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October 20, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-20

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Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom


Possible afternoon showers
continuing in the evening


AN- -RRO- MV-.--- Wvnw nv rinm&J SEVEN CENT

ni i rinnun lrli(illlkxMIN. WEDNENDAY ()CTORF.R. 2.0 109ti





Widespread Use of Marijuana on Campus

t... .. ..

lice began cracking down- on
marijuana users in Ann Arbor
recently, Daily reporter James
Schutze began to conduct an
investigation of the drug's pop-
ularity, aided by two friends.-
Richard Buhr and Walter Liv-
ingston. They drew upon a
wide range of local contacts,
including marijuana u s e r s,
prominent attorneys, student
officials and medical authori-
ties, to get the story printed

Whether they know it or
the authorities have barely
gun the fight.


Reliable sources indicate that
there is currently -a hard-core ring
of 200 users operating in Ann Ar-
bor. They are all in violation of
federal statutes :prohibiting "pos-
session and sale" of the narcotic.
Moreover, their influence, by ex-'
ample and by actual distribution
of drugs, affects an estimated sev-
eral thousand young people here,{
including University students, non-
student hangers-on and high+
schoolers as young as 15 years
Although the police thus far
have revealed few ideas about thel
origin of the marijuana sold in'
this city, informants with person-;
al knowledge of the operation of
the ring indicate that most of the
drug is raised by students in a1
field outside Chicago. Some per-
sons are also known to be locallyl

growing the plant from which the
drug is cured.
Whatever the source, some 200
students in the "hard-core" mari-
juana ring are "turning on" sev-
eral times a week. For the un-
initiated, "turning on" is the proc-
ess by which the user becomes nar-
cotically inebriated through deep
inhalations of the , smoke from
marijuana cigarettes.
Often, the hard-core users "turn
on" together at a special party
by passing a marijuana cigarette.
called a "reefer," around a circle
like a peace pipe.
Parties are not the only places
which attract marijuana users,
however, the informants report,
"Just go sit in the MUG (Michi-
gan Union Grill) any one night
and you'll see a minimum of a
hundred pot-heads (users) walk
by," declares one co-ed familiar
with the inner-core of users.
One of the persons recently ar-

rested by police scoffs at -the fig-
ure "200" as a hard-core estimate.
He explains that one building
alone in Ann Arbor has 35 tenants
smoking the drug.
"More people in this town smoke
pot," declares another of those
arrested, than the police have ever'
dreamed. The sale of marijuana,
including among fraternity and
sorority people, is getting to be so
widespread that it's almost like
bootleg liquor used to be."
Perhaps the most serious rami-
fication of the marijuana epi-
demic here is the effect on high
school students.
During one -interview with a
confessed user of marijuana, a 15-
year-old boy sat near by listening
to the conversation.
"He's only 15," the user de-
clared, "but he's hip to every-
thing. He's a baby hippy." The
boy received this description of
himself with a modest smile.

A prominent local attorney was
not surprised to hear of 15-year-
old "baby hippies" in Ann Arbor.
He told of one case where a lo-
cal youth had confessed long-
time use of marijuana. "That kid
came from a family as good as
any other," the lawyer stormed.
"He admitted that he had been
using marijuana since he was 15.
Now, how the hell do you get at
the guy who was giving him mari-
juana when he was 15 years old?"
A graduate student and teach-
ing fellow here concurs with the
lawyer's analysis. During a recent
visit to the MUG, he observed,
"The teeny-bops (high school us-
ers) were right over there selling
to each other. They think it's
twice as cool now as it was before
the arrests."
When asked his opinion of the
distribution to minors, he replied:
"It's probably good for them. They
smoke pot because their parents

have alienated them. I was smok-
ing it when I was 15, and it hasn't
done me any harm."
The distribution of marijuana
is a complicated task, involving,
the informants disclose, the pro-
curral of the narcotic from big
urban areas like Chicago and De-
One informant named Chicago
as the central source for the drug.
Her reason: "I think a lot of peo-
ple, well, uh, shall w say our
most famous buyer, you know, has
been known to make a couple of
trips to Chicago." She adds that
the Chicago marijuana, or "Illi-
nois Green" as it is called, is prob-
ably being raised by students.
The police, although determin-
ed to clear up the marijuana rack-
et in Ann Arbor, are still inves-
tigating the local situation. "Talk'
is cheap" declares Detective Cap-
tain Harold Olson of the Ann
Arbor Police Department. "You

