Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNWERSITit OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Nations-The Wealthy and the Poor 4 - s Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Prevai NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH WARREN The Protests over Viet Nam: AlienatingOthers Isn't Eno ugh THE SITUATION in Viet Nam is not one where the evidence can speak for it- self-the evidence we receive is scanty, possibly unreliable, and certainly often slanted to conform to the purposes of our government. But some few people, for the most part members of the academic community, have tried to put the pieces together in the light of the history of Viet Nam, of U.S. foreign policy, of the sociological and economic conditions in Southeast Asia, and of the philosophical foundations of our country. The conclusions drawn from this an- alysis have given rise to a violent reac- tion of condemnation of the war in Viet Nam. If these conclusions are to be spread, the' people who have formulated sthem must take up the burden of proof, end make- a definite effort to convince society. THE EVOLUTION of the University -movement protesting the war in Viet Nam has taken a turn which has greatly marred its effectiveness, and which seems to have prevented as much encouraged meaningful discussion of U.S. policies. The protest group has become exclu- sive; those who are comparatively moder- ate, in social and political 'philosophy as well as in dress and manner, who are not what has been termed "flaming radicals," but who believe that the war is unjust and should be ended, are now out of place in the movement. This is unfortunate, and could be dis- astrous. Although the protestors are now being called Communists by the govern- ment, this was not the focus of opinion at the Friday Homecoming protest. There, the comments sounded like this: "I can't see your face, with all that hair. Are you a boy or a girl? Maybe we should buy them some soap." One student said, referring to the pro- test group, "If they would comb their hair and dress decently, I would listen to them. But when they look like beatniks, I figure they'd say anything, so I don't pay atten-. tion." This, of course, is not a valid cri- terion. Yet this attitude is so widespread on campus and in our society that it can- not be ignored. Some of the protestors-sloppy and un- kempt-reminded bystanders of rebellious children. And many attributed their pro- tests to immature rebellion rather than to its real cause, which in many cases is a sincere, reasonable concern with U.S. policies. WHY DO SO MANY of the protestors want to look "way out?" Some say they do it to assert their individuality, their rejection of the meaningless con- Identity{ THERE IS AT LEAST ONE University' student who no longer feels lost in the shuffle of IBM cards and education for the masses.- In a recent History 101 lecture attend- ed by nearly 500 students, Prof. Michael Altschul responded from the podium to a mid-lecture sneeze with- a disarming "Gesundheit." -R STERN Editorial Staff ROBERT JOHNSTON, Editor LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM JEFFREY-GOODMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director JUDITH FIELDS ................Personnel Director LAUREN BAHR ..........Associate Managing Editor JUDITH WARREN........Assistant Managing Editor ROBERT HIPPLER......Associate Editorial Director GAIL BLUMBERG ................Magazine Editor LLOYD GRAFF...............Acting Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Susan Collins, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Peter Sarasohn, Bruce Wasserstein. DAY EDITORS: Robert Carney, Clarence Fanto, Mark Killingsworth, Harvey Wasserman, Dick wingfield. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Alice Bloch, Mere- dith Eiker, Merle Jacob, Carole Kaplan, Robert Klivans, Roger Rapoport, Neil Shister, Katherine Teich, Joyce Winslow, Charlotte Wolter. SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Rick Feferman, Jim .La- Sovage, Bob McFarland, Gil Samberg, Dale Sielaff, Rick Stern, Jim Tindall, Chuck Vetzner. Published daily. Tuesday through Sunday morning. Business Staff CY WELLMAN, Business Manager ALAN GLUECKMAN.........Advertising Manager JOYCE FEINBERG... ..... . ....Finance Manager 'r nn * OT7 tXVWNffl A ..n,,Aa a .c4neca WManageor ventions of society. But if they are indi- viduals, it is because of what they do, say, and think, not because of the way they look. The appearance is only trim- ming, as meaningless as the conventions they are trying to reject. More realistic was one student's state- ment in a recent Daily editorial that this type of appearance is often meant to of- fend. And it does offend, as evidenced by the above comments. Then the question must be raised as to whether it is wise for people to offend when they are also trying to influence, to convince, to arouse interest and sympathy for a cause. The general reaction at the