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October 14, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-14

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See Editorial Page




Partly cloudy
and mild

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom


What will happen if
gents rescind their 1929 r
Oct. 22 and open the way
establishment of a Un
operated bookstore? How
be financed and where w
In answering these q
John Feldkamp, assistan
vice-president for studen
said that a bookstore offe
per cent discount on tex
probably require a Univen
sidy to balance its books
He said, that a store o:
five per cent discountc

U'-Operated Bookstore ight Need Subsidy

the Re-
ruling on
y for the
w will it
will it be
t to the
t affairs,
ring a 10
ts would
sity sub-
ffering a
on texts

and soft goods, such as paper and
notebooks, might be able to be
self supporting.
Feldkamp felt a bookstore would
definitely need a subsidy to get
started no matter what its dis-
count. He estimated that from
$40,000 to $50,000 would be re-
quired for fixtures and about
$500,000 for the first year's texts.
These figures assume a full-
scale, year-around operation, not
the limited, seasonal operation of
previous co-op bookstores, he de-
Feldkamp said that consultants
have estimated a bookstore would
require 14,000 square feet of sell-

ing space and 7,000 square feet
for storage.
It had earlier been thought that
the bookstore might use facilities
in the Michigan Union, but only
5,000 square feet of space is avail-
able there.
Feldkamp mentioned the pos-
sibility of acquiring space in the
administration building but said
that many departments are al-
ready clamoring for its space.
Feldkamp said that the only
other possibilities for acquiring
plant space would lie in the con-
struction of a new building or

renting a building. But even these
plans would require additional
funds, which would have to come
from a University subsidy, he said.
Salaries for a full-time manager
and several clerks and secretaries
also increase overhead costs which
would make the offering of a 10
per cent discount infeasible, Feld-
kamp felt.
Nationally, book merchants make
a very low net profit on texts,
about two to three per cent, and
make their money in specialities
or other areas such as real estate,
he added.
He cited examples of university-
operated bookstores at other state

schools, which either offer no dis-
count or which have university
* Though the bookstore at
Wayne State University offers a
10 per cent discount, the univer-
sity there provides its plant space.
0 Not only does the university
provide plant space for Western
Michigan University's store, but no
discount is offered. Profits go into
a scholarship fund.
" Michigan State University's
bookstore receives no subsidy and
offers no discount. Profits are
used for other university activities.

Feldkamp mentioned several
sources of a possible subsidy for
a University bookstore which
would allow it to offer a 10 per
cent discount.
He said the possibility of receiv
ing a private gift for the store is
highly unlikely, and that it is also
improbable that the Legislature
would be willing to grant funds
for a store, since it has stressed
teaching salaries and classroom
But bookstore subsidies might
be appropriated from student fees
or other areas of the general
fund, Feldkamp mentioned. To re-
ceive money from these sources,

the bookstore requests would have
to be submitted to the University
budget committee on a par with
requests from all the University's
departments, he said.
Whether or not the committee
would be willing to recommend
the allocation of funds for a book-
store would depend upon the needs
of other departments and the
priorities established, he said.
Composing the committee are
the president, all of the vice-
presidents except those for stu-
dent affairs and university rela-
tions and a number of executive
assistants that the administration
refuses to name.

operated bookstores at other state

ceive money from these sources,

What's New
At 764-1817



itil 1967-68



Russell Linden, '67L, chairman of the Student Government
Council off-campus housing committee and representative to
the newly formed housing advisory council which will be wdrking
with Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard Cutler and Vice-
President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont, said last
night the council will recommend the establishment of a perma-
nent research committee to keep in constant touch with students
and report back their tastes and desires in University housing.
Next week the council, will meet with Pierpont to discuss
financial aspectshof dormitory housing. This will probably not
affect current plans for North Campus construction, Linden
Student Government Council's committee for off-campus
housing is submitting to the Office of Student Affairs student-
written leases. These leases, hopefully, will become official Uni-
versity policy, chairman of the committee Russell Linden, '67L,
commented. It is expected that students will stress eight-month
rentals rather than the current 12-month plan.
* * *
The John Birch Society and an Ann Arbor ad hoc committee
for the support of local police will pass out "Support Your Local
Police" handbills Friday just before the Homecoming parade, it
was announced at a meeting of Young Americans for Freedom
yesterday evening.
It was also announced that YAF is sponsoring a national
contest with a $2000 first prize for the best essay on John Storm-
er's controversial book, "None Dare Call It Treason."
Tonight, Student Government Council will consider a pro-
posal to establish a Sponsorship Fund, providing financial assist-
ance to needy student organizations. As suggested, the fund will
consist of $800 allocated from SGC general funds. In order to
maintain the SGC general fund at a level sufficient to permit the
Sponsorship Fund, it is proposed that SGC collect from organi-
zations and groups sponsoring concerts in Hill Aud a fee (per
concert) equal to three per cent! of the net profits off such con-
The Council will also consider a motion proposed by Inter-
quadrangle Council President Lee Hornberger, '66, to rescind the
motion passed by SGC supporting the case of Paul Schiff. "After
further investigation it appears that Michigan State University
had valid reasons for expelling him, and I think the Council
should consider the matter more thoroughly," Hornberger said.
* * * *
Arthur Collingsworth, '66, will participate in the Symposium
for Freedom in Viet Nam to be held in Washington, D.C., this
Saturday. Collingsworth, who spent part of the summer in
Viet Nam on a grant from the American Friends of Viet Nam,
will be part of a student panel discussion on American and
Vietnamese student reaction to the Southeast Asian war.
The University was featured in this week's Nation magazine
in an article by Christopher Lasch entitled "New Curriculum for
Teach-Ins." Lasch pointed out the great affect the University
teach-ins have had on the Viet Nam situation by sparking other
teach-ins and discussions. However, he criticized the failure of
the University teach-in to get to the heart of the problem. He
considered the most important function of the teach-in should
have been to find new ways to make the U.S. government change
its policy in Viet Nam and to go to the heart of American foreign
policy and the society that created it. This year's University teach-
in :Sept. 14-18) failed in this respect, Lasch said, because it be-
came too involved in quibbling over details and lost much of its
Long Distance

Opponents Debate
Housing Question
By BOB CARNEY commission to the Ann Arbor tax-
Need, control, cost and resi- -Will the commission serve
dence were again stressed as the only the needy in the present
key issues in the housing commis- community, or will it-through
sion question last night during a residence requirements as yet un-
forum confronting supporters and decided-attract outsiders moving
opponents of the body. for the sole reason of gaining its
In an open debate sponsored by benefits?
the Ann Arbor League of Women Included In all of the four
Voters, Councilman John Hath- main controversial points is the!
away (R) and Rev. Hoover Rupert question 'on which the disagree-
of the First Methodist Church pre- ment is centered: are specific pro-
sented the supporting arguments, visions necessary before establish-
with George Lemble of the Citi- ing a housing commission, or can
zens' Committee on, Housing and these in fact be undertaken by the
Col. Arthur Hertz, U.S. Army commission itself.
(Ret.) representing the opposi- For example, in the area of need,
The hour-long forum reiterated Lemble argued last night that a
the points of disagreement which formula for defining need must
have characterized the discussion be devised prior to the establish-
of the Oct. 19 referendum up to ment of a commission.
this time: His opponents said, however, the

-What is the definition of
"need" in regard to low cost hous-
ing, and has the need been suf-
ficiently shown to encourage the
formation of a housing commis-
-Is the control of the commis-
sion by the city council sufficient?
-What will be the cost of the
Viet Protest
To Be, Held
Despite Row
Rutgers University will hold a
teach-in on the 'cold war tonight
despite opinion that the teach-in
would hinder the campaign of
New Jersey's incumbent Demo-
cratic Gov. Richard J. Hughes,
according to the Rutgers teach-in
The issue centers around Hugh-
es' defense of the academic free-
dom of Dr. Eugene D. Genovese,
philosophy professor at Rutgers,
earlier this year. Genovese said
at a Viet Nam teach-in that he
would welcome a Viet Cong vic-
Hughes' Republican opponent in
the gubernatorial race, state sen-
ator Wayne Dumont, demanded
that Genovese be ousted from the
state university's faculty for sedi-
tion. Although a committee of the
state legislature dismissed Du-
mon't demand, he has pressed the
issue in his campaign all summer.!

commission itself should set such
a standard based on present fed-
eral government regulations.
Also in regard to need, Lemble
and Hertz argued that the city
should conduct a door-to-door sur-
vey with its own funds now to
determine the extent of the need
exactly. Hathaway argued that
this w- s unnecessary since the
commission would undertake this
study with federal funds after its
establishment - as required of it
by law.
In the area of control, the con-
troversy was similar. Lemble de-
manded that the number, type
and cost of projects be delineat-
ed beforehand instead of leaving
it up to the commission.
In regard to cost, a key factor
stressed last night was the amount
required from a public housing
unit in lieu of taxes, after the
house has been purchased by the
commission and taken off the tax
Hertz said that this can be 'as
low as five per cent in some cases,
and this may result in a loss to the
Hathaway cited the possibility
that it can amount to much more
than were the taxes, and pointed
to Ypsilanti as an example.

Date Depends
On Progress
Of Planning
Sen. Lane Indicates
Lansing Not Informed
Of Nature of School
Sen. Garland Lane (D-Flint),
%y ' '" chairman of the Senate Appropri-
ations Committee, indicated yes-
«> { terday that funds for the Univer-
sity's residential college will not be
~smade available until the 1967-68
.."K . budget year.
Lane called the 1967-68 date
tentative, contingent on progress
.k of plans to be submitted for the
college. He pointed out that the
University has not as yet made
any attempt to inform the Legis-
lature of the nature of the pro-
posed residential college which is
scheduled for construction on
North Campus.
He emphasized, however, that
he in no way blames the Univer-
sity for not giving his committee
a more complete presentation at
this time
-ert wiiimarth
)ertwntmrthCapital Outlay
O'Toole, '68, At the moment, the Legislature
tress, Karen has empowered the Senate-House
on Oct. 18. Capital Outlay Committee to re-
lease $3000 in preliminary plan-
ning money for the college. When
released, the $3000 will be turned
over to the state controller's of-
fice, which will designate the
architect to handle the planning.
Of five University buildings list-
ed by Lane for appropriations in
1967-68, the residential college was
fourth priority. He said this cor-
responds to the Univrsity's own
priority list preference and con-
nuch time. firmed earlier statements by Pres-
Work ident Harlan Hatcher that pri-
requires the ority listing is subject to change.
2 kitchen staff Ranked above the college are gen-
ust all work eral library renovations, a new
College of Architecture 'and De-
rculated a pe- sign and a science building.
e girls in the The residential college, conceiv-
feelings on the ed in 1962, has been the subject
of considerable debate on campus.
gned the peti- The planning process has been
was only con- slow, with President Hatcher con-
eelings on the sistently emphasizing the need for
dinners, and patient deliberation to ensure suc-
)unt of help cess of the project.
. Occasionally, friction between
by the faculty, which has been In-
inners but I'm strumental in planning the college,
the girls who and the administration has arisen
Nancy Troup, to the surface-a problem attri-
buted to communications break-
the question downs resulting in differing con-
1 but, due to cepts of the new unit. The admin-
d by the peti- istration, some have said, just
n changed to does not understand what the fac-
the girls will ulty considers to be the purpose
ets explaining of the college.
will be voting At the heart of the residential
college concept is the vision of a
made to have small, intimate community with-
s just once a in the larger multiversity. The
ition was ac- college would be located on North
n staff but re- Campus, and would feature its
tockwell resi- own classrooms, living facilities
and faculty, although the faculty
rtaRe members would retain their Uni-

Shown at a Stockwell Hall 'sit-down dinner' are (left to right) Sharon Judd, '68, Patty4
Linda Crockatt, '68, Kathy Dickson, '68, Linda Mabley, '68, Nancy Nobel, '69, and the wai
Christensen, '69. Stockwell residents will vote on elimination of the controversial dinners
Stockwell To Hold V
On.Meals Con trovers

There has been a controversy
raging in Stockwell Hall for the
elimination of sit-down dinners.
Many of the hall's residents have
signed a petition on the question,
and Stockwell will vote on the is-
sue Oc. 1.1

belhing against this kind of din-
They complain that the two
Stockwell dining halls do not have
the facilities to accommodate all
the residents at one sitting, and
also object to being served by
others their own age.

I Still another criticism made of
At these dinners Stockwell resi- the dinners is that the girls must
dents are served at their tables meet outside the dining halls, en-
instead of going through the us- ter the dining rooms together, seat
ual procedure of waiting in line themselves and then wait to be
for their meals. Many girls are re- served. They feel this whole pro-

Five youths were arraigned yesterday morning in the Lansing
Township Justice Court for having set up an exhibit on the
Michigan State University campus attacking U.S. policy in Viet
Nam without permission of university authorities.
Rehard Bernitt, director of MSU's Public Safety Depart-
vent, said about 10 youths set up signs and began passing out mate-
rial criticizing the United States' role in Viet Nam.
When five refused to leave, they were arrested on charges of
trespassing on state property and violating a university regula-
tion against distribution of materials without a permit.
State Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit), chairman of the House
subcommittee on higher education of the ways and means com-
mittee, said yesterday that the investigation of the University's
books, begun by state auditors last July 27 following the tuition
increase, will be concluded by Oct. 31. He added that his com-
mittee will visit the University the first week in November and
closely scrutinize the University's finances itself.

G;SC Endorses Power's Gift,
Studies City Housing Problem

cedure involves too n
Staff Must
Since the dinner
participation of all 4!
members, they mt
every Sunday.
Some residents cij
tition 'requesting th
dorm to state their f
Some residents sig
tion not realizing it
cerned with their fE
elimination of the
not with the am
needed to serve them
"I like sit-down di
sympathetic towards
have to serve them,"
'68, commented.
A house vote on
was set for Oct. 1:
the confusion cause(
tion, has now beer
Oct. 18. Meanwhile,
be receiving fact she
exactly what theyt
for Oct. 18.
A suggestion was
the sit-down dinner
month. This propos
cepted by the kitchei
jected by many S
Labor Shot

Richard L. Perlin, editor of the
Rutgers student newspaper, said By WALLACE IMMEN
that he opposed holding the Graduate Student Council last
teach-in because it would bring night recommended action on
the Genovese case before the pub- problems of housing in Ann Ar-
lic again and possibly keep Hughes bor, graduate teachers, and the
from being reelected. controversial Power theatre gift.

versity policy on graduate teach-
ing to President Harlan Hatch-:
er within two weeks, it was an-
The report was prompted by
the increasing conflict in roles en-:
countered by graduate students 1
who are also teaching. It urges
that if teaching becomes a re- ;

needed for the building come from
sources other than University
funds or state aid.
James McEvoy, Grad, head of a
committee researching Power's re-
cent gift earlier voiced opposition
to a Daily editorial of Sept. 28
which urged the use of the gift in
some other manner.

However, Norman Berzon, presi-
dent of the committee of Students

City Councilman Robert D.,
Weeks explained the case for the

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