NEW YORK ELECTION HOLDS GOP FUTURE See Editorial Page I P 4bp 41P 4jjtr tgan 743 *1i PARTLY CLOUDY High--5 Low-38 Cooler, chance of scattered showers Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom A A ~R THy A TVTLN TTTrl4 Ar UW V nfmnn -no.In,' VOL. LXXVI, No. 52 ANN AIMISUK., MIUMIUAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1965 SEVEN CENTC Ti ld-Hrr pAtivQ _. - - ' ' IIf'. - diEx i Conscientious Objection: New Meaning Evolves By J. RUSSELL GAINES In the wake of anti-draft, anti- U.S. foreign policy and, more spe- cifically, anti-war uprisings, the modern conception of conscien- tious objection assumes a new im- portance. Conscientious objection is an ambiguous term. It carries with it legal, moral, philosophical, and religious ramifications. Before recent Supreme Court judgments, classification as a con- scientious objector was based on the belief in God. Making religious objections the only justifiable ones, however, was claimed by some to be clearly discriminatory against those outside of organized religion. In the Seeger case, the Supreme Court abandoned religion as the basis for conscientious objection. The resultant elasticity of this classification allowed a greater outlet from service for the grow- ing peace movement. And the importance of that out- let has increased still further by the oppostion to the war in Viet Nam. The mythical image of the C:O. as a sign-carrying, sack-clothed disciple of Jehovah and prophet of millenialism has been replaced. The new definitions of this revo- lutionary phenomenon are more rational and, as a result, more complex and diversified. The Quakers are the group most often associated with the modern concept of conscientious objec- tion. Although the Quaker religion is considered a "peace church," according to Prof. Kenneth Bould- ing of the economics department and an active member in the Friends Society, conscientious ob- jection is not a doctrinal asser- tion, for the Friends are wary of doctrine of any sort. The decision to declare oneself a C.O. is totally up to the individual, he added. Boulding outlined the three prevailing types of conscientious objectors. The absolutist will ren- der positively no cooperation with the government whatsoever. A second group objects to military service but is willing to serve the government in a civilian capacity. During World War II, Friends served in the Public Service Corps. The third and most liberal group denies the violence of war but has no objection to serving the mili- tary in a non-combatant position. Such people are most likely to serve in the Medical Corps, Bould- ing said. The Society of Friends espouses a "peace testimony," an assertion of their common desire for peace. The peace testimony is considered axiomatic within the framework of the Christian life. There are a great many classical statements of this, according to Boulding, the most revered of which is that of George Fox, founder of Quaker- ism, in 1648 when he refused to serve in the Cromwellian wars. Boulding remarked that George Fox found the Christian life and violence of any sort inconsistent and unreconcilable. Following this example, Friends of today can see no place in the Christian life for war among men. The Students for Democratic Society organization, headed by national chairman, Carl Oglesby, assumes an attitude toward the definition of conscientious objec- tion. Oglesby distinguishes be- tween the legal and the moral def- initions of the term. According to law, a C.0. must object to all war in any form. There can be no degrees to this objection, for, as Oglesby pointed out, law does not consider a person's aversion to the war's purpose or possible re- sults as grounds for refusing to further its escalation. He con- cludes that the legal concept of war does not include a moral di- mension. It is with this point ac- cording to Oglesby, that the SDS must take exception. Members of the SDS consider objection to the aims of a war as sufficient grounds for refusing to fight. The opinion of the SDS, reflected in Oglesby's remarks, is that con- scientious objection must be de- fined in its broadest, most ele- mental sense. The C.O. must be motivated by his conscience alone. Thus, the SDS's definition of the conscientious objector is any per- son whose conscience leads him to object to any war for any reason. The liberality of the court, both effecting and being affected by the growth of the peace movement, manifests the gradual assimilation of the lagal concept of a C.O. into the moral and religious ramifi- cations of the term. And with this assimilation, the military is con- fronted with an increasing dearth of militants eager to fight what Oglesby terms "an inscrutable war in the inscrutable Orient." What's New At '764-1817 State Board ,I Avoids MSU Predicts Hot Line Thomas Clark, selective service counselor, said yesterday that, to the best of his knowledge, no University students have been drafted. His statement- followed reports that several students at eastern universities had been inducted into the Army. He added, however, that several students had been ordered to take pre-induction physicals and that two students had been clasified 1A, the first draft priority. Student deferments are granted at the discretion of local selective service boards, and on1e of the student's deferment was lifted because the board felt he had taken too long to obtain his 1 degree. At tonight's SGC meeting, a motion to include