THE REGENTS AND STUDENT WELFARE See Editorial Page Stitri A6F 471 4 lw atly CLOUDY High-70 Low-48 Chance of showers tonight Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No.41 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1965 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES Hatcher Address Pinpoints Current 'U'Problems I have recently returned from the meetings of the International %Association of Universities in To- kyo. There are three gratifica- tions in such a mission. One is the pleasure of going to an in- teresting foreign culture to ob- serve the changes that are taking place. The second is the meeting itself and the third is the added joy of returning to my own uni- versity in Ann Arbor.; The meetings themselves were rewarding. They dealt with three problems of concern to every country in the world. First, get- ting this present generation of talented youth into uniyersity training while there is yet time. Second, how to relate the univer- sities of our day to their socie- ties and to the economic base which supports them and is in turn served by them. And the third, the preservation or establishment of autondmy and freedom for our universities so necessary to their functions. I returned from these plenary sessions and visits withmy col- leagues around the world far from satisfied and by no means com- placent but, shall I say, at least encouraged. We are among the best there is. And we expect to get better. It is a pleasure to be home to the peace, calm, and protected pursuit of learning for which Ann Arbor is justly famous. We are already well into another academ- ic year. This is the second year of our full three-term program. It is go- ing better than most of us ex- pected. We have by this means set pup equivalent of a brand new college of some 4000, and it will grow., There are many adjustments and improvements that can be made, including a better program for the third term of next year, based upon our experience of this one. We enter the year 1965-66 at a new level of support. It is more nearly in keeping with the re- sponsibilities which we carry than has been true in the past several years. And I think we can truth- fully say that this year finds the University at greater strength in all of its areas than has been true at any time in the past. We offer our thanks and ap- preciation to the Legislature of Michigan for its understanding of the needs of the present day and once more we express our grati- tude to the Governor's Blue Rib- bon Committee for their able an- alysis and their concept of the support necessary for our insti- tutions of higher learning. These new levels of support for higher education, growing ever more exepnsive, quite properly .5#... .... .... . EDITOR'S NOTE: On Oct. 5, The Daily carried an inaccurate and distorted account of Uni- versity President Harlan Hatcher's "State of the Univer- sity" address. The inaccuracy stemmed from a confusion of tenses while presenting back- ground material, which put re- marks the President had made earlier this year into an entire- ly false context. There is no need to rehash the specifics of our error, but we wish to apolo- gize publicly for the poor re- porting of a significant event to the University community. In the hope of rectifying our mis- take, we present the full text of the President's remarks below. .... ............... have engaged a larger degree of public interest and concern than in the past. This is appropriate, but it is in turn placing rather heavy demands upon the universi- ties. The universities are being bur- dened unnecessarily by having too many points of judgment and de- cision. These now involve the Con- troller's office, the Governor's of- fice, the Legislature, the Senate Finance Committee, the House the Coordinating Council, and the studies of the Blue Ribbon Citi- zens' Committee. It is not surprising that the question of autonomy for univer- sities was a subject for an inter- national conference. The Univer- sity of Michigan is inevitably in the forefront of any such discus- sion. Autonomy under the elected Regents has proved its worth over the years and was deemed to be so good that it was extended to all the other state colleges and universities .under the new con- stitution of Michigan. It 4is something of a wry irony that we are in danger; in some areas, of saying that since some of the newer institutions are at the outset unable fully to exer- cise their autonomy that autono- my should be removed from all. We are in some such situation with respect to the appropriations for buildings for our campus. I hope it can be worked out. During the, last 20 years, the universities have found themselves in a most trying situation World War II saw massive destruction of cities, homes, factories, trans- portation, schools, universities. It left speritual and material exhaus- tion and degradation, frustration and loss of hope. Restoration and rehabilitation alone outran the capacity of the world, especially the United States to fulfill. But this was not our only un- dertaking. Into this devastated and already overtaxed post-war world, we procreated a new gen- eration so out of proportion to the normal growth that he have had to call it a population explo- sion. There was no possible way to control this. The results could be foreseen and were, but like the relentless unfolding of a clas- sic Greek drama, the consequences have descended upon us. The sheer Ways and Means Committee, the Education Committee, the Com- mittee on Colleges and Universi- ties, the State Board of Educa- tion. And, on another level, the Washington auditors, the state au- ditor, the legislative auditor, our own internal audit, and the CPA's employed by the Regents for the regular business audit. And we can add the Michigan Council of State College Presidents, the Michigan College and University Presidents, number of our children outran our capacity to absorb them prop- erly into our disrupted and swollen society. Our cities built for a few thou- sand or hundred thousands