Seventty-Sixth Year DITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Ii Letters: Pro and Con on The Daily WheTruth Will Prevailree. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: CLARENCE FANTO The States Must Attack Causes Effects of Crime EACH YEAR throughout the United States, thousands of innocent people are left destitute, their homes ruined, their property damaged, or their lives lost because they are the unfortunate vic- tims of malicious crimes. Thus far only one state, California, has taken the ap- propriate steps to initiate the desperate- ly-needed policy of state aid to the vic- tims of crime. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover recently pointed out that in the last year, the number of murders in the U.S. increas- ed by 9 per cent, assaults 18 per cent, burglary and !larceny 13 per cent, The time has come for state govern- ments to take action on the behalf of those citizens who are the victims. Every year the ives of more and more inno- cent people are marred by immeasurable hardship and sorrow because of property losses or physical harm. MSU Withdraws From NS AMistake MICHIGAN State University's move to withdraw from the National Student Association is unfortunate for the school and its student body. NSA is dedicated to increasing com- munications between universities, spon- soring international student travel and providing a national forum for studerts' views. Jim Sink,, one of the members of the MSU Representatives Associated Students who voted for the withdrawal, said that "the political views maintained by NSA were not representative of the uriver- sity.' NSA is a democratic representative organization. Such organizations need in- ternal dissent, to remain viable, and the fact that the' views of MSU are not cur- 'ently held by the majority of represen- tatives is not sufficient grounds for it to leave the association. The student government at MSU is of course free to disagree and disagree vig- orously with the actions of NSA. A more reasonable move than secession would be an attempt at reform from within. STATE'S WITHDRAWAL, if intended as a tactical move to force reform of NSA, is not likely to be effective. So far this year, six schools have joined NSA, while only two have left. It would take defection on a much larger scale than this to effect any changes Oink also charged that the services provided by NSA are not pf value to eith- er MSU's students or their government. While these services, such as the inter- national student travel program, may not be essential, they do help to provide for necessary communication b e t w e e n schools. Michigan State's move - tactically un- wise and pragmatically unsound - will only isolate it from the national college community. -STEVE WILDSTROM Subscription rate $4.50 semester by carrier t$5 by mail); $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. True, insurance is available which will give adequate compensation to those in- dividuals who have taken out the neces- sary policies, but the price for such se- curity is often too high for the citizen living in an impoverished area to afford. A VICIOUS CYCLE results, since the man who lives in Harlem or the South Side of Chicago needs this protection the most for his wife and family. Crime rates are exceptionally high in these areas, 'where a large percentage of the population is unemployed and poor. The people who need the protection the most often cannot afford the expensive insur- ance rates. It is the responsibility of state govern- ments to provide aid for innocent vic- tims whose entire means 'of livelihood and hope for the future could be destroyed if external assistance does not become available. Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York recently recognized this need when he said, "It is time we give assistance to the innocent victims for whom there is currently no aid or rehabilitation," and appointed a state committee to study the possibilities of proposing a bill for this purpose. Both Great Britain and New Zealand' have recently initiated programs which give federal assistance to those who have suffered from crimes. New Zealand pro- vides a list of injuries with correspond- ing compensations, while England does not use a specific list. The State Welfare Department of California controls the distribution of payments there. STATE ALLOCATION of aid should be only one aspect of a broader nation- wide program designed to eradicate the increasing rate of crime. The statistics prove that measures in the past have not been effective enough. Local police departments need more financial support if they are to combat crime in the cities. More effective pro- grams of rehabilitation must be initiated in prisons so that they will become more oriented toward correction than toward punishment.' Along with these measures, which could be put into effect immediately, more support must be given