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October 24, 1965 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-24

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Ohio'State .... 20 Michigan State 14 Northwestern.. 9 | Illinois ...... 28 Washington St. 8 Notre Dame ..
Wisconsin .....10 Purdue .......10 Iowa ......... 0 Duke .........14 Indiana...... 7 USC..........

28 Arkansas ..... 55 Slippery Rock .26
7 No.Texas St...20 Frederick .....12

See Editorial Page



:43 a t ty

Showers with chance
of snow

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom







Friday the Regents approved a
budget for next year, fiscal 1966-
67, which was surprising not so
much for what it said as for the
degree to which it saida it. This
was the budget that just wouldn't
It was large in two senses. First,
as expected, it asks for the largest
financial increases in the Univer-'
sity's history: an operating-budget
of $83.8 million, a state appropria-
tion of $65.8 million and a total
budget of $182.4 million.

These compare with this year's
operating budget of $67.8 million,
a state appropriation of $51.2 mil-
lion and a total budget of $165.5
In another sense, the budget was
large' conceptually. For several
years, the Michigan t Council of
State College Presidents has been
developing a uniform method of
presenting their colleges' budgets
to the state controller's office,
which then-submits them to the
governor and the Legislature.
They have hoped that, such a
presentation would eliminate legis-

lative confusion about just what
they were asking for and about
the relative needs of each institu-
By submitting its budget request
this year in the presidents' coun-
cil's form, the University has be-
come the first state college to be-
gin use of this method.
In both senses, the financial and
the conceptual, the size of this
budget portends great changes for
the University as an institution,
its faculty and its students.
General operations, teaching
and administration, accounts for

$16 million of the total planned
budget increase of $16.9 million.
The rest is allotted for an increase
in hospital expenses.
$6.9 million, the largest single
element of the planned increase,
will go to finance the University's
proposed rise in students next
Allen Smith, vice-president for
academic affairs, has estimated
that 2,000 more students will be
on the University's campuses next
year than are there currently.
This, as expected, 2,000 includes
a freshman class at the Univer-

sity's controversial Flint branch,
Smith said.
This fall's enrollment is 31,267
while next fall's is estimated at
33,250. Enrollment has climbed by
around 2,000 every year for the
last several years, with this fall's
rise coming to 2,164.
The second major element of
the budget is an increase of $5.2
million to account for both an in-
crease of $4.7 million in the sala-
ries of both academic and non-
academic staff members, and $.5
million to allow for price infla-
tion in the purchase of general

supplies such as paper and pencils.
If the Legislature grants the
money for this expansion, it will
allow the Office of Academic Af-
fairs to raise staff salaries an
average of eight per cent above
their present level.
$2.8 million of the increase is
earmarked for "deficiencies," areas.
for which funds were needed last
year but for which the Legislature
did not appropriate money.
The last $1 million of the in-
crease is being requested to pro-
vide funds for a new program un-

der the Center for Research on
Learning and Teaching.
A statewide computer-based in-
formation network serving all par-
ticipating colleges is the eventual
goal of this project. Smith envi-
sioned the full development of the
program as allowing the colleges'
students to learn specific facts by
the use of learning machines sim-
ilar to design to current language
He said that "information dis-
pensing" represented the greatest
waste of a teacher's time, and that
anything which would free classes

from this necessity would thus be
a great improvement in teaching
But the budget's size is impor-
tant in more than a financial
sense. The fact that it has been
organized in a form which event-
ually all state colleges will use is
both an advance for the Univer-
sity and an eventual benefit to
the state's educational system as
a whole.
Coordination is important pri-
marily from the standpoint of ex-
plaining to the Legislature just
See REGENTS, Page 6







with Power's Firm

_Dally-Leonard Pratt
THE BUDGET INCREASES approved by the Regents Friday are
approximately illustrated in the graph above. Planned increases
are the black areas at the top of each column, with this year's
totals represented by the white sections. The left-hand column
represents the increase requested in legislative appropriations;
the middle represents the increase in operations budgets (legis-
lative funds plus tuition), and the right-hand column is the
University's total budget including operations money, investment
income and research grants.
What's New at 764-1817
Lee Hot Line
Lee Hornberger, '66, president of Inter-Quadrangle Council,
yesterday announced that a petition stating "The student body
of the University of Michigan is in basic agreement with the
administration's policy in Viet Nam" will be circulating the
campus next week. If the necessary 1000 signatures are obtained,
the petition will be submitted to Student Government Council,
which will either pass it or refer it to the student body to be
voted on in the Nov. 17 election. Hornberger said the purpose of
.the petition is to "see what the student body really thinks."
e * * *
Associate Literary College Dean Burton D. Thuma told a
meeting of the alumnae council in the League yesterday that of
the four possible sources of funds for the proposed residential
college-government grants, state legislative appropriations, Uni-
versity dis'cretionary funds, and gifts and bequests-the latter,
the most likely source, "just don't seem to be there."