show me a list of 200 names of
users, and I'll do something about
it. Right now we're doing every-
thing we can to follow through
what we have. You make one
arrest, and that leads to two
more, and that leads to a fourth.
We are in Very close contact, by
the way, with the University
whenever a student becomes in-
volved with us."
Duncan Sells, director of stu-
dent activities, confirms that com-
munication on this issue between
student and local authorities is
excellent. He notes that "we were
all ready to chip in and pay the
bail of one of the students recent-
ly arrested, but we discovered at
the last minute that he wasn't a
He issues a stern warning, how-
ever, to students "closer to this
thing than we are. If they expect
us to cooperate with them then we
must have better contact with

Medical authorities also take a
concerned view of the outgrowth
of marijuana usage among young-
er people today.
Dr. Donald Schaefer, a psychia-
trist and director of the mental
health clinic of the Health Serv-
ice, clarifies the user's justifica-
tion that marijuana is not habit-
forming. "Habituation and addic-
tion are so closely interwoven in
the makeup of a personality that
it is difficult to make a flat state-
ment about the drug," he ob-
"Marijuana is habituating rath-
er than addicting. But if a per-
son's on it for a while, he may find
the need to stay on it."
The doctor goes on to say, "I
know marijuana is around, and
I have obviously had people see me
who are using it. We try to help
them as total people, with regard
to their physical and psychologi.

When Ann Arbor police recently
arrested five young Ann, Arbor
residents for sale and use of mari-
juana, they struck the first blow
of a scrackdown on the sale and
use of the narcotic.

them." cal health."

What's New
At 764-1817

Housing Commission Approved




Slim Margin

Hot Line
The reduction of undergraduate political science courses
available to upperclassmen next semester was termed "a transi-
tional problem" yesterday by Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld, chairman
of the political science department. Eldersveld answered com-
plaints that the number of courses had been reduced from 15
this semester to 10 for next by showing that it was merely an
adjustment necessary since a number of staff are on leave and
there are "nuances in the time schedule."
Eldersveld noted that the. department is increasing its staff
yearly, and he urged students to remain flexible and not wait until
their last semester to take a desired course. He. added that no
further change or addition in the number of courses is foreseen.
* * * *
SGC President Gary Cunningham, '66, said yesterday that
a group of students will seek SGC recognition as a campus
political party at this Thursday's Council meeting. Although he
said that he did not know anything specific concerning the group,
Cunningham felt that it will represent a wide range of political
beliefs and will confine itself mainly to campus issues.
Of tlje five sororities which have not filed their ihembership
recommendation forms with the Membership Committee of Stu--
dent Government Councilas of yesterday:
-Jan Peterman, '66, president of Alpha Epsilon Phi, refused
to comment on the situation:
-Sue Bower, '66, president of Alpha Gamma Delta, said that
her sorority will not be submitting its form; .
-Jan Kaiser, '66, president of Delta Delta Delta, said that
her sorority will only submit its form, under protest, when forced
to by an SOC deadline;
-Marty Blake, '66, president of Kappa Delta, said that
whatever happens is up to her nationals, and
-Janice Hess, '66, president of'Sigma Kappa, said that her
house, in cooperation with local alumnae, has written a letter to
the national organization, and that they will probably have an
answer after a national meeting, which will be held Nov. 1.
The Law School enrollnient this semester of 1113 ties the
record high set in 1948. This year's student body, an increase
from last year's 1072, includes 55 graduates of which 35 are
foreign students, 38 women, and no Negroes.
I reta p1
State Department sources have indicated that the administra-
tion has on occasion been politically embarrassed by the publicl
activities of some of the right-wing students who have taken part
in administration sponsored programs concerning the conflict in.
Viet Nam. '
Sources specifically mentioned a member of the Student Adt
Hoc Committee for Freedom in Viet Nam, who recently partici-
pated along with other students in a Washington forum on the t
issue. Sources maintained that some of the students have exag-
gerated, been over zealous, and at times been incorrect in their t
discussions of U.S. policies.

