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October 17, 1965 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-17

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Minnesota ....14 Michigan State 32 Wisconsin ..... 21 Illinois
Iowa.......... 3 Ohio State ... 7 Northwestern.. 7 Indiana

34 Arkansas ..,
13 Texas ......

... 27 Southern Cal ..14
...24|Stanford ...... 0

T ennessee .....

7 Calif. St. (Pa.) 14
7 Slippery Rock 12


11 .1

See Editorial Page


:43 kly

High--7 2
Sunny, windy,
clouding by night

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
ArrestedStudentDescribes Jail xer
EDITOR'S NOTE: JeffreyGood- ped the nearest civil disobedien It was the incidents with the right by pounding on the cell denmaier, who was standing right four more if one of us hadn't ITEM: One of us who had to
faculty who were arrested Friday on the collar, dragging him from county police that annoyed us. Not door was put in solitary confine- behind him at the!rraignment, to yelled that we weren't guilty yet. take a pill every four hours fori
evening for sitting-in at the Ann the truck. The rest of us began that any of it sapped our morale ment. see to it that our glasses were ITEM: 'When we were taken an ulcer had his pills confiscatedc
Arbor Selective Service Office. These to move out on our own volition. -we sang freedom and other When asked by a Daily reporter, returned. We never saw Stauden- from he County jail to Municipal during the booking. He complain-
are his personal impressions of his I got a swift paw on the back of songs, laughed, told dirty jokes, Sheriff Douglas Harvey said he maier again, but while we were Court for arraignment, there were ed, but it wasn't until late Satur-c
my neck while walking into. the shared some smuggled cigarettes, would answer no questions about being filed back into the, County two police dogs, barking harshly day morning, when he began feel- i
By JEFFREY GOODMAN jailhouse. . pounded on, our beds, yelled whether we had been allowed to Jail for the night we told our One was immediately next to the ing sick, that he got his pills. t
Editorial Director The man was right. The county "Freedom" when we heard our make phone calls. guard of O'Brien's directive. door to the paddy wagon, the
Wh h l la police were considerably rougher. I compatriots outside, and got to,. other off in a corner. ITEM: There was some pound-c
en thelastlad of sit-iners know new people. ITEM: Among the posses- "We run this jail. The judge ITEM: The cell in which we 32 ing on the door at one point, and
arrived at the Washtenaw Coun- The An Arbor police had been sions which were taken away from doesn't run this jail. No glasses," men were kept for the great ma- one of us-arbitrarily-was put in
ty Jail after being carried out of relatively good about carrying us They didn't hurt us that way, us at the booking ceremonies in he yelled. (The glasses were re- jority of our stay in County jail solitary confinement. He was later
the Ann Arbor Selective Service out of the draft office. There were but then they didn't make it the County Jail were glasses. That turned when we were released on was only about 18 feet square and joined by two others who hadt
Office Friday evening, some of us knees in our backs with each step overly comfortable: crippled about one quarter of us, bond.) "bugged." It had six hard-wooden made some rather derogatoryt
in ,the paddy wagon decided we as they carried us downstairs, but ITEM: We were not allowed to and at least one person complain- ITEM: When we were taken "beds," virtually no ventilation, comments about County police-
ought to be carried out of the we weren't with them for long, make phone calls to our lawyer ed to Municipal Court Judge back from Municipal Court to the one sink and one toilet (without a men.,i
wagon, too. And they did tell at least half of until after we were arraigned, Francis O'Brien, when we were County Jail, a deputy packed 23 seat or toilet paper, though we In the morning, two of thef
us to keep our heads down when though we asked the deputies con- arraigned, that not having his of us into a paddy wagon no stole some of that from the city three said they wanted food andt
"Come on, now, we aren't the they threw us into the back of the tinually. The law is that prisoners glasses caused a painful head- larger than the average panel jail before and after arraign- were placed in a different cell.
Sheriff's deputy barked. paddy wagpn (though some peo- are allowed to make calls im- ache. truck and built to hold about 10 ment). At two to a bed, there were They heard one deputy tell an-8
ple still hit their heads on the mediately after being arrested. O'Brien instructed Ann Arbor (another wagon held 17). He 20 men who had to sleep on the other that if they didn't eat thet
We demurred a bit, and he slap- roof of the truck). One of us who insisted on this Detective Lieutenant Eugene Stau- would have packed in three or floor. Like sardines. food they should be given no moret

