U, , t apx aY g Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS On the Iature of Civil Disobedience here Opinions Are Free. 426 MAYNARD ST., ANN APBOR, MIcH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, OCTQOBE 13, 1965. NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH WARREN Viet Namr Hypocrisy And policy Conferences THE GROSS HYPOCRISY of the United States' Viet Nam policy has again been amply demonstrated by Washington's re- cent reaction to two gatherings on the subject. The first, the teach-in held at the Uni- versity of Toronto, last weekend, was to include representatives from the Saigon government and the National Liberation Front, meeting for the first time any- where. Yet the U.S. government, despite its repeated promises of "unconditional negotiation" in Viet Nam, refused to send a representative to sit at the same table with the NLF in Toronto. If President Johnson really had any desire to stop the senseless murder in Southeast Asia, he would have sent an official to the Toronto teach-in.' ON THE OTHER HAND, the U.S. is glad' to cooperate with the upcoming Sym- posium for Freedom in Viet Nam, to be held next Saturday in Washington. The The Students' }friend THE STUDENTS' FRIEND once was a, non-union, discount barber shop that undercut other local shops by 40 per cent. The student has a new Friend now-the Washteiaw County police. Inside the fingerprinting room of the county fail is a sign which bears the warm greetings, "WELCOME U OF M STUDENTS.' A student who recently paid an official visit to the county jail reported that when he refused to give the questioning officer more information than is legally required -name, address and age-the -officer smiled and remarked, "Oh, another stu- dent!" -AL VALUSEK Edritorial Staff ROBERT JOHNSTON, Editor LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM JEFFREY GOODMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director JUDITH FIELDS .. ..........Personnel Director LAUREN BAR..........Associate Managing Editor JUDITH WARREN .......Assistant Managing Editor ROBERT RIPPLER ....Associate Editorial .Director, GAIL BLUMBERG ................Magazine Editor LLOYD GRAFF.............Acting Sports Editor Business Staff CY WELLMAN, Business Manager ALAN GLUECKMAN.............Advei$ising Manager JOYCE FEINBERG ...............Finance Manager SUSAN CRAWFORD. Associate Business Manager MAJMGERS: Harry Bloch, Bruce Hiliman, Marline X~uelthau, Jeffrey- Leeds, Gall Levin; Susan Perl- stadt, vic Ptasznik, Elizabeth Rhein, Ruth Segall, Jill Tozer, Elizabeth Wissman. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by nail); $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail).: Second class postagepaid at Ann Arbor, Mich. symposium calls itself "the only student meeting held that day endorsing current U.S. policy in Viet Nam," adding that "the weekend is expected to be filled with left- wing, beatnik protest against American firmness in Viet Nam." While the Toronto teach-in publicly stated that its goal was the detached and objective gathering of information, the Symposium (Webster's calls a symposium "a collection pf opinions") is sure to col- lect only one opinion: pro-administra- tion. The U.S. government will be repre- sented by a former Saigon embassy at- tache who is now with the State Depart- ment's Viet Nam Desk, and a senator from each major party will speak. A CLOSER LOOK at the two Vieti Nam discussions