, I C, 4r Alr4toan Balty .t Inuon esia- The US. Gets a chance Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AROR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: LEONARD PRATT The Regents Must Allow Students To Act for Their Own Welfare HE REGENTS at their October 22nd meeting definitely should rescind the 1929 ruling which forbids the University to encour'age or aid the establishment of cooperative mercantile organizations. Reversing the ruling would make possi- ble the establishment of University- sponsored projects-similar to those in other schools in this state - benefiting students' economic welfare in many areas, such as housing and bookstores. Changing the ruling would not imply approval of the idea of a discount book- 'store. It would mean that a number of possible projects, including a bookstore, could be considered and established if proven economically helpful to students. In fact, the present aim of the student ad hoc committee-a discount bookstore which would offer a 10 per cent discount on texts-would not be in the best eco- nomic interests of the general student body. ACCORDING TO STATEMENTS made yesterday by John Feldkamp, assist- ant to the vice-president for student af- fairs, it would be impossible for such a bookstore to support itself. Feldkamp pointed out that with the small net profit of two to three per cent received from texts sold at list prices, a 10 per cent discount on list prices would force a bookstore to rely on University subsidies to balance its books. University-operated bookstores at oth- er schools in this state either have subsi- dies or offer no discount. Subsidies for a discount bookstore would possibly be allocated from student fees, which means the students would ulti- mately be paying back the marginal $10 or $12 each managed to save per year on books. Or funds would come fron the monies of the general fund, which means students would still be paying indirectly for the bookstore, since less money would then be allocated from the fund for such areas as teaching salaries and instruc- tional equipment. While all students would thus be fi- nancially supporting a discount bookstore, only a few would reap its benefits. It would be impossible for one University bookstore to serve all the students; most would be forced to buy their books from Ann Arbor merchants at list prices. The economic welfare of most students would be harmed not only by having to pay for texts at regular list prices but also by having to pay for a discount available to a few students. INSTEAD OF ASKING for a discount bookstore which would at best serve students inequitably, if at all, students might better consider alternate plans for a bookstore and also investigate the pos- sibilities of University-sponsored projects in other areas, such as housing. A bookstore set up along the lines of those at Western Michigan and Michigan State Universities-subsidized by the uni- versity but offering no discount-might succeed. It might take quite a while for the small amount of profits to pay for the grant necessary to initially equip the bookstore. But, once this were accom- plished, the two to three per cent profit could be placed in the general fund, thus indirectly benefiting students by provid- ing more money for teaching salaries and classroom buildings. BUT ALL THIS DISCUSSION is mean- ingless unless the Regents rescind the 1929 ruling. They must not confuse this action with the approval of present stu- dent requests for a discount bookstore but must understand that repeal of the ruling would recognize the need for the Univer- sity to look out for the total economic welfare of its students. -SHIRLEY ROSICK By LEONARD PRATT "PRESIDENT SUKARNO can still say 'to hell with the Unit- ed States and to hell with China'," a high Indonesian official said Wednesday, according to The New York Times. Whether or not this is true, the obvious conclusion of the last several days' events in Indonesia is that he cannot say to hell with his army. Sukarno's power always rested on his ability to play off Indo- nesia's two key power blocs, the army and the Communist party. This was an arrangement which stems from Sukarno's original role as the coordinator of Indonesia's fight for independence. He proved an able revolution- ary, but like so many able revo- lutionaries, found himself hard put to govern his country unassisted once he had rid it of foreigners. To counteractathis, he used his immense popularity with the peo- ple to his advantage. To do this, he created the pre- carious balance between right and left on which hisbgovernment rest- ed. for so many years. It was an arrangement profitable to all three of its parties: it gave Sukarno control of the country, and assur- ed the right and the left that neither one would be removed by its opponent so long as Sukarno remained in power. ALL THIS WORKED quite well until the last year or so. Su- karno then began finding his in- terests coinciding more and more with those of the Chinese Com- munists. His foreign relations, policy statements and internal en- couragement to the Indonesian Communist party all testified to this coincidence. The problem was of course that by encouraging the Chinese and their Indonesian agents, Sukarno inevitably was forced to begin rel- egating the army to second place in his coalition. The army's re- ported resentment of