ascendency, put more and more into the shade the other means of economic advantage and social advancement. The first waves of immigrants to America established themselves as farmers and small townsmen, and eventually put together some- thing of an aristocracy on this base. Later waves of immigrants poured into factories and became the labor base of the industrial revolution and went on to become its captains. NOW WE ARE face to face with the Negro, who demands an en-, trance to society. The only way is through education. Yet even as the other doors are closing, the value of this one has become such that the established classes want it first, both to protect and to im- prove their positions. And there is only so much to go around.' Nobody wanted the dirty jobs of the industrial revolution, but they paid-they were a start - and the capitalists were only too glad to, employ, and exploit, all those they could. But everybody wants learning, and those who' can pay are going to get it first. It is a compelling paradox. NOW, PERHAPS, we can begin to tie these two patterns of thought together. The universities need a new ideology, a new set of beliefs and dogmas and goals and ways of doing things. The pres- ent ivory tower ideal is simply in- compatible with the goals and pressures and demands of the sur- rounding society. The first tenet of the new ideol- ogy can be the necessity of a' solution to the Negro problem. The universities, using idealistic students and supposedly idealistic faculty, can undertake to infuse massive doses of valuable learning into the Negro population rather than the middle class, from the bottom up. This can be done by plugging in a second tenet of the new ideol- ogy-this one thought up by stu- dents-"participatory democracy." Irving Kristol (in "What's Bug- ging the Students" in the Atlan- tic) denigrates this pattern of stu- dent participating, equating it with Russian populism. But again, the control of the only means of entrance to the es- tablished society is with those already well-established in it, and they want it for themselves. So, unless you are participating, you get shut out. The hope then is to set up the system so that the universities exert their control over learning to remove some of the bias in its distribution. Establish new cultur- al norms that will force graduates to spend several years teaching in the slums before they go on to earn their fancy upper middle class salaries., The universities can also exert efforts, and considerable ones will be required, which makes it all the more important, to bring Ne- groes into the learning processes. ,SKIMMING through those 54 pages in the Atlantic one can pick up other components that could well be fitted into the new ideal- ogy. -A campaign to unorganize America might be linked with one to abolish middle class boredom; -A program to introduce san- ity and humanity and reason into international affairs can be link- ed with an as yet unarticulated philosophy on how such affairs are to be conducted in the future; --All of these hopes and pro- grams will have to be reconciled with the emerging ambitions and vested interests of various fac- ulty types (discussed in the At- lantic in "Beleaguered Professors" by Irving Howe), the research magnate (tied to Washington), the academic entrepreneur (tied to whatever is locally expedient), the campus org-man (tied to greater institutional glory) and the schol- ar, perish the thought (tied to tradition); -The present functions of the production and distribution of knowledge and the production of distribution of talented people must be fitted in somewhere, or the constituencies these processes serve satisfied elsewhere. -The urban attraction of places like Berkeley and Michigan (no- body wants to go to Riverside, as Kerr will point out) must be brought into harmony with the concept of community so dear to the traditional scholars and the non-Establishment liberals, if only to make life livable. WE WOULD DO WELL to turn the universities on their head,, get the worms out of the woodwork and rebuild them as faculty, stu- dents and university leaders would have them rebuilt, to accomplish their goals, and have them recon- ciled with an insistent society, not swept away. Learning is power. Universities might well learn how to exercise it in the interests of what they believe in. * "I'm Still Bothered By One I Had Over A Year Ago" 71 WT *I- A Couple of.Accidents By PETER R. SARASOHN LAST WEEK I witnessed two death scenes. The first was of a fly. This wasn't an ordinary fly since it lived in my apartment. It tortured me for a week, buzzing everytime I tried to do any homework. I was slowly going insane because of that damn fly and was about to summon all my available energy and demolish that fly, for good- but something happened that did the job for me. One evening as I attempted to solve some economics problems, the buzzing took on an entirely' new tone. It was much louder and more frantic than the usual drone of the last week.- I LOOKED AROUND the room trying to locate the fly. Suddenly, I noticed its shadows dancing around in the bowl of the light above. It must have been attracted by the light and had flown down between the 100 watt bulb and the surrounding ,bowl. It struggled to find a way out of its horrible trap. 