WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. .. :aa .lE aavala a N h! AhN PAGE THREE Officials Find Viet By CLARENCE FANTO ed rela and Cc The prevailing v i e w p o i n t The throughout official Washington at wheth this stage of the Viet Nam war is ing uW that immediate peace prospects of U.S are dim and that a continued U.S. Viet N military buildup will be necessary, begin. The United States now has al- source most 150,000 troops in South Viet are a Nam. Most officials foresee an in- tions, crease in troop strength to a new dence total of at least 200,000 by Christ- to ent mas. U.S. Meanwhile, diplomats are ex- no a ploring persistent reports of dif- could ferences within the North Vietna- the pr mese leadership and between Pe- gotiat: king and Hanoi. A -ecent broad- a defi cast over Czechoslovakia's state- In oti owned Prague radio told of strain- tends Smith's Averts Ations between the Viet Cong ommunist China. re is also some doubt as to er the Viet Cong are insist- pon a complete withdrawal S. armed forces from South Nam before peace talks can Some Eastern European s claim that the Viet Cong ttaching no such precondi- but there is no clear evi- as yet that they are ready er into negotiations. . officials claim that there is etion which this country take at this time to hasten ogress toward a start of ne- [ons, unless Hanoi indicates inite interest in such talks, her words, Washington con- that the North Vietnamese must make the first move toward negotiations, not the U.S. Thus, the White House sum- marily dismissed a proposal by Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark) call- ing for a new halt in the bomb- ing of North Viet Nam. White House Press Secretary Bill Moy- ers relayed the view of President Johnson that there is no indica- tion such a pause in the bomb- ing would be productive at this time. However, the President is said to be willing to call a new halt in the bombing if he gets some indication that the chances for peace talks would be substan- tially improved. Fulbright had contended that last spring's five-day lull in the Peac bombing had been too brief to pro- vide an adequate test of Hanoi's reaction. He advocated a halt in bombing raids for a "reasonable length of time," probably several weeks. Fulbright's criticism of the ad- ministration's Viet Nam policy, coupled with his earlier attacks on government policy toward the Dominican Republic, illustrated the growing clash between the President and the influential head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on foreign policy is- sues. Fulbright complained in the Senate last week that he was ac- cused of being "irresponsible" and giving comfort to American ene- mies by criticizing the administra- tion's policies. Hopes Dim The Arkansas senator emphasiz- ed his opposition to the concept that consensus on foreign policy should preclude meaningful debate or dissent. "Insofar as it represents a gen- uine reconciliation of differences, a consensus is a fine thing," he said. "Insofar as it represents the concealment of differences, it is a miscarriage of democratic pro- cedure." Administration officials, partic- ularly within the State Depart- ment, are becoming increasingly sensitive to charges that they are attempting to stifle debate. They are hopeful of a break in the Viet Cong conflict which might lead to a de-escalation of the intense fighting in recent weeks, and even- tually to further activities in the political and diplomatic arenas. They are therefore watching closely for signs of division with- in the North Vietnamese govern- ment or between Hanoi and Pe- king. If American military suc- cesses over the Viet Cong increase in size and frequency, it is felt that Communist policy may begin a gradual shift toward the possi- bility of peace talks and at least a temporary truce in the battle- fields. For the moment, however, of- ficials are watching and hoping, but see little real chance of an early end to the fighting or a be- ginning of negotiations. - - I I ginning of negotiations. Treaty Rhodesi Proposal inCrisis Parlay with First Fruits Agree To Give Negro Majority Improved Constitutional Position SALISBURY, Rhodesia (gp) - A crisis in Rhodesia's drive for in- dependence was averted yesterday- Prime Minister Ian Smith pre- sented British Prime Minister Harold Wilson with a formula de- signed to give some constitutional protection for Negroes. "The door is not so firmly shut now," said Trevor Hughes, Wil- son's press secretary. Wilson summoned Sir Elwin Jones, the British attorney gen- eral, to Salisbury to discuss the legal phases of Smith's proposed ssociated Press treaty guaranteeing Rhodesia's mith before African majority a better consti- mh yn tutional position. Jones will ar- h colony in rive today. declaration Smith offered to sign a "sol- emn treaty" promising to abide by the constitution after independ- ence. Britain demands guarantees to give Rhodesia's African major- ity a third of the seats in Parlia- ment needed to block unfair con- re stitutional changes. The treaty idea, with some sort of built-in constitutional protec- tion for the Africans, offers the only clearcut avenue for further negotiations between the British and Rhodesian leaders. t of the camp If nothing else, it could serve as Is. Five tank- a dvice to buy more time, for etnamese bat- once Rhodesia grabs for inde- i of U.S. ar- pendence a whole new set of cir- of the U.S. cumstances would arise, official >bile, Division sources on both sides explained. Britain fears Negro uprisings in S. Marine F-4 Rhodesia and reprisals against d into a heav- whites elsewhere in Africa. heir approach Wilson and Smith