to long term projects which could reduce the phe- nomenon of individuals turning to crime as a solution to poverty. Adequate educa- tional facilities in poor areas, counselors specially trained to understand the prob- lems which arise in poverty stricken dis- tricts, and construction of more low rent housing could help reduce the crime rate. America will not become the "Great Society" that President Johnson envisions if its population is plagued with'the fear of brutal crimes. Nor will Johnson's "war on poverty" have much significance if those living in already impoverished areas are allowed to bear increased hard- ships imposed upon them by crime. T SHOULD NOW BE the task of every state government to follow the exam- ples of California and New York in ini- tiating a vigorous program against both the causes and the harmful results of crime. -RUTH FEUERSTEIN To the Editor: AS THE PARENT of a Univer- sity student I strongly protest the recent character assassination by innuendo of Regent Eugene Power, whose efforts to preserve and expand intellectual growth and freedom in this community are unequaled. One wonders if Regent Power finds comfort in the knowledge that men of stature and conse- quence are always "shot in the back." And Ann Arbor now has the questionable distinction of claiming for its own a pint-sized, half-baked Lee Harvey Oswald in brash young Daily reporter Roger Rapoport. -Mrs. Jack S. Newby 'U' Family? To the Editor: H AVING HAD seventeen years of experience in raising funds for a college, perhaps I am quali- fied to observe that the best way to launch a campaign for $55,- 000,000 to get money for a badly needed theatre and other re- sources for the benefit of students is for one portion of the Univer- sity family to cultivate its best, friends while simultaneously an- other member of the family kicks those friends in the teeth. -Algo D. Henderson Answers To Give? To the Editor: CONGRATULATIONS on Roger Rapoport's recent article and editorial on the relationship be- tween UMI and the University. Seemingly, Rapoport has research- ed thoroughly and offered the re- sults of that research with com- mendable clarity and restraint. I hope that he and The Daily will pursue this matter to the end and will not be frightened or dis- couraged from such pursuit. This University has some answers to give, and The Daily should keep prodding until such answers are forthcoming. -Prof. Edward Shafter College of Engineering Individual Dissent To the Editor: S TANLEY NADEL'S picture was in the Oct. 28 issue of the De- troit Fre Press, and it points out a very serious failing on the part of the University. Mr. Nadel can make use of the Fishbowl or the Diag; he can collect money; he can make posters and have them distributed on campus. Why? Because Mr. Nadel has a student organization. It doesn't matter how many people are in his organization or whether it was merely organized to take ad- vantage of these benefits. He has their use. I disagree very strongly with Mr. Nadel's views on Viet Nam. But I can't make use of the Fishbowl or the Diag. I can't make posters, I can't collect money. Why not? Because I don't have an organization. As an individual, I wish to support our government policies; I wish to protest the protestors. But I can't. I am forc- ed by University regulations to either form or join a student or- ganization. Only then can I get the same privileges that Stanley Nadel has. THIS WOULD be reasonable were it not for the fact that I don't want to join an organiza- tion-I want to protest Stanley Nadel's protests and I want to The Viet Protests: Dissent in Streets By WALTER LIPPMANN WHILE THE STUDENT demon- strations are quite evidently self defeating, they aye, it seems to me, a pathetic reminder' of what happens in a free country when responsible debate on great mat- ters of life and death is throttled down and discouraged. The unhappy youths who burn their draft cards are ; no doubt misguided. But we must not for- get that they come from a nation which expects to understand what its government is doing, from a nation which is not habituated to obedience and to the idea that it must listen to its superiors and not talk back. THERE IS only one way that a democratic people can be won over and convinced, and that is by enabling this people to hear informed debate by its'responsible leaders. These young people have. a very high personal stake in the Iconduct of foreign policy, a much higher stake than the rest of us. Yet, the fact of the matter is that during the past year-from the election of 1964 to the present time-there has beenha radical change of policy for the war in Viet Nam. It has occurred without serious, thorough informing and candid discussion and responsible debate in Washington. That is why there have been the teach ins. They have been attempts by educated, but not fully informed teachers to fill the void left by the absence of official