for the rest of their stay-which
the first deputy estimated at 10
ITEM: Saturday morning, when
one man was still in solitary, news-
men were told by Sheriff Harvey
that no one was left in solitary.
When Harvey noticed the release
of one of the other students, who
could clearly tell reporters a dif-
ferent story, he approached the
person in solitary and attempted
to appease him. Perhaps he hoped
to avoid being contradicted.
ITEM: After bond was posted,
it took the Sheriffs' deputies over
four and a half hours to release
the 33 people still in jail yester-
day afternoon. The releases actu-
ally ceased as others in the pro-
test group gathered for a rally in
the jail parking lot..







Response to
Viet Rallies

Hold Services, Rally

Aside from the march on the
jail, student protestors against the
war in Viet Nam sponsored yes-
terday a memorial service to the
dead after the football game, and
a late evening rally.
Rev. Daniel Burke of St. An-.
drew's Episcopal Church, stressed
that the memorial service was
not mourning only the Ameircan
dead, but the "human dead" in
Viet Nam. He read a passage from
the book of Isaiah which ended
with the words, "We are all thy
Ralph Kerman of the Ann Ar-

bor Friends Meeting led the crow
in a series of meditations. He
pointed out that "we all suffe
when one man dies" because of
man's sacred nature, and that the
war was "ripping communities
apart," not only in Viet Nam but
also in the U.S.
Kerman also spoke of rehabili-
tating the refugees in Viet Nam
and "sharing our abundance and
affluence." He paused after each
of his points to let the crowd si-
lently consider it.
"I speak to memoralize the pass-
ing of God and human values
once honored," Rev. H. Hauert of

What's* New at 764-18171

d the Office of Religious Affairs N ationw ide
edeclared. "We must turn about,
She explained, when in these Unit-
f ed States a national creed and a Most Demonstrations
e closed society can say: It is not Meet Counter-Pickets
S wrong to kill or attack as long as
t you name the enemy Communist." Supporting U.S. Policy
Approximately 25 policemen sur- NEW YORK (P -Thousands of:
rounded the night rally in NWYR k}Tosnso
the Daily parking lot, and several persons protested U.S. involve-1
students began speaking about the ment in Viet Nam in demonstra-
Incidents of police brutal- tons Friday in more than a score
reen of American cities... :
Speeches More demonstrations were plan-
However, Al Haber, first presi- ned for yesterday in an organized .
dent of the National Students for weekend of protest.
S a Democratic Society, said in his Berkeley
speech "Cops aren't important Balked by a wall of police in
now. We must talk to people about two attempts to march on Oak-
Viet Nam." Several members of land Army Terminal 3000 Viet :.
the crowd cheered. Nam Day Committee demonstra-
"It does little good to sit here tors dispersed late Saturday after-
and reinforce one another about noon but claimed victory. The Reverend Daniel Burke addressing a group of students protesting the war in Viet Nam at a
what happened during the day," The two-day protest of Amen- memorial service for the dead held near Alumni Hall yesterday afternoon.
he went on. . can involvement in Viet Nam was
Larry Caroline, Grad, felt that peaceful except for a scuffle be-
the use of civil disobedience in tween police and California Hell's WASHINGTON CONFERENCE:
this protest was a mistake. "The Angel motorcyclists and the hur-
public still doesn't thing it's wrong lings of a tear gas bomb by an
to wage war," he said, adding unidentified person.
that c i v i 1 disobedience only The marchers said they would r Aims
strengthened the radical right. try again today.Y
War Psychology' A force of 10,000 demonstrators}
Caroline also felt that the pro- protesting U.S. policy in Viet Nam Special To The Daily are we in Viet Nam?" Sen. Dodd Nam would be so catastrophic that
testors should have been attack- marched eight abreast down New -Esaid: "We are in Viet Nam be- we simply cannot permit ourselves
ing not only the war in Viet Nam York's Fifth Avenue Saturday. WASHINGTON - Reacting tos-
but alote"a;scooyte te eosrtosto lc the International Days of Protest cause our security and the secur- to think of It. Whether we de-
but also the "war psychology the Other demonstrations took place r0 tdts supporting h ity of the entire free world de- cide to abandon Southeast Asia
U.S. is developing." in major cities from coast to adm trati's policies outh- mands that a firm line be drawn or try to draw another line out-
Barry Bluestone, '66, remarked coast. Most of the participants adsiAstatinWisnty- against further advances of Com- side Viet Nam, the loss of Viet
that the international days of were students and young people. east Asia met in Washington yes- munist imperialism. We are in Nam will result in a dozen more
protest "just may cause a new Almost everywhere they were met terday for a conference on the Viet Nam not merely to help the Viet Nams in different parts of
world to rise out of the ashes of by counter-demonstrations. war in Viet Nam, according to 14 million South Vietnamese de- the world. If we cannot cope with
the old, out of the lies so many Other Cities'; fend themselves against Commu- this type of warfare in Viet Nam,
of us believe." He advocated the: In Washington, D.C., 75 persons Sponsored by the Student Ad nism, but because what is at stake the Communists will be encour-
formation of a "strong, permanent paraded in front of a 'downtown Hoc Committee for Freedom in is the independence and freedom aged in the belief that we cannot
organization to help build this armed forces recruiting office. Viet Nam, the conference fea- of 240 million people in Southeast cope with it anywhere else."
new world." They c a r r i e d signs reading tured a speech by Sen. Thomas J. Asia and the future of freedom His speech was followed by a
Display Wrecked "Yankee Come Home" and "Stop Dodd (D-Conn) which was deliv- throughout the West Pacific." variety of remarks by Tran van
In other incidents revolving the Draft, Let Johnson Do the ered by the senator's son and ad- Dodd's Speech Chung, former Viet Nam ambas-
around the weekend protest in- Fighting." Police k e p t them ministrative assistant because of He concluded by saying that sador to the United States and
cidents. a lawn display against squeezed into a narrow lane be- his illness. "in my opinion, the consequence brother of the current Vietnamese
the Viet Nam war at the Friends See VIET Page 3 In reply to the question "Why of an American defeat in Viet foreign minister. Included in his
Center was vandalized by five un- -. --- ---- ----- speech was sharp criticism of dem-
identified males yesterday. Alan onstrations throughout the coun-
Blood, one of a group' of Ann 1 /JU T LAST' VEEK. try.

