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October 17, 1965 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-17

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Viet S
(Continued from Page 1)
tween the curb and streams of
Saturday shoppers.
At Oregon's capitol in Salem,
350 protestors gathered on the
steps. They were met by more
than 50 counter-pickets carrying
signs reading "Get Out of Viet
Nam-Go North."
- Demonstrators a n d counter-
demonstrators traded chants in
"End the war in Viet Nam, send
the troops home," one side yelled.
"Hooray, hooray for the U.S.A.,"
the other group countered.
A University of Kansas student
marching outside the draft board
office in Lawrence was arrested
on a charge of gross indecency.
Police said his sign assailed the
draft law in abusive language.
In Chicago, 150 protestors
showing up for a rally in Grant
Park found themselves outnum-
bered by counter - demonstrators.
The 250 hecklers marched around
the 150 antiwar demonstrators.
At another Chicago demonstra-
tion, near Roosevelt University, 40
sign-carrying pickets were pelted
with, eggs from nearby windows.
Their banners read "Refuse to




Join the Bloody War" and "Stop
the Dirty War."
Several hundred persons march-
ed along Los Angeles' Hollywood
Boulevard. chanting such phrases
as "LBJ, how many did you kill
At the University of California's
Santa Barbara campus, a group
of students appeared briefly
around midnight, chanting "We
love our draft cards, we hate the
Reds." They did not clash with a
larger group sitting on the lawn
in an all-night vigil protesting the
Viet Nam war.
At Wayne State University in
Detroit, a crowd of 400 at a teach-
in angrily surged toward a speaker
when he pointed to an American
flag and said "that's your flag,
baby, not mine." School officials
quieted the crowd.
Eleven demonstrators who at-
tempted to make a "citizen's ar-
rest" of the commander of Truax
Air Force Base near Madison, Wis.,
were arrested themselves yester-
day for obstructing traffic at the
The group, including 10 Univer-
sity of Wisconsin students, was
taken into custody at the base's

main gate where members sat on bassy i
the pavement to protest United ners sa
States involvement in Viet Nam. Crucifie
Fifteen University of Rhode Is- ing, the
land students began a 24-hour of Lond
vigil Friday night. James P. Walsh, huge U
temporary chairman of the Stu- Square.
dents for Democratic Action, ex- Thet
plained the vigil: ized by
"We are trying to bring pres- the-bon
sure on the powers that be to let similar
them know there is disagreement United
on our policy inViet Nam." Leftis
In Minneapolis, half a dozen Saturda
students shouted opposition to the sels in
Viet Nam war from a stepladder tary int
set up at a downtown intersec- Police
tion. Their audience totaled 100, 900 but
including police, newsmen and number
hecklers. The cro
Overseas slogans,
Other demonstrations took place sin," an
outside the United States. Swedi
In Toronto, a student group swords
Friday night proposed a "U.S. gbv- day tol
ernment in exile" in Canada to 300 you
deal directly with the Viet Cong. Embassy
Peaceful demonstrations involv- Viet Na
ing a total of 150 persons, mostly Some
youngsters, were held Friday night through
in Bonn and in Oslo. test add
More than 1,500 people marched Graham
Saturday night on the U.S. Em- It ca


in London carrying ban-
ying, "We Want Johnson
ed." Hooting and chant-
crowd was met by squads
don bobbies protecting the
.S. building on Grosvenor
demonstration was organ-
various pacifist and ban-
nb groups to coincide with
protest marches in the
t demonstrators paraded
ay in the streets of Brus-
protest against U.S mili-
tervention in Viet Nam.
e said they numbered about
organizers claimed their
reached 3,000 or 4,000.
iwd shouted anti-American
including "Johnson Assas-
Zd carried Viet Cong flags.
ish police flashed drawn
and wielded clubs Satur-
beat back a mob of about
ths marching on the U.S.
y to protest U.S. policy in
of the demonstrators got
to present a written pro-
[ressed to U.S. Ambassador
n Parsons.
lled on the United States

to start "immediate peace nego-
Some 2,000 young people met in
Hanoi. A dispatch by the Soviet
news agency Tass said they joined
with American youths "opposing
the United States military aggres-
sion in Viet Nam."
Washington Reactions
There was little official reaction
in Washington, although some
sources said they fear the demon-
strations will be interpreted over-
seas as evidence of widespread
American opposition to the Viet
Nam buildup.
Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor said in
Chicago-as 100 pickets paraded
outside-that he is personally
"indifferent" to the demonstra-
But Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore),
a critic of American involvement,
told the Senate Friday that "I
thank God" for the thousands of
Americans protesting the buildup.
Morse said he was pleased by
demonstrators "who will not be
cowed into submission by the in-
tolerant bigots who believe that
because our country is on an
illegal course of action, we must
support its illegality."