University to the demonstrations during the Interna- tional Days of Protest-a reaction either of indifference or of hostility based as much on distaste' for the demonstrators themselves as on political dissention - indicates that it is not wise. EVEN MORE SERIOUS than the reaction of outsiders to the protest movement is the recent absence of liberals 'and "moderate radicals" from its ranks, which has diminished and therefore weakened the demonstrations. Many students have been embarrassed to be actively and publicly associated with the protest, not because of potential dis- approval from dissenters, but because of the protestors themselves, many of whom seem to feel that anyone who is not as radical as they are is "compromising with the Establishment." Another facet of the current demon-, strations which has tended to confine them to an "in-group".of extreme radi- cals is the emphasis on civil disobedience. One student, who went to thefirst meet- ing for the Days of Protest, said, "They talked about what kind of civil disobed- ience would be committed before they outlined any kind of general plans or purpose for the protest." He said that since he didn't care to commit civil dis- obedience, and didn't approve of it in the present situation, he left the meeting. What can be done to increase the ef- fectiveness of this movement, aside from having the protestors shave and iron their shirts (although, if -general reac- tions mean anything, this certainly wouldn't hurt)? It's hard to say, of course, and any real solution must 'come from within the protest group itself; yet there are several things which would probably help. HE FIRST and simplest would be to in- stitute a more broadly-based recruit- ing system for any future actions, per- haps extending into the residence halls. A student will certainly'be more likely to demonstrate if he expects to see familiar faces in the group than if he knows'no one at all; he is also more likely to par- ticipate if he has specifically been asked to do so. This type of recruiting, if suc- cessful, would make .the protest group more heterogeneous, and larger. The second and most important would be for protestors to get out of the in- group, stop reinforcing themselves with others who share .the same beliefs, atti- tudes and goals. It is surprising to find that students who are not against the war in Viet Nam, often those who speak out most violently against the protests, are happy to discuss U.S. policies in a relaxed atmosphere. This process of "friendly persuasion"~ is as much a part Qf the democratic process of change, as much a part of the right to free speech, as any public demonstration of dissent. And it is often much .more effective. Many students have never thought very much about Viet Nam; they have auto- matically defended the actions of their country, taking their arguments from parents and friends,- and have never really considered the possibility that con- tinuing the war is a mistake. However, many protestors are not tak- ing advantage of the opportunity to talk to people about the war, and to try 'to convince them it is wrong. They argue about Viet Nam primarily with one an- other, and during discussions with those who disagree with them are often hostile, argumentative, and self-righteous. f'971 rff , TTyi Y' DTA ?1FT r fVN -. t.. a TT Q rv THE BANKERS and monetary experts who met in Washing- ton two weeks ago did not at the "time seem to be doing very much. Yet, in the large perspective of time their meeting may well come to be thought of as historically important. For the report of the World Bank and the address of its president, George Woods, opened up, as officially it has never been opened up before, the problem which is crucial in the promotion of world peace-the problem of the relationship between the rich- er and the poorer nations of the globe. This was not the advertised theme of the meeting. Generally speaking, attention was focused on how much progress could be made toward an agreement on the re- form of the International Mone tary System. This would be an agreement essentially between the United States and Britain on the one hand and the "continental Euro- pean bankers on the other. There was no substantial progress to- ward such an agreement, and for that reason the international (neeting seemed rather uninter- esting and unimportant. BUT WE CAN SEE in retro- spect that there' was no good reason to expect much progress on monetary reform. The question posed to the bankers was what kind of "effective and adequate substitute" they would agree to provide for the dollar deficits, now that, as President Johnson told them, "the long period of large U.S. deficits has come to an end." The bankers did not provide the substitute. The reason was, no doubt, that there is no immediate crisis due to a shortage of inter- national money, that there are unresolved conflicts of interests among the rich nations as to who shall control the creation of