WORLD'S FAIR: A SUCCESS See Editorial Page Y fitt0n :43 it CLOUDY High-62 Low-S Scattered showers; clearing Friday Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL LXXVI, No.46 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES What's New At 764-1817 Souvanna Desires Laotian Neutralism Hotine In a letter sent to Senators Phillip Hart and Patrick Mc- Namara and Congressman Weston Vivian, Gary Cunningham, '66, president of SGC, and James McEvoy III, Grad, president of GSC, expressed concern about the "growing climate of repression that is developing around the debate on Viet Nam." They cited in particular Senator Dodd and Attorney General Katzenbach who have "challenged the basic right of freedom of expression." Cunningham and McEvoy expressed specific concern over the proposed investigations of students arrested for sitting in at the Selective Service office. This "investigation" they said, "is unwarranted, a violation of the rights of petition and a re- pressive act." Student Government Council's Committee for a University Bookstore will not reveal its future plans in case their proposal- is rejected or tabled by the Regents at their meeting this Friday, Steve Daniels, '67, a committee member, said yesterday. The committee is still hoping for an acceptance by any of the Regents for a conference to discuss the issue. The student book service, which began operation this fall offering freshmen books for discount prices, will be expanded, ' according to its founder, Fred Shure, of the nuclear engineering department. The new store, opening Nov. 1, will sell through the entire year, six days a week, and will offer four to five times as many previously-stocked books, intending to serve all University students. Student Government Council announced the formation of a student advisory committee to the student affairs counseling of- fice. Serving on the committee are Charles Cooper, '67; Rick Handel, '66; Stephanie Hooker, '67, and Maxine Loomis, Grad; several members must still be appointed. As its first area of con- cern, the committee plans to study the availability of marital and pre-marital counseling services including birth control informa- tion and services. This study will include an inquiry into student and staff opinion. The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching will conduct a series of workshops for University faculty designd to improve self-teaching methods. The four meetings directed by George Geis, research associate at the center, will be held Oct. 21, 22, 23 and 28. * * * * At a GROUP meeting recently, executive board members '~ including Barbara Salsburg, '68, Susan Wineberg, '67, Ruth Baumann, '68, and Ed Robinson, '67, were appointed. At future board meetings issues concerning academic and economic reform such as distribution requirements, counselling, and housing will be discussed. At present, the upcoming Student Government Council elections in which GROUP hopes to run seven condidates, is the most important concern, commented Marty Kane, president. * * * * At its annual alumni conference this weekend, the Univer- sity's Medical Center initiated a fund drive for contributions to the center's work. Regional campaign teams will be established to canvass alumni personally. This effort is being conducted separately from the University's capital drive for $55 million. No specific goal has been set. * *~ * * The unique program to bring Louis Lomax, author, philoso- pher and civil rights leader, to the campus early next year gets underway at 7:30 p.m. tonight with a meeting of the advisory committee sponsoring his visit in Rm. 3516 SAB. The following people were elected to UMSEU office: Donald Resnick, '68, president; Judy Klein, '66, vice-president; and Carol Ungar, '67N, secretary-treasurer. Elected to the executive com- mittee were: Barry Bluestone, '66; Edward Tobes, '67; Tanye Sabaroff, '67; Judy Kovan, '68; Ruth Baumann, '68, and Maura Bluestone, '69. Long Distance The Michigan State University's Men's Resident Hall Associa- tion (MHA) has requested that the MHA president vote against paying dues for the National Student Association (NSA). "MHA didn't think the benefits students would derive from NSA would be worth the money student government would have to pay," John Mongeon, president of MHA said. "Most Big Ten schools don't support NSA," he added.' Last year a referendum was held at Michigan State, and the student body voted to retain membership in the NSA. The Student Peace Union (SPU) of the University of Colo- rado made a plea for a "meaningful discussion of non-violent solutions to international problems." As ROTC cadets drilled, SPU demonstrators marched along the sidelines distributing hand- bills expressing concern "for our fellow students who needlessly suffer because of policies (such as those of ROTC) which place unwarranted emphasis on military responses." Meanwhile, two top leaders of the California Legislature threatened yesterday a legislative crackdown on the University of California if the Berkeley campus continues to be what Assembly- Speaker Jesse M. Unruh termed "a staging area, a fountain- head" for anti-Viet Nam demonstrations. He said one legislative committee is probing the campus anti- Viet Nam movement and another may take on the job. * * * * Newfoundland Premier Joey Smallwood announced recently a plan to pay all university tuition fees at Newfoundland's Memorial University by 1966, and later to