got down to Da Nang base, hard bargaining at a meeting that :f Saigon, and lasted from midmorning until past there was no noon. Each carried In the afternoon, Wilson confer- red with Josiah Gondo, leader of the all-African opposition United ting a four- People's party. The party has 10 party headed seats in the 65-member Rhodesian Revise Church Stand On Religious Liberty VATICAN CITY IP)--The Vati- can Ecumenical Council gave strong approval yesterday to part of its religious freedom declara- tions, revised to stress Roman Catholic belief that Catholicism is Christianity's one true church. The wide acceptance of the re- vision, with many progressive prel- ates voting for it despite'reported misgivings, indicated the entire historic declaration would win overwhelming approval in the council. The council reached a milestonie in its four-year history yesterday when it completed all scheduled debating on its various topics. Now it only has the business of vot- ing on unfinished documents as they come out of drafting commis- sions. Presumably all will be fin- ished early in December. Nw Phrasing By a vote of 2,031 to 193, the council agreed to the new reli- gious liberty phrasing that says at the outset: "Since all men are bound to seek out truth and to embrace it and observe it when they have recognized it, they are likewise bound by a sacred duty to accept and to profess the Catholic faith1 insofar as they have been able to recognize it." The insertion of that phrasing was done by the drafting commis-i sion to answer arguments by con- servatives.i Progressive Bishops UpsetI Progressive bishops were de-i scribed by council theologians as1 upset over adding such stress ont a point already known as being a Catholic belief in a document dealing with religious liberty. The vote was the first and the pacesetter out of 11 ballots to be taken on declarations. Other votes were taken, but results were not ing votes today are on the heart announced. Those and the remain- of the text, which says all men have the inalienable right to fol- low their conscience on religion without outside coercion. Married Meni To Face Draft By The Associated Press Married men without childrenI will face the draft by January in many parts of the country. Sev- eral states will start inducting them even sooner. This was disclosed after an an- nouncement yesterday by the Se- lective Service System in Wash- ington that restrictions have been lifted on drafting men married be- for Aug. 26. Agency officials in at least eight states said plans are under way to start drafting married men without children in December. This will include men in the 19- 26 age group, with older -men in the bracket to be inducted first. Most of the state Selective Serv- ice directors say scholastic defer- ments and the number of single men rejected by the draft boards have cut into the pool of eligible unmarried men available for the increased draft calls. r. ir~ssJ - ' , j sss r campus au ch for capers. . .wool and nylon melton coat -A BRITISH PRIME MINISTER HAROLD WILSON and Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian S their meeting today which temporarily averted a crisis over independence for the Britis central Africa. The talks were a last minute effort by Wilson to head off a unilateral of independence by Smith who wishes to preserve white minority rule in Rhodesia. GUERRILLA ATTACK: Viet Cong Continue Pressul On Battered Plei Me Positi with contrasting piped trim. White/ loden, loden/black. 5-13 sizes. 45.00 Jacobson's WJ.A4t SAIGON toP)-The Viet Cong at- tacked the battered Plei Me special forces camp again yesterday and kept it under pressure from one side despite breaking of their week-old siege lines by a strong U.S. and Vietnamese relief force. Military authorities said the Red guerrillas opened up with mortars and recoilless rifles short- ly after noon and penetrated from the southwest to within 20 yards of the outer perimeter of the camp, a heavily churned 21/2 acres of ground 210 miles northeast of Saigon. U.S. jets swarmed in and helped with bombs and cannon fire to repulse the attack. Skirmishing developed later southwest of the camp. Military spokesmen said they had no details. But it was believed government patrols had run into guerrilla entrenchments. By 8 p.m. all was reported com- paratively quiet again. Five Battalions The Viet Cong evidently re- grouped to the southwest after re- lief forces, which started moving in Monday night, set up a base World News Roundup By The Associated Press LONDON-Britain's House of UNITED NATIONS-The United Commons went back to work yes- States proposed yesterday that the terday with the Labor government United Nations turn over to the still in control by the same three- 17-nation committee in Geneva vote majority and a Laborite in- the rival U.S. and Soviet draft stalled as speaker for the first treaties aimed at halting the time in history. spread of nuclear weapons. Members returned from a sum- But the U.S. move met with mer recess of almost three months immediate objection from the So- ready for the political that are viet Union, which declared that bound to, intensify. the proposal would only delay The opposition Conservatives agreement on a treaty. are regrouping under a new lead- The United States submitted a er, Edward Heath. The Liberals, resolution to the UN General As- with nine votes that could spell sembly's Main Political Committee the difference between life and urging that the Geneva negotia- death for the government in close tors give top priority to the ques- ballots, are bargaining for a great- tion. er voice. HALLMARK Halloween ( Cards 0 U i iA I I 11 I11 I1 1 I