Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Problem of an Overwhelming Bias, 4 Where Opinions Are Free' Truth Will Prevail 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: LAUREN BAHR Power-Regent, Businessman: A Conflict of Interest? THE FACT that what is good for Univer- sity Microfilms is not necessarily good for the University may be a disappoint- ment to Regent Eugene Power. It appears that it is time for a com- prehensive reevaluation of the relation- ship between Power's University Micro- films and the University Library. Primarily, Power, as a Regent, has an obligation to seek the opinion of the Michigan attorney general on business practices his firm has instituted since he became a Regent in 1956. Secondly, as a businessman, Power has an obligation to comply with University regulations ap- plicable to corporations doing business with the University. Thirdly, as an indi- vidual and a Regent, he has an obliga- tion to reconsider the propriety of his business relationship with the Univer- sity. THERE IS A SENSE of irony in all this because Power's public contributions both as a businessman and a Regent have been substantial. The meteoric growth of University Mi- crofilms is a credit to Power's ingenuity and business sense. Moreover in the best tradition of the publishing world, Power has undertaken projects which offer very little profit potential but are an invalu- able service to the scholarly world. As a Regent, Power has given of him- self unsparingly. A Democrat, Power has been a key force in promoting an en- lightened University attitude toward stu- dent welfare. As a private citizen Regent Power has with no fanfare donated $150,000 worth of microfilming materials to the Univer- sity over the past ten years. And Regent Power, long a supporter of theatre in Ann Arbor, is currently making a sizable contribution toward a new University theatre.1 (The Daily Senior Editors took excep- tion to the possible use of University funds to add to Power's gift, but in no way questioned his generosity or long term commitment to good drama in Ann Arbor.) Yet for the second time in recent weeks Power is coming under fire. Power and many others may well ask why. In good conscience one cannot ignore the pertinent questions that arise after a comprehensive examination of the situ- ation. SHOULD UNIVERSITY Microfilms be allowed to store and sell microfilms of University of Michigan dissertations when a University agreement stipulates that the library do this? Perhaps, but such an arrangement viol- ates a University agreement which spe- cifically states that the library keep and sell the microfilms of the doctoral theses. Obviously something is amiss. Moredver, the transfer of theses from the University of Michigan to University Microfilms, which sells them commer- ially, could possibly be construed as a contract and hence this whole procedure could be a violation of state law. Sources indicate that the University's legal office believes the legal question involved is. as yet unanswered. Moreover, an Ann Arbor attorney has indicated that the procedure could possibly be a viola- tion of ' the copyright of the student's thesis. Surely the University and Power have an obligation to examine the legal- ity of the current arrangement. Microfilming all the catalogue cards in the Undergraduate Library is an arrange- ment Power should not have established without seeking the attorney general's opinion. Moreover, the University goes to great expense to develop the shelflist and then University Microfilms comes in, sells the product at a commercial profit and Editorial Staff ROBERT JOHNSTON, Editor LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM JEFFREY GOODMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director JUDITH FIELDS.................. Personnel Director LAUREN BAHR........... Associate Managing Editor JUDITH WARREN........Assistant Managing Editor ROBERT HIPPLER.......Associate Editorial Director GAIL BLUMBERG ................... Magazine Editor LLOYD GRAFF ........ .........Acting Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Susan Collins, John Meredith, doesn't even pay the University royalties for it. THE INCREASED DEMAND of Univer- sity Microfilms customers for books on the University of Michigan Shelflist brought about the need for University Microfilms to place two cameras in the Undergraduate Library, another question- able matter. Allowing University Microfilms to have cameras in the Undergraduate Library represents a conflict in thinking on the part of both Power and Library Director Frederick Wagman. When Eugene Power was elected Re- gent he voluntarily removed one of his company cameras from the basement of the University General Library. "We de- cided our relationship should become much more formal," explains Wagman. Apparently Wagman implies that the cameras were removed for ethical con- siderations. But in 1964, as Wagman puts it, "My thinking changed." Two cameras are now in the Undergraduate Library. University Microfilms pays no rent for the space. Having cameras in the library allows Power to supply books off the shelflist more quickly and thus is a commercial advantage to him. Now perhaps it is perfectly legitimate for University Microfilms to have its cam- eras in the University library. But Pow- er certainly has an obligation to check with the attorney general to make sure that this arrangement is a legitimate one. PERHAPS THE MOST revealing