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October 24, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-24

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Major Overhaul Initiated To Hike Russian Ec


For the past few years the
Soviet Union has been troubled by
a slowdown in the growth of its
economy; for many years it has
been afflicted with an inefficient
and underproductive agriculture.
And this year, as many times in
the past, Russia has taken a cri-
tical look at the structure of its
economy and come up with some
important changes.
In agriculture, the changes be-
gan in March, with a comprehen-
sive program announced at a

meeting of the Communist Party's
Central Committee; the changes
in industry were announced just
a couple of weeks ago by Premier
Alexis Kosygin, also at a Central
Committee meeting. The pro-
grams are wide in scope, and so
are the objectives. In industry,
to cut out all the dead weight
that is holding down production
and growth and to push the gross
national product growth rate back
up to its former high level (it has
recently sunk to about four per
cent, equal to that of the United
States) and to force down the

capital to output ratio, which
means that an inordinately small
amount of goods is produced with
a given amount of capital.
In agriculture, where the situa-
tion is darkest, the Russian lead-
ers hope to solve the problems of
underproduction t h a t h a v e
plagued the country for the 45
years of its existence; recent har-
vest failures have cost the coun-
try hundreds of millions of dol-
lars as it had to buy grain on the
world market to feed its people.
To achieve these broad goals,
certain general revisions are being

-Elimination of the waste
caused by producing just for
quantity, not for quality, result-
ing in massive surpluses of un-
needed and unsalable goods;
-Improvement of technological
-Improvement of planning and
a shift in planning emphasis from
short term to long term;
-Improvement of the quality of
the products, many of which are
too inferior to sell in Western
-Production at lower cost, i.e.,

improvement of productivity. The
agricultural s e c t o r is to be
strengthened by increasing the
productivity of farm labor, by in-
creasing total yields, and by rais-
ing rural standards of living.
The USSR, then, is aiming at
eliminating all the important
stumbling blocks that confront the
econocy-an enormous task, whose
scope alone provides doubt that
it can be done.
The first thing Kosygin did was
abolish the industrial structure
created by Nikta Khrushchev in
1957: the national economic min-

istry and the regional Councils of
the National Economy. Their func-
tions will be split between factory
managements and a group of 28
national ministries (each one in-
dustry oriented, as a chemical in-
dustry ministry, steel industry
ministry, etc.). Thus there will be
both greater and less centraliza-
tion at the same time.
The individual factory manage-
ments will be gaining several im-
portant new powers-they will be
able to select the quantity and
composition of the labor force and
the assortment of goods they pro-,

duce. Most important, they will
have decision making powers on
small investments.
Another important innovation,
one which some Western observers
even call a "revolution," is the
enlargement of the role of profit
in the factory system. From now
on profit, not the quantity of goods
produced, will be a major indi-
cator of a business' success. This
will havp many crucial effects. It
will eliminate much of the disre-
gard for quality occurring under
the old system, it will force man-
agers to be more efficient in their

whole method of production, and
it will make the executives more
receptive to market conditions-to
what the consumers want. Along
with profit per se, the ratio of
profit to fixed and working capi-
tal will be a success indicator.
Another new development is
that factory managers will be al-
lowed to retain a large part of
their profits for wage bonuses, In-
vestments in equipment, and
housing and social funds. The
wage bonus idea is also considered
by some Western onlookers as
See SAYS, Page 6









Anti-ommunist Pr
Pakistan Charges India Plans
New Attach in',Border War

stan accused India yesterday of
planning a new offensive and
asked the Security Council for
prompt action to bolster the Sept.
22 cease-fire.
Pakistani Ambassador Amjad
Ali stated his government's posi-
tion in a letter formalizing its re-
quest for an urgent meeting of the
11-nation council.
Ambassador Ali's letter, was sent
Friday night and made public
yesterday. It asked that the presi-
dent call an urgent meeting im-
mediately to consider a "grave
and rapidly deteriorating situation

between India and Pakistan" and
"to bring prompt action to im-
plement" the council's Sept.-20
cease-fire resolution.
Virtual Collapse
Ali said the cease-fire that both
sides agreed to for Sept. 22 had
suffered virtual collapse because
of "total disregard by India of the
letter and spirit" of the resolution.
"We have evidence to show," he
said, "that India is planning to
launch a major offensive against
our northern salient in Rajasthan,
which would inevitably compel
Pakistan to take necessary coun-

