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October 22, 1965 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-22

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Events Building Costs Rise Above $5Million T Wiii
(Continued from Page 1) ment, on Feb. 27, 1964, for a cost date at the last meeting of the were studied before the present events besides athletics. tures can be restored later, and
price possible," the source con- of $3.5 million. Board, remarked that, "It will be area, immediately east of Michi- Shelve Project? it's possible that individual don-
tinued. The club reportedly be- Increased Cost most surprising if construction on gan Stadium, was chosen. Because of financial problems, ors will earmark specific contribu-
liees hata szabe pofi cold On Oct. -23, 1964, the Regents the events building is completed Three of the locations were rul- a discussion about shelving the en- tions in the University's $55 mil-

is Title;
LU War.

be derived by renting the prop-
erty out to concessions, because
of its proximity to the stadiumt
and the events building.<
As a result of its odd shape, the1
land would probably have little
commercial value except for con-<
cession stands. There is little
room for either parking or com-
mercial development on the1
ground. ,
A local real estate expert, com-f
menting on the $400,000 price tag,'
said, "It certainly seems ridicu-
lous. Of course, I'm not familiar
with all the details. There may be
an oil well or two on the place for
that price.'nr
The sale of the land centers1
around the construction of the
events building. The Regents orig-
inally approved the building,
which is to be used for basketball
games and general ; University
convocations such as commence-l

sanctioned a plan raising the cost
of the events building to not more
than $5 million. This was an ad-
dition of $1.5 million to the in-
itial estimated cost.
The total cost is now almost
double the initial $3.5 million fig-
ure. Athletic Director H. O. (Fritz)
Crisler said last week that the
projected expenditure for the
events building is "$5 million plus
and the cost of related facilities
which will up the total price of
the project to $6.7 million."
The date set for completion was
commencement, 1966.
Crisler revised the completion
date in October, 1964, moving it
back to the second half of 1966.
The projected completion date
was reset for the second time in
September of this year when it
was placed at Jan. 1, 1967. Cris-
ler, when questioned about this

by the target date of Jan. 1, 1967,
because of 'unforseen problems
such as labor shortages, the
weather, and strikes."
Citing reasons for the postpone-
ment. of the completion date from
commencement, 1966, to Jan. 1,
1967, Crisler continued: "Such
things as the site study, which
took seven weeks, the time in-
volved while waiting for the pre-
liminary drawings and the letting
of the final contract account for
the delay."
The Regents approved the site
recommended by the board on
March 26, 1964, only four weeks
after they had first approved of
the project.
No action has been taken by the
Regents on the events building,
since October 23, 1964.'
Initial Study
In the initial site study, a to-
tal of eight alternative locations

ed out because the project would
require extensive relocation of ex-
isting athletic facilities, and seri-
ous engineering problems might
develop because the depth of firm
subsoil was not great enough to
support the massive structure.
The other four sites were elim-
inated because of the large num-
ber of small land parcels that
would have to be purchased at
considerable cost to the board. If
the purchase of the triangle of
land owned by the Ann Arbor Golf
and Outing Club is carried out,
this would have been a reason for
questioning the feasibility of the
present location in the original
site study.
The events building is being fi-
nanced through a bond issue the
cost of which will be borne by
board receipts. The board is 'pay-
ing all the costs, even though the
structure will be used for other

tire project was carried on this
summer. According to Crisler, the
board undertook the study when
the bids came in, with the lowest
being much higher than the esti-
mated cost.
"The board felt it could not fi-
nance even the lowest bid with its
assets," he said. "We decided to
carry on, because with the dele-
tion of several of the events build-
ing's features, we thought that the
board's assets would ge sufficient.
although it would be a tight
"The board is deleting the ramp
approaches to the side and front,
the telescoping seats, the lighting
effects, a major portion, of the
landscaping, extra locker rooms
for tournaments, the bays and gal-
leries for trophies, and many other
refinement features," the athletic
director continued.
"Of course, many of these fea-