incident about Power's attitude toward this en- tire situation is the question of using the University's name. It is unbelievable that Power can be a Regent for ten years and yet be unaware that University consent must be obtained to use the University's name. Even sweatshirt companies need the University's consent to use the school emblem.) Power claims he was unaware that his ad promoting the "University of Michi- gan Shelflist," represented a breach of University policy. Ironically the regents rule on viola- tions of this advertising policy. Power seems to maintain a "so what?" attitude to his not obtaining University consent to use the name in advertising. And this typifies Power's reactions to- ward the other questions raised. BASICALLY HIS ATTITUDE is that he gives so much to the University that this overrides any other considerations. As Wagman put it, "We (the Univer- sity) get much more from University Microfilms then we give them." Wagman's justification is fallacious for two reasons. First of all University Microfilms may well be getting more from the University than it gives it. But far more important is the realiza- tion that a gift requires no reciprocal ob- ligation on the part of the beneficiary. If a newspaper baron donates $10,000 to The Daily he does not get three free pages of advertising. Yet when one interviews dozens of Uni- versity administrators he hears the con- stant refrain, "Well, yes, perhaps there's something a little amiss, but after all you have to judge this in the context of Pow- er's positive contributions." THIS ATTITUDE, maintained by Power, Wagman and other prominent Univer- sity figures, is a frightening one. University Microfilms apparently can enjoy any privilege it wishes. As one University Microfilms' executive confides, "We have the libraries over a barrel." The company can microfilm University theses and catalogue cards, put cameras in the library, and use the University's name in advertising, and no one seems to be asking legal or ethical questions about these activities. Power's attitude is, "We make them (University Microfilms' services) available often at very substantial sacrifices in or- der that the University not be penalized because I am a Regent." Power's magnamity is certainly appre- ciated. But apparently he refuses to con- CARBOND ALEIl. - No, this isn't about The Daily; we don't admit to bias, just a point of view. The point is that the conference here, Vision 65, should be written about in its own terms, the visual communication arts, not with words expressed with ink on paper and trailing in sentences across a page. Words in sentences on paper have their own considerable bias simply in terms of the manner of expression. A picture or a symbol can say very different things and allow the communication of very different concepts in a very dif- ferent framework than a printed sentence can. In this sense The Daily, and the paper snowstorm that innun- dates ustall, is biased purely be- cause of the form in which it pre- sents information and ideas. But this is minor compared to the plight of most modern U.S. univer- sities, which are so completely committed to the written word as THE form of communication that they run the risk of becoming totally obsolete before the cen- tury is out. For example, there is the re- search syndrome. Institutional prestige, professorial prestige (and hence salaries) and institutional emphasis are all geared to "out- put," conveniently measured by publications. Research is seen as a way of producing this visible output. UNFORTUNATELY, other fa- cets of human activity and devel- opment cannot be so easily meas- ured and hence tend to get ignor- ed by the "institution-builders," who insist on tangible evidence of greatness. The values of the visual arts are generally intangible, difficult to nurture and apparent- ly irrelevant. One can argue first that they needn't be relevant to have a place in a university, or, if forced to retreat from that utopian position, that they are rapidly becoming much more relevant than most of what goes on in universities. R. Buckminster Fuller, billed here as an "inventor, engineer, designer AND philosopher," said in the conference's keynote ad- dress that with "the energy dis- tributing networks and the in- dustrial machinery" removed from the world's industrialized coun- tries, two billion people would starve to death in six months. There would, however, be no such problem he said, with just the politicians, the ideologies and their professional protagonists removed. BASICALLY, the 400 people at this conference can be dubbea the new communicators. They are slowly beginning to realize that the new communications are going to be more and more visual. Tele- vision, for instance, will surely have as great a long-run impact on world development as the book has. Masaru Katzumie, a Japanese designer, spoke of his attempts to create an international symbology for all the signs at the recent Michigan MAD By ROBERT JOHNSTON Olympics in Tokyo. Such work is now only tentative, but it seems likely that such visual communi- cations, conveying as they can much more information than other means and to many more people instantly and cheaply will become the dominant mode of interna- tional contact. And, logically, thinking will cease to be in terms of the nation and instead in terms of the world, as we are beginning to see with respect to Viet Nam. Will not in- stant Telstar television of the Viet