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October 29, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-29

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Sunny and warmer

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom





Nation Reclassified I-A

Reports from colleges through-
out the. nation indicate that some
graduate students are being re-
classified 1-A by their local draft
Two graduate students at the
University have been classified
1-A, Selective Service counselor
Thomas Clark reported ;yesterday.
He urged any other students who
receive 1-A status from their local
boards to report to his office for
Each draft board sets its own
standards for deferment. Selective

Service officials
assert that local
being encouraged
students in good
greatly increased

in Washington
boards are still
to defer college
standing despite
draft calls.

Local boards have the preroga-
tive of drafting full-time graduate
students, however. Some draft
boards have reclassified students
whom they feel are pursuing stud-
ies over a longer time period than
Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, di-
rector of the Selective Service Sys-
tem, has advocated the continued
deferment of college students.
But, in a newsletter distributed

to local boards throughout the
country, Hershey reiterated thatl
the determination of a student'sX
right to deferment must be madet
by the individual board.
Col. Paul Akst, director of thel
New York City Selective ServiceI
System, said yesterday that somet
draft boards in the city have re-x
classified some graduate students.
A first-year graduate student ats
Columbia University carrying 15
credits, three more than the mini-c
mum suggested by the city's cen-v
tral Selective Service office, wase
reclassified 1-A.s
The student appealed to his,

local board, which then asked
him how his "studies and future
plans" were relevant to the na-
tional interest, health and safety.
Although the student told the
board that he had worked for
Bronx Democratic Representative
Jonathan Bingham and was plan-
ning to work for the government
after he graduated, he was clas-
sified 1-A.
Col. Akst said that, in most
cases, a social science student
would be reclassified 1-A before
an engineering or natural science
In Los Angeles, an official at

the University of California re-
ported that several county boards
had reclassified all graduate stu-
dents 1-A. They will be allowed to
finish the academic year but will
most likely be inducted next fall,
the official reported.
At Harvard University, several
dozen graduate students have been
reclassified 1-A, Russell S. Beech-
er, a Selective Service counselor
"Many students fear that a new
trend of drafting graduate stu-
dents may be spreading," Beecher
said yesterday.
"Harvard officials are quite con-

cerned by the reports of students
being classified 1-A," Beecher
added, but he did not reveal
whether Harvard would be able to
offer any substantial assistance to
students who were reclassified.
Some graduate students at Yale
University 'have been classified
1-A, including two studying chem-
ical engineering, Robert A. Camp-
bell, Yale military adviser report-
ed. Yale officials are urging these
students to appeal their cases to
their local boards, Cahnpbell said.
At Princeton University, most of
the students whose classification
has been revised are graduates.

But one of six students who re-
ceived a 1-A rating was a senior
honors student from Battle Creek,
Mich., who is enrolled in the
Woodrow Wilson School of Public
and International A f f a i r s at
Most universities send student
requests for deferments to their
local boards by-late September.
The boards consider the requests
during October and send word to
the students of their current
classification by the beginning of
November. However, some boards
delay consideration of the requests
and many students will not receive

their current notices of classifi-
cation until next spring.
At Columbia University, Wesley
First, director of university rela-
tions, said that if any full-time
Columbia graduate student is re-
classified as 1-A by his draft
board, the university would do
"everything possible" to make sure
the reclassification was proper.
He added that Columbia would
send a representative with reclas-
sified students making appeals to
their draft boards "if necessary,
so as to ensure that the home
town draft board had all the facts
before it."


before it."

OSA Witldrat
Rule onChap
By LAURENCE MEDOW notr have a resident director or
"Tshousemother was required to have
"The University rule applying two married couples 26 years old
to chaperonage of socialevents or over or members of the faculty
has herewith been dropped," of instructor rank or higher pres-
Charles Judge, assistant to the di- ent at all social functions as chap-
rector of student organizations and erones.
counselor to fraternities, an-
nounced last night to a meeting New Stipulation
of the Fraternity Presidents As- Last Tuesday night the IFC ex-
sembly. ecutive committee passed a mo-
Judge read a memo from Dun- tion recommending that the Of-
can Sells, director of student 'or- fice of Student Affairs lift the
ganizations, which stated that chaperone requirement and re-
Sells had discussed the recommen- place it with the stipulation that
dation of the IFC executive com- two undergraduate chapter offi-
mittee with Vice-President for cers be present at every registered
Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler fraternity social function. OSA ac-
and that the recommendation was cepted the recommendation and
accepted. added. a requirement that the two
The 4rule on chaperones stated officers be named at the time the
that any housing unit which does event is registered.
scribes, raises,
Nations Liberalism