debate. , And from the teach ins, which could not and did not provide a substitute for responsible debate, a few handfuls of young men, some especially foolish and some es- pecially brave, have gone out into the streets. IT MAY BE SAID that there has been no suppression of free- dom of speech, which is indeed true. Nevertheless, the fact is that debate has been shut down to an inadequate minimum in the Senate, and it is only in the Sen- ate that some men outside the executive branch have access to all authentic information. It is the shutting down of debate in the Senate which is at the root of our uneasiness. The President has not concealed his desire to conduct his foreign policy in Viet Nam and in the Dominican Republic without gen- uine senatorial debate. He has achieved his desire by adopting a foreign policy which the Repub- lican opposition cannot criticize, and then, with his real opposition confined to the leaders of his own party, he has silenced them in personal argument. THE MAIN TECHNIQUE em- ployed has been to substitute pri- vate Presidential briefing of in- dividual congresmen and journal- ists for open debate by indepen- dent men. There briefings have not truly illuminated the subjec,. For one thing, they are not on the public record. Moreover the man who is being briefed cannot debate with the President. He cannot do so out of respect for the office. For another thing, he cannot debate with the President since he does not have access to all the facts in the case. Only senators, ,like J. W. Fulbright in the Do- minican affair, who undertake an enormous task of investigation are in a position to argue about what has happened and are equipped to conduct a serious debate. AND WHEN DEBATE by those who have a right to know is dis- couraged, there is no responsible guidance of public opinion. We must 'not be surprised that these great matters are then taken/ to the teach ins and out into the streets. (c) 1965, The Washington Post Co. support our government as an individual. How can I do it pub- licly? I can't make use of Uni- versity facilities-the Fishbowl or the Diag; I can't make up and distribute posters; I can't collect and send money to the Vietnamese government in Saigon. I can write a letter to The Daily which may or may not be printed, but that is all. I can't pay for large advertise- ments in The Daily. I can't get SGC to support the government though I am more representative of the majority of students on this issue than Stanley Nadel and SGC is supposedly a representa- tive body. So, I'd like to know, what can I, as an individual, do to voice my opinions; what can other indi- viduals who agree with my views do? The Office of Student Affairs has just restricted the use of the Fishbowl to 'student organizations to allow them more of a chance to use its facilities. But student organizations constitute a minority of the students on campus. Why hasn't the University considered me-the student who wants to be an effective individual? Why can't SGC forget about its internal power struggles and do something for me? I want the chance to take an individual stand on an im- portant issue. I want others to be able to do this too. I need help from SGC and the Office of Stu- dent Affairs. How about it? -Bruce Chudacoff, '66 Liberal Subjectivism To the Editor: CLARENCE FANTO'S editorial on the New York mayoral elec- tion is full of typical liberal sub- jectivity. Among the dynamic flaws in reasoning: A) A Lindsay victory would be a victory for the Republican party. This is unlikely since Lindsay is running without Republican aid or affiliation and with a Liberal party running mate. He must have practically a Democratic victory to be elected when the voters are registered 7-2 in favor of the Dems. B) A Lindsay victory in New York would hopefully have a lib- eralizing effect upon the GOP. Republicans outside of New York on the whole are more conserva- tive than Lindsay. A liberal Lind- say victory in a Democratic New York would seem more of a Demo- crat victory and hopefully should not be taken to demonstrate a trend in Republican politics else- where. C) A Lindsay victory might in- vigorate the national political cli- mate "by a restoration of mean- ingful two-party debate." Between whom? Two gangs of liberals vy- ing for control? Who would supply the meaningful alternatives? D) That William Buckley is a "psuedo-intellectual" and self evidently the inferior of Beame and Lindsay for being opposed to a "bipartisan, liberal stance in city politics." This calls for proof of an undiscussed premise. E) That Mr. Lindsay is "dy- namic" and Mr.LBeame has "a respectable record" and "vast knowledge" as opposed to Mr. Buckley being "vituperative." Sub- jective use of modifiers to color a syllogism makes poor journal- ism. I CANNOT but suspect the fol- lowing: Mr. Fanto is a liberal who,: as indicated by his slanted dis- criptions, supports ~Mr. Lindsay