-Associated Press

DEMONSTRATORS AT BERKELEY begin lining up for their march down Telegraph Ave.
to the Oakland city limits to protest United States involvement in Viet Nam. A car bearing an
American flag preceded the marchers with a sign reding, "We love our country!"




JAKARTA, Indonesia (P) -
Grim-faced and angry, President
Sukarno yesterday in effect or-
dered the army to call off its
anti-Communist campaign.
Sukarno installed Maj. Gen.
Suharto, a strong anti-Commu-
nist, as the new army commander
with the rank of minister. Then
he shouted:
"I order Maj. Gen. Suharto to
restore law and order and that
there should be no agitated emo-
tion either from left or right."
As Suharto stood at stiff atten-



tion, Sukarno declared that in an
agitated atmosphere "I cannot
make a political settlement."
Sukarno was obviously referring
to the Army's crackdown on Com-
munists, several thousand having
been arrested in a roundup of
those who attempted a coup Sept.
30 against Sukarno. Suharto took
over and broke up the coup and
has led the anti-Communist drive.
Sukarno's words undoubtedly
hit deaf ears because there was no
sign the army would back down.
As Sukarno talked, demonstrators
paraded through Jakarta's streets

demanding the Indonesian Com-
munist party be banned for tak-
ing part in the coup.
A government official said Su-
karno wants to form a new Com-
munist party to replace the pres-
ent pro-Red Chinese one. This
would be in line with his policy of
building up the Communists to
offset the influence of the mili-
The army aparently will have
nothing to do with a new party.
Army-controlled newspapers and
speakers at anti-Communist ral-
lies have been railing against the

creation of
The army
moving to o
party. An c
the supreme
banned all
parties invo
coup. Comn
orders but t
Brig. Gen.
sources said
lead to outl

Spy's Papers Show Soviet Missile

st Pure
a new Red party. The army-controlled Antara
also appeared to be News Agency said air Vice Mar-
)utlaw the Communist shal Omar Dhani, a leftist accused
order issued by KOTI, by the army of backing the coup,
operations command, would leave soon on a temporary
activities by political assignment abroad.
lved in the Sept. 30 This was confirmed to reporters
unists were deeply in- by air Marshal Muliono Herlam-
sang, attached to the cabinet pre-
sidium, who will be acting air
)rdinarily signs KOTI force commander. He said Dhani
his one was signed by will negotiate abroad for the pur-
Tu'stjipoto. rrDiplomatic
KTI'order couldc chase of aircraft materials,
awing the Indonesian Suharto, the new army chief of
party and its affil- staff, looks tough but speaks with
a soft voice. Many Indonesians
feel he is well qualified to run the
270,000-man army.
At 44, Suharto succeeds Maj.
Gen. Achmed Yani, one of six
generals tortured and murdered in
the coup.
army strategic command when
the rebels struck. He rallied loyal
re zeroing in on tar- forces of the army, navy and
police and crushed the rebellion
ev said the new weap- within 20 hours.
)utwit U.S. radar and Suharto received his military
tems in the north polar training under the Dutch and lat-
use "the new global er under the Japanese who occu-
fly around the world pied Indonesia in World War II.
tion and strike a blow He received his commission as
arget." major general in 1962.
diplomatic side, Zorza Indonesia's right-wing army ap-
e most important in- peared to have consolidated its
arnished by Penkovsky hold. But Radio Jakarta broad-
e Kremlin's hand could casts made it plain Sukarno, 64,
ally called during the remains as head of state and the
crisis, man who makes appointments.
Just how much control the army
maintains over the life-time pres-
ident was not immediately clear.
Qualified observers here who
have kept close watch over the In-
donesian scene speculated that
ntouched by any ac- Sukarno and the army have
nate may take on his reached some compromise that
I nomination of Fran- has kept the president's father-
sey as a federal judge. image intact but diminished the
ion of Morrisey, a leftist influences that once sway-
icipal iudge and long- ed him.

