THE UNITED NATIONS : FIRSTĀ° TWENTY YEARS See Editorial Page Y LwF46 4Iati4 COOL Hligh--50 Low-32 Partly cloudy and continued cool Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 50 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1965 SEVEN CENTS Halt Gemini aunch; robe gena Mysi CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. P-Two ing of the 14-day Gemini 7 space ly after the Atlas Agena was Systems Division which provided ter and to provide incourse maneu- Dr. George Mueller, NASA asso- are st dejected Gemini space hunters marathon, perhaps by Thanks- launched indicate there were at the Agena, said the Agena was vers by the astronauts, new con- ciate administrator for manned and fi were stymied yesterday before giving. It had been scheduled for lease five pieces in the rocket basically the same vehicle which trol systems, improved radio space flight, brought up the eco- they got started, their intended December. pathway to orbit. Radar picked up has been used successfully to channels and addition of a dock- nomics when he replied to a ques- An. space target lost somewhere short Schirra and Thomas P. Stafford other scattered radar echoes. Then launch the more than 135 U.S. ing collar and other aids which tion on why there was no backup engine of orbit, broken and perhaps were ready in their Gemini hunt- there was silence. spacecraft, including the Ranger would have enabled astronauts Atlas-Agena ready to go for newt burned to bits i its fill from the er spacecraft on Pad 19 when the There are two nagging ques- moon probes and the Mariner Schirra and Stafford to link up Gemini 6:-fired sky. Atlas rocket, with a brilliant tions about the Agena rocket: shots to Mars and Venus. with it. Kenne Both Robert Seamans, associ- orange fire-trail shot up from Pad -Why was a comparatively new Funk said the record of the Funk said that, in effect, the "Eliminating the backups was But ate director of the National Areo- 14 more than a mile away to lift rocket which never had been flown basic Agena gave the Air Force launching yesterday was a test the most economical approach. We dered nautics and Space Administration, the space target into orbit. in space committed to its first confidence the Agena modified for flight for the modified Agena. had to accept what we felt were it al and Robert C. Gilruth, head of Barely more than six minutes journey on such an important the Gemini 6 docking mission Funk said the Air Force order- small risks" and not build back- Last J the Manned Spacecraft Center, later, the first bad news came. man-in-space trip? would work. ed six Agenas from Lockheed Air- ups, he said. the Aj said the failure would not hold up There was an abrupt loss in tele- -Why wasn't the r o c k e t But he also said that Agena craft Corp. for use as targets in Presumably this was the reason sion. the .man-to-the-moon program. mentary signals from the Agena, ground-fired before launching? 5002 was "considerably different" Gemini rendezvous missions. no test flight was conduted be- Whe Asked if this failure would give It was unknown whether the Air Force and National Aero- from earlier models. The main en- This is the total number of fore Monday's launching, which ence the Soviet Union a lead in the rocket had fired, whether it would nautics and Space Administration gine, which may have been the Gemini rendezvous flights plan- ende mnuts 10uncnds after encs race to link up vehicles in space, go into orbit. This was followed officials indicated at a news con- cause of yesterday's failure; had ned. The contract was for $60 ended 6 minutes, 10 seconds after Force manned flight chief George by a loss in all contact with the ference Monday that economics been -modified so it could restart million, which averages out to $10, "cttopi fhionFunkrdr Mueller said, "Clearly, they have Agena rocket. was the answer to the first ques- five times in space, rather than million a rocket. catastrophic" fashion. inquir a better chance now than they The mission was scrubbed at tion. There was no clear answer two as on previous Agenas. The earlier Agenas cost $1.3 mil- A bigger mystery is why Agena beenI had this morning." 10:54 a.m. - 54 miles after the to the second. Other changes included a sec- lion each. Funk said the new fea- No. 5002 was not ground tested. The failure of the Agena target Agena had been launched. Maj. Gen. Ben I. Funk, com- ondary propulsion system to help tures on the Gemini Agena tripled Even after rockets have built up The vehicle could bring an earlier fir- Preliminary radar reports short- mander of the Air Force Space in separating from the Atlas boos- or quadrupled the price tag. years of reliability, they usually gonei EIGHT PAGES tery rapped down on the ground red for full duration. Air Force official said that e 5001, the first of the 10 Agenas, had been ground- before shipment to Cape edy. he said that NASA had or- that 5002 not be fired and o came to Cape Kennedy. July NASA selected 5002 as gena for the Gemini 6 mis- en asked at a news confer- whether 5002 had been pre- y fired, both NASA and Air officials hesitated, looked ingly at each other and then d only that the Agena had horoughly checked. y said later that 5002 had nto space untested. -,. What's New At 764-1817 Form New I " Organization . egslaor Hint I vjl .., dl. i u _ -_ _ - __ Hot Line Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Neihuss said yesterday that no decision has been reached by the University on how the investigation of Regent Eugene B. Power's business relation- ships to the University will be conducted. The Ann Arbor News 4 quoted Neihuss as explaining that decisions on the investigation will wait until Power returns from a trip to the Far East. According to University Secretary Erich Walter, Power will not be back from his trip in time for the next Regents' meeting. The trip, which includes visits to Japan and Viet Nam, is expected to take six weeks. President