new reserves and, last but not least, that the European bankers are by no means convinced that the United States will in fact put a permanent end to its deficits. Although there were some use- ful technical and procedural agreements for further study, nothing was settled because the bankers were asked to find a theoretical solution-which might not need to be applied for a long time-to a problem which was hy- pothetical, since our deficits are not yet permanently ended. THE OTHER and largely ne- glected activity of the meeting has been to conform the governments and peoples of the world with the grim and dangerous contrast be- tween the advanced nations in the Northern Hemisphere and the un- Today all(1 Tomorrow' By WALTER LIPPMAAdN derdeveloped countries in the rest of the world. In the World Bank's masterly treatment of the subject, "the de- veloped countries," which have market economies and are non- Communist, include the United States and Canada in North America, Japan in Asia, the in- dustrialized countries of Western Europe. The "developing countries" in- clude all of Asia except Japan and the Sino-Soviet bloc, all of Africa expect South Africa, all of Latin America and in Soutern Europe, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Greece, Spain and Portugal. Leaving out Russia and China, these developing coun- tries include 70 per cent of the people of the world. In varying degrees they are all in trouble. There is every reason to believe that, without a great change of feeling and policy in the developed nations, the under- developed nations face a dismal future. Insofar as they, remain weak and disorderly, they will at- tract the rivalry for influence and power of the great powers. ALTHOUGH there are many differences among the underde- veloped nations, the one weakness they have in common is that with only rare exceptions-those rich in oil and some minerals-they cannot earn enough by their ex- ports to provide the capital they must have for their own develop- ment. The developed nations buy about three-quarters of the exports of the developing nations. Since the Korean War, the main trend, with only a few years' exception, has been toward rising prices for' manufactured goods and declin- ing prices for raw materials. For many, if not for all, of the developing countries their earn- ings from exports are not suf- ficient to keep up with the growth of population. Relatively speaking, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. In secular terms, this growing disparity is the paramount prob- lem of mankind, and it is in the context and environment of this disparity that the problems of war and peace will have to be worked out. THE DISPARITY cannot be overcofe by preaching and ex- horting the developing countries to pull themselves up by their own boot straps. They cannot and will not do that-certainly not unless they pass through the ordeal of some kind of Stalinist dictator- ship. There is again no good prospect that the terms of trade can be reversed by commodity subsidies and stabilization agreements. The only solution is that the rich countries make available to the poor countries the foreign ex- change which they can usefully employ to make themselves self- sufficient. This is estimated to be about $4 to $5 billion a year more than is now going out to those countries. Considering that the gross na- tional product of the developed countries, not including the Soviet Union, rose to over a trillion dol- lars ($1,100 billion) in 1964, this increased help is really a trifling amount. It would, of course, best be rais- ed and transferred' collectively, rather than by any one country such as the United States, and in this work the Soviet Union should, as the President suggested, par- ticipate. UNLESS the richer countries can srouse themselves tosuch an indispensable action, they should' cease to pretend that they really care about peace among men. (c) 1965, The Washington Post Co. * Letters: Portrait of the American 'Hero' To the Editor: RALPH WALDO EMERSON, of- ten called "The Wisest Ameri- can," wrote that no man or group of men can be great enough or wise enough to say who shall live or who shall die. Yet does not this very thing" happen, sometimes in a very hap- hazard manner? For example: a few days before World War I ended the Germans asked for an armistice and re- quested that in order to save lives hostilities should cease. The re- quest for a cease fire was refused by the allies and the Germans were given until eleven a.m. Nov. 11, 1918 to accept or reject arm- istice terms. Later terms were agreed upon and the French Marshal Petain' ordered the fighting in his sector stopped. Thereafter no French- men were killed except through accident. AMERICAN TROOPS, however, did not have a commander who had the respect for human life that the French army had and their advance against death-deal- ing machine-gun fire continued. How many boys, German and American, were killed