&venty-Sixth Year EDITED' AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OdF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The Meaning of the 89th ongress 0 r OinPA ree' 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AB.BOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN MEREDITH The Regents Must Act ,Today To Support 'U' Bookstore THE ACHIEVEMENTS of the 89th Congress are at once an end and a beginning. The Con- gress has written into law what is in substance a series of promissory notes that the hopes of progres- sives in this century will begin to be realized. The legislative harvest is only a beginning in that the big prom- issory notes about education, Med- icare, civil rights and poverty have now to be paid off, and not merely in terms of money, which will be available, but in terms of admin- istrative planning and enforce- ment. The whole legislative result could not have been achieved but for an unusual conjuncture of cir- cumstances. The first is that an authentic progressive, Lyndon Johnson, was also the most ex- perienced and effective legislative leader of this century. The legis- lative leader suddenly acquired the enormous power of the Presi- dent and increased it by an over- whelming electoral victory.. For the first time the man in the White House was the man, more than any other, who knew how to work the legislative ma- chine and how to make use of all the President's powers. The daz- zling record of the 81th Congress is above all the record of a great legislative leader who had sud- denly become President of the United States. THE MURDER of President Kennedy shocked multitudes in this country and in Congress into a feeling of remorse that the young President had been so stub- bornly and shabbily opposed and frustrated. President Johnson came to the office riding a wave of repentance and desire to atone. After an impressive period as Mr. Kennedy's successor, Lyndon Johnson found himself facing a Republican Party possessed by a wild and crazy impulse to commit political suicide. The behavior of the Republican leaders in 1964 was in the light of history incredible. Out of their weakness and folly came the elec- tion of a Congress in which the coalition of old-guard Republi- cans and aging Southern Demo- crats was demolished and over- run by a strong Johnson majority in both houses of Congress. BUT IN ITSELF all this is still not enough to account for the achievements of the 89th Congress. Today anid Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMAAlN A closer look at the difficult legis- lation, notably Medicare and edu- cation, shows that the Johnson legislation is very different from the old proposals of the Democra- tic Party and that the Johnson administration has played a mas- terly part in making these old projects politically workable. Responsible talk about Medicare began in the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, though he did not adopt it as a proposal. This was first done by President Tru- man in 1945. However, the Tru- man Medicare proposal was radi- cally different from that which has been enacted under President Johnson. The essential difference is that in 1945 the proposal was to make health insurance compulsory for, the whole population. In the 1950s, this proposal was whittled down to the aged, and as a result the legislation became feasible. THE SAME is true of federal aid to education. The need for it has been on the legislative table since President Roosevelt's ad- visory commission reported in 1938 on the unequal expenditures for public education between the richer and the poorer states. But federal aid was hopelessly blocked in the 1950s and in John Kennedy's time by the deadlock about aid to the parochial as well as to the public schools. One of the notable accomplishments of the Johnson administration has been that it has found a way around the tangled issue. But the combination of all these things is still by no means the whole explanation. In the field of civil rights, where there had been so little progress, there ap- peared about 10 years ago a con- bination of Negro protest and of' a white change of conscience which has at last made possible the legal abolition of -the rem- nants of chattel slavery. Enveloping and sustaining every- thing, there have been over four years of sustained expansion of the economy. The country which did not believe it was 'possible has had a demonstration that by the use of modern economic doctrine, which originated with Keynes, it is possible to manage prosperity. IT TAKES wise and skillful men to do this. But it can de done. We cannot, to be sure, as yet be absolutely certain that it can be done continually and indefinitely, and a certain conservative skep- ticism is still very much in order. What we do know is that the American economy has been ex- panding for 55 months and that nothing like such sustained pros- perity has ever been enjoyed be- fore. The success of the great experi- ment in the management of the economy has revolutionized our domestic political life. Because of it, what President Johnson calls the Great Society-more pro- saically, continuing progressive re- form-has ceased to incite a class struggle between the haves and the have nots. If indeed the great experiment finally proves itself completely, we have possession of the key to continuing material progress- provided, of course, the whole edifice is not destroyed by ex- ternal war. (c) 1965, The Washington Post Co. AT THEIR MEETING today the Regents will either consider, dismiss, table, or ignore Student Government Council's re- quest for the establishment of a Univer- sity discount bookstore. The tenor of the Regents' response will be. crucial in determining whether spe- cific action on the bookstore will be forthcoming, whether an anachronistic, unrealistic economic philosophy will be perpetuated or reevaluated, and, most important, whether students have any power to effect change within the Uni- versity system. Specific, concrete action on the book- store issue seems (superficially) to be the challentge to which the Regents must re- spond. SGC's Committee for a University Bookstore has conducted extensive re- search and produced a report illustrating the need for a University discount book- store. It has the following main points: -There is a definite need for another bookstore in Ann Arbor. The student body is projected to number 40,000 by 1970, 45,000 by 1975, and none of the present bookstores is planning expansion. The business a University discount bookstore would take away from the other book- stores would be compensated for by the increased enrollment.' -The cost of education is increasing rapidly, and the 10 per cent savings that a University discount bookstore could pro-, vide is not to be scoffted at. -Initial capitalization of such a book- store would not be excessive.: . 