a referendum vote on whether the student body is in basic agreement with the government policy in Viet Nam on the next 'Student Govern- ment ballot will be considered. * ~ * * Inter-Quadrangle Council President Lee Hornberger, '66, will ask 1he administration this week to explain what it is doing to alleviate the shortage of help in the residence hall food service. He will bring the issue before Eugene Haun, director of residence halls, and Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard Cutler. The action is a response to numerous complaints received by the IQC. * * * * Total expenditures for University operations during 1964-65 were $155,089,757, an increase of 13.5 per cent from the previous year's total of $136,638,326. According to the Financial Report for 1964-65, accepted by the Regents at their meeting Friday (Oct. 22), $47,262,139 for this total came from state appropria- tions. The largest item of expenditure, accounting for 68 per cent of all University expenditures, was for salaries, wages and em- ploye benefits. Lee Hornberger, '67, Mark R. Killingsworth, '67, .Stanley_ Nadel, '66, and Richard Shortt, '66, will appear at 4 p.m. Friday in the Multipurpose Room of the UGLI with the five Vietnamese students touring this country-among whom are two Marxists, a Buddhist, and the president of student government at Saigon University-for a question and answer panel discussion. Discus- sion moderator will be Prof. Charles Moskos of the sociology department. * *' * * ' ]Fifty law school alumni will meet in Ann Arbor today to review law school operation. Surveys of classes, seminars, faculty conferences, special activities and reports are planned for the three-day study. - * The University's out-of-state student ratio for this year may be released some time next week, administration sources said yesterday. The potentially controversial figures were originally slated for release early in September, but have been delayed by the lack of more complete totals for each of the University's campuses. GROUP (Governmental Reform of University Policy) will place four candidates in the Student Government election, it was announced last night. Don Resnick, '68, will seek reelection. Ed Robinson, '67, Ruth Baumann, '68, and Darryl Alexander, '69, will also seek SGC seats. The University honored three of its distinguished alumnae, Saturday, Oct. 23, with Outstanding Achievement Awards, pre- sented at the 50th anniversary banquet of the Martha Cook Building women's residence. Those honored were Thelma G. James; professor of English at Wayne State University; Mrs. Estefania J. Aldaba Lim, director of the Institute for Human Relations at Philippine Women's University; and Katayun Hormusji Cama, research consultant to the Bernard van Leer Foundation in The Netherlands. CORRECTION On Oct. 8 The Daily published a page 1 article based in part on an interview with Prof. Robert J. Harris of the Law School which sought to sift the possibilities that certain recent arrests of University students on charges of 'illegal possession of liquor had violated the rights of the students arrested. Through a misunderstanding by Harris of the purpose of the interview, and a misunderstanding by the reporter of the import of Harris' remarks, the. article made it appear that Harris was commenting upon the particular incident, when he had intended only to discuss with the reporter in general terms the power of a police officer to make an arrest without a Med Issue IVote Gives No Stand On Question; Will Consider Budgeting By JOHN MEREDITH The State Board of Education yesterday unexpectedly sidestepped the controversial issue of. estab- lishing a two-year medical pro- gram at Michigan State Univer- sity. In a 4-3 vote, the board voted not to take a position on the question because the program has. already been approved by the state Legislature. Board P r e s i d e n t Thomas Brennan indicated, how ever, that the board plans to con- sider budgeting the new program. The 'vote was taken after board members had listened to MSU of- ficials testify for four hours at a public hearing yesterday after- noon. Board member Donald M. D. Thurber expressed surprise at the ,decision, saying that he had fully expected the hearing to be a step in gathering information for a later ruling on the issue. Although it has been common knowledge that the Legislature had given its approval to the two-year program, Thurber said the sentiment against taking a position on the issue apparently didn't arise until' yesterday's hearing was in prog- ress. "The board undoubtedly will make a recommendation on state appropriations for the program and will consider it in the context of examining its implications for long-range expansion of medical education in Michigan," he said. "But discussion will begin with a two-year program at MSU an ac- cepted fact." Thurber, one of the three dis- senters in yesterday's vote, said he had hoped to keep the matter open and to discuss it with representa- tives from the University and Wayne State University, the loca- tions of Michigan's other two med- ical schools. Other board members, however,1 indicated support for the MSU plan. Board Vice-President Leon Fill joined member Carmen Delli- quadri in praising the program outlined by MSU officials. Fill, chairman of a committee which has been gathering information on medical education in Michigan, said he found arguments against MSU's plans "thin." At present, MSU is