in that senseless slaughter? One of those mortally wounded, a strapping young Minnesota farm boy, I knew very well indeed. His last words, as I had them from his buddies, were "It is a little tough to get it the last day." The boy was my younger brother. Barry Pitt in his book, "1918 The Last Act" docu- ments the facts about the last American drive in World War I. It is hard to believe that any human could permit such needless carnage but some wi'iting on the military brass clearly shows that with some of them killing is just something that is all in the day's work and no regrets. General Omar N. Bradley'in his autobiography "Story of a Soldier" describes a fellow general, George S. Patton, Jr., despite his act of the most revolting cruelity, as a magnificant commander and one whom the American people can admire. One act of our "magnificant commander,"-according to Brad- ley, was played out in a field hospital receiving tent where Pat- ton encountered a boy shaking with convulsions. He asked the boy what was the matter with him and the chap, his eyes filling with tears, replied that it, was his ,nerves, that he could not stand the shelling. "Your nerves hell," shouted Patton, "you are just a - coward." Patton slapped the boy twice with his gloves and told him that he was going back to the front lines to fight and that if he did not he (Patton) would have him stood up against a wall and shot on purpose. "I will not have the hospitals cluttered up," said Patton, "with - - - who do nlot have the guts to fight." ANOTHER INCIDENT about our hero, Patton, related by his biographer, Ladislas Farage in "Tragedy and Triumph" is rather revealing. According to this ac- count Patton, while looking down' on shell-torn flaming French farm land that was littered with the rubble of stone houses and dead cattle, raised his arms to the sky and exclaimed, "Compared to war all other forms of human en- deaver shrink to insignificance. God how I love it!" When the end of the war was in sight our so- called American people's idol wrote his wife, so Farage says, that, "Peace is going to be Hell on me." During World War II a TV newscast depicted General Douglas MacArthur striding through the- surf to an island, made safe for generals by the troops, and upon encountering the lifeless bodies of Japanese soldiers in - the back- wash exclaiming, "That is the way I like to see them--dead." Why, why, why? What had those Jap kids done that they had not been forced to do by old men who make wars? One more account of high brass heroics, among many others I could relate, will suffice for now. U.S. Marine Commander Holland (Howling) M. Smith in his auto- biography "Coral and Brass" de- scribes the Japanese fortified po- sition of Curibachi as a gigantic warren of thousands of caves and tunnels where many of the Jap- anese military and civilians were holed up hiding from his marines. Smith, on his own confession, could order his troops to seal up those caves as 'tombs for the Japanese, go to his headquarters, read his bible, say his prayers and go to sleep. "Perhaps the Japanese General Kuribayashi," he writes, "died in- one of those caves. I do not know." Some day, hopefully, the little people who do the bleeding and paying for war will heed Emer- son's words and the old men who make wars for young men to fight will have to do their own fight- ing. -Stewart Graves World War I Veteran Rice, Minn .Some Asian History To the Editor: A FEW SIMPLE FACTS should be considered in any discus- sion of the war in Viet Nam. Southern Indo-China was con- quered by France in 1867, north- ern Indo-China in 1884. In addition to other foreign in- vestments, France established a government monopoly In salt, al- cohol, and opium. Each village was given a quota of alcohol atd opium which it was forced to consume. Revolts broke out continually against French rule and grew dur- ing the Thirties. Japan occupied Indo-China in 1940 but left the French in charge. During the war, the nationalist movement developed rapidly and the Viet Minh was formed in 1941, representing a wide coalition of forces headed by the Communist Party. . THE VIET MINH waged guer- rilla war against the Japanese. Under this pressure the Japanese replaced the French administra- tors with Prince Bao Dai as ap- pointed head of an "independent" Viet Nam. In 1945 the Viet Minh swept to power, threw out Bao Dal.. and established the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam encompas- sing all of Viet Nam. The U.S. recognized the new government. This government represented the overwhelming majority of the Vietnamese people and won their support through national inde- pendence and a land reform. The Democratic Republic of Viet Nam is the only independent represen- tative government that Viet Nam has ever had. THE BRITISH LANDED in Sai- gon in September 1945, but as they had no major interestsin Viet Nam, and as they faced trouble elsewhere, they withdrew giving their "share" to