I Ck p Ll Yl P.. Q


"I should like to point out that
the University and this office spe-
cifically will follow and enforce
the laws of the state of Michi-
gan and the rules of the institu-
tion," Sells' memo continued. "No
set of criteria can give any orga- -
nization any guarantee that a so-
cial event will not be visited by a SU V Y
member of my staff."
"I assure you at the same time
changing the policy presently fol-ld h f'p
lowed by this office for inspection:O
of parties.
"I believe that the house offi-
cers and the house memberships
are capable of 'recognizing and m a ll L1
meeting the responsibility we have
placed before them," the memo
Student Conduct WASHINGTON (A') - A new
The recommendation made by backfire against Viet Nam protest
the IFC executive committee was movements on college campuses
included in a resolution concern- was started yesterday by student
ing student conduct in fraterni- leaders who said "the radicals do
ties. The resolution suggested that not speak for our generation."'
major offenders at a social func- Officials of 85 colleges and uni-
tion, where the distinction is versities told the Associated Press
prominent to the investigator, be the protests against U.S. policy
referred to Joint Judiciary Council in Viet Nam or against the draft
for further punitive action. At involve only a smal1 core of dis-



The AP poll of college adminis-
trators turned up such comments
as these:
Yale University enrollment 8000:
fewer than 100 students are in-
volved in protest movements con-
cerning Viet Nam
Harvard, enrollment 15,000: a
few are protesting. "We always
had such activities, we expect
them, but most of our students
are too busy with studies," said a
spokesman for the president.
"The rank and file of Ameri-
can college students are pretty
conservative," said Dr. Hurst R.
Anderson, president of American
University in Washington, D.C.
Conservative Parents
"Some like to shock their con-
servative parents by going home
and saying things like 'I've turned
Socialist'," he said. "They are sin-
cere about it, but maybe the sin-
cerity is pretty thin."
Three organizations promoting
protests at Michigan State Uni-
versity at East Lansing are the

The meaning of modern Ameri-
can liberalism was the subject
yesterday of Leslie W. Dunbar's
fourth lecture of the 1965 William
W. Cook lecture series.
Dunbar, executive director of
the Field Foundation, began by
asserting "the words liberal and
liberalism are in a pathetic state,"
because so many meanings, are at-
tached to it that it often appears
a shadowy, undefinable thing. He
believed, though, that a "workable
description of modern American
liberalism" was possible, and list-
ed four convictions as being at
the heart of this description.
First, liberalism takes the eco-
nomic reforms of the New Deal
"as givens"-but is cautious of
going beyond them; second lib-
eralism accepts the fact that the
United States has international
Shuns Ideologies
Third, it shuns political and
economic ideologies, and fourth, it
supports the fourteenth and fif-
teenth amendments.
In describing the liberal, Dun-
bar provided a host of adjectives.
First, the liberal tends to be not
especially religious; he has a deep
resepect for the value of intel-
ligence; he is "determinedly prag-
matic," and refuses to accept dog-
mas yet he can claim idealism as
a characteristic too.
"He is unconsciously idealistic

yet consciously aware of illusion,"
Dunbar said. The modern Ameri-
can liberal is analytical and scep-
tical, and remains cool under
Liberal Now Rules
Dunbar pointed out that the
liberal, so long in the minority
now rules the country, and has
ruled it continuously, despite
"heretical" tendencies displayed
by President Eisenhower, for thirty
years. But, he noted, "We may be
at the end of an era"; two prin-
cipal reasons are that what the
American liberal has traditionally
wanted he has obtained, thus los-
ing initiative, and that Negroes
may form a dissident block within
the Democratic party (not likely
within the Republican, unless al-
legiance switches) comparable to
that headed by Adam Clayton
But counterbalancing this, he
said the conservative, who is now
"the true rebel," has had little
chance to gain power unless a
disaster of the magnitude of the
Great Depression-which threw
them out of power-occurs again.
Changing perspective" from lib-
eralism to American democracy,
Dunbar praised this country's ac-
complishments. In massive efforts
like the poverty program and the
civil rights acts America has done
things that almost no other land
has ever done. This country, he
said, possesses "the greatest and
loveliest work of man-American