have been completely overrun by mil- lions. The few amenities we have managed to cultivate have been largely engulfed and dissipated. We do not have enough schools, colleges, universities for them at the normal rate of growth. We could not update courses of study fast enough. We could not create jobs or opportunities for signifi- cant participation in the whole fabric of modern life for them and we could not cope with the rush to the cities and in turn from the decaying cities out to the suburbs. This has been true not only in our own country but in Great See HATCHER, Page 7 rI I .I What's New at 764-1817 Hotline Student Government Council last night unanimously approved its University bookstore report which will be presented to the Regents for their meetings Thursday and Friday, Oct. 21 and 22. The report requests the recinding of the 1929 Regents ruling which prohibits "mercantile establishments" within University buildings which would compete with local merchants. SGC believes that "the Regents ruling is contrary to the concept of securing economic benefits for the students, especially when these benefits coincide with educational objectives." The report presents evidence that: businesses in Ann Arbor would not suffer greatly from University, the University has a responsibility to the students and the ruling is now ineffective, i.e., the Michigan Union Grill charges no taxes to patrons. The report will be discussed at the open Regents meeting Friday, Oct. 22 at 2 p.m. Tickets for the meeting can be obtained in room 2550 of the Student Activities Building. The Ann Arbor Board of Realtors yesterday voted to publicly oppose creation of the city's proposed housing commission. The board supported its stand by stating that, "The proposed pro- gram is so vague and open-ended that it is not acceptable." * * * * . The Ann Arbor Commission for the University of Michigan Sesquicentennial is planning a 100,000 person celebration to com- memorate the University's 150th birthday in 1967. This will be part of a year-long celebration in appreciation of the University's contributions to the community. The Legislature approved the recommendation bf the House subcommittee on Higher Education for the location of the pro- posed Saginaw Bay College yesterday. The college will be located in one of three sections of Saginaw county bordering Bay county. The site was chosen as a median point of the tri-county area. William Groening, head of a private fund-raisingcommittee for the new college, said construction is expected to begin next spring. q * . t Over 2,500 students have planned their programs in the first two weeks of pre-registration. "Things appear to be going smooth- ly," said Dean George R. Anderson, freshman and sophomore counselor, yesterday. As of now, there are no closed courses in the literary college. It is, however, difficult to get an appointment to see a coun- selor, and some counselors are booked into December. * *, * * Dick Reiss, Yale senior and chairman of a group organized to re-evaluate United States' foreign policy in Asia, said *yester- day that 30 campuses have already formed chapters of the or- ganization and that 20 more were expected to follow. Reiss emphasized that the purpose of the group,- Americans for Reappraisal of Far Eastern Policy, is mainly to center dis- cussion on the question of U.S. diplomatic recognition of, and U.N. admission of, the Peoples' Republic of China, and not to demonstrate against current policies. He felt that ARFEP is not a logical extension of groups currently protesting U.S. policies since it is an impartial discussion organization. Its statement of purpose does, however, call for a U.N.-supervsed cease-fire in Viet Nam, as well as U.S. "readiness to negotiate towards the recognition of the Peoples' Republic of China." A national series of conferences will be held Oct. 24 on mem- ber campuses to, raise the issues described and to dramatize ARFEP's emergence as a national organization. The University does not have a chapter. Those interested may contact the national headquarters at 404A Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. LAST CHANCE LECTURE: U.S. Court Demands Admission Hearings L Dispute I Student NATIONAL REACTION: 4 Days of Protest Receive Support, Cond emnation By CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER Mixed reactions on the "Inter- national Days of Protest" both on campus and across the country were received yesterday.from Ann Arbor City officials, University ad- ministrators and a congressional subcommittee. Mayor Wendell Hulcher of Ann Arbor said yesterday in a news re- lease ". . . as mayor, I will con- tinue to support the Ann Arbor 1 a w enforcement agencies in carrying out their assigned duties, and the preservation of law and order." Local Unions To Ask Bargaining Equality By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH University officials and three unions which are seeking recog- nition as the sole bargaining agents for groups of University employes under the amended Hutchinson (public employer) act will appear at a formal hearing of the State Labor Mediation Board in November to present argumeits on the University's contention that it cannot be constitutionally included under the act. An official of one of the unions involved said yesterday that if the board upholds the University's contention, his union will consider that the University is "just like any private employer-and we'll strike to gain recognition." Did Not Appear Instead of appearing at a board meeting in September to consider petitions from the three unions filed under the amended act-- which requires "certain public em- ployers" to recognize a union as the sole bargaining representative for a unit of employes if a major- ity within the unit supports the union-Vice-President for Busi- ness and Finance Wilbur K. Pier-} Pont sent the board a letter de- claring that the Regents had de- cided the amended act could not constitutionally cover the Univer- sity. This set the stage for the board's formal hearing on the matter, which will be held Nov. 23. 