Hot Line
The Homecoming Float Award was won this year by the co-
operative effort of Kappa Sigma and Alpha Xi Delta. Lambda
Chi Alpha won thelaward for display.
Richard J. Leite of the High Altitude Laboratory yesterday
described the University experiment aboard a satellite launched
Thursday as "working perfectly." The instrument aboard
measures the composition of neutral and electrically charged gas
particles at high altitudes. The Ann Arbor-built device was
launched into polar orbit from Vandenburg Air Force Base,
California, and turned on by a Johannesburg, South Africa,
tracking station.
Long Distance
Fraternities and sororities on the University of California's
Riverside campus have been forbidden to affiliate with national
organizations, it was disclosed recently. Riverside Chancellor Ivan
Hinderaker said he will actively encourage purely local fraterni-
ties, but that there is reason to doubt that national organizations
leave their branches free to choose members without discrimina-
An Arizona judge has issued an injunction banning further
civil rights demonstrations , on the campus of Arizona State
University. Demonstrators had been protesting alleged discrim-
ination in off-campus housing. Pima County Superior Court
Judge William Frey said in his decision, "Civil disobedience and
disregard or disrespect for the law are wrong and must not be
condoned." The injunction had been requested by university
officials. An attorney representing the NAACP said that an
immediate appeal of Judge Frey's decision is planned.
* * * *
University of Coiorado regents voted two weeks ago to refuse
to lift a new-member ban against the campus charter of Sigma
Chi fraternity, which has been in effect since May. The CU
chapter was denied pledging or initiating privileges because the
national fraternity, with which the CU chapter is affiliated,
compels local chapters to discriminate against minorities.
There is a strong chance that Eli Katz, the "activist" profes-
sor fired by the University of California at Berkeley in 1963, will
be rehired at a higher position than he formerly held, members
of a professors committee at Berkeley intimated to Katz in a
recent telephone conversation with him. Katz was told that if
rehired his salary would probably be less than-his present salary
as on asistant nofessr of German it Western Reserve.