Heyns Says
Katz To Be
'Activist' Professor
Lost Job in Political
Controversy in 1963
Chancellor Roger W. Heyns of
the University of California at
Berkeley announced at a news
conference Friday he has decided
to rehire Eli Katz, the "activist"
former professor at Berkeley who
lost his job in a controversy over
his political affairs in 1963.
In the statement offfering Katz
a position as assistant professor
of German, Heyns said: "Dr. Katz
signed a Levering Act oath (loyalty
oath) in compliance with state
law and university policy. On the
basis of their work with him as
colleague the faculty members of
the department of 'German recom-
mended his appointment. This
recommendation has been received
and endorsed by administrative
officers and the appropriate aca-
demic committee."
"I am highly gratified by the
decision," Katz said yesterday, af-
ter he received a formal letter
from the Berkeley administration.
Katz indicated he is "seriously
considering" the offer to return
to Berkeley.
The decision to rehire Katz has
not eliminated the controversy
over academic freedom at Berke-
ley. Charles D. Aronson, a math
teacher in Berkeley's extension
service, has been refused his pay
for refusing to sign the Levering
Act loyalty oath, required of all
students and faculty members in
California. Aronson is considering
going to court to recover his sal-
ary, declaring that the loyalty
oath is unconstitutional,

"THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SHELFLIST" is promoted widely by University Microfilms, Inc. A portion of a brochure advertis-
ing the product, a copy of the 57,000-card Undergraduate Library catalogue, is shown above.
20 'U' Students Join Seminar,
Work To Aid WRAND Project

International Days of Protest
Produce Two Investigations,

Twenty University students yes-
terday participated in the WRAND
Volunteer Day at the Willow Run
Association for Neighborhood De-
velopment community center in
what directors called "a genuine
WRAND directors indicated that
another volunteer day will be
planned as soon as possible.
Thestudents yesterday partici-
pated first in a seminar session
with WRAND leaders Jesse Hill,
Jesse Rutherford, Donald Roberts
and Henry Alting in the morning,
and then turned to a cleanup pro-
ject in which several local young-
sters joined.
In the afternoon, Charles Jack-
son, a representative from the
Washtenaw C o u n t y Juvenile
Court, discussed thetinvolvement
of young people in worthwhile
activities as related to juvenile
j r Like Peace Corps
Rutherford said that the volun-
teer day was "very comparable to
a Peace Corps project in which
outsiders may find a way to ex-
press their interest in the en-
deavors of a striving community."
Rutherford added that he hoped
that there would be "an expan-
sion of the volunteer program for
the benefit of both the residents
of the area, who appreciate being
able to work with the participants,
and the students themselves, who
can learn from the experience."
This first work session was
spent in cleaning up the commun-
ity center, which is an old con-
verted school. A particinant in

Johnson announced a federal
grant of -$188,252 to the Univer-
sity's Institute of Labor and In-
dustrial Relations which was then
subcontracted to WRAND for an
extension of its project, as a dem-
onstration project in the War on
Since its inception, WRAND has
worked toward remedying social.
and cultural immobility in the
community by giving its residents
activities and interests.
Since its - beginning, WRAND
has started a job training corps
during the summer, a day care
center for small children, a com-
munity health committee and var-
ious activities for children, includ-
ing modern dance and baseball

Due to a heated debate regard-
ing the appropriateness of the
federal grant, Coordinator Hill ex-
plained, a thorough canvass of
the community has not been made.
Hill added that a canvass is
planned for the near future which
will sound out community wishes
and needs. He said that the var-
ious programs now existing within
WRAND have served transitional
functions, catering to basic and
obvious needs until the commun-
ity canvass could be made.
Rutherford noted that there is
a need for people interested in in-
structing children at WRAND,
and cited the possibility of some
arrangement being made with the
University to offer academic credit
to students who wish to teach.

A tutoring service is also being
developed within the WRAND
building, in conjunction with the
Willow Run public school system,
and WRAND officials would wel-
come student help here as well.
Several adult education classes are
scheduled to start at the center
next week.
Hope Students Continue
The three WRAND leaders ex-
pressed hope that student par-
ticipation would continue, for they
feel that much can be accom-
plished on a long-range basis.
With volunteer help, the leaders
said, WRAND will eventually be-
come an entirely self-sufficient'
community organization, ade-'
quately administering to the needs
of the area's citizens.