209 Extra
Students in
A influx of students into the
dormitory system after the open-
ing weeks of the semester has re-
sulted in the quads being over-
crowded by 209 people according
to Director of Residence Halls
Eugene Haun.
Haun said that the new resi-
dents include many students wish-
ing to enter dormitories after be-
ing dissatisfied with various for'ms
of off-campus housing. Thus,
many upperclass students have
entered halls which were previous-
ly under capacity, bringing total
figures above capacity, he said.
Highest figures of overcrowding
exist at South Quad, East Quad,
and Stockwell according to Haun.
Students in these overcrowded
dormitories retain the option to
move to other, less crowded halls,
Haun said.
Haun said that it appears that
students remaining in overcrowd-
-ed accommodations were satisfied.
Enrollment at Oxford suites
and apartments was greatly in-
creased when students from over-
crowded halls moved there. Haun
said that much of the interest in
Oxford accommodations was cre-
ated by current dwellers rather
than residence hall officials.
The residence halls maintain a
policy of not compelling students
to move from overcrowded accom-
modations. Furthermore, w h i1 e
vacancies remain, they will offer
contracts to University students
desiring accommodationsrat un-
crowded units. However, these
contracts, like all others, can only'
be broken for reasons pertaining
to students' financial.or academic
status, Haun said.

-Daily-Robert Wiilmarth
ANN ARBOR RESIDENTS are showns voting on the Housing Commission referendum which passed last night by a 400 vote margin.
SProtestorsDefend Vie!Stand

Reversal of
Past Trend,
Lack of Confusion
Seen as Factor in
Success of Proposal
Ann Arbor voters took an un-
precedented step into the field of
housing last night when they nar-
rowly approved the establishment
of the city's first housing com-
The final vote was 6530 in
favor of the commission, 6136
opposed, in an estimated turnout
of 51 per cent of the city's regis-
tered voters. The 12,006 voter
turnout was considerably less than
the 15,000 figure predicted by
Deputy Clerk Lambert H. Fleming.
The outcome of the election
represents a reversal in the trend
of referenda over the last five
years. No referenda on a major
issue has passed during that time,
and Michigan's last vote on this
particular issue-in Kalamazoo-
was soundly defeated.-
Hathaway h
Councilman -J o .h n Hathaway
(Republican), spokesman for the
proponent Federation for an Ann
Arbor Housing Commission, said
he was "pleased and surprised" by
the outcome.
Hathaway cited the successful
education of the voters as the key
to the commission's approval. Far
less voters were confused about
the issues in this election than
were in the Kalamazoo referen-
dum, he said.
George Lemble, secretary of the
Citizens' Committee on Housing
which opposed the commission,
differed with Hathaway's inter-
pretation of the vote. He said that
because of the short time period
between the petitioning and the
referendum-15 days-it was dif-
ficult to give the total factual
picture to the voters.
"The people were given infor-
mation less factual than we would -
have desired," he said.
Time Period
Hathaway pointed to the time
period as a reason for the small
turnout-considerably lower than
the Kalamazoo situation, where
the interim period was over a
Hathaway felt that the vote did
not meet the city clerk's 15,000
prediction because "the efficient
education of the voters ruled out
the success of any emotional or
scare tactics."
Lemble emphasized the close-
ness of the vote, which saw ap-
proximately 48 per-. cent of the
voters reject the commission.


SDunbar ExamInes Negro Drive

"The real issue in the Negro
revolution is the very nature of
our constitution," according to
Prof. Leslie W. Dunbar, executive
" director of the Field Foundation,
in his first lecture of the 1965
series of William W. Cook lec-
tures yesterday in Rackham Am-
Dunbar, who previously super-
vised research on the civil rights
movement for the Southern Re-