Nam war have as much effect on U.S. public opinion as it did when the TV cameras were on the spot in Selma? Of course few people really un- derstand or have any kind of a feel for visual communication. "But I don't understand it," is the common plaint. What the speak- er means is that the only lan- guage he understands is the writ- ten one, and this has blocked off such a hunk of his mind that he can't even conceive of others existing. All the American needs to do is look around him-really look-to understand how completely we ig- nore visual stimuli, what thor- oughgoing disregard we have for the esthetic design and arrange- ment of ourhenvironment, both in terms of the whole and its parts. IF VISUAL communication really is to gain significant new importance, that means that those who understand and can "speak" the language will become the new communicators, and rise rapidly in power and importance. A few of those at the conference were just beginning to sense this kind of development in their posi- tions. Up to now the talented visual artist has usually been bought, so to speak, like a work- er. He works in industrial design, advertising, movies or whatever. Some of course rise to the level of artists, especially in cinema, but at great cost. They don't appreciate this po- sition. One of the pokes the con- ference enjoyed most told how Coca-Cola spent millions on a TV special with Sophia Loren in Lon- don. At the end of the show for a final comment, she looked up at a large Coca-Cola billboard and said, "But of course we call it Pepsi-Cola in Italy." That's what most of these people would like to do to their bosses. Thorold Dickinson from Uni- versity College, London, provided some small examples of visual communication in a university context. He selected the 1930's for historical study through films with his students. Charles Chaplin and Hitler were "the outstanding personalities that emerged, Chaplin in Modern Times by his genius in crystalliz- ing the trends of the time and in- cidentally flouting the exponents of escapism, and Hitler whose im- pact in Triumph of the Will dis- rupted our history department and caused some students to change their research and rewrite their current theses." He discusses the world-wide problems of backwardness, poverty and ignorance. "This experience can only be captured at first hand on sound film." The written word is only second hand, Dickinson said. "The world has largely been content to live at second hand yet the moving image is now de- veloped enough to introduce the truth at first hand, if we are not afraid of the truth." OR PERHAPS we are, or at least we are afraid of new perspectives on it. Written reports on anything and everything are proliferating in a bureaucratic world. Aren't film record just as potentially valu- able? Aren't we being tremen- dously biased in looking at the world only through the written word? These are important questions for a university that claims to be on the forefront of human knowl- edge and endeavor and under- standing. With our overwhelming bias to- ward the written word as a means of communication and our in- ability to even perceive let alone understand the potential impor- tance of other "languages," we may find ourselves at the head of the pack all right, but on the wrong road-a dead end. i$ Coming--a Rebirth Of McCarthyism? By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN McCARTHYISM IS on the move. Now it is only creeping, but it is moving. And as the movement gains momentum, it will be harder and harder to stop. The story in today's paper about the allegations of the Internal Security Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on the Judi- ciary about members of the teach- in movement is indicative of the smearing that is starting now. Take for example the docu- mentation of Professors Rapaport and Coburn's alleged "Communist sympathies and/or association with known . Communists and known Communist movement and front organizations." IN THE CASE of Prof. Rapo- port the strongest documentation that the committee makes is, "the bulletin of the South Shore Club of the Communist Party in Chi- cago dated February 1946 an- nounced that a benefit concert was to be held on March 2, 1946 at 7634 South Yates, Chicago. It was further announced that An- atol Rapoport, accomplishd pian- ist and mathematician, would per- form on this occasion. In the case of Prof. Coburn one can not even say that any of the allegations seem vaguely pertinent. One couldbname an innumerable list of liberals who would, like Coburn, oppose HUAC, the Mundt bill, and speaker bans. Who knows who will be smeared next? WHEN WILL the witch hunts begin again? It. is essential that the acad- demic community realize that the bellowing of "Are you or have you ever been," is not too fai away. There may very well have been a few Communists in the teach-in movement, but they certainly did no dominate it. And Dodd seems to have missed the boat with his list of 19 alleged sympathizers. The fact that Dodd's allegations are being repeated by other politi- cians snakes the issue all the more pertinent. Even if there is no at- tempt to hold hearings like in the 50's, there is still the fact that the airing of these irresponsible charges is producing an ugly poli- tical climate in which citizens are unsure of their right of free dis- sent. Although Dodd claims he is in favor of free speech, he says that a line must be drawn between "re- sponsible