the CP's in- creased influence is mute testi- mony to Sukarno's mistake in try- ing to play favorites in a coali- tion. Three weeks ago, when the Com- munists grabbed for power, the ar- my wasn't so mute. It may be years before anyone really knows what motivated the Communist move. Usual Chinese caution in for- eign affairs tends to suggest that the move was primarily a mistake made by a left-leaning junior ar- my officer, Lt. Col. Untung. But whatever the cause of the uprising, the army was quick to see that its power was threatened by a potential Communist coup. Its predictable reaction was to strike back at the Communists with a speed and unanimity be- speaking a powerful and fright- ened force. THROUGH ALL THIS Sukarno retained one thing which both the army and the Communist par- ty lacked, and which the army was quick to capitalize on: his im- mense popularity with the people. The army made sure that all its actions against the Communists were announced to have been tak- en on Sukarno's behalf, so that great numbers of the people were turned against Indonesia's left. When thegsmoke cleared, the army, through its control of the communications media, was able to take advantage of what must have been an immeasurably dis- illusioned Sukarno. His Commu- nist "allies" had attacked - him, and he had been rescued by his rightist "enemies." What has happened since the shift between "allies" and "ene- mies" has many important impli- cations for the future of both Indonesia and the United States' affairs in Southeast Asia. This is because, from all indi- cations, the power shift combined with Sukarno's loss of control over his coalition, has put the army, and the army alone, firmly in con- trol of Indonesia. The first of these indications was that army officials, not Su- karno, made most of the an- nouncements regarding the at- tempted coup. Sukarno's state- ments were conspicuously confin- ed to generous platitudes about how he was in "complete control" of the country. IF SUKARNO'S statements were hints, the announcement Wednes- day that a non-Chinese Commu- nist party was about to be formed in Indonesia was a confirmation. In the first place, Sukarno him- self did not make the announce- ment as one would suspect he would have normally. The state- ment was made by a "highly- placed government source" who could not be identified. The all but certain conclusion is that the new Communist party will be greatly, if not entirely, in- fluenced by the military. But whatever the precise status of In- donesia 's "new" party, it is ob- vious that Peking's influence will be the last thing Sukarno will be concerning himself with. It is far more likely that he will be more and more concerned with the ar- my that so far seems to be run- ning the show. For even if the army has not been able to reduce Sukarno to the status of a complete puppet, it certainly must have impressed it- self upon him as the major force in Indonesia today. Sukarno's eventual fall from real power, whether or not he remains an Indonesian figurehead for any length of time; thus seems assur- ed. THE COMMUNIST party must still retain a great deal of influ- ence with the Indonesian people. but the implications for an Amer- ican foreign policy based on the short-range assui ption of mili- tary control of Indonesia are many. Basically the situation presents a great chance for the U.S. to begin an attempt to reverse its fortunes in that area. This is not to say the government should sell out to the Indonesian military, but it does mean that diplomatic and trade relations with that country can be returned to some sem- blance of normalcy in a relative- ly short time; suddenly, the U.S. is not dealing with a Communist- aligned nation, and there is no reason for the government to con- tinue acting as if it were. Following the implementation of more improved relationgsbe- tween the U.S. and Indonesia, there may then be time to use our influence to raise that country's social system economically and po- litically so that it no longer of- fers the potential for Chinese ad- vances which it has recently pro- vided. WHAT IS IMPORTANT now is that the government realize that things have in fact changed hands in Indonesia, and that forces are now in power which are much more likely to respond favorably to U.S. advances. 4* * A Discussion of Conservative Beliefs Aid to Church Schools? HE VATICAN Ecumenical Council's re- cent statement calling for more aid to parochial schools brings to the public eye once again a frequently debated issue. The Council's position should be rejected unless state and church officials can reach a workable compromise on the manner of education in parochial schools. The Council's provision said that sub- sidies should be distributed so that all children benefit from the best possible education and then criticized civil so- ciety for running an educational monop- oly. These criticisms are not justified. Each state attempts to ensure that the maxi- mum number of students will receive a sound, educational background in such subjects as English, history, mathemat- ics and science. Funds are issued to public schools in the hope that objective instruction will be given and teachers hired who can A Victory For Apathy 'IERE IS ANOTHER group being form- ed at the University-this time to pro- test picketing of any kind for anything. The.basicobstacle to such an organiza- tion is how to demonstrate. One sugges- tion has been not to. What a perfect haven for the few apa- thy-leaguers left in town. -PETER R. SARASOHN Editorial Staff ROBERT JOHNSTON, Editor LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM JEFFREY GOODMANT Managing Editor Editorial Director JUDITH FIELDS ................ Personnel Director LAUREN BAHR........... Associate Managing Editor JUDITH WARREN ........ Assistant Managing Editor ROBERT HIPPLER .......Associate Editorial Director G3AIL BLUMBERG .... ..... ..... . . Magazine Editor LLOYD GRAFF................ Acting Sports Editor -Tntr %Pmvt :.ant^1n ~nTPA maintain a fair amount of objectivity. OFTEN IN a parochial school, church doctrines are emphasized in subjects which should be given a more seculariz- ed treatment-specifically, English and history. Students in many cases do not fully receive the more well-rounded edu- cation offered in a school which is not religiously oriented. There is, however, a tremendous need for increased funds for parochial schools. The number of children attending paro- chial school, according to the New York Times, has increased drastically in the last 25 years. Between 1940 and 1963, there was a 129 per cent increase in their number of pupils. Fifty students are often taught in one classroom. Two-thirds of the schools have had to raise their tuitions recently to meet the influx of students. Also, the number of nuns (who do not have to be paid) has decreased. While the cost of supporting a nun for a year is only $800, parochial schools finds it difficult to pay the average salary of a regular teacher, $5000. The primary issue, then, is how all stu- dents, regardless of religion, can receive an education of the same high quality. 'THE ANSWER to the problem is this- more state funds should be provided parochial schools under the condition that academic subjects receive fair, objective treatment. This probably would require the use of generally the same textbooks as those of the public schools and the hiring of some regular teachers along with nuns and priests. The Ecumenical Council's proposal in- cluded a statement saying that subsidies should be distributed in such a way that parents may choose for their children the schools they want them to attend. Both the goals of the Church and the educational goals of the state would be met by assuring a comparable well- rounded education for children in paro- chial and public schools. To the Editor: AS CHAIRMAN of the local Young Americans for Freedom chapter, I would like to congratu- late The Daily and Miss Charlotte Wolter for an intelligent and well- researched article about the stu- dent right. I was happy to see that for once someone was able to offer an article which steered away from name-calling and out- right condemnation which char- acterizes so much writing about the right. Yet despite the extensive study which went into the article, I be- lieve that Miss Wolter failed to comprehend some of the bases of the conservative philosophy. This is not surprising since so few peo- ple are exposed to responsible con- servative ideas and there is no single source for them. (We have no Daily to serve as a forum for our ideas.) The most important idea which you seemed to misunderstand was the basis of the alienation be- tween the right and left over tac- tics. You implied that conserva- tives were opposed to nonviolence and civil disobedience yet were willing to use it to further their own purposes. The reason for this confusion is your failure to distinguish between nonviolence and civil disobedience. As I understand the apparent leftist rationality at the moment, it seems to hold that if you be- lieve a law or rule is morally un- just, it is your duty to actively violate this law so as to draw at- tention to it.aThis apparently in- cludes burning draft cards, block- ing troop trains, lying on busy streets and in general preventing the orderly operation of the law to which you are opposed. Also, when someone tries to en- force this law, the blame is some- how placed upon him for enforc- ing an "immoral law." This is the sort of activity which I would de- fine as civil disobedience - the disruption of law and order for a stated purpose. THE PROBLEM which this con- cept presents is obvious-it places no limit on which laws are con- sidered immoral or who is justi- fied in using this tactic. I wonder how the "open-minded" propon- ents of civil disobedience would react if conservatives started burning their social security cards, blocking mail trucks delivering federal grants, lying in front of urban renewal bulldozers or pre- venting the orderly operation of federal subsidy programs-for I can say truthfully that there is no conservative who does not con- sider such laws to be "immoral." As you can see, if both sides used tactics of civil disobedience, our entire democratic system of dis- cussion and compromise would dis- integrate. Further, the purpose of civil dis- obedience seems to be to gain sympathy for a cause by creating some sort of violent incident. What seems to count is not the pro- test, but getting your opponents so mad that they make fools of themselves. Yet if a cause is so weak that it needs to create ar- tificialtsympathy before it can suc- ceed, it does not say much for the cause. The emotion aroused in such situations