Negro revolution and its many
healthy side effects such as a
stimulus to re-apportionment and
a new focus on poverty.
' Roosevelt
He began his orderly recount of
the march toward equality with
the establishment of the Fair
Employment Practices Commission
by President Roosevelt in 1941.
Dunbar highly praised the pres-
idential term of Harry. Truman
as a giant step forward in Negro

which reversed civil rights pro-
gress. He evaluated Eisenhower's
show of force in the Little Rock
crisis as "not a sign of leadership
but an outcome of a lack of lead-
'Southern Rebellion'
Dunbar signified the 1954-1960
period in civil rights history as
the "southern rebellion," result-
ing in great part as a reaction to
the landmark Supreme Court case
on school desegregation, Brown
vs Tonen


The 39 persons arrested last
Friday for civil disobedience to
protest the war in Viet Nam re-
sponded last night to the threat
of federal action against them and
to recent Justice Department al-
legations that they and other pro-
test groups are Communist orient-
In their statement, the 39 claim-
ed that the allegations and po-
tential action are "transparent
efforts to divert attention from
the real issues" of the "bloody,
immoral and unnecessary war."
In comments over the weekend,
U.S. Atty. Gen. Nicholas deB.
Katzenbach had charged that Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society,
one of the major participants in
the weekend's International Days
of Protest against the war, is
Communist infiltrated. He indi-
caed the Justice Department will
begin an investigation.
Monday, it was learned that the
federal government is also con-
templating prosecution of the Ann
Arbor sit-iners for violating a fed-
eral criminal code which prohibits
interferring with the business of
the selective service. In addition,
there is the possibility that the 33
males who sat-in will face immed-
iate induction into the army for'
violating a selective service sta-
tute, which is also directed at in-
terference with the draft.
The response of the 39 is as

weekend are Communists or are
being led by Communists. We were
shocked and saddened by these
statements. Such transparent ef-
forts to divert -attention from the
real issues cannot change the fact
that our government is propagat-
ing a bloody, immoral and un-
necessary war in Viet Nam.
First, we can see no evidence for
the claim that the government is
in Viet Nam to bring democracy to
the people. The government has,
in fact, supported dictator after
dictator, with no consideration of
what the people want-only what
the United States wants to force
on them. It is common knowledge
that, in the waging of the war
to "liberate" the people of South
Viet Nam, the United States is
killing them by the thousands by
its, mass jet bomber attacks.
Times Reporter
Jack Langguth, of the New York
Times, who has spent the last
year in Viet Nam, writes that in
order to win the war militarily in
South Viet Nam, the United States
will have to kill two or three ci-

vilians for every casualty suffered
by the National Liberation Front.
Many other people who have wit-
nessed the war in Viet Nam state
that a military. victory, using the
present strategies of war, will re-
sult in the mass annihilation of
the South Vietnamese people. This
is surely a poor way to give a
country the gift of democracy.
- Second, we challenge the sin-
cerity of our government in its
so-called repeated attempts to ne-
gotiate with North Viet Nam to
end the war. These attempts are
clearly designed to force the North
Vietnamese to admit their respon-
sibility for the war-an allegation
which has never been established.
The fact that the U.S. is - trying
to bomb them into submission
rather than negotiating with the
real combatants in the war-the
NLF-is morally revolting.
Third, by its presence in Viet
Nam the government is following
a policy of relieving nations of the.
right to self-determination, a right
which we demand so vigorously
for ourselves.

Many other aspects of the war
are utterly unacceptable to sensi-
ble and humane Americans - for
example, the decision to begin
destruction of North Viet Nam's
food supply, threatening the coun-
try with a serious food shortage;
bombing and mutilation of wom-
en and children who, if not kill-
ed, are left in a state worse than
Fourth,. the war in Viet Nam
is having a devastating effect on
the i American people themselves.
The government, by justifying
mass slaughter on the grounds
that it is fighting the "interna-
tional Communist conspiracy," is
fostering an increased insensitiv-
ity to the killings, torturing and
mutilation of people by our sol-
diers. We can see very little jus-
tification for the benefits of the
Great Society if they include the
requirement that Americans must
commit murder because their gov-
ernment orders it. And, of course,
there is no Great Society for those
who are wounded or killed."

Regents Frustrate SGC 'Drive


local commercial enterprises.
Tn F rPornnoA -ha nrrnmmoit4 r_

aren't truly Regents until they
- na t a,. a n . nm n er a ., n n a n t .

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