13,000 signatures on petitions attest to the fact that students are not indif- ferent to the issue. The need and desire for a booksore are evident. YET MORE IMPORTANT than the book- store per se is the economic and edu-. cational philosophy which underlies the issue. In the past a 1929 Regents ruling has been continually reaffirmed to pre- vent institution of a University book- store; in effect, the ruling contends that the University should not utilize "advan- tages" such as tax exemptions to compete with private merchants. This ruling and its concbmitant philos- ophy are in direct opposition to the stan- ces of other Michigan state ,universities, all of which have bookstores which either offer discounts or more often, channel profits Into student activities. Moreover, the ruling is so extensively ignored that continued use of it as a justification is truly ludicrous. The Uni- versity can offer cheap duplicating serv- ice in the Graduate Library, cheat De- troit Edison of business by generating its own electricity, give up to 50 per cent discounts on pharmaceutical items at Health Service, and engage in a myriad of other comparable endeavors. Is there not a contradiction somewhere? Certainly the administration is not be- ing asked to draw up a charter, incor- porate, and begin mass-producing com- pact cars to compete with General Motors. Yet when a student body such as ours is of necessity dependent on one bloc of economic establishments whose business is guaranteed, and when the University has economic resources available, the University must step in to both protect and aid its students. The Regents' ruling is restrictive and unrealistic and must be changed. BUT WHO MAKES policy at the Univer- sity? Student Government Council has taken a positive and Well-planned step toward student participation in the decision- making with its action on the bookstore issue. Appropriate channels in the Office of Student Affairs have been utilized, and the administration has been kept in- formed of the SGC's committee's activi- ties and findings. * The Regents have been written individ- ually by the SGC committee and have been kept informed also. Yet all attempts to establish personal contacts with the Regents have failed, and the committee was not and apparently will not be con- sulted directly by the Regents. The question here is: how and through whom can students communicate and therefore make themselves heard. The Regents direct students through the ad- ministration, but unfortunately issues get lost somewhere in the bureaucracy. The administration claims it has no power, for the Regents make policy. The Regents do no investigation, but act on adminis- tration recommendations. Where Are the channels for Regent-student communica- tion? When do Regents talk to students? DECISIONS MUST NOT continually be made by undefined persons existing somewhere in a vacuum. The student body through SGC has now made its move. Today's Regents' meeting should be very enlightening. Let us hope that it will also be enlightened. -PETER R. SARASOHN Letters: Marijuana and Journalism To the Editor: -UPON OPENING Wednesday's Daily, my attention was mo- nopolized by Mr. Schutze's "news article" prominently displayed on the front page under the convinc- ing banner: "Discover Widespread Use of Marijuana on Campus." In a valiant effort to document such charges, Mr. Schutze cited such convincing facts as "reliable sources indicate that there is cur- rently a hard-core ring of 200 users operating in Ann Arbor" and a quote from one of the five students recently arrested claim- ing that the 200 estimate is low. Another quote was inserted to lend credence to the writer's charge: "Just go sit in -the MUG any one night and you'll see a minimum of a hundred pot-heads walk by," (quoted from "one co-ed familiar with the inner-core of users.") Mr. Schutze admits that the police are not aware of the fact that there are anywhere near that number of users in Ann Arbor, yet he blatantly insists that wide- spread usage has been discovered. It -seems that the next time The Daily wishes to run such a convincing headline, it ought to consider the possibility of docu- menting its claims with more than: hearsay evidence., The idea of exploiting a situa- tion as highly charged with emo- tion as the marijuana issue is on campus through the use of con- jecture and hastily drawn con- clusions on the part of a reporter, brings to mind a whole range of questionable practices, beginning with lack of ethical judgment and ending with yellow journalism. --;Martin Kane, '68 SDS Investigation To the Editor: THE ENGINEERING student on this campus-who, according to the "professional Fishbowl phi- losophers," qualifies for federal aid in the field of intellectual poverty-looks on yesterday's edi- torializing with a certain amount of confusion, Using plain old common sense, he can't figure out why Attorney General Katzenbach's wish to in- vestigate Students for Demo- cratic Society throws the editorial staff into a panic. Is this panic a sincere interest in preserviing poli- tical freedom, or is this a genuine fear of what he outcome of the investigation will be? If this is a sincere wish for political freedom, whyrdoesn't SDS take a