because he is not a machine poli- tician like Mr. Beame. Mr. Fanto would like tosee Lindsay elected and consequently influence the Republican party to be more lib- eral. Nothing would suit a liberal more than to have a two-party system, both liberal. The following things would be proved in the election: If Lind- say is elected, liberals prefer Lindsay. If Buckley pulls a suf- ficient amount of votes to affect the election, conservative Repub- licanism is not dead. Where Mr. Fanto makes his chief mistake is in assuming that liberalism is the only answer and that subjectivism is the only way to prove it. -Hilary C. Hicks, '66 MacLeish's Herakles To the Editor: VIEWING THE world premiere of Archibald MacLeish's "Her- akies" was like reading a G. B. Shaw play-if you passed over the author's explanatory notes, you were liable to miss the mes- sage of the play. Once received, MacLeish's com- ment on the Twentieth Century condition of man is a fascinating and frightful one. But regardless of a superb effort by the Asso- ciation of Producing Artists (APA) Repertory Company, I needed two viewings to . decipher the poet's "theme" from a barrage of eso- teric symbols and analogies. Per- haps my initial confusion resulted from an impairment, or lack of intellectual prowess (and I do MACLEISH BEGINS with the myth of Herakles, who for twelve years went about the world "clean- ing out the stables, slaying the dog which howls at the gates of hell, wrestling with lions, and killing the monsters." In short, man's heroic spirit was to chal- lenge "the unconquerable odds of the universe," to cleanse the world of its agony and Angean antagonists. On the eve of his return, Her- akles murders his seven sons in ignorance. As promised by an oracle from Apollo at Delphi, Her- akles becomes a god after "making the world over." This is the myth with which MacLeish deals. But, shouts a Greek guide (Keene Curtis), "a myth 'is a tale we're in." So, modern man is historically reliving the myth of Herakles. "Nothing in the myth is ever true-except always." Mac- Leish asks the question, "Where are we in the story?" And from the playful, seemingly humorous stunts of a child (Jennifer Har- mon), comes a tragic foreshadow- ing, "I know. I know where we are in the story-the monsters." The innocent comment is laughed off as the optomistic guide explains that heroic man has remade the world. "Do we now hear the howl- ing at the gates of hell?" he asks. "No. Man has conquered the uni- verse. Hell is silent. He is past the howling, the misery; the dog is silent. That's where we are- the triumphant hero beating on the oracle's door." (The guide challenges a superficial American tourist (Dee Victor) who seems to represent the "well-read," fash- ionable t existentialist, "Do you hear the dogs now?" She listens- "No. Only silence like a sound." MODERN MAN, MacLeish is saying, has done the impossible. The Twentieth Century, with its creative capacity and productive affluence, has vanquished the. apocalyptic visions, thwarted Dar- winian determinism, and has emerged triumphant over his en-' vironment. "The dog died as the mice do-passing away with the stars," says the tourist. Mankind's antagonists were historically beat- en by the evolutionary develop- ment of knowledge and technology. At this point in the play, Her- akles' wife Megara (Rosemary Harris), enters and asks, "Why do men have to struggle with beasts, scramble in darkness? For a more nobler life? It never occurs to them that this one might be good enough to live." In the same sense, MacLeish is asking why modern man has to persist, to triumph? Why' does the momen- tum of his achievement push him into the blind idolotry of achieve- ment? Why reach the moon by 1970? Why space exploration at all? Megara continues, "The dog re- turns from the wolves after doing what could not be done. They kill and have killed and don't know what they've killed." Herakles (Sidney Walker) replies, "Only a god could kill as I did." And so- man has become god. The priestess of Apollo informs Herakles that the "monsters" which he slew the last evening were his sons. "The oracle has betrayed me!" furies Herakles. Megara says, "No. The oracle has not betrayed you. You wanted to be a god and you are. How can you tell what you kill in a world like this?" "Would I have gone without God's will?" searches Herakles. The tragic answer is yes. "Neith- er love, nor trust, or happiness matters to the will of God-only you can," says Megara. Remem- bering that man is god, his wor- ship of achievement, "to do, to persist, to conquer, and to master the world," has led him to dread- ful acts of destruction. Man has blindly, needlessly murdered man- kind at Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Da- chau and Auschwitz-just as Her- akles shed his own blood---"think- ing his sons were 'monsters,' like all the rest. It happens to heros." Man is left with "the last