does nothing but cloud the issues and prevent a clear discussion of the pros and cons of the problem. In contrast to civil disobedience I would place the various forms of nonviolent protest, including picketing, "teach-ins," and the like. Such protests call attention of the powers of final decision and enactment of laws. These powers should rightfully belong only to the duly elected and authorized bodies whose power it is to enact law. Yet to deny any individual or group the right of dissent or the power of attempting to influence these final decisions by democrat- ic means is a denial of the demo- cratic system of government. Al- though it may sometimes appear that the right would deny the left even the opportunity of voic- ing their opinions, this is without foundation. For if we did such a thing, we would no longer be con- servatives even by our own defi- nitions, but rather some type of authoritarians. Our basic objec- tion to the left, as elucidated, above, is their method of using power to disrupt, the democratic process. Earlier in this letter I congrat- ulated The Daily for avoiding name-calling and prejudgment. You happily avoided most of the irresponsible cliches which are oft- en used to-describe conservatives. However, there is one which un- fortunately seeped through. That is where you say that conserva- tives are somehow "longing for a return to the original 'pure' form of American constitutional gov- ernment." eThisconception often leads to the definition of a conservative as a "reactionary." Yet it is totally false. The conservative no more wants a return to the past than the liberal. He only asks that the past be studied and reviewed for its lessons before one goes charg- ing into the future. An old quote by Patrick Henry states it ef- fectively, "I know of no way of judging the future but by the past." I WOULD finally object to your typifying conservatism as an ideol- ogy. As a conservative, I per- sonally try continually to prevent my conservative philosophy from becoming an ideology; because, to me, an ideology implies a closed mind and an inability to accept new ideas and concepts. (This is another objection to the left, for most of them seem to fall under this definition.) Conservatism is far from this stage. It is a new, developing and still fluid movement, one whose final patterns have not yet been determined and one which is open to many new ideas from many kinds of people. A final compliment to The Daily for an intelligent contribu- tion to the intellectual discussion between the left and the right, which is so sorely lacking in our present society. I hope you will continue and expand upon this high plane. -Warren Van Egmond,.'68 Chairman, University of Michigan Chapter, Young Americans for Freedom Endorsement To the Editor: AS CAMPUS MINISTERS and members of the Ecumenical Campus Staff at the University we strongly support the request of the students for a university owned and operated book store. We urge the University regents and administration to take steps to establish such a store for the benefit of university personnel, faculty and students. -Charles Bearden -Daniel Burke --Paul Dotson -J. Edgar Edwards -Paul Light -Donald Postema -Eugene Ransom -Patricia Stoneburner -Donald VanHoven -Henry Yoder -Donald Young How Convincing! To the Editor: THE FOLLOWING four argu- ments should convince anyone why we should get out of Viet Nam: 1) The U.S. can't be policeman to the world. If it is true that the Communists are trying to con- quer the world, they probably ought to be stopped. But that's no reason why we should try to stop them. After all, we might get wounded, or killed even! Pat- rick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me death." He didn't say anything about their liberty. If Communism doesn't offer much liberty to its people, why should we worry? Why should we be good samaritans and brothers' keepers? 2) Red China really doesn't want much, just a few buffer states so she won't feel penned in. If Red China could just have South Viet Nam and a teeny bit of India, her anxieties would be considerably eased, and she could devote more time to projects beneficial to her starving millions - like building bigger and better nuclear bombs. And surely no one can deny the need to help China's starving mil- lions. Some people say that Red China can't be trusted, but why should we doubt her word? It's true that she got a little unruly in Korea a few years ago, but nobody is perfect. 3) Russia demands that we leave. Russia has an admirable, logical thinking government, so let's wake up and take their good advice. Like Confucius said, peo- ple who can build strong walls can build strong arguments. 