'Inside the bowl the temperature must have been at least 200 degrees. It was evident from his motions that the fly knew it also. It was suf- fering a horrible death-at least, as horrible a death as a fly can suffer. I walked under 1 the light and climbed up on a chair to look down inside the bowl. I could see the fly down in the bottom, flying back and forth, banging into the sides, falling to the base of the bowl and then beginning the rit- ual over again. IT REMINDED ME of tribal death irtuals that I saw once in a movie where the girl to be sac- rificed is bitten by poisonous snakes and then dances around a fire until she drops dead-the longer she dances the more honor is bestowed on thefamily. I poked my pencil down into push the fly out, but I saw im- mediately it was impossible. I watched helplessly as the fly fin- ally lay on the bottom of the' bowl-buzzing F very quietly. Then the buzzing stopped and all was quiet. The fly lay there motionless, baking. What was two minutes ago a happy, healthy and active fly was no more. But it was just a_ fly and of no consequence any- how. AND THEN last Tuesday night, a buddy and I bored with study- ing went out to get a bite to-eat. A fire ergine passed' up with its siren going full blast and, feel- ing adventurous, we followed it. It led us to a car, and a sight I won't ever forget. A 'car driven by two 19-year-old boys had ram- med the rear of a truck and had been set on. fire. The back seat had been occupied by four half- kegs of beer which from the im- pact of the crash had flown for- ward and pinned the boys to the dashboard. The'firemen, policemen and am- bulance doctors stood by and were watching when we arrived. By the time the first police had arrived the car was already flaming and the boys inside had been burned to death. THE CAR' DOOR had been forced slightly open by the crash and the attempts of the truck driver to save the two boys. We could see the charred bodies which remained in the same position as immediately following the crash -pressed between the kegs and the dashboard. One of their arms was hanging out of the door, al- most pleading for help. Two boys and a fly died horrible deaths last week and who knows about it or even cares about it. It does, however, make you feel kind of insignificant. The Progressive Democrats Must Vote for Lindsay IF THE best interests of the city of New York were apparent to the voters, there would be no question but that John Lindsay would win the mayoralty in a landslide. The choice is entirely between him and Abraham Beame. William Buckley is not really a candidate for mayor. On the merits, on which of the two men is the more likely to make a beginning of good gov- ernment in New York, the ques- tion is easily answered. Beame's support comes from the very Democratic politicians with whom the enlightened and pro- gressive Democrats of New York City have been at war for a gen- eration. By habit, experience and point of view, he is the perfect representative of the city machine which, in New York and in other cities, has been failing to make our big cities fit for our urbanized society. This is no claim that Lindsay is a miracle worker and a super- man. It is quite enough to say that he comes from a new genera- They're As Free As Us. THE (BRITISH) Home Office has done it again. Not content Todlay Tomorrow By, WALTER LIPPMANN tion of educated and public-spirit- ed men which is alert to and aware of what will have to be done if a big city like New York is to be made livable and decent. IT IS by no means improbable that in the end the voters of New. York will act upon their first and most important interest-the wel- fare of the city. But the voters are being distracted by politicians, each of whom has his axe to grind. There is to begin with the Ken- nedy interest in New York which, while exploiting the shining leg- end of John F. Kennedy, has in fact sunk its political base in the old New York Democratic na- chine. Then there are the ad- ministration Democrats who dare not fail to provettheir party regu- larity because their minds are fixed not on New York City, but on Presidential politics in the years to come. Most important of all, and cri- tical in this particular election, are the progressive Democrats in New York. They are in the tra- dition of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, Al Smith and Berbert Lehman. The candidate of these progressive Democrats was de- IF THE progressive Demo- crats do this, the Buckley cam- paign wills be no more than an ugly sidespow. If, on the other hand, the progressive Democrats desert their principles, the elec- tion returns may show that Buck- ley, who represents the Gold- water faction, contrived the de- feat of a Republican. He represents the faction which captured the Republican Party in 1964, and he has now shown that he is determined to wreck the party in order to rule the wreck- age. For np one can pretend that the Republican Party under Gold- water and Buckley is anything but a weak minority. Because there is in Buckley a strong streak of fanaticism, he would rather rule the wreckage than try to win an election. There is no real precedent in American politics for the kind of wrecking operation that Buckley is con- ducting. There is in his performance not a scintilla of interest in the good government of the city of New York. Buckley's paramount and sole objective is to prove that no Republican, even the most attrac- tive and highly qualified Repub- lican, can be elected unless he has surrendered to the Goldwater fac- tion. This is a most serious assault on the integrity and on the in- dependence of the Republican Party, and dealing with it will preoccupy Republicans for . a long time to come. THE KEY to the election, both from the point of view of the in- terests of New York City and of the interests of the Republican Party, is in the hands of the pro- gressive Democrats. If they do not stand up straight, if they bow their heads, hold their noses and meekly refuse to be as independent as they have always asked others to be, they will have a stain on their consciences which they will not soon be able to wipe off. (c) 1965, The Washington Post Co. REP. JOHN V. LINDSAY Schutzehs Corner: Infiltration Among The Revolutionariesc 'Dear Atty. Gen. Katzenbach: YOU ARE MISTAKEN in believ- ing Students for a Democratic Society to be a Communist-front group. The fact is that SDS has cuse another attempted to father when member with member of having throw a hex on his he threatened the a haircut. ization? One spokesman for the clandestine clan explained that "We need a lobbying body just like anybody else. Our rights are being violated. Our best fortune- teller had his crystal ball con- THE GYPSY BOSSES of SDS