provide "salaries" for the students. Students living at home will receive $50 a month while those from out of town (paying room and board) will receive $100. "This will be the one and only university in the western hemi- sphere with free tuition and salaries too boot," Smallwood said. In Halifax, Canada, New Democratic Party Leader T. C. Douglas pledged free university education as a major plank in his election platform. * a* * By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Prince Souvanna Phouma, the neutralist premier of Laos, making a strong attack on communism, voiced his country's gratitude to the United States for helping it "r esist the insidious tide which is unfurling over that part ofhAsia and threatens to engulf all of us" in a speech here yesterday. The Prince's speech contained one of his most vigorous denun- ciations of communism-of which he said Laos' three million peo- ple "want absolutely no part" - and made a strong plea for neu- tralism as "an instrument to im- plement the maintenance of peace, of pacific co-existence and har- mony between nations." The Laotian government, with the Prince at its head, is fighting the Communist-dominated Pathet Lao rebellion, which the Prince es- timated controls about one-fifth of the people, primarily in theI eastern mountain areas.t code of behavior, no rights, no frontiers. They only want to in- stigate revolutions wherever they can to impose what they choose to call 'the dictature of the peo- ple' and announce the advent of a social paradise where classes and state would be abolished."' The speech, sponsored by the Souith and Southeast Asia Center, was the Prince's first since his arrival in this country yesterday, and the first he has ever made at an American university. He leaves today for New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly. Pleads Cause The premier spoke, forcefully to an overflow audience in the crowded main room of the Clem- ents Library of his attempts to "plead the cause of Laos, victim of foreign interference in its af- fairs on the part of some hostile neighbors which, to further their own ideology, did not hesitate to t spread chaos and subversion in Laos.'' in the next year, "more and more disturbing interferences from par- ties whose motives are well-known and flagrant violations of interna- tional agreements prevented the kingdom from achieving its goals." HeUndermine Agreements Headded that despite further trips to Communist and Western capitals by King Savang Vatt- hana and himself, the 1962 Gene- va Agreements on Laotian neu- trality were continually undermin- ed by the Pathet Lao and "some hostile neighbors," including North Viet Nam. .But the premier still held out hope for a possible return to a stable coalition government in the country, maintaining that "the Pathet Lao, who are creatures of the Viet Minh, will return to the Laotian government when the war in Viet Nam has ended." Coalition Government He pointed out that the gov- ernment formed in 1962 after the ,Geneva Accords neutralizing Laos were signed was composed of rightist, neutralist and Pathet Lao forces, and "despite difficulties which have forced us to remove some Pathet Lao members from the government, other Pathet Lao ministers without portfolio remained." "Only North Viet Nam ha respected the Geneva Accords Prince stressed. "You can be it is true, for I was with Pathet Lao in 1961-62 fig rightists. A North Vietna general from their general came to see me regularly. "North Viet Nam has alway ed Laotian frontiers to cross the North to the South, bot fore and after the Geneva A ments," he continued. Troops Remain "The. Geneva Agreements ulated that foreign troops be drawn from Laos after the a date," he said. "Only abou North Vietnamese technician whom I myself demanded le left Laos for the North. A the North's regular military t in Laos, she has always nied they exist-so they rema The Prince said later i interview that he agreed wit present U.S. policy in Viet of bombing the North and inc ing its commitment of troo the South. It will prove to the North' war does not pay," he said. "When the U.S. took its have sion to take a more active role Prince Souvanna. Only after in- in the war, Communist China de- tense pressure from the U.S., Brit- s not cided the U.S. was not a paper ain, Australia and the King did ," the tiger-but a real tiger," he said in they reinstate him. sure response to a question after his Disillusioned z the speech. By this time, the neutralist hting "As usual, they will fight the Prince-the head of the govern- amese Viet Nam war to the last Viet- ment. in which both rightist Prince staff namese," he declared, saying he Phoumi Nosavan, then the depu- doubted the U.S. action will draw ty premier, and pro-Pathet Lao ys us- the Red Chinese into the war. Prince Souphanouvong, Souvan- from Speaks in French na's half-brother, were members h be- The premier spoke in French -had himself grown thoroughly gree- to his audience, which had been disillusioned with both the Pathet given copies of his remarks in Lao and Phoumi. English. During the short ques- The army leaders, Generals Si- stip- tion period following his talk, Pro- ho Lamphoutacoul and Koupra- with- fessors James McNeil and Jean sith Abhay, and Souvanna joined greed Carduner of the Romance Lan- forces after the coup. Phoumi at 30 guages department served as in- was demoted from deputy premier ns - terpreters. The premier was