Michigan Scores Top
Yardage; Wins Only Bad Breaks and
Here's a quickie quiz for all you
self-styled sports experts in the
crowd: What Big Ten team rolled
up the biggest total yardage figure
in last Saturday's action?
Unbeaten Michigan State, you
say? Highly touted Purdue, may-
be? Or perhaps Illinois, which
W scored 28 points?
You're all, wrong. What's more,
you are running the risk of mak-
ing yourself sound ignorant of the
team that has grunted and sweat-
ed its practice hours away right
under your noses all year long-
Tony Mason. "Our boys are play-
ing well, though. We played most
of the Minnesota game without
seven of our starters (Keating,
Dehlin, Detwiler, Wells, Yearby,
Cecchini, and Ward), and we still
nearly won it."
Mason's thoughts were echoed
by others on the coaching staff
and especially emphasized by head
coach Bump Elliott.'
"Our team wants to play," he
said. "I'm not worried about mo-
rale. Nothing worries me right
now except injuries."
We Want to Win
Tom Cecchini, who sustained an practice. No specific date has been
ankle injury. during the early go-
ing of the game and was forced to
retire from it, did not practice
yesterday but is expected to' test
the leg soon to see if he can play
Yearby Still Hurt
Bill Yearby, who is being bother-
ed by a pinched nerve in his
shoulder which coach Jocko Nel-
son described as "a chronic con-
dition for' him over the past two
years," is still being kept out of
set for his return.
Looking at the other players,
Elliott said that Wally Gabler
would be the starting quarterback.
again this week.
After Gabler's performance of
13 completions in 23 pass attempts
for a total of 124 yards last week,
the announcement came as no
surprise, despite jokes to the ef-
fect that Carl Ward, who owns a
.500 (one for two) passing record
this season, might replace him.
Ward, who flipped a 14-yard Mentioning Ward brings up the other play which had baffled ob-
scoring pass to Dave Fisher's in other singular play he was in- servers. Why hadn't Michigan at-
Saturday's game, is normally on volved in-the one which caused tempted an onsides kick after its
the receiving or blocking end of his ejection from the game. second touchdown, when little
Wolverine pass plays. But when Coach Jocko Nelson was asked more than a minute remained in
he found himself nearing a dead in a radio interview yesterday just the game?
dead end composed of Gopher what Ward's side of the story was. The answer was that Dick Wells
tacklers on a sweep last week, he Legitimate Block is the man who has been trained
reversed himself toward the cen- "Carl doesn't have any side of to do onsides kicks, and he, as luck
ter of the field and tossed coolly a story," he answered. "It was a would have it, was sitting home in
to Fisher, who was in the open. tAnn Arbor with his hobbled knee.
to~~~~~ Fihr'h a nteoe. perfectly legitimate play. . . Carl
Had Ward been practicing any put on the kind of block we have Does this mean that other teams
passing plays? "No," said Mason, could rule out the possibility that
"he just scrambled for it." I hope he does it a thousand times Michigan would try an onsides
Ihoehetdoesay.athokick if the right spot came up
this Saturday. again and Wells still weren't
"The only doubt in our minds there?
in the play was whether it called "Certainly not," answered Mas-
for penalty for illegal use of the on with a smile. With that answer
hands. Certainly there was no rea- and that srfiile, Mason implied that
son for his ejection from the game. others might get some other things
"The teeth (of Minnesota's they didn't expect from Michigan,
Newsome) were knocked out be- too-say, for instance, the most
cause his (Ward's) helmet was in productive offense in the league.
there where it's supposed to be."
Nelson also commented on one BOB McFARLAND
now a word
Michigan. Elliott, who continued by say-
Yes, Michigan. Four-time loser ing. that the four losses had not
Michigan, hasn't - won - a - confer- affected the team in any way
ence - game Michigan, can't - get- other than normal- -"How do you
.the-breaks Michigan led the league think anyone feels after losing
by smashing its opponent for 303 four in a row?" - added that
yards' worth of territory, "Right now, we just want to go
The same-or at any rate, near. out there and win a ball game."
ly the same-Michigan team also He reviewed the injury situation
gained more yardage against Pur-. this way:
due than Michigan State did, and Dick Wells, who had stayed at
more against Michigan State home during the Minnesota game
than Purdue did, due to a knee injury, helping re-
No Breaks duce Michigan's traveling squad to
"We just haven't been getting only 37, worked out yesterday and
the breaks, and you can't win may be ready for the game by
without them," sighed line coach the end of the week
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CARL-WARD SPRINTS around end for a gain against Minnesota. In a similar play last week, the
junior halfback found himself with less blocking help, and decided to throw instead of run. The
play resulted in a touchdown pass to Dave Fisher for the Wolverines', first score. Ward was later
ejected from the game for throwing a supposedly illegal block.
MSU Works Toward Northwestern
"Special Student Rates"
By The Associated Press
Michigan State devoted most of
its football practice session yes-
terday to an extensive scouting re-
port on Northwestern, the foe
next Saturday.
"Northwestern is a good sound
football tean,"said Poach Duffy
Daugherty. "They have a strong
running game and also are strong
Players who worked during most
of the rugged battle in the 14-10
victory over Purdue were allowed
1230 Packard,
NO 5-4549
to take it easy. There still was a
lively scrimmage for reserves.
Irish Unscathed
The Notre Dame football team
came out of the Southern Cal
game without any serious injuries.
The regulars went through a
light workout yesterday, but the
reserves and freshmen were put
through a scrimmage.
Coach Ara Parseghian praised
the entire team for its effort in
Saturday's 28-7 victory over the
Trojans. However, he had special
praise for the blocking of tackle
Bob Meeker and end Phil Sheri-
dan and the defense work of
tackles Dick Arrington and Pete
Duranko and deep men Nick Ras-
sas and Ron Longo.
Nebraska Prepares for Missouri
Nebraska football coach Bob De-
vaney said yesterday he hopes the
spirit of revenge is not running
too high in the camp of the Mis-
souri Tigers, this week's Husker
"They've been talking for a year
in Missouri about getting even
with Nebraska," he told an Extra
Point Club luncheon,
Nebraska blanked the Tigers 9-0
last year, and this year's clash be-
tween teams with identical 3-0
Big Eight records at this stage has
been billed as a title game.
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