uncon- querable horror-his own heart." "He has slain all the beasts except one." "And what monster was this?" asks the playwright in the program note. "The most terrible of monsters-man turned god. That monster which kills as gods kill . . . without need." MAN AS GOD can not hear the silence of hell. And as Megara la- ments, "Only one way back-help me bury our sons Herakles. Only human hands can bury what we had." In short, MacLeish is saying that "the increase of human power makes impotant the question of discipline of human will. If we can get what we want, the ques- tion of 'Is what we want right?' becomes more acutely dominant; the cleverer we are, the more thoroughly we may damn our- selves (Kenneth Boulding, 'The Image') ." --Gary Jordano,'66 Sericeman's View To the Editor: ECENTLY while I was home on leave I was told that the Uni- versity of Michigan was one of the major components of the "teach ins" last year and the dem- onstrations that took place pro- testing the United States' efforts in Viet Nam. These are the rea- sons I am writing this letter, This so called war that we are fighting in Viet Nam isn't any- thing new, it has been going on for more than 20 years. The U.S. has entered only recently. After send- ing 350,000 troops to' Viet Nam, formerly Indo-China, the French gave up and pulled out. The South Vietnamese government then re- quested aid from the United States, and our government re- sponded. The majority of the pop- ulation is In favor of our gov- ernment's actions in Viet Nam because we do not want another Hungary or Cuba, and that is exactly what Viet Nam would be- come if we stepped down. AS FOR our peace talks with the North Vietnamese and Com- munists, we, the United States, have been attempting to negoti- /ate for peace for many many months but these people will not come to the 'conference table. We do' truly want peace to stop 'our soldiers, sailors and airmen from dying. Last weekend's demonstrations and draft card burnings indicated to me that many American youths are afraid to die for their homes, or families, or country. Sure al of us are afraid to die, especially those in the service because we know we will be the first to go. But wouldn't it be better to die for someone or something one loved like family and freedom than to live a chicken and lose them? -Norman W. Schleif, Jr. U.S. Navy 0V 10 N. rV L13J,, Katzenba 'ch: Super Policemeln'' y FEIFFER[ 7E64 MEA~ STf ~FI- THE OFGS KMWVBEtV6 IMVAIk) -1 14e't2 E3 .A FR MVAR r~~S tG 660E!VE9 TVAT? AMYBD OU f POPY. c\)), 10bW WII- MEA THE~ RA CM DgIJ0 COMMO(5T,51 WeR 6 li oVe ., f36Iw M-12 AT' KNJOW? / EDITOR'S NOTE: Ronald Miller, '68, was one of the stu- dents arrested in the recent draft board sit in protesting the war in Viet Nam. He wrote the following with the aid of Daily staff member Roger Rapoport. PRIOR TO BEING heaved into a paddy wagon in the Oct. 15 Ann Arbor Selective Service Board sit in, the arrested students were hustled into a small interroga- tion room in the Fritz Building. They found the officer and his accompanying t a p e recorder friendly, but it takes little imag- ination to conceive 'of what might have occurred had the interview' been conducted by President Lyn- don Johnson and his" Attorney General, Nicholas Katzenbach. (Scene begins with student be- ing thrown into chair for con- frontation by the two interrb- gators.) SHAKING THE STUDENT by the throat, the President exclaims "Why you bearded tennis-shoe wearing beatnik-you filthy Viet- nik, what do you mean by trying to break my consensus? "Now Lyndon," says the Attor- ney General, "Just relax, remem- ber your blood pressure." Turning to the student, Katzenbach says, I "NOW LYNDON, calm down. Remember your gall 'bladder," says Katzenbach. 'Now then Sani, you said something about some of the members of your group having Communist sympathies." The President explodes, "Com- munists, Communists, 1 is t e n Nickie, I want a memo sent out immediately. We'll get Jos Mc- Car ..." The Attorney' General inter- rupts, "No Lyndon, he's not around anymore." "OK," replies the President, "Then we can get Dodd, Everett, J. Edgar, Jerry Ford and Robert Welch and .. ." The Attorney General leans over to the President and whispers, "No, no. remember we promised not to use his name publicly." Katzenbach turns to the student again and says, "Alright now Sam, what's this about burning your draft card?" Sam looks up and says, "No, no, I was just burning my membership card in SDS." UNDAUNTED, the Attorney General replies, "Listen, why don't you kids stay out of these Com- munist front organizations and get in respectable one's like the YAF, Christian Anti-Communism Cru- sade, DAR, or the Democratic Party? I' A, .',' M TR'IP5 1ToV6T PA M WIMMP)6TH MAAP. AtJWU LLJ!UU j x 66OJI.OF O~f? WHO E£ ANiYvOv -[ wow?/21 71AT? Vv1 CEN We T I , AM AUMN&YA WJ&5S7 r3 WHCM IT vsXT AAVF ACC6;$ Co1OPH)R~AT1O00 £7VYBcQP( £L$E uA cZ t I, i