Harlan Hatcher announced Saturday that the University has accepted Power's request for a review of- his business relationships and a report to the Regents as soon as possible. President Hatcher, attending a convention in New York until Thursday, was unavailable for comment last night, * * * * Five South Vietnamese students touring this country under the sponsorship of the American Youth Council have been in- vited to come to the University this Friday and Saturday, Oct. 29 and 30, Gary Cunningham, Student Government Council presi- dent, said yesterday. The students, including two Marxists, the vice-president of the student government at the Buddhist University and the president of the student government of Saigon University, will appear with four University students-two opposing and two supporting administration policies in Viet Nam-for a question period, Cunningham explained. A general discussion period will follow. The emphasis will be on eliciting the views of the Vietnamese students, he added. Cunningham and James Kropf, '66, UAC president, whose organizations are helping sponsor the event along with campus groups both supporting and opposing the war, are having an organizational meeting today at 4 p.m. in the SGC offices on the first floor of the SAB. All interested students have been invited to attend. * * * * Inter-Quadrangle Council last night recommended it merge with Assembly Association to form a completely new co- educational residence hall government. The merger plan is a result of research by an IQC study committee which reported that the proposed system would in- crease efficiency by eliminating duplication of effort, unifying and coordinating activities and aiding the creation of govern- ments in new co-ed residence halls as they are opened. A joint committee will be established to consider a proposed constitution and means to accomplish the merger. The combined organization should be operating before the end of the spring term. Presently, Assembly represents approximately 7000 women, and IQC nearly 3500 men. There has been a marked increase in membership of Students' for a Democratic Society both on this campus and across the nation in the past week, Eric Chester, '66, president of Voice Political Party, the University chapter of SDS, reported yesterday. The paid membership in Voice has increased from 30 to 60. Chester ;ttributed this increase to the "successful demon- stration in Ann Arbor during the International Days of Protest and to Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzenbach's statement" indicating the Justice Department would conduct an investigation of SDS. Carl Oglesby, national president of SDS, related SDS's na- tional membership increase to the Viet Nam protests, which he said have come under recent "red-baiting" attack. Long Distance A professor at- Central Michigan University said yesterday that he will ask the state to hear his charges of being denied a salary, increase for criticizing the university administration. I Prof. Oscar Oppenheimer of CMU's philosophy department claimed that he and four other faculty members were the only ones of 300 members denied pay increases. This development ' Reach' To Run Four SCandidates for, SGC In Coming Election By DICK WINGFIELD The founding of a new student organization entitled Reach was revealed last night by its leaders, who explained their goals' for Reach and announced that the organization would run four can- didates for Student Government Council in the next election. The names of the candidates will' be announced at a Reach organi- zational meeting next Sunday. At that time Reach will present its campaign plans and discuss its, goals. Reach is designed to serve as a clearing house for the needs and desires of a diversified constitu- ency-ranging from liberal to con- servative politically and claiming representation from several non-{ political groups. Apolitical Nature Alex* Goodwin, '66, its policy board chairman, said, "The indi- vidual students must be reached. We do not identify with left, right, or middle - of - the - road political platforms. There is diversity in the' executive board ranging from Stu-! dents for Democratic Society members to members of Young Republicans." Goodwin said that the chief concern of Reach will be common, Cut in 'U Bud et New Group: Change U.S. Asia Policy Speakers Ask End To War in Viet Nan, Talks with Red China By DOUGLASS CHAPMAN About 200 people here were part of the nationwide audience of 25,- 000 which heard talks on U.S. Far Eastern policy over a. telephone hookup Sunday. The meeting was organized by a new group, the Americans for Reappraisal of Far Eastern Policy (ARFEP), repre- sented locally by Profs. Harold, Orbach of the Flint Campus, Ra- phael Ezekiel of the psychology department and Thomas Abeles of the chemistry department. The first national speaker on the hookup Sunday was Prof. John Fairbank of the Harvard Probable Request Romney Aide a Doubtful of Full Support Faxon Declares That Hike in Tuition Rates Fosters Resentment ^"y MARK LEVIN The proposed University request for $65.8 million in state appro- priations seems almost certain to be considerably reduced, sources in Lansing indicated yesterday. There is a good chance Gov. George Romney will submit a budget to the Legislature which would provide for the same level of services as is provided at the present time, according to Charles Orlebeke, advisor to the gover- nor on higher education, even though an increase in funds would be necessary to maintain the pres- ent level of services. "I would be surprised If the governor recommended the full amount," said Orlebeke. He fur- ther commented that he felt the failure of the Legislature to take tax reform action has put the -Daiy-Stve oldsein governor's office in a tight spot. -Daly-Steve oldstein Because of this, Orlebeke main- objectors began on tained, the governor may not be rvice Committee. The able to recommend the