Sixth Gemini Shot
Set To Go Monday

He accused India of carrying
on a "campaign of genocide," or
group extermination, a g a i n s t
Kashmiris on the Indian part of
divided, disputed Kashmir. He
said that the Indian arrest of "all
popular leaders" there was "bound
to have immediate repercussions
on peace between India and Paki-
Cease-Fire 'Precarious'
Ali noted that U.N. Secretary-
General U Thant earlier this week
pronounced the cease-fire "pre-
Indian Ambassador Golapas-
wami Parthassarathi, meanwhile,
in a letter to. Thant sent Friday
night and published yesterday,
accused Pakistani troops of 28
"cease-fire violations and other
incidents" early last week, includ-
ing the burning of a village in
Neither ambassador answered a
proposal Thant made Friday
night for sending Brazilian Maj.
Gen. Syseno Sarmento to India
and Pakistan for talks on with-
Withdrawal Talks
India previously had agreed to
take part in withdrawal talks only
after the cease-fire had been
"effectively established."
Pakistan had agreed td such
talks without conditions but said
the only way to get effective
cease-fire and withdrawals was to
give the job to "a commission of
the Security Council located in
this area."
Pakistan has spoken of having
Britain, France, the Soviet Union
and the United States on the com-
mission. But India is against the
whole idea.

otes ts
'Will Order
Army To Kill
Suharto Supports
Appeal for Calm, Not
Threat to Protesters
SINGAPORE () - President
Sukarno warned the Indonesian
people yesterday to stop anti-
Communist demonstrations or be
shot. The warning, broadcast by
army - controlled Radio Jakarta,
heard here, appeared to move Su-
karno nearer a showdown with the
heIn an angry voice, Sukarno said
he would order the army, which
has given tacit approval to the
demonstrations, to "shoot and kill"
Maj. Gen. Suharto, newly-ap-
pointed army chief, supported the
president's appeal for calm but
the broadcast did not carry any
comment by him on the warning
to anti-Communist demonstrators.
Ignore Appeals
Army leaders have ignored ear-
lier appeals by the 64-year-old In-
donesian president since it seized
control of the country after an
abortive Oct. 1 coup. The army
charges Indonesia's Chinese - or-
iented Communist party - PKI -
had a hand in the coup.
Speaking at a meeting he held
with top provincial leaders and
military commanders at his Ja-
karta palace, Sukarno repeated
earlier instructions to end what
he described as "racialism, slander
and vengeance."
This was an obvious reference
not only to the anti-Communist
campaign directed by the army
but to mob activities against
Blames Newspapers
Sukarno blamed Jakarta news-
papers for not giving his instruc-
tions sufficient space. The papers,
all non-Communist, operate only
with army permission.
He said that once his instruc-
tions against demonstrations are
carried fully in the Jakarta press,
he would order the army to "shoot
to kill" violators.
Sukarno said he wanted the
demonstrations halted to avoid
"all actions which can ruin our
struggle against neocolonialism,
colonialism and imperialism-it is
our efforts to build a society that
is fair and just," he declared. "It
is our struggle to crush Malaysia."
Continuing to play down the
coup attempt, Sukarno charged
that "some people" accused of in-
volvement in the coup movement
were victims of "false slander."