present, the executive committee
dealsonly with group violations in
fraternitiess and no action is tak-
en against individuals.
The executive committee fur-
ther resolved to "adopt a more rig-
orous approach to social violations
and commit itself to levying more
severe penalties in cases where
such is deemed appropriate." The
resolution also asked that "the
affiliated man, as an individual
and as a member of a fraternity,
likewise commit himself to social
standards commensurate with
those of his chapter, the IFC, and
the University."
Small Core
The extent of involvement by
University students in antiwar
protest activity is believed to be
limited to a group of only 100 to
150 students, Vice-President for
Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler
said yesterday.
Cutler contended that many
participants in recent demonstra-
tions protesting American involve-
ment in the Viet Nam war belong
to more than one organization.
Thus, adding together the mem-
bership figures of all the groups
participating in the protests does
not give an accurate count of the
number of students involved, he
Asked if he thought the move-
ment is Communist-inspired, Cut-
ler replied: "I think not. However,
hard core Communists - profes-
sional Communists - are always
attracted to centers of disorder.
They are eager to assist in the
disruption of order. I do not be-
lieve these movements are Com-
munist-dominated, but I dare say
there are a few Communists par-
ticipating in this."
Stanley Nadel, '66, a member of
Voice political party, Students for
a Democratic Society, and his own
Committee to Aid the Vietnamese,
disputed the figures cited by
"There are at least 400 or 500
students who have actively par-
ticipated in Viet Nam protest dem-
onstrations during the Interna-

In some universities, these move-
ments have enlisted as few as 25
students among enrollments of
12,000 or more, educational admin-
istrators told AP.
Bipartisan Group
The newest backfire took the
form here of a bipartisan "Stu-
dent Committee for the Defense
of Viet Nam." Its leaders, at a
news conference at Georgetown
University, said they hope to rally
nationwide student support for
U.S. policy- in Viet Nam to coun-
teract the "anti" dem'onstrations,
which have included some draft
card burnings.
One of the leaders, Tom Pauken,
21, of Dallas, Tex., national chair-
man of College Young Republi-
cans, said:
"It disturbs me greatly as a
young person to see irresponsible
campus elements gaining such
widespread public attention." He
said these elements "represent
nothg more than a small, noisy
'Gross Misrepresentation'
Thomas J. Kane Jr. of New
York, a Georgetown student lead-
er and a Democrat, said the new
movement will seek to create
awareness "of the gross misrep-
resentation by a small few of the
American college conscience."
Statements supporting the new
effort were read from student
leaders at Yale, Brigham Young
University in Utah, and Johns
Hopkins University.
Wednesday night a group of
military veterans at Michigan
State University presented peti-
tions signed by 15,937 supporters
of U.S. policy in Viet Nam.
'Proper Perspective'
The petitions were given to Rep.
Charles E. Chamberlain (R-Mich)
for forwarding to President John-
son. An accompanying letter to
the President said an aim of the
petition drive is "to place the
minority groups on our campus#
in the proper perspective."
Collectors of the signatures said
they were entirely those of stu-
dents and faculty members of the
35,580-student university.
In Washington, Rep. Joe Pool
(D-Tex) called for a full investi-
gation by the House Committee on
Un-American Activities of move-
ments which he said give aid andf
comfort to the Viet Cong.I
May 2nd Movement
Pool, a member of the commit-
tee, wrote a letter to Chairman

STANLEY NADEL and his Committee to Aid the Vietna
have come under scrutiny by the Federal Bureau of Investiga
the Ann Arbor city attorney and the County Prosect