IU' Students
Held in Jail
By Sheriff
Group, Changes Route
To Avoid Possibility
Of Additional Violence
Violence failed to flare in Ann
Arbor yesterday as students par-
ticipating in the International
Days of Protest altered some of
their plans for demonstrations in
order to avoid friction.
According to Peter DiLorenzi, a
spokesman for the protestors,
there was fear yesterday there
would be more incidents similar
to Friday's attack on the demon-
strators' float in the Homecoming
The fear of inciting violence
was among the prime factors in
changing the demonstrators' plans
to march on the stadium to hand
out leaflets, DiLorenzi said.
During the International Days
of Protest, DiLorenzi pointed out,
there has been scattered incidents
of violence across the country.
The group planned to march
together to the stadium to dis-
tribute pamphlets for the Ann Ar-
bor Women Strike for Peace and
to arouse the sympathy of the
Homecoming crowd for their cause
and for the students jailed for
Friday's sit-in demonstration,
DiLorenzi said.
They had further planned to
march to Wines Field after the
game to participate in a memor-
ial service for the dead in Viet
Nam, he said. However, the Ath-
letic Department did not grant
permission for the use of the
field, according to DiLorenzi.
In addition, the Ann Arbor po-
lice department said that protec-
tion of the demonstrators was im-
possible, DiLorenzi said. One of
the policemen said that there
would be too many people present
and that violence comparable to
the destruction of the' Viet Nam
Day Committee's float Friday
could easily recur.
The demonstrators were asked
instead to distribute their pam-
phlets in the stadium without the
preceding march. They decided to
disband before going to the sta-
dium and to regroup for their
memorial service on the steps of
Alumni Hall at 4 p.m.
After the memorial service the
demonstrators marched as sched-
uled to the County Jail at 5 p.m.
As bonds had been posted before
noon, the release of the remain-
ing jailed protestors was antici-
pated by the- demonstrators to
concur with their arrival at the
jail, DiLorenzi said.
At the jail, however, Sheriff
Harvey refused to release the jail-


Arbor High School students who
had built the display, was present
at the time the incident occured .1 17l
According to him, he and the stu- Sa
stadium with the slogan "Peace
is the big game in '65" and had By JUDITH WARREN
received permission from the Assistant Managing Editor
Friends Center to display it onA
their lawn at 1416 Hill. In a week that seemed to be
At about 4:30 p.m. Blood and overshadowed by demonstrations,
another student, Bob Hunt, also events, other than the Interna-
of Ann Arbor High, were stand- tional Days of Protest, occurred
ing near the display talking with which may have great significance
a passerby when four persons, ap- for the course of the University.
parently returning from the foot- Sen. Garland Lane (D-Flint),
ball game, proceded to tear down chairman of the Senate Appro-
the goal posts of the model. priatiins Committee, indicated that
When Hunt protested, one of the funds for the University's pro-
the assailants pushed a piece of posed residential college will not
the post in his midriff and then be made available until the 1967-8
struck Hunt in the face with his budget year.
fist. The stranger to whom the 3 The residential college, conceiv-

Student Panel
The formal program concluded
awith a student panel comprised
of four students who have spent
time in Viet Nam. The speakers
scheduled for construction on gents' ruling which, in effect, pro- included Collingworth, John Cap-
North Campus. hibits a University bookstore. po, Michigan State University;
Executive Vice-President Marv- But student campaigns have Donald Emerson. Yale, andJay
vin Niehuss, however, said that the not entirely gone without com- Pardwlled oohns cssons ofhst-
University had informed the Leg- ment or action. The United States dent attitudes in Viet Nam and
islature of the preliminary plans District Court in Grand Rapids this country toward the war ef-
for the college last year. Since ruled Thursday that Michigan fort
then, he maintained, the Univer- State University had acted un-f..
sity has turned in a more nearly lawfully in denying readmission "The formal program being
complete description of the resi- to Paul Schiff without a hearing. concluded, 500 enthusiastic shout-,
dential college. The court considered two mo- ing and singing students marched
Niehus- tions. The first, in which MSU 10 blocks to the South Viet Nam
embassloated neartDupont cir
According to Niehuss the Uni- ; asked for dismissal of the case, baring with them a large I
versity requested money for pre- was denied.iAmericanflag,' according to Col-
liminary plans about a year ago. Schiff's Demand lingworthi '
At the moment, the Legislature The second, Schiff's demand for
her oi.-.A - t- - a temporarv injunction for his re- The students presented Deputy

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