Soviet Brief
Tells of Viet
Offers Explanation
Of 'New' Positions;
Siege Maintained
WASHINGTON (P)-An account
in the Russian press may explain
in part the sighting of new anti-
aircraft installations in North Viet
Indications are that some of the
new sightings by United States
planes may be relocations of pre-
vious missile and anti-aircraft ar-
tillery positions.
One clue to this is found in a
dispatch in the Russian publica-
tion Pravda earlier this month.
The U.S. Navy made available yes-
terday a translation of the re-
Anti-Aircraft Defenses
The dispatch deals with anti-
aircraft defenses against the
mounting attacks by U.S. Navy
and Air Force planes, and reports
that anti-aircraft defenses have
been moved from original close-in
positions around targets out to
rice paddies and other areas.
such shifts in positions may
have been going on at other per-
manent sites, as well as at mobile
positions into which missile
launchers and weapons are mov-
ed in and out. This could explain
some of the new anti-aircraft lo-
cations which the Pentagon said
on Thursday had been observed.
All of the surface-to-air mis-
siles-SAM-and probably much
of the conventional air defense
artillery are believed of Russian
manufacture. Soviet military men
presumably have been helping and
may still be helping the North
Vietnamese in operation of the
So far, the SAM weapons have
brought down five U.S. aircraft,
the Pentagon says.
Continue Siege
Meanwhile, the Viet Cong main-
tained their siege of Plei Me with
mortar shells' last night and
pounced ona Vietnamese task
force 10 miles away that pre-
sumably was marching to the re-
lief of the Special Forces garri-

Asia Dominates News

The Asian continent dominated
the news scene once again this
past week. More optimistic mili-
tary reports have emanated from
Viet Nam, the Chinese position
in Indonesia has continued to de-
teriorate, in India Prime Minis-
ter Shastri has resisted demands
for an "A-bomb" and Rumania
has offered to settle the disagree-
ments between India and China.
In other parts of the world,
British Prime Minister Harold
Wilson is making a special trip to
Rhodesia in a last minute effort
to dissuade her from declaring
unilateral independence and lead-
ers of several African countries
are meeting in Accra, Ghana.
Red Chinese influence and pres-
tige in Indonesia, until recently
China's strongest ally, has suffer-
ed a tremendous decline during
the past couple of weeks. The re-
fusal of the Chinese Embassy to
lower her flag in honor of dead
Indonesian generals and her sup-
posed participation in the recent
abortive coup have resulted in a
number of demonstrations and
calls for a banishment of the
Communist Party by angered Mos-
lems and the military. These ac-
tions have resulted in a strongly,
worded note from Peking warning
against anti-Chinese agitation.
Precarious Position
Indonesia President Sukarno,
whose precarious position has de-
pended upon the maintenance of
a balance between Indonesia's two
strongest political forces - the
275,000 man army and the 3.5
million member Communist party
-has been forced to moderate
considerably his formerly Peking-
oriented outlook. It is felt that
even if he is able to succeed in
restoring some form of Commu-
nism, it is quite doubtful that his
Jakarta-Peking axis will survive.
Last week Indian Prime Minis-
ter Lal Bahadur Shastri reassert-
ed his decision that, India will
not develop a nuclear bomb despite
considerable pressure to do so.
Indian President Radhakrish-
nan, recently on a tour of East-

ern European countries, indicated
that Rumania, the most pro-Pe-
king oriented country in Europe
with the exceution of Albania, has
offered to mediate Indian dif-
ferences with China. However, In-
dia, which has made clear its po-
sition that China accept the "Co-
lombo proposals",on border issues
as a condition for any settlement,
received the peace bid rather cau-
Rhodesia Mission
British Prime Minister Harold
Wilson has departed on an elev-
enth hour mission for Rhodesia in
an effort to dissuade it from de-
claring its unilateral independ-
ence. Britain and other African
nations are demanding that Rho-
desian Prime Minister Ian Smith
make provision in the constitu-
tion for the eventual majority rule
as soon as a majority of Africans
succeeded in meeting educational
and property qualifications for the
vote as a precondition for inde-
pendence. Rhodesia has an 18-to-1
black-white composition.
African leaders from a number'
of countries have gathered in Ac-