positive stand? The inves- tigation is to disclose whether or not there is a serious Communist penetration of the organization. Why doesn't the SDS come out with a positive statement that their organization is not filled with people who are sympathetic to the ideals of. a political system which under Stalin, and now his followers, is enslaving half of the world, and is' responsible for the mass genocide of over twenty mil- lion people in Eastern and Cen- tral Europe? INSTEAD, the editorial' page was filled with irrelevant argu- ments that evaded the question at hand. It seems Just common sense, that if the organization is wrongly accused of Communist penetration, it should openly chal- lenge and invite an investigation to clear its organization of wrong- ful accusations. It appears to us that all this evasion by the SDS and other similar organizations implies a guilt of some sort. An organization that claims a membership of thousands owes a definite answer to the accusations, and not eva- sive arguments about side issues. A. Karvelis, '66E D. Bommarito, Grad M. Lippincott, '67 F. Fiechter, '67 Civil Liberties To the Editor: THE FOLLOWING is the text of a letter sent to Senators Hart and McNamara and Con- gressman Weston Vivian: We are certain that you are aware of the demonstrations that took place in Ann Arbor this past weekend which were staged in protest of United States policy in Viet Nam. Inasmuch as the parti- cipants were in large part mem- bers of the student body of the University of Michigan, and as all: of those persons who were arrest- ed for. the sit in at the office of the local selective service board were students, we are writing on behalf of the student body of the University of Michigan to call your attention to what we feel to be an extremely serious threat to the \ civil liberties of these people and, by extension, to all citizens who wish to express disapproval of the policies of their government. We are generally concerned about the growing climate of re- pression that is developing around the debate, on Viet Nam. Here we refer to the statements of Sena- tor Dodd, Attorney General Kat- zenbach and other government of- ficials which have we believe, chal- lenged the basic right of freedom of expression by labeling pro- testors Communists, traitors or enemy sympathizers instead of recognizing the relatively heter- ogeneous notivations and ideolo- gies which make up the bulk of the protest movement. We are specifically concerned' over the statements issued by Col- onel Arthur Holmes, Director of the Michigan State Seiective Serv- ice Board and those of William Merrill, Chief Assistant to the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan. Both of these officials have indicated that investigations of the students who were arrested for sitting in at the selective service office would be undertaken to determine whether or not they were entitled to student deferments from the draft. THIS INVESTIGATION is, in., our opinion, unwarranted, a viola- tion of the right of petition and a repressive action designed to silence protest in a situation which dialogue is not only right and proper but fully justified. Criticism-Good and Bad The actions taken by these stu- dents were in no way motivated by an attempt to avoid being drafted, instead they represent an expression of dissent. They have been arrested, and will be tried for their violation of the law, but their punishment must not extend beyond their actual violations. It is our belief that unless the members of the representative bodies of the United States 'gov- ernment act with alacrity, the basic American freedom to peti- tion and protest will, as in the McCarthy era, be seriously threat- ened if not extinguished. We urge, therefore, that you take all pos- sible steps to check this trend and that you act to prevent a mis- carriage of justice in the case of the students at the University of Michigan. -Gary Cunningham, President Student Government Council James McEvoy, President Graduate Student Council The 'V ietniks' To the Editor: IT IS NOW grimly amusing to see the Vietniks struggle with the Federal Monster they and their brothers in spirit have in other ways spent so many years creating. Hilary C. Hicks, '66 New Morality To the Editor: THIS LETTER which I feel com- pelled to write, has to do with an editorial in the October first edition of The Daily, "Colleges Should Provide Contraceptives for Students" by Clarence Fanto. I am an alumnus of Michigan, I have two sons both of whom graduated from Michigan, and now I have a granddauhter who is preparing to enter the University next year, so you see I have more than a passing interest in the Uni- versity of Michigan. I have always been in favor of allowing the school paper to be managed and edited by the stu- dents, without any interference from the University, but when you go so far afield as to deny all the moral principles which are the bedrock of our civilization and upon-which our nation has been founded, it is time sofeone speaks up and reminds you that such an editorial does riot represent the thinking of a vast majority of the 33,000 ,students or the alumni all over the world, who know and appreciate the value of the fam- ily traditions, without which there would be no university, only chaos. This editorial encourages pre- marital sexual relations, common- ly known as free love, which the Bible says from the beginning, is sinful today and always.History tells us past civilizations have been destroyed from within (immoral living), not from without, and anyone young or old who can blithely ignore these lessons from the past is foolish. SUCH AN EDITORIAL is most unfair to the thousands of fine young'men and women at the Uni- versity who still hold fast to the Christian principles passed down to them from Christian parents, most of whom are making a sac- rifice to send their sons and daughters to Michigan to com- plete their education, and cer- tainly not to live in an immoral atmosphere which is bound to re- sult in sorrow, not only for the