lion fund drive for the project,"
he added. NEW YORK (AP)-Dick Tiger, a


Revenue Source
The athletic board receives its
revenues from student athletic
fees, football and basketball tick-
et sales, radio and television reve-
nues, and an annual grant of $10
per student from the University
taken from tuition accounts.
The student athletic coupons for
football games were only $2 in
1962-'63 but the price was,.raised
to $12 the next year and has re-
mained at that level. Until the
1964-'65 basketball season, stu-
dents were admitted free to the
games, but last year, the board
instituted a new policy where stu-
dents were charged $1 for each
The board did not even mention
the fact that they began charging
students for basketball games in
their 1964 annual report.
Athletic Coupons
The student athletic coupons
form a major part of the board's
revenue, with 22,000 students pur-
chasing the football tickets this
Crisler' emphasized that the
funds received from tuition ac-
counts is not large compared to
grants given to athletic boards at
other Big Ten schools. "The mon-
ey is similar to that allotted to
other departments in the Univer-
sity, like the Health Service," the
athletic director said.
Carrying out all its decision-
making in secrecy, the board does
not allow the press or non-mem-
bers of the board to attend its
monthly meetings.

grim stalker from Nigeria, won
back the world middleweight title
he lost 22 months ago by whip-
ping game Joey Giardello deci-
sively on a unanimous verdict last
night in 15 tough rounds.
A capacity crowd of 17,064 that
paid $161,964 at Madison Square
Garden saw the 36-year-old Afri-
can open cuts around both of Pal
Joey's eyes.
Thumping a steady barrage on
Giardello's body while bongo
drums beat a steady accompani-
ment in the background, Tiger
piled up points but never was able
to drop the veteran who took the
title from him Dec. 7, 1963 at At-
lantic City.
Referee Johnny Lo Bianco scor-
ed it 9-5-1 in rounds, judge Al
Berl 10-5 and judge Tony Castel-
lano 8-6-1, all for the muscular
Nigerian. The AP card had it
10-4-1 for Tiger, who was raised
up on the shoulders of his han-
dlers in mid-ring after the bout.
Although Giardello had won
nine straight over a period of
nearly three years and had beat-
en Tiger in two of three previous
bouts, Tiger had gone into the
ring as a 7-5 favorite. He had
been a 3-1 choice when he lost
at Atlantic City.
The big crowd included a large
delegation of Giardello boosters
from Philadelphia who cheered his
brief stands of counter punching.
But the 35-year-old battle-scar-
red boxer from Cherry Hill, N.J.,
simply could not keep the Tiger

from climbing all over him.
Tiger, who weighed 158%
pounds to 160, the class limit, for
the beaten champion, had waited
a long time for this return bout.
He started strong, carried the bat-
tle to Pal Joey, and piled up such
a wide lead that he' was out of
reach when Giardello started a
late comeback.
EUGENE, Ore. (P--The AAU-
NCAA track war has broken out
again despite a congressional un-
derstanding that a moratorium is
in effect, a sports editor reported
Jerry Uhrhammer of the Eugene
Register-Guard said the Amateur
Athletic Union has refused to
sanction the Oregon invitational
track meet, scheduled in Portland
Jan. 29, if the U.S. Track and
Field Federation also sanctions it.
The federation is backed by the
National Collegiate Athletic As-
sociation which was warring with
the AAU prior to the moratorium.
Meet officials said they got
federation sanction some time ago.
That assures them college partici-
pants. They also want open-class
athletes and to get them need
AAU sanction.
The moratorium was worked out
by a Senate commerce subcom-
mittee in August. Uhrhammer said
the committee counsel told him in
a telephone conversation that the
moratorium means the AAU can-
not refuse to sanction the Oregon


Miss Margaret Flory
will speak as part of a service of installation
for the campus ministry staff about the
Sunday, October 24 ... 7:30 P.M.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw
SUNDAY, October 24, at 3:30 P.M., Miss Flory will meet with all
students interested in work, study, and service projects in the U.S. and
overseas-French Room, Presbyterian Campus Center, '1432 Wash-