Read and Use
Mich~gan Daily Classifiedis

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LONDON (A) - The "fantastic"
secret weapon that Nikita Khru-
shchev rattled at the West in 1960
was a nuclear-propelled rocket
that blew up on the launching pad,
killing the Soviet commander of
rocket forces and 300 others, the
newspaper Guardian said Satur-
The Guardian quoted from what
it said were secret reports of Oleg
Penkovsky, a Russian who was
sentenced to death by a Soviet
court in 1963 for spying for the
West. He was close to influential
Kremlin leaders and was regarded
in London and Washington as the
most valuable Western spy behind
the Iron Curtain.
Victor Zorza, Communist affairs
expert of the Guardian, apparent-
ly obtained an advance look at the
spy's reports, which are being
published soon under the title
"The Penkovsky Papers" in Bri-
tain and the United States.
Khrushchev's Boast
4 Zorza said Penkovsky reported
that former Premier Khrushchev's
boast early in 1960 of a secret
weapon annoyed Soviet military
men and forced a premature test-
ing of the rocket.
In the fall of 1960, scientists
assembled to rush through a test
in time for the October Revolution
anniversary, Zorza reported.
"The countdown went according
to plan," Zorza said, "but the new
missile failed to leave the ground.
The observers waited for some 20
minutes, then came out of the
"At this point the missile ex-
ploded, killing 300 people, among
them the commander-in-chief of
the Soviet missile forces, Marshal
Plane Deaths
The Russians announced Oct.
25, 1960 that Marshal Mitroran I.
Nedelin and several other officers
had been killed in the line of duty
in an air crash.
In an address to the Soviet Par-

liament on Jan. 14, 1960, Khrush-
chev declared:
"The Central Committee of the
Communist party and the Soviet
government can inform you, com-
rade deputies, that though the
weapons we now have are formi-
dable weapons, the weapon we
have in the hatching stage today
is even more perfect, even more
"This weapon under develop-
ment, you might say in the port-
folio of the scientists, is a fan-
tastic one."

Then on March 16, 1962, in a
speech in the Kremlin, Khrush-
chev indicated his "fantastic" new
weapon had been perfected, al-
though he did not refer to it in
that way. Nor did he mention his
previous boast.
"Our scientists and engineers,"
he said, "have created a new in-
tercontinental rocket which they
call global. This rocket is invul-
nerable to antimissile weapons."
Any nuclear - powered rocket
would be global, since its fuel
would permit it to make extended

flights befo
ons could o
warning syst
region beca
rockets can
in any direc
at any set t
On the d
reported th
telligence fu
was that the
be successfu
1961 Berlin


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World News Roundu


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By The Associated Press
TOKYO - Radio Peking said
Sunday North Vietnamese forces
shot down a U.S. plane and cap-
tured the pilot Saturday. It quoted
a Hanoi announcement. There was
no independent confirmation. The
account mentioned neither the
type of plane nor the name of the
allegedly captured American.
VATICAN CITY - The Vatican
Ecumenical Council was asked to-
day to make drastic changes in
the life of the Roman Catholic
The council heard appeals for
bishops and priests to improve
their relations, for priests to help
brother priests who go astray, for
monks and friars to come out of'
their monasteries, and for the use
of electronic business machines in
the pastoral care of souls..
The bishops, meeting in a rare
Saturday session, voted by a show
of hands to accept the document
for further consideration as an
eventual council decree. It now
will be rewritten on the basis of
suggestions made in debate over
the past few days.
* * *
SAIGON, South Viet Nam-U.S..
Sky cavalrymen told Saturday of
fighting off Viet Cong guerrillas
in Phu Yen Province, 250 miles

northeast of Saigon, to save a
downed American helicopter and
its four-man crew.
Seven guerrillas were believed
killed and four wounded in the ex-
change, a spokesman said. No
American casualties were reported.
* * *
WASHINGTON - A smoulder-
ing dispute over how to block the
spread of nuclear weapons around
the world has flared up again in-
side the administration, creating
a controversy which President
Johnson will have to resolve.
U.S. policy on two critical inter-
national issues - a NATO nuclear
force and a proposed nuclear con-
trol agreement with Russia--is re-
garded by informed officials as
having fallen into disarray. The
reason appears to be that no for-
mula for handling these problems
has been agreed upon by major
policy makers as a workable and
practical expression of U.S. in-
* * *

politically u
tion the Se
cis X. Morri
Boston muni

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time associate of the Kennedy
family, is not likely to come with-
out some detailed Senate discus-
sion of what critics have called
his lack of qualifications for the
Conflicting stories about wheth-
er the nominee got a diploma
mill law degree in Georgia and
whether he actually lived there
at a time when records indicate
he may have been a candidate for
state office in Massachusetts are
likely to be aired at length.
* * *
KEY WEST, Fla.-A congres-
sional hearing call came Saturday
as fed-up Cubans continued to
swell south Florida's exile colony.
In Washington, a House foreign
affairs subcommittee on inter-
American affairs said it would
hold a hearing Tuesday on the
Cuban refugee problem.

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