students themselves, but for the parents as well. For such a policy as suggested by this editorial casts a shadow over the entire student body, so that any young man who would like to marry a girl from the Mich- tionalize free love, but let's face it, premarital relations have al- ways been wrong and immoral, and no amount of rationalization will change it. SO IF WE WANT our Univer- sity to remain Christian, and Michigan students to graduate and take their places in the world as intelligent and dignified American citizens, to be respected and ad- mired, let usn ot tear away the solid moral foundation, which has made Michigan one of the leading universities of the world, of which we can always be proud. I recommend for your reading, as well as every student of the University, the latest book of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, "Sin, Sex and Self-Control." ,-Karl E. Phare Pittsburgh 'U Bookstore To the Editor: I SHOULD LIKE to comment on the recent attempt to institute a University bookstore. Neither pride, economic effi- ciency or high idealism motivate the student body to wave the flag fota University bookstore. Only the high cost of books- which is controlled by the publish- er-is touted Other, more valid reasons are disregarded because the students have been blinded by this "no-think" campaign./ The' existing stores are close to the campus, have large stocks, employ trained bookmen, have competitive prices, perform outstanding serv- ices to the professors. Indaddition, the stores are in high rent areas pay high taxes and adequate sal- aries to retain personnel. Book- stores risk oversupplies, telegram, for aemissing.item, advertise, have 5c sales, and incur pilfering (by students!). A self-sustaining. University bookstore (of similar services and costs) could ill afford to charge less. And if it is to be a student charity organization, then, pity the students, and woe betide the existing stores of long-standing traditions. THE UNIVERSITY should not spend a half', million dollars to build, supply and staff a new bookstore that says "Students" on the front door when so many fine ones are available. The 11,000 signatories should direct their at- tention to persuading the existing stores to offer a reduction on texts. But remember the recent lesson of the reduction in movie prices. -Martin C. Taylor Criticism To the Editor: AS A MUSIC STUDENT, I find Mr. Killingsworth's critique of the Cleveland Orchestra concert decidedlymore "romantic" than "neo-." -Corwin Moore, Grad, A rrgh- W W. ROSTOW, the State De- partment's Planning Chief, made these remarks in a speech to the American Marketing As- sociation on Sept. 11. We cite it as the year's finest example of gobbledygook. "If I may be permitted to use a somewhat private vocabulary, it can be said that during the past generation we have had in many parts of the world a take off in which the leading sectors have been import-substitution indus- tries in consumer goods fields; and 4. THERE SEEMS TO BE sdmething about war which profoundly 'eflects the state of mind of a country- involved in it. This is borne out by the nationwide reaction to last weekend's Viet Nam day demonstrations. The 'demonstrations met with several types of response. One of these was the inevitable charge of "Communist infiltra- tion," a result of the American fixation with Communism. Many congressmen and organizations such as the American Legion responded that the protests were "un-American." Some added that the best reply to the demonstrations would be to draft the demonstrators and have them fight in Viet Nam. . Charges of Communist inspiration (and personal attacks on beards and dress of some demonstrators) serve as a smoke- screen, blotting out the serious issues ofw war and peace raised by the protests. AN EVEN MORE disturbing reaction was that of groups such as the Society to" Prevent Asinine Student Movements. Their response has more serious impli- cations of American society because, not only was it emotional and irrational, but' shockingly anti-political. Such groups confined their activities largely to heckling, which consisted vir- tually entirely of personal insults against' the marchers. Although the demonstra- tors were called Communists, in the American -context "Communist" has be- come an almost nonpolitical and very in- discriminately used epithet. The hecklers had no particular ideol- ogy-in fact, they represented opposition to any ideology. They seemed to be citi- discrimination in Mississippi or banking practices in Switzerland. If this is a widespread phenomenon, it does not speak well for the future of American democracy,.a system which has contended well with apathy, but has never had to face virulent anti-political feeling. A THIRD and more acceptable type of reaction was support for current poli- cies in Viet Nam along with concession of the right to protest against them. This was the position taken by New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, who said that, while he disagreed with the demonstrations and supported the President "100 per cent" in Viet Nam, he still believed the protest- ors had a right to be heard. This same attitude was reflected to some extent in the telegram signed by over 2000 Univer- sity- students sent to President Johnson supporting his actions. Another type of acceptable criticism was the charge that the demonstrations may only serve to prolong the war. Blair Seaborn, Canadian representative on the Viet Nam International Control Commis- sion and an expert on- North Viet Nam, said that Hanoi holds a total misconcep- tion of American foreign policy, partic- ularly a strong conviction that anti-war protests will force the United States to pull out. James Reston, associate editor of the New" York Times, said, "The trouble is that they (the demonstrators) are inad- vertantly working against all the things they want, and creating all the things they fear most. They are not promoting, peace but postponing it. They are making news, but they are not making sense." E I' NJA1l LI NO