committed to opening its program-called the College of Human Medicine-net fall. Officials expect the unit to begin operation with a class of 20 students who will then transfer to regular medical schools to com- plete their professional training. In the talking stages for several years, MSU's plans increasingly came under attack from educators as they neared completion. Study reports in 1962-63 which backed an 18-month medical program at MSU but shied away from a two- year course offering as a commit- ment for future establishment of a full medical school were followed in 1964 by an angry exchange between MSU President John Hannah and University President Harlan Hatcher; taking a cue from the earlier reports, Hatcher charged MSU with trying to get a head start in the race-to become the site of a third medical school in Michigan. Last spring, Gov. George Rom- ney's "blue ribbon" Citizens Com- mittee on Higher Education joined Change Nami in For Viet 'rotestors Draft STUDENT GOVERNMENT: MSU Withdraws By HARRIET DEUTSCH The Representatives Associated Students of Michigan State Uni- versity voted 8-5 in favor of with- drawing from the National Stu- dent Association Tuesday night. Jim Sink, vice-president of Men's Halls Association, said last night, "We withdrew }nainly because the services -and programs of NSA do not directly or indirectly affect students or their government." The students felt that the NSA did not give services which were of value to the student body and that the political views maintain- ed by NSA were not representative of the university, Sink said. Sink said that many of the services offered by NSA are al- ready offered by the university. "We have our own travel pro- grams and our own insurance pro- grams and we couldn't see any new services that NSA offers," he said. Referendum A referendum oh the issue of withdrawal was going to be call- ed if the motion1 NSA was passed haps if NSA 'rev in the future, we James A. Joh fairs vice-presid pressed disapp MSU's withdraw is unfortunate, government cuts contact with oth mentioned thec MSU has made t "The developme dent governmen MA CLEISH INTER VIEW: Author Discusses 'Herak By JOYCE WINSLOW Daily Interview Archibald MacLeish has a list of credits longer and more in- pressive than a Stanley J. Kramer production. He has been a speech- writer for Franklin Roosevelt, a librarianrofrCongress, Assistant Secretary of State, Assistant Edi- tor of "Fortune," and a Harvard Boyleston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, the oldest and most honored post in the profession. He won the Bollinger Prize, The National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize twice for his poetry, and copped unanimous critical acclaim for his play, "J.B." MacLeish, 73, wears his prestige well. Tall and vigorous, he not only looks like a robust 55, but acts it. He is an early riser and easily lops off- tasks that would leave younger men puffing. Prior to our 10 a.m. interview, he had already changed two tires on 'his car. Only a self-bandaged thumb attested to the strain. During the interview, MacLeishI expounded on "Herakles," which premiered here last night. He praised Dickinson, Faulkner, pan- ned T.V.'s mediocrity, and told why he preferred writing for stage than for any other medium. Herakles "To talk about Herakles is sort of hard," began MacLeish. "A play does its own talking. I can say that this is a contemporary play-- the time is now. But at the same time, the play is based on the oldest myth of Herakles, the Greek myth. I chose the Greek name, 'Herakles' over the Roman name 'Hercules' because the Greek conception of the hero dif- fers from the Roman. The Greeks tell of a great human hero who confronts the universe, destroys the horror and terror of the world, and then returns to Thebes, his home town. The great paradox is that he then kills his9 own sons." Scene "The scene of the play," Mac- Leish continued, "is a ruined tem- ple on a mountain top. I hadn't Sig-ners 1'o Boards Will rromNSABe Notified.4 to reaffiliate with enced by ideas that their dele- . Sink said, "Per- gates brought home from NSA Official Sees erses its structure conferences." will reaffiliate." 'Last week the motion to raf- Possible Change hns, national af- filiate with NSA passed MSU's Fo S toe A lent of NSA, ex- student board 7-6. Johns said, "I rom 2S to IA ointment o v e r was very surprised and disappoint- Nal. He said, "It ed in the reversal of opinion. This By ROGER RAPOPORT when a student is dfinitely not the recent trend." The Director of the Michigan s itself off from Since the beginnin of the year, te Sie Syste picted er schools." Johns six schools have affiliated with Selective Service System predicted contributions that NSA and two have droppd out. yesterday that some of the 31 o NSA and stated, University students and teaching o S U' sted, YAF - fellows a r&ted in an Ann Arbor nt of MSU's stu- Warren Van Egmond, chairman Selective Service Board sit In will t has been influ- of Young Americans for Free- have, their draft status changed dom at the University, believes from 2-8 to 1-A. 