France. France then occupied the cities of southern Viet Nam and persuaded Chiang Kai Shek to give up his share in favor of France. Once again the Vietnamese were not consulted. The Viet Minh compromised and France occupied Hanoi in 1946. Sporadic fighting broke out be- tween Vietnamese and French troops and this was (used by France as the pretext for its war for the reconquest of Viet Nam. The Vietnamese government fled to the mountains to lead the war against the invaders. The French based themselves in the captured cities and attempted to take' the countryside which the Vietnamese government still controlled. THE VIETNAMESE defeated France and the Geneva Confer- ence was held. The following points were the basis of the Ge- neva Agreement as it affected Viet Nam:' -1-Viet Nam would be temporally divided but this was in no way permanent and Viet Nam was one country. -Pending reunification the Viet Minh would govern in the north. -Pending reunification Prince Bao Dai would govern in the south. -Reunification would follow elections to be held in 1956 to determine who would govern a united Viet Nam. -No foreign military bases would be permitted in Viet Nam,. -No foreign combat troops would be permitted. -No military alliances would be formed by either north or south Viet Nam. The Viet Minh forces withdrew from the countryside of South Viet Nam which they controlled. The French withdrew completely, l leaving Bao Dai in charge. The U.S. soon arranged the overthrow' of Bao Dai and replaced him with Ngo Diem. The U.S. proceeded to supply Diem with arms, were conceded- military bases, had Diem cancel the national elections scheduled' for the reunification of Viet Nam in 1956, and entered into a mili- tary alliance with the government of South Viet Nam. Despite these violations of the Geneva agreement the government of North Viet Nam did not exer- cise its legitimate right to take any steps necessary to eliminate foreign intervention, secure na- tional unification and win inde- pendence for all of Viet Nam, as provided in the Geneva agree- ment. THE PRESENT WAR started in the south only after Diem, in 1958, began a mass purge of all politi- cal opponents complete with con- centration camps and executions. The Communists and other op- ponents of Diem fought back and guerrilla units were formed. They armed themselves with captured American weapons. In 1960 the National Liberation Front was formed. Like the Viet Minh, it is a broad coalition of forces and is led by the Com- munist Party. By 1961 the position of the puppet regime was deteriorating rapidly and the U.S. stepped up its direct involvement with in- creased arms, advisors and chem- ical warfare. In 1962, the U.S. plan for herding the peasantry in- to concentration camps ("stra- tegic hamlets") failed. With the opposition to Diem strongly mounting, the U.S. gave the signal for his overthrow and has suported each of the suc- ceeding line of military dictators. With the southern army collap- sing and the National Liberation Front moving toward victory, the U.S. resorted to direct invasion of South Viet Nam and full scale bombing of military and civilian targets in North Viet Nam. THESE ARE the simple facts of Vietnamese history. Although I do not have space in this letter to develop them, I would like to present briefly. the conclusions I draw from these facts and from the conduct of the U.S. through- out the colonial world: 1) U.S. policy is not the result of a misunderstanding, poor in- formation, or bad advisors. It is a conscious policy of crushing social revolutions . and indepen- dence movements whereever they threaten to undermine American domination. -t 2) The U.S. supports military dictators (Viet Nam) and fascist regimes (South Africa) not be- cause it is concerned with "de- mocracy" but because these forces are the only ones that ' can be relied on to defend foreign in- vestments and U.S. control. ,3) The U.S. is in Viet Nam to smash the peasant revolt, to prop up its puppet regime, to occupy an outpost against social revolu- tion in Asia, to destroy as much of North Viet Nam as possible, and, if conditions permit, to at- tack China. 4) The government of North Viet Nam and the National Lib- eration Front in South Viet Nam represent the majority of toe Vietnamese people in their fight against the United States and its agents. 5) Given the actions of the U.S., the people of Viet Nam have the right to do whatever is necessary to drive the United States from their country. They also have the right, under the precedent of the Nuremberg Trials, to try and con- vict captured military personnel and political leaders for crimes against humanity. -Linda Belisle,'67Ed Chairman, Campus Young Socialist', Alliance 'V *I 5 FEIFFER tK' POw ABOUT " ! Wo NOW IF Mr IT ADD FOR BHAT- BY GOWe K19! THEY M I '^ < " Lcc j AT nme SIZE OF '~&? H4AVE ' THA TH AT 7h COPA H6ART MPERE6 ARE M0 YlOU SAD TO OF6I AT 164 CPA. HUNTS~ AGAIIJ.-, TH ' &lDS -ri Ic -. --. r . . I