{ ~Petitioning for-
Petitions available Monday, Oct. 25 through Friday, Oct.
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cra, Ghana, for a conference of
the Organization of African Uni-
ty. Conspicuous by their absence
are the seven French-speaking na-
tions. Two major issues at the
conference are the question of
what to do if the white-dominated
government of Rhodesia declares-
its independence of Britain and
the possible formation of an OAU
military group comprised of units
from each member.
In Canada the various smaller
political parties are threatening
the development of a majority
government in the forthcoming
national elections. Ludwig Er-
hard was re-elected West German
chancellor, a number of Catholic
leaders meeting at the Vatican
Council urged a reexamination of
the celibacy issue, Cambodian
Chief of State Prince Norodom
Sihanouk assailed Moscow for its
snub and consequently moved clos-
er to Peking. A coup attempt in the
new African country of Burundi
was foiled and violence again
flared in the Dominican Republic
as efforts to implement the. new
Reconciliation Act failed.

nauts Walter Schirra and Thomas
Stafford practiced yesterday in-
tricate space maneuvers for their
attempt Monday to catch and
join with an Agena satellite, a
technique which must be perfect-
ed before man ventures to the
Command pilot Schirra empha-
sized the importance of the flight
when he said in a recent inter-
"I think we're stalled on the
moon trip if we can't 'rendezvous
and dock."
The Gemini 6 pilots spent much
of the day in a spacecraft simu-
lator in the control center here.
A filmed image of an approaching
Agena flashed on a screen gave
them a realistic feeling for their
historic flight.
Space Doubleheader
All aspects of the mission pro-
gressed smoothly toward tomor-
row's space doubleheader, which
calls for the launching of two
rockets on a precise timetable.
The weatherman said there will
be clouds over Cape Kennedy on
launch day but they should cause
no problem.
An Atlas is to boost the Agena
into orbit at 10 a.m. A Titan 2 is
to follow at 11:41 to hoist Schirra
and Stafford on the start of their
dramatic space hunt.
Six hours later, high above the
Pacific, Schirra is to gently nudge
the nose of Gemini 6 into a collar
in the nose of the 26-foot-long
If successful, it, will be man's
first linkup with an orbiting ve-
hicle and will propel the United
States past a significant milestone
on the road to the moon.
Schirra and Stafford plan four
11 dockings and undockings, two
each, with the target satellite.
They will return to earth after
one or two days, depending on
when the hookups are completed.
'Most Difficult Yet'
Schirra, who will steer Gemini
6 through its orbit-shifting ma-
neuvers, calls the mission the most
difficult yet tried in the U.S. man-
in-space program when he said:
"The reason the whole program
is so important is that the whole
lunar program is predicated on
lunar orbit rendezvous. If we find

that the techniques we are work-
ing on are unfeasible, this could
have a major 'impact on the whole
moon effort.
"Our flight will be the first
time we will have a good quan-
titative look at rendezvous and
docking under actual flight condi-
Schirra said that when he and
Stafford return, "we will be the
leading experts on rendezvous and
docking. We will have some rec-
ommendations to make about what
is required-what equipment we
can do without and what equip-
ment is mandatory for the ren-

National Roundup

By The Associated Press
LINCOLNTON, Ga.-A planned
civil rights march stalled yester-
day in this small town, scene of
racial violence, after a state po-
lice captain had pleaded for a
postponement, and few local
Negroes showed up.
A few minutes later a car load-
ed with young Negroes overturned
five miles away, injuring five per-
sons. One of the occupants said
the driver had panicked when two
white youths began to chase the
vehicle in their car.
bassador Emil Stadelhofer flew up
from Havana yesterday to work
on details for an anticipated exo-
dus of thousands of Cubans to the
United States.
The envoy arrived for weekend
conferences at the State Depart-
ment amid Washington optimism
that an agreement will be reached
Meanwhile, bad weather halted
sailing of Cuban exile boats for
Florida yesterday.
The Coast Guard has assessed
stiff penalties on several owners
and operators of vessels used to
bring out. refugees. The Coast
Guard cracked down on safety
violations in boats used to bring
in the refugees. It announced that
three Americans faced fines of

$6,000 each for "gross violation of
safe navigation rules."
ST. LOUIS - The National
Council of Churches' World Order
Study Conference urged yesterday
that the United States end its
opposition to seating Red China
in the United Nations.
About 500 delegates to the con-
ference asked that the U.S. take
the step "without prejudice to its
own policy of diplomatic recogni-

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