4) We have no right to be there. Some of the warmongers base our right to be there on the premise that we are trying to pre- serve human dignity by stopping the spread of Communism. This is silly, because Communism isn't so bad. Just look at how people are dying to get out of East Ger- many and tell everyone how won- derful things are! Others remind us that nine gov- ernments have asked our help in fighting the Viet Cong. So what? Those governments haven't had 100 per cent popular support like all good little governments do, so we certainly shouldn't oblige them and come to their aid. Anyway, South Viet Nam is just a little country, so even if the Communists took over it shouldn't bother us way over here on our side of the globe. Leave Asia to the Asians, that's the best policy. So let's get out of Viet Nam! -Dennis Thompson, Grad Tuesday Vote To the Editor: IT'S RATHER unfortunate that the citizens of Ann Arbor will have to go to the polls next Tues- day to vote on whether we have a housing commission. It's unfortunate for three rea- sons: 1) the election was forced on the city by a very, very small percentage of our population (less than 2 per cent); 2) the election is being held on extremely short notice (15 days); 3) the election will be on an issue-creation of a housing commission-that the bipartisan City Council has al- ready supported unanimously (8- 0). But what is most unfortunate of all is that the tiny group of ex- treme conservatives who have cre- ated this situation may succeed. The housing commission may very well be defeated in Tuesday's elec- tion. When on quite short notice people are required to inform themselves on a public issue, then go to the polls, to vote on it, many of them will fail to vote. Of those who do vote, experience has shown that a large percentage will out of apathy or confusion- because of the short time avail- able to them to study the issue- vote negatively. IF YOU FEEL you do not yet know enough about this Issue to vote intelligently on it, go to the City Clerk's office in the City Hall and ask for a voter's packet on the housing commission. It con- tains five useful, readable docu- ments that will give you the facts about the housing commission. As a member of the City Coun- cil and the Council's Committee on Housing that studied the city's low-cost housing shortage, I urge you to vote "yes" for a housing commission next Tuesday. A "Yes" vote will create a body that can study our housing needs further, recommend solutions to the Coun- cil, then help to put those solu- tions into effect. The Ann Arbor residents who will directly benefit from the pro- grams of such a commission are not very numerous, but their needs for decent shelter are real and urgent. If we create a housing commission, we will have a useful instrument for helping them. The commission programs will be fi- nanced by long-term, low-interest bonds that will not raise federal, state, or local taxes. The resulting low-cost housing will give some Ann Arbor citizens and their chil- dren a better chance of becoming self-respecting, productive people. -Prof. Robert P. Weeks Engineering School Councilman, Third Ward Judgment" of History THIS WAR (in Viet Nam) can- not be "just," essentially be- cause it is immoral to fight a war in the midst of a civilian popula- tion that has never clearly ex- pressed itself one way or the other on the so-called issues. It is bas- ically a great-power struggle, and since it cannot be fought except with the most horrible conse- quences to the people who are in effect bystanders, it is inherent- ly and irremediably immoral. The conscience . . . of America is on trial. If we are different from, say, the Germans in World War II, now is the time to make the differences manifest. If we fail to do so, we will be Judged by his- tory as they have been judged. --The Nation 4 00 3 Some Ruminations on Planes and People WOULD have to wait a few minutes before boarding my BOAC jet bound for London, the stewardess told me. It was sup- posed to leave JFK airport at 8:20 p.m. and arrive in England at 7:30 a.m. their time. The most interesting looking person waiting in the line was an American male student about 19 years old. He looked like that typical American-student phony hitch-hiker who had convinced himself he was going to rough it. He carried a guitar case, two flight bags (one saying North- east and one Mohawk), two dif- ferent size camera cases, one light meter, a small satchel with a "Visit Florida This Summer" So What? by sarasohn immediately fell asleep. About four hours or four thou- sand miles later, I was awakened by a girl leaning over me looking out the window and checking her light meter. "Can I take a pic- ture out the window?" she asked me. Without being entirely awake I told her she'd have to take the picture straight out the window so there wouldn't be any reflec- talked excitedly of her first trip 'by herself" (she was with three other girls) away from her home in Brooklyn. She and her com- rades were first generation im- migrants and part of the group that had chartered half of this plane to London as the first leg of their trip to Israel. I noticed that some passengers were praying. They stood by their seats reading their prayers, sway- ing back and forth with yarmulkahs on their heads and tallises draped over their shoulders. If ever Gody watches over plane trips, ours had definitely a good chance, I was certain. TR C' ilm .iq qrla ..-,,-.af know where Westchester was-or even what it actually was. They knew of Long Island but hadn't ever been there. They were going to Israel-almost half way around the world, yet they hadn't ever been in Westchester, which was 15 minutes from their home by car. It is almost archaic now to say, "Are you going to Europe?" Now it is, "Are you going to Europe, too?" And a good many of those people haven't ever been away from their home state. The glamor of the far away country over- shadows the beauty, adventure and even glamor that exists close by. Tn oth. eidci n he hill alwavs I