intro- to finance minister, and the U.S. ave- duced by Prof. Eugene Feingold -with the full approval of the s for of the political science department. government-began first surveil- roops The Prince was emphatic and lance flights and then offensive de- affirmative in his interview in de- attacks against the Pathet Lao in." claring that he had been strength- and the Ho Chi Minh trail to n an ened as a result of the two abor- South Viet Nam. h the tive rightist coups of April, 1964, Phoumi and Siho then attempt- Nam and January, 1965. ed a coup oil January 31 of this ,reas- In 1964, dissident rightist mill- year, which was crushed by Gen. ps to tary leaders-bitter over the Kouprasith. Souvanna, according Pathet Lao's disregard of the Ge- to most observers, has now emerg- "that neva Agreements and disillusioned ed considerably stronger political- with pervasive corruption in the ly, both in his own country and deci- Right-succeeded in overthrowing abroad. k F i, . - r No Ethics The Prince maintained that for Although he termed his 1956 "the fanatical ideologies involved" trip to Communist China and in Asia, "or at least for those who North Viet Nam "fruitful" in view are trying to subjugate Laos, there of the formation of a government exist no ethics, no international of national union in his country Committee Airs Views On Housing to Pierponi By JANE DREYFUSS by the Survey Research . Center' which are thorough samplings of TheStudent Advisory Commit- student tastes in quietness, spce, tee on Housing met yesterday study facilities and food. with Wilbur Pierpont, vice-presi- "Our committee wants to know dent for business and finance and how to build better university made suggestions concerning fu- housing," Linden said. "Whether ture financing of University hous- to make lounges smaller and, con- ing. sequently, rooms larger is part of The major problem before the the question. One thing is definite; board according to Russell Linden, we want to steer away from build- '68, SGC representative to the ing large dormitories." committee, is -how to build more "Right now, housing for mar- housing with the best allocation ried students is a big need," Lin- of funds. den said. "Construction of a new "University housing is financed development, Northwood 4, to join solely by loans and revenue from already-constructed Northwoods 1, 2 and 3 is being considered. Mar- state does not provide any money ried students must have more for dorms. If we are to build more housing quickly." resident halls one or two solutions are open: either room and board rates must be raised or there must R USH UP 80% be a reduction in services. (i.e. _________,____ maids, housemothers). It's all a question of University policy," he added. The committee discussed with Pierpont certain suggestions for obtaining money, Linden said. He ; -DayJ Lines citeda federal housing act passed peaking to a large audience in in 1955 that provides for 50-year munism and stressed the impor- loans with 3 per cent interest. "The question is whether the By LAURENCE MEDOW - University is willing to make usenn of it.,I believe they probably will," A recent article in the Wall he said. Street Journal claimed that fra- The meeting with Pierpont was ternities were "on the way out." inconclusive, according to Linden, The picture at the University, since members of the committee however, shows the opposite to mJl 1) ZC merely threw out suggestions, be true, according to Richard A. He added that Pierpont was Hoppe, '66, president of the Inter- already most aware of and was fraternity Council, and John Feld- able to reveal the problems in- kamp, assistant to the vice-presi- herent in them. dent for student affairs. Apart from yesterday's meeting This fall, fraternities experienc- on finance, the housing commit- ed the largest rush in their his- versity will play a receding role tee faces other problems. Univer- tory. There were 1450 registered in the WRAND project, allowing sity President Harlan Hatcher's rushees an increase of 80 per the neighborhood organization to Blue Ribbon Housing committee, cent over the highest previous to- eventually administer to its own appointed in January has yet to the hes pevious to- I ~ tal, and 625 men pledged, an in- concerns-unassisted. report their findings. crease of 40 per cent over last "We expected to hear from fall's record of 450. Another rec- Henry Alting, also an employe them in June," Lindenhsaid. "I'm ord rush s Aexpected for next of the University, is an advisor to dspone htte ae' e h 85 WRAND with an office in the poted thatse aet re- semester, too. Many of the 825 commnit cener.ported yet because a great many men who did not pledge in the fall community center. people refuse to commit them- I will iuiwi.. a ,iitth neio He mentioned other projects in the planning stages: co-ed Bursley Hall on North Campus and Cedar Bend No. 1 for graduate students. A suggestion for Cedar Bend No. 2 and it will be investigated shortly. Linden said that a further con- sideration of the board is the fear that too many students are signing leases now for next fall. The University lease policy has not yet been released and won't be until January. "Students who sign now may hurt themselves by signing with realtors who might not go along with the University policy, particularly the eight- month lease," said Linden. "I want to caution all students not to sign before next semester." Future H~ealthy' SOUVANNA