S tate Police
City Attorney
. .
Committee Raising
Funds for Civilian
Medical Supplies
Officials of the Federal Bureau
of Investigation and the Michigan
State Police are investigating the
Committee to Aid the Vietnamese,
a group of about 25 University
students who are raising money to
aid Vietnamese civilians living in
Viet Cong-controlled areas.
Stanley Nadel, '66, chairman of
the committee, said his group is
sympathetic to the aims of the
Viet Cong but that the purpose of
the money the group is raising is
to help supply medical aid for
civilians wounded in Viet Nam
Three-Day Drive
At least $70 was also raised in
a three-day drive this semester
through the sale of Viet Cong
postage stamps and pins, he said.
mese The medical supplies and money
tion, obtained by the committee will be
uting used to aid victims of the war in
South Viet Nam, he added. The
money is earmarked for non-mil-
itary use only, but Nadel acknowl-
edged that his group has no con-
trol over'the funds once they are
forwarded to the Viet Cong rep-
resentatives in Algiers.
Detective Gordon Hurley of the
State Police says "all possibilities"
are being explored to determine
whether there is any law which
Os could prevent the group from aid-
i ing the Viet Cong.
FBI Investigation
, plans Agents of the FBI in Detroit
te Uni- said "an investigation is being
ital to launched," but declined to reveal
on and whether any violations of federal
rogram statutes might be involved in the
at the case.
Ann Arbor city attorney Jacob
mmittee F. Fahrner said last night that he
estigate had decided against investigating
osteo- the committee. He had announced
be the earlier in the day that he would
tes, in launch a probe on the grounds
that the city's charitable solicita-
Tupper tion ordinance might be involved
School in the students' activities.
t MSU However, last night Fahrner're-
ility of ported, that he had learned the
ar pro- University had given the group
at em- permission to operate a table in
ced on the Fishbowl. A city permit for
ing ex- solicitation activities would thus
n's two be unnecessary and no prosecution
lose of could take place, he said.
Federal Laws
C o u n t y Prosecuting Attorney
he Uni- William F. Delhey said that he is
ith 777 "concerned" by the activities of
largest the student group. Although there
titution are no applicable county statutes,
alent to the group may be violating federal
ns. The laws, Delhey said.
an en- The o.ffice of the United States
ng ex- attorney in Detroit is also plan-
e aver- ning an investigation of the group.
Tupper Their activity was sparked by a
support TTnivrs'it.v reoit t +n A ieerma

Controversy over Neu
' MS U1Ved School Wanc

Controversy over the proposed
Michigan State University medical
school appeared to be waning yes-
terday as state officials came to
realize the extent of preparations
completed for the program.
Members of the State Board of'
Education, although refusing to
make a formal statement at Tues-
day's public hearings in Lansing,

found that the MSU program had
been given legislative approval
even before the creation of the
State Board of Education.
However, the board's approval
definitely did not imply support
for the establishment of a four-
year institution at State.
Investigating Committee
An investigating committee ap-
pointed by the board will suggest
sites for a third four-year medical

What's New at 764-1817'
Hot Line
Student Government Council voted last night to prohibit the
use of the Fishbowl as a place for campaigning during SGC
elections. It also voted to "prohibit the use of the Fishbowl
during the SGC election campaign to any student organization
whose name will appear on the, official SGC ballot. II another
motion SGC voted to restrict all campaigning on the diag to
"three official SGC diag tables" to which all candidates will have
free access. The tables will be supervised by' the SGC elections
A -+ -

Proposes Broader
Housing Ordinance

school for Michigan. Also
for expansion of Wayne Sta
versity were considered v
increasing medical educati
it was felt that the MSU p
would implement expansion
University and WSU. t
The board and the cor
it will appoint will also inve
the value of opening an
pathic college, which would
first in the' United Sta
Associate Dean C. John
of the University Medical
said that he was fully ins
of the MSU plan, and tha
"has the ability and capab
producing a superb two-ye
gram." He felt however, th
phasis should still be pla
expanding and implement
isting facilities at Michiga
four-year institutions, th
WSU and the University..-
Largest Institution
Dean Tupper said that t
versity Medical School, w
students enrolled, is the
undergraduate medical ins
in the United States, equiva
two average size institutior
WSU medical school, with
rollment of over 125 bei
paned to near 200 has abov
age capacity. Thus, Dean'
said, Michigan taxpayers

The Ann Arbor Human Rela-
tions Commission adopted a set of
proposed amendments to the city
Fair Housing Ordinance last night
which would broaden the power
of that law significantly.
The revisions will be presentedI
to the council Monday as recom-
mendations to the council in
amending the ordinance.
Type of Discrimination {
The most significant change
called for b the enmmiccin -n_

number of dwelling units, includ-
ing private homeowners.
Arbitrary Distinction
The proponents of the change
pointed out that any numerical
distinction made by the commis-
sion in this respect is arbitrary,
and that it could be struck down
as discriminating by the courts.
They stated their belief that
the sale of private property, for
example a house by the homeown-
er, is in fact a public business
transaction, and should be subject

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