'that MSU has begun an "excel- Col. Arthur Holmes who is re- lent trend." He stated, "moves such viewing the Oct. 15 Viet Nam pro- as this are forcing NSA to reor- test incident contends that the ganize in order to make it more sit in disrupted Selective Service ales (representative of the student office procedures. He will submit body." Van Egmond said that YAF his evaluation of the incident to would support a reorganization of the student's local draft boards NSA. next week. He said that NSA should con- Holmes' action is in apparent cern itself more with university is- contradiction to the outlook of Lt. sues instead of national policies. Gen Loui Hershe nationak headt Charles Wells, editor of MSU of Selective Service, Hershey said News, claimed that YAF did not in an interview Monday that he have a strong part in rescinding is concerned that some local the motion to reaffliate. He said boards may react to all this agi- ethat a-, new organization, Stu tation by cancelling student de- dents to Oppose Participation in ferments. "I hope that won't hap- the NSA (STOP-NSA) was the pen, said Hershey. main force behind the move. rIt While emphasizing that the x as atmore individualistic force," final decision on a change in draft - he stated. univer- status is up to the individual In Nvmder 96, te draft boards, Col. Holmes predicts, sity decided 3,667-3,483 to continue "Some of the local boards will USNSA membership. Dissenters chne the dra status ths charged that the organization "has change the draft status of these subverted its original purpose and students." does nothing for the University. Examination ToOn the basis of his examination BetterfOedB an organizaton, of the three-hour sit in Holmes close vote, they stated, showed says, "Idon't thrk where is any that it was a technical victory. doubt that there was a drastic inability of the Ann Arbor office Controversial to function during the protest. The students felt that NSA was "We are calling to -the atten- entering into very controversial is- tion of the local boards that Sec- sues "especially political issues." titn 12 of the Universal Military W. They felt that NSA should concern Training and Service Act could be itself more with university issues considered as having been violat- men have thought than national issues. ed." turies 'if we only The students claimed that US- The section stipulates that any ss we will live like NSA was formed as a confedera- person who interferes with the erakles returns in tion of student governments. They administration of the Selective a god. Only a god called for a return to the policy Service system can be considered s much as he has of National Student Congresses delinquent, have his status chang- a god could have dealing only with student and ed' to 1-A and be ordered .for im- d-without need. campus concerns. Steven Stock- mediate induction. natural to Mac- meyer, SGC president .and sup- Unprecedented chose to write porter of BOO, stated, "NSA is Holmes conceeds that applica- rse. used as a mechanism for further- tion of the statute in a mass civil itself," MacLeish ing political ends." 'disobediance incident is unprece- rview, "becomes a Political Issues 'dented. Normally, he explains, the sion of the play. NSA began concerning itself statute is invoked when individ- ime and space and with political affairs in 1959 when uals fail to show up for pre- well when handl- it passed a resolution clarifying induction physicals, or fail to re- es. A problem for the rationale for the motion on port a change in address. writing verse is atomic testing. ,The resolution The Veteran Selective Service nce in which we stated that the association "rec- Officer explains his role as "Call- alk in-blank verse. ognizes the great value of stu- ing in the files, reducing the in- he U.S., in short dent involvement in programs of formation received and presenting he accent forward. political and social action and the the facts to the local boards who, toward the four- integral connection -of these pro- with all other available informa- an have any num- grams with the educational proc- tion will make the individual de- nted syllables as ess. While recognizing that a stu- cisions." e four beats to the dent must devote primary atten- Explaining his action Holmes tion to his academic program, US- commented, "We are not saying dence NSA urges the student participa- whether or not the students should tion in legislative social and po- demonstrate, (but) when they Archibald Macleish during his interview believe in anything - a tragic figure. "The second woman is a gover- ness to the little girl. She is ob- viously British, obviously an in- tellectual, obviously romantic, and a spinster. The little girl has grown up in hotels. She is 11 or 12 but mentally childlike. Greece "If you've ever visited Greece, you know that there are guides working at the ruins. They depend upon tips from tourists, but would tell the stories of the ruins with- out payment because they have pride in their particular ruins. There is a guide in the play who tells the story of Herakles' last task to the two women and the little girl., "Herakles' last task was to wrench Cerbes from Hell. Cerbes is the canine guardian of the Gates of'Hell, and to see him one must be dead. Herakles, in con- quering Cerbes, actually freed himself from death. The myth says he silenced Cerbes, yet the I the world. But 1 through the- cen clean up this me gods.' And so H triumph. He isa could disrupt as disrupted. Only killed as he kille It seems only Leish that he "Herakles" in ve "The verse said at our inte rhythmic dimen It pushes back ti works especially ing tragic them a contemporary to find a cade talk. We don't t We speak, in t sentences with t I am working1 beat line. You ca ber of unacce long as there ar' line." Cad