'U' Contention William Lemmer, a University attorney who has been concerned with formulating the University's position on the act, explained yes- terday that the University would stress its contention that the Leg- islature could not infringe on a constitutionally-established body, the University, by enacting legis- lation which gives an administra- tive body-the labor mediation board-jurisdiction over some of its employment policies. A University statement on Oct. 4 declared that administration of- ficials believe that "the terms and conditions of employment at the University are the responsibility of the Regents, who are elected by and responsible to the people of the State of Michigan." Edward Kantzler, president of the Washtenaw County Construc- tion Trades Council and a business agent for Teamsters Union Local 297, two of the groups seeking recognition under the amended act, said the union's attorneys would argue that the amended act can in fact cover the University. Hulcher has received telegrams from several residents of Ann Ar- bor asking that no public demon- strations be allowed and that the city council veto action promoting these activities. Hulcher said in" the statement that, regarding the council's approval of several activ- ities by the protesting groups, "the protection of the general welfare will be accomplished." Concerning the planned sit-in of the local Selective Service of- fice the mayor said that, "If civil disobedience is practiced . . . I ask that the police act to enforce our laws." The Selective Service office de- clined to comment on the demon- strations and possible police ac- tion saying that all communica- tions with the city were "confi- dential." The police department BULLE TIN About 1:15 this morning, the float depicting a concentration camp prepared by the Viet Nam Day Committee for the Inter- national Days of Protest which was to be part of the Home- coming parade was destroyed by vandals. The float was outside of Lester House when it was destroyed and no one has any idea of who was responsible. The police have been called in to investigate. also declined comment on the basis that no official statement had been issued by the depart- ment's higher officials. Richard L. Cutler, vice-presi- dent for student affairs, said yes- terday that, although the admin- istration had taken no official stance, it was his personal hope that the demonstrations would be "orderly and peaceful." A reaction to the national plans for demonstrations in over 80 cities came from Sen. Thomas J. Dodd(D-Conn), vice-chairman of the Senate Internal Security Sub- committee. The committee pub- lished a report Thursday to sup- port what it termed the Commun- ist infiltration and exploitation of the teach-in movement. MSU Action Unlawful in Schiff Case Three Federal Judges Hear Charges; Deny Dismissal Request By DOUGLASS CHAPMAN The United States District Court of Grand Rapids ruled yesterday that Michigan State University had acted unlawfully in denying readmission to graduate student Paul Schiff without a hearing. The court considered two mo- tions. The first, in which MSU asked for dismissal of the case, was denied. The second, Schiff's demand for a temporary injunction for his re- admission until a final decision, was denied without prejudice. Ac- cording to Kenneth Lang, the American Civil Liberties Union at- torney who represented Schiff, this means that the motion could be brought up again "if circumstanc- es warrant." Although Schiff's motion was denied, the court ordered MSU to notify Schiff in writing of the 10 days, and to hold a hearing reasons for his expulsion. Lang and Ernest Mazey, execu- tive director of the American Civ- il Liberties Union of Michigan were "satisfied" with the decision. "This is a landmark decision in that for the first time a Michi- gan college or university has been judicially required to give a stu- dent a hearing before denying the right to continue his education," Mazey said. Lang said that the case was "based on the 1st and 14th Amendments," and added "the court has definitely decided that MSU hasn't acted properly." John Hannah, MSU president, released this statement following the decision: "The action taken by the federal court in Grand Rapids today in the case of Paul Schiff vs. Hannah, Fuzak, and the See HEARINGS, Page 6 -Daily-Ron Berman 32 FEET OF SUPPORT Arthur Collingsworth '67 (standing), chairman of the Univer- sity's Young Republicans, and Kenneth Yeasting, '67, administra- tive vice-president for the Conference on Viet Nam's steering committee display the telegram they sent to President Johnson yesterday. 2,057 students signed the telegram which state "We, the undersigned students and faculty support your efforts to bring a viable peace in Viet Nam." Haber Cites Rewarding.Life As Major Goal of Education PREFER OLD SYSTEM: Coed Meal Demands Differ, SNewberry Reqet i-on By RUTH FEUERSTEIN "Education should provide us with the resources to confront and enjoy life," said Dean William Haber of the literary college in his "Last Chance" address con- cerning educational objectives in be employed by agriculture and the blue collar jobs. We do need "more education, more skill and more technological knowledge," but we also need an educational system which will create well-rounded individuals,' he added. Niehuss ClaEno .T- "a 7 By JEFANE.TTE GREEN 1s Legislature Helen Newberry dormitory resi- dents have reversed the Stockwell } s trend by petitioning the Univer- 1 Inform aton sity for re-establishment of a sit- down meal. halls; Leonard Schaadt, business She also said that for cafeteria manager of resident halls; John style meals fewer kitchen workers Pearson, manager of Stockwell are needed, so the Newberry job- and Mosher residence halls and less have had to turn to other Richard Cutler, vice-president for dorms for employment. student affairs. Stockwell residents have the re- Early this week they received a verse dilemma. 131 of 525 rest- a $o. :i ::