PHOUMA, shown above, neutralist Laotion premier, s] Clement's Library yesterday. His speech strongly denounced Coin tance of neutralism as a major factor in world peace. VOLUNTEER DAY: WRAND Leade rs Ei Need for More Inv( r l u i 1 i, By DEBORAH BLUM University students and work- ers in the Willow Run Association for. Neighborhood Development (WRAND) met in the Student Ac- tivities Building last night to dis- cuss the organizational structure of WRAND, its background and the WRAND Volunteer Day, scheduled for Saturday. "We need more involvement and3 interest among people who can see clearly and interpret objective- ly," Jesse Rutherford, a worker in WRAND, said. "We need people outside ourl community as well as within, who are interested in the progress of human welfare not only in Ypsi- lanti arid Superior Townships, but all across the nation," he added. Awarded Grant WRAND, set up in the two town- , ships several years ago, was , awarded a federal grant of $188,-! 252 from the Office of Economic! opportunity' last January for the purpose of a demonstration proj- ect in social and cultural mobility in the War on Poverty. Jessee Hill, coordinator of' WRAND, outlined its organiza- tional structure. He said that. a programatic approach has been launched to serve the needs of the community, including a day care jects in the WRAND Community, Center. Interest Stifled Hill said that participation and interest has been partially stifled by a sharp controversy that has arisen over the worth of the fed- eral grant and the demonstration project. "Unfortunately, we have not had too many people out to see the operation," Hill said.. "Many journalists have chosen to describe WRAND on the basis of second or third hand information." Donald Roberts, associate proj-' ect director from the University, noted last night that the role of the University in the WRAND project is mainly in the area of technical assistance and guidance. The federal grant was made di- rectly to the University's Institute of Labor-Industrial Relations and then subcontracted to WRAND. Receding Role Roberts continued that the Uni- "We are trying to work with high school dropouts, to give them the necessary skills for employ- ment," Alting said. "Our efforts are to reach as many of these people as possible," he added. Commenting on the way in which the University became in- volved, Hill explained t h a t WRAND sought to combine the, resources of the large institution with itself because it needed to grow with the University's tech- nical assistance from an "em- bryonie" state. selves before they do." Another question up before the committee is the allocation of North Campus lands. "We want to secure it now be- fore it's given elsewhere," Linden said. "There is approximately a 1.5 acre plot of land now being bid on by two groups, a fraternity and a co-op. We will interview them and make recommendations. Our recommendations won't be bind- ing. There is no guarantee they will take our advice, but I am hopeful they will at least con- sider it." Next week the advisory com- mittee will study two surveys done to pledge, in addition to those who decided to wait until their sec- ond semester to rush, Hoppe said. The success of the fall rush can be attributed to the job IFC did in making men aware of the opportunities fraternities offer, Feldkamp said. IFC carried out an extensive program of public relations during the summer and before rush in the fall. Many innovations contributed to the large turnout: Slide Program -Every male freshman saw a 20-minute slide -program with commentary illustrating fraternity life and the activities fraternities engage in, -An experimental rush party was held in Chicago for incom- ing freshmen and their parents. (Because of itssuccess, IFC plans to hold similar functions in many areas in the Midwest and New York next summer), -More cooperation from the Inter-Quadrangle Council and house presidents allowed the Rush Information Programs in the Quads to be much more successful, and -More rush sign-up tables were set up than ever before. Hoppe also pointed out that there were more freshmen this year. The size of the University contributes to the strength of the fraternity system. Critics may think fraternities are dying be- cause they cannot keep up with growing undergraduate enroll- ments. Fraternities cannot keep up in percentages but the growth rate in the number of chapters aid the number of men initiated is higher than ever, Hoppe explain- ed. 'Not on Decline' Fraternities are not on the way out, Ioppe emphasized. Today there are 4500 undergraduate chapters in the nation and ac- tive-alumni membership is over 4.5 million. One fraternity has es- tablished 29 new chapters in the last year and another has had over 200 petitions to establish new chapters. The growth in the number of in- stitutions of higher education means more fraternities, Hoppe said. The administrators look to fraternities as a solution to hous- ing problems; students look for the close group living fraternities offer. Fraternities are also be- coming more and more important as focal points for extra-curricu- lar activities. The fraternities system at the University is among the strongest in the nation, as its awards from the National Interfraternity Coun- IBM BALLOTS: SGC Initiates Voting Change __ ?i 1 irlb"T Mram 71TTTrrd'lTT I, I By HARRIIETi' DEUTCHJ ; meait ofcandidates will belimied~ II four seats open, the student voted