amount of money he wishes. Not Yet Submitted The University's request, which 9 Is $14.6 million higher than last ~ year's, has as yet not been sub- tiu iimitted to Romney's office. The governor, who will addst the budget depending on the amount of revenue available and the appropriation requests of oth- er state supported educational in- stitutions, will in turn send the University request to the Legisla- two years in either a tu-e as part of his total higher t or non-government education budget. signed to enhance the In past years, the governor has health and welfare." cut University budget requests dis- nf air Criteria proportionately with other state harged that the govern- universities. The Legislature, how- using the Selective ever, generally has raised the stem to "discriminate amount of University appropria- "The World War II tions to a somewhat higher level. ts for conscientious ob- Pessimistic on Revenues re basically a 'sincere The governor, indicated by re- oncern' over the matter liable sources in Lansing, will base he said. "In 1948, the his budget on pessimistic reports ervice Act was amend- of proposed tax revenues, in spite duce complex and ab- of the sizable increase in sales tax tions as a basis for C.O. collections through the first nine on months of 1965. these questions," he The Legislature, which:is tra- "is the following: 'Un- ditionally more optimistic in its cirs tnesoliwanyU-appraisal of the level of economic cicmnesoffore'? activity and growth, will not re- e most devout pacifist view the governor's higher educa- the use of force. It is tion package until this spring.' hat he opposes. D House Speaker Joseph Kowa- uch as these are what ski (D-Detroit) said he will wait~ onnaire necessary for for the total higher education fication thrives on." budget to be presented to the Leg- i nslnture before commenting. interests and problems among history department. Fairbank said students. that the Far Eastern crisis is . _ _ !caused by the "unreality of the Russel DeJong, '67, vice-presi- dent of Reach, said that the re-' search bureau includes graduate students who are prepared to work on bringing together "professional sources of data" on such issues as housing, and prices in Ann' Arbor. Goodwin added that the public relations bureau "will work to sound out opinion in the ranks of individual students by sending representatives of Reach to hous- ing units and bringing into affili- ation various student groups." Describes Structure Goodwin said that in structur- ing Reach, careful distinction was made between short and long range goals and that a tailored methodology will be t found for U.S. attitude toward China." Another speaker, socialist lead- er Norman Thomas, condemned U.S. atrocities in Viet Nam. Three University faculty members then! spoke. Kenneth Boulding of the eco- nomics department expressed alarm at present U.S. policy in the Far East, while Martin Patchen of the psychology department claimed that surveys indicate the public's approval of resuming re- lations with China. William Zimmerman of the poli- tical science department proposed that China and West Germany be admitted as permanent members of the United Nations' Security' Council, with Taiwan and Eastt THE CAMPAIGN TO REGISTER students for classification as conscientious campus yesterday with the arrival of Paul Lauder of the American Friends Se cameramen of Columbia Broadcasting Company were also here for the event. Cons cient ious Obj C( Seen as Draft Alleni each goal. Germany to have General Assem- The research bureau will con- bly seats. sist of six committees: educational Harold Orbach, another organiz- reform, housing, price reform, po- er, said that there will soon be litical, student concerns, and an organizational meeting of the structural revision, new ARFEP chapter. Orbach call- Some goals of Reach are: to ed ARFEP an "attempt to create continue 'the freshman orienta- an across - the - board citizens' tion program throughout the se- group" which will "call upon the mester; to set up better communi- U.S. government to initiate a cations between faculty, students, cease-fire" in Viet Nam and also regents and legislators; and to ask for UN involvement to stop set up a ,leadership program, the war. I i By AL VALUSEK Protest against the war in Viet Nam entered a new stage last night in a meeting held to discuss the draft and alternatives to it. Paul Lauder of the American Friends Service Committee, Carl Oglesby, president of Students.for a Democratic Society (SDS), and Todd Gitlin, a former president of SDS, spoke before a group of more than 100 people on the war and on legal aspect of obtaining conscien- tious objector status within limits imposed by the Selective Service Act of 1948. Lauder began his talk by asking the group, "How many of you would be willing to kill 1,000,000 Jews, 10.000 Catholics, or even 1,000 Vietnamese?" When there were no affirmative replies, he added, "I would sug- gest that the rest of you are con- scientious objectors, although the law wouldn't recognize you as such." Answering the inevitable con- tention that conscientious objec- tors are "draft-dodgers" Lauder said, "If you really want to serve, file for C.O. status. You will al- most certainly be called. In many cases, physicals are waived for C.O.'s, and many who would have been classified as 4-F otherwise have been called to serve their two years." Three Forms There are three forms om objec- tion to the draft, Lauder pointed will serve government project des national "b U Lauder cl ment was Service Sy politically." requiremen jection we: and deep cc of war," 1 Selective S ed to intro stract quest classificatioc "One of continued, der what do you belif "Even th believes in violence tl tinctions st the questi C.O. classil SnS SAY ACADEMIC FREEDOM INVOLVED: rew Teacher Loses Contract Renewal Bid; Paper Assailedf By LAURENCE COVEN The official reasons given were the newspaper completely one-