Power Asks
Review of
May Be Conflict of
Interest with Regent's
Microfilm Company
Regent Eugene, P o w e r asked
yesterday that the University in-
vestigate his business relation-
ships with the library system.
President Harlan Hatcher said
Power's request will be granted.
In a statement released yester-
day afternoon, Power said, "Since
questions have been raised by The
Michigan Daily at this time with
respect to the University of Mich-
igan - University Microfilms Inc.,
relationship, I am asking the Uni-
versity administration to conduct
a full-scale review of these rela-
tionships and to present a report
to the Board of Regents as soon
as possible."
President Hatcher commented,
"When he became a' Regent he
adjusted his relationship to the
University to conform to the legal
limitations required by this office.
He has proceeded in the belief
that the arrangements are right
and proper. Mr. Power has asked
however that this relationship be
re-examined by the Regents to
assure its correctness. This request
will be honored."
Article Prompts Request
Power asked for the review after
a story appeared in The Daily
yesterday pointing out four in-.
stances in which his firm may be
acting improperly.
The UMI - University relation-
ships are:
-Microfilming and selling Uni-
versity doctoral ,theses without
compensation to the University;
-Selling the University Library
shelflist of 57,000 cards (compiled
by the University at a cost of
about $50,000) without paying the
University royalties;
-Advertising the product as
"T h e University of Michigan
Shelflist," without the required
University consent to do so, and
-Keeping cameras in the Un-
dergraduate Library for micro-
filming University books without
a rental payment to the University.
These transactions all began
after Power became a Regent.
Possible Conflict-of-Interest
Citing sources close to the Uni-
versity's legal office, The Daily
pointed out yesterday that Power's
relationship to the University on
the microfilming of doctoral theses
could be a possible violationof
state law on conflict of interest
and a violation of copyright
Power's statement said:
"For some months .I've been
planning to leave for Tokyo on
Tuesday to attend a meeting of
t he International Micrographic
Congress, of which I am president.
"Unfortunately the questions

Cavanagh Rumored as Strong
Candidate for Urban Position'

Associate Managing Editor
Last weekend's International
Days of Protest produced far-
reaching effects throughout the
country this week.
At least two major investiga-
tions into the activities of the
groups involved were announced.
U.S. Attorney General Nicholas
Katzenbach announced that the
Justice.Department and the FBI
would begin an investigation of
some of the organizations involved
in anti-draft activities., including
lg,,ps for,. 'amP n,,xa,. Sn_-

Service Act sutdents involved may
possibly face immediate induction.
Meanwhile 36 University stu-
dents and faculty members who
were arrested for the sit in at
the selective service office receiv-
ed sentences of 10 days in jail
and a $65 fine delivered in Muni-
cipal Court by Judge Francis L.
While the protesters bore the
repercussions of last week's dem-
onstrations, two University pro-
fessors were charged by the Sen-
ate internal security subcommittee
of having "Communist affiliations

erendum on a major issue passed
by the voters during the last five
Additional probing into goings-
on around the University revealed
several other interesting items.
Reliable sources indicated that
there is currently a hard-core ring
of at least 200 marijuana users
operating in Ann Arbor. They are
all in violation of federal statutes
prohibiting "possession and sale
of the narcotic. The police have
been working closely with the Uni-
versity in trying to clear up the

By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH ning for * the cabinet job if he
fails to win big against Walter
SSpecial To The DeilyC. Shamie, his little-known con-
DETROIT - Usually reliable servative opponent, or if the city
sources said .here yesterday-in council president - the council
the wake of the Michigan visit candidate with the most votes -
of Vice-President Hubert H. who would succeed the mayor in
Humphrey Friday-that Detroit's the event of a resignation, is a
Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh is be- conservative.
ing seriously considered for ap- But if all goes well for Cavanagh
pointment to head the new De- and Detroit's liberal council can-
partment of Housing and Urban didates, he will almost certainly
Affairs. h the Presidnt's first chnice for

the urban affairs post. He has
resisted similar urgings for other
administration jobs in the past.
The Vice-President spoke en-
thusiastically and at length-as a
television camera recorded his re-
marks for use on election eve-
of Cavanagh's accomplishments in
urban problems such as housing
and urban renewal, community-
police relations and poverty.
"You have given the kind of
leadership that has made Detroit

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