dissent" and treason. But don't people have the right to advocate dissent which'in Dodd's judgment does not conform to the conventionally "respon- sible?" To the dissenters the con- ventional may seem more irre- sponsible. PEOPLE STILL THINK that a repetition of the early '50's is im- possible. They take Dodd's charges of Communist infiltration with a grain of salt and sit back in their easy chairs. The Dodd report should speak for itself. Its twisted logic and ludicrous innuendos should make the academic community, teachers and students, realize that the seeds of McCarthyism have been sown. It is their responsibility, regard- less of their individual political affiliations, to mobilize public out- rage so the seeds are destroyed before they grow. #'I BUL L IN A CIA1NA SHOPcW Administrators Must Adjust to Real World' Student By ED SCHWARTZ Collegiate Press Service STUDENTS ARE often urged to "adjust." With the collapse last year of the educational philosophy of an entire decade at Berkeley and elsewhere, college administrators are going to have a few adjust- ment problems of their own. High- er education has changed. It is no longer a savored luxury of the elite, as it may have been 25 years ago. Nor is it the protracted guidebook for technocrats encour- aged in the '50's. The numerous popular attacks on specialization have succeeded sufficiently that even students are beginning to value liberal arts in the classroom and open discussion outside of it. This has come as a shock to those accustomed to the compla- cence of the "ivory tower intellec- The Guns Of August TN THE lovebed of war nid hnrses die groaning tual" for whom a university was little more than a lab, a library, a classroom, and a bunk. It's time they recovered. IN THE DAYS of elite educa- tion, there would have been some merit to the administrative con- tention that powerful student gov- ernments or vocal undergraduate political organizations were not an essential part of the campus. Even today, Dean Griswold of Harvard Law School could boast to a group of Oberlin alumni that "our students are too busy worry- ing about torts to get concerned about 'their role in the decision- making process'." His was the clearest statement of what I would call the "our Negroes are happy" school of college administrators. Griswold, however, presides over one of the last strongholds of the elite. The relationship between the law student and the university is vertical. He has no social rules. He is not expected to "develop as a whole man," although he might. Chances are that he has his own apartment and lives independent of university facilities, except those which relate to his study of law. His concern with, university decision making merely reflects the university's unwillingness to They may hire psychologists, special counselors, administrators of extra-curricular activities, even social directors. By their own ad- mission, classroom education is only one part of their relationship to the student. When an undergraduate accepts this premise, however, that stu- dent's involvbment in policy is equally necessary to develop "qual- ities of citizenship" and that stu- dent action in local communities is a desirable adjunct to courses in the social sciences, the same administrators will revert to the elitistnargument that "education should be confined to the class- room-you have no business doing any of these things." IF I WERE a rabid leftist, I would brand such sophistry as a glaring example of Establishment hypocrisy. So as not to impugn motives, I would suggest that it represents an unwitting contra- diction. I 'do not object to a university which seeks to provide extra- curricular as well as classroom programs for its students. Indeed, as higher education is made avail- able to large numbers and as course material replaces vocation- al training with "broad develop- ment," opportunities for action will be necessary for students to test conflicting theories through participation. But a university cannot confuse development with indoctrination, participation with manipulation, and expect a person trained in critical thought to accept. The student need only examine Na- poleon's system of nonrepresented governments to evaluate the poli- tical position of his student gov- ernment. A quick intake of Socrates' "Apology" should provide him an incentive for honest expression. And then there's that messy busi- ness of civil rights. Therefore, the administrator must adjust. If he wants the American campus to become a laboratory for the "leaders of tomorrow," he must create a cam- pus community in which qualities of leadership can be developed- one which guarantees that a stu- dent opinion has some chance of implementation and which enables a student politico to work in the "real world" with the university's blessings. Otherwise, the administrator will discover that the student has learned his lessons too well. I 4 Sc hutze 's Corner .Cold War 4 INTER - FRATERNITY Council has announced that more people want to join fraternities this year than ever before. Rush this fall was 80 per cent larger than the nrevinn rnord high. associated with fraternities by flocking to the protest groups and their patently more patriotic image of nonconformist intellec- tualism. Eventually, the two opposing summits of the rival organiza- tions. The fraternity men will be free to drink their beer and the pro- testers to strum their guitars in the secure knowledge that the leader-