Micbigan Lagging in Education
Appropriations, Report Claims

pre-tested for 360 hours..
to assure you
a lifetime of proud possession

(Continued from Page 1)
Planning is a continuous pro-
cess subject to revision; it is flex-
ible and emphasizes the requisites
of growth within each school and
college. The changing demands of
technology and society eliminate
fixed priorities which would ob-
struct this vital flexibility of the
planning process.
The quality of resources in three
areas influences the standards of
education of excellence provided
by University. programs: student
body, staff and facilities. High
quality in the first is created by
selective admissions standards
alone, but achievement within the
latter two areas is extensively de-
pendent on sufficient finances.
Because keen competition exists
among government, industry, and
other education~al institutions for
quality personnel, salaries must
rise annually in order to maintain
present standards of instruction.
Since the relative position of the
average salary level decreased for
a period of six years, largely as a
result of insufficient state appro-
priations, careful consideration
has been given-the financial needs
within this area in preparing re-
cent budgets, Smith said.
'U' Finances
The University's general fund
receives money from state ap-
propriations and student fees.
State funds are by far the con-
trolling factor; however in some
ways, the bounds they set can be
overcome. For instance, units
which conduct much research can
engage staff members who divide
their time equally between re-
search and teaching. Their salaries
then come from both * general
funds and research money.
According to Smith, a policy of
"controlled growth" regulates en-

rollment increases. Consultations
among administrators and deans
take place annually to decide the
extent to which the University's
finances can allow expansion of.
the student body without an ac-
companying decline in the quality
or quantity of facilities and staff.
For example, the freshman class
this year is the same size as last
year because of "hold the line"
enrollment recommendations from
the literary college faculty. How-
ever, the total accumulative stu-
dent body is larger because admis-
sions increased two years ago.
Smith said that perhaps a dif-
ferent functional arrangement
would better solve the dilemma
of rocketing enrollment. He ad-
vocates the. residential college
system as a means of providing
large numbers of students with
the advantages of both smaller
groups and the many resources of
the University. He hopes that the
physical proximity of faculty, stu-
dents and facilities might promote
communication and coordination,
thus minimizing stresses.
The University also hopes to
offset partially the pressure for

larger admissions by using to bet-
ter advantage the potential of the
spring-summer term.
Smith reflected that while state
appropriations in the last two
years have not met requests, they
have enabled over-all progress.
Certain equipment demands have
been fulfilled, and the decline in
average salary level has been
stopped, although funds have not
"served to improve" this situation.
The fate of the request which
the Regents will submit to the
Legislature today is vitally impor-
tant to the University, Smith em-
The University must receive
adequate funds to realize plans for
development. If appropriations are
instifficient, the quality of edu-
cation at the University will suffer.
He continued that the condition
of the economy and the attitude
of citizens are the major deter-
minents of legislative policy. Ul-
timately the Legislature will fol-
low the demands of its consti-
tuency. When and if the consti-
tuents become sincerely concerned
with the requisites of higher edu-
cation, the Legislature will be suf-
ficiently aroused to finance them.




': f
: ;
.4.. ?s .

4th and Final University Lecture on the
.. .::::::<:>theme: "Religion-Forward or Backward"
4:15 P.M.Mtultipurpose Room,
ndergrad Library
F. -. t~j~::i tii.. . v :;}. ."
. . ~** 'RELIGION AS A
'-pesently Executive Director, Center for the Study of
Personality and Cutlure, Inc., Cambridge, Mass.
-formerly professor and lecturer at: Princeton, Har-
vard, Cornell, Stephens, Occidental, Harvard Divinity,
Princeton Theological, Episcopal Theological, schools,
colleges and universities.
-author of Die Theologie Reinhold Niebuhrs: The
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Mental Health; Making the Ministry Relevant; Re-
ligion and Mental Health; numerous articles and re-

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-studies: Federal Diploma in Business Administration,
Basel; literature, history andclassical languages,
Thurgauische Kantonsschule, Frauenfeld; theology,
philosophy, psychology, and psychiatry, University of
Zurich; B.D., University of Basel; Th.D., University
of Zurich.


Sponsored by The University of Michigan,(
in cooperation with The Episcopal Student

Office of Religious Affairs,
Foundation at the U. of M.









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