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October 13, 1965 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-13

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'Spoilermakers' To Play New Role as Favorites

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The Jim Detwiler IncidentP
Big Ten football is colorful, exhilerating entertainment for theg
million and a half fans who shuck out five bucks a seat to watch the
college guys rock and sock on Saturdays. And out of spectacle comes t
joy, fulfillment, and pain for the men who dish.it out and take it. a
One player who's gotten more than his share of all three in the i
short span of his college career is Jim Detwiler, running back su-f
preme. Detwiler was a Corvette in a backfield of tough Mustangs.'
He was a king amongst princes. He was the great one amidst theC
excellent. He was.-
Yesterday, Jim (Diesel) Detwiler's knee was sliced into by a p
surgeon's tools to repair the ripped cartilage which he acquired in
the Saturday spectacle. He'll watch the rest of Michigan's gameso
this season in civies and motor around campus with crutches.b
The human body, and particularly the knee, was not created for
football. The knee was made so man put his feet up on footrests, orV
maybe jog a mile or so if the whim hit him. It is the most vulnerable
spot in the anatomy of a football player. Woody Hayes is so afraid
of knee injuries that he instructs his backs to run toward the middle
of the field, thus limiting the temptation for defensive men to throw
a rollblock at the knees forcing a man out of bounds.
But strangely enough, Detwiler's knee agonies hit in North
Carolina on an innocent punt. He wasn't even bumped. The kneeJ
just gave out He had had a similar experience a week earlier inJ
practice. The coaching staff wisely held him out of the rest of the
game and rested him against California.
But knees are queer and deceitful. They lie even to their owners, -
Detwiler had a dishonest knee. It told him during practice before 1
Georgia that it might, just might, snap back into shape and last outd
the year. And coaches are people, too. They wanted to believe thatC
Detwiler, who had looked like one of Michigan's greatest runningv
backs in 20 years during preseason practice, would recover quickly.Z
With the advice of orthopedic specialists, they weighed the possi-g
bilities of keeping him out for the year, but decided to gamble on
Det's knee holding up. Detwiler, a tough althete, and also one who I
was willing to be deceived by a knee that felt almost good decided toz
give it a try. The team physician agreed because the knee had obeyedV
Detwiler's commands during the week's practices.a
So Detwiler tried against Georgia. Five weak carries were all he
could milk out of the leg. The knee gave out in the first half, but heo
recovered sufficiently to make an appearance in the second.'r
Again Detwiler practiced in preparation for the Michigane
State game. The knee held up and the coaches and doctors askedY
Detwiler if he could play. He said that his knee felt fit.'
Michigan State put Detwlier out of commission after eight min- .
utes of play. The knee again. This time the cartilage was torn, the
season definitely ended.
So much for the diary.
Now for the questions. The painful questions, which never-
theless ought to be asked.
When Detwiler limped off the field last Saturday his first words
were, "Why did it have to go out in the damn first quarter?" In the
hospital that night he reiterated those words to Daily reporter Rick
Stern. "I knew it was going to go out."
Those were the words of a despondent football player after the
blackest day of his career. Did he have that fatalistic attitude before
the game? Who knows. Probably not even Detwiler. You don't make
tape recordings of your emotions
Did Bump Elliott think that Detwiler's knee would give out? "If
I ever sent a player out there who was not in condition to play I
would quit coaching." You believe Bump Elliott.
Did orthopedic specialist Willian' O'Connor think Detwiler
should have played? "His knee felt good before the game, so we let
him play." You must believe a doctor.
So where does it leave you? Confused.
If one is to place responsibility, a major share must go to Det-
wiler who evidently played the martyr athlete, thus jeopardizing his;
potentially great career. Had he admitted prior to the game to either
Elliott or the doctors that he thought his knee would go out, he would
have been benched, and perhaps the operation avoided.
But one must honestly ask If Coach Elliott should have gambled
though he knew the risk of permanent injury to be negligible. Should
he have called it a season for Detwiler after the Georgia game even if
it was impossible for him to get another year of eligibility?
And one must also'wonder in hindsight if the doctors were too
willing to take Detwiler's word about how the knee felt. A doctor
cannot quantify pain wits an X-ray, but Detwiler's history this sea-
son did not bode well for his chances against Michigan State.
So ends the Jim Detwiler incident. Is there a lesson?
Texas First GAL
In Poll Again
By The Associated Press AVAILABLE
The Texas Longhorns hae re-
tained their number one ranking
in the AP Poll for the third
straight week while the Michigan
Wolverines have dropped out of
the ratings entirely.
Texas holds a slim three point
lead over Nebraska. The Long-
horns will tangle with third rank-
ed Arkansas this Saturday in a
game that could go a long way in
deciding the eventual national _________________

Michigan State moved into
fourth place following its 24-7
victory over Michigan. The Spar-
tans moved ahead of Georgia, an-
other team which has defeated
the. Wolverines.
The vote with points on a 10-9-8-
7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basis and first place bal-
lots in parenthesis:
1. Texas (22)' 4-0 438
2. Nebraska (15) 4-0 435
3. Arkansas (4) 4-0 384
4. Michigan State (3) 4-0 335
5. Georgia (2) 4-0 280
6. Southern Calif. 3-0-1 204
7. Purdue (1) 3-0-1 187
8. Notre Dame 3-1 162
9. Florida 3-1 98
10. Miss. State 4-0 79
Others receiving votes included: Ala-
bama, Duke, Kentucky, Louisiana State,
Missouri, Ohio State, Stanford, Texas
Western, Washington State; West Vir-
U 'f

For the last three years the
urdue eleven has lived up to their
nickname, "the Spoilermakers," in
h e Purdue - Michigan football
The Boilermakers have made a
tradition of coming onto the field
as underdogs against the Wolver-
nes and walking off the turf as!
the victors.rLast year it was a
fired-up Purdue squad, led by
sophomore q u a r t e r b a c k Bob
Griese, that smashed Michigan
hopes of a perfect season and a
possible national championship.
Currently sporting a 3-0-1 rec-
ord and ranked seventh nationally
by the Associated Press, Purdue
is the underdog no more. The
Wolverines now have the dubious
opportunity to play the role of
spoiler and reverse the three-year
Grant Faces
LA's Os teen,
-The desperate Minnesota Twins,
backed against the wall in a sud-
den death situation, called on Jim
Grant to come back with two days
rest in hopes of squaring the
World Series with the runaway
Los Angeles Dodgers in the sixth
game today.
Claude Osteen, the American
League refugee who handles the
Twins as though he owns them,
was the Dodgers' choice to end it
all in six games.
Osteen, winner of 15 and loser
of 15 in regular season play, never
has lost to the Twins. The talent-
ed lefty beat them five times when
he wore a Washington uniform
and shut them out 4-0 with five
hits in the third game, at Los
Angeles Saturday.

trend when the two teams clash B
here Saturday.
The Wolverines will by no T
means be staring across the line o'
at unfamiliar faces. Besides Griese
who passed for 149 yards and one p
touchdown on that fateful daye
last season, such standouts asg
Randy Minniear, an agile fullback i
who bulled his way for two touch-p
downs against the Wolverines, and
end Bob Hadrick also return.
Michigan's freshman c o a c h, a
Denny Fitzgerald, who scouted the
Boilermakers, tabbed Griese as n
."the best quarterback I've seen1
since Roger Staubach in his juniort
year." Staubach's performance
that year for Navy was goodr
enough to earn him the Heisman P
The Bestn
Speaking of Griese yesterday,
Fitzgerald added, "Purdue's coach,
Jack Mollenkopf, has had several
great quarterbacks on his squads,
but Griese is undoubtedly the best
competitior he's ever had.
"He runs like a deer, he's a
brilliant passer, and he punts,
handles the kickoff chores, and is
Purdue's place-kicker," Fitzgerald
continued. "He was a good quar-
terback last year, but this season
he's a great one."
The Purdue field general doesn't
have to worry about targets either.
Hadrick at split-end, sophomore
Jim Beirne at the tight-end slot,
and flankerback Jim Finley are all
competent receivers.
Favorite Receiver
Hadrick, who made the All-.
America squad last year, is
Griese's favorite target. Fitzgerald
spoke highly of the senior end
and noted that he was "split out
98 per cent of the time." Purdue
mentor Mollenkopf calls him "a
perfect example of concentration,
competitiveness, and good hands."
Fitzgerald called the end com-
bination of Beirne and Hadrick
"fantastic." He said sophomore

Beirne "came out of the Hadrick and slip through it. America candidate, heads the list
mold and has great potential." Another backfield returnee. Gor- of huge tacklers.
The Boilermakers sometimes split don Teter, was the rushing leader The senior, who weighs 235?
out both receivers. for the Boilermakers in 1964 with pounds, was injured last week
Beirne, 6'2", weighs only 190 614 yards. Teter starts at left half. against Iowa when Purdue slipped
pounds which is small for a tight; Purdue runs put of several dif- past the Hawkeyes, 17-14. Shay is
end. He is noted for what Fitz- ferent formations, although the I- a doubtful starter Saturday, and
gerald termed his "wiggling abil- formation and spread offense are his absence could be a major
ty" which helps him shake off used most. The Boilermakers us- factor in the game.
pass defenders. ually line up flankerback Finley Other defensive tacklers include
Good Enough and Hadrick on opposite sides, but Lance Olssen. at 257, and Mike
Describing the Purdue running the two receivers are occasionally Barnes, 6'3", 240. Barnes missed'
attack, the Wolverine coach said, placed on the same side. the last two games because of an
'Their ground game is good, but Fitzgerald emphasized that Pur- ankle injury, but he is ready to go
not outstanding like their passing. 'due changes the formations of its against the Wolverines.
It will keep the defense honest, wide-open attack each game. Dashing Defenders
though." Tough Characters The Boilermaker defensive back-
Handling a major part of the "Purdue's defense is character- field is marked by their tremend-j
rushing duties, fullback Minniear ized by their giant tackles, quick ous speed. Charley King, Lou Sims,
picked up 438 yards last year. for their great size and very and John Charles comprise the
Minniear is not a powerful run- strong," Fitzgerald stated. Jerry swift defensive trio. King has been
ner, but he can quickly spot a hole Shay, another Boilermaker All- timed at 09:8 for the 100-yard
~ ~ II - - - - -

dash. Sims at 09:7. and Charles
at 09:5.
Although Purdue was not over-
powering against Southern Metho-
dist aind Iowa the last two weeks,
Fitzgerald believes they are just
beginning to reach top form.
"SMU is a better team than
their record indicates," he ex-
plained. "and Griese was knocked
aout in thebsecond half. He came
back in. but was still punchy,
making some bad calls.
"Against Iowa, the Boilermak-
ers were playing a fired-up team,
and it was the Hawkeyes home-
coming .game."



onl 4
. N
"' t


1. Purdue at MICHIGAN
(pick score)
2. Minnesota at Iowa
3. Indiana at, Illinois
4. Ohio St. at Michigan St.
5. Wisconsin at Northwestern
6. Texas at Arkansas
7. Pittsburgh vs. Navy at
Washington, DC
8. Penn State at Syracuse
9. Washington at California
10. West Virginia vs. Virginia at

11. Yale at Columbia
12. Auburn at Georgia Tech
13. Kansas at Oklahoma
14. UCLA at Missouri
15. North Carolina St. at Florida
16. Texas A&M at Texas
17. Stanford at Southern Cal
18. Iowa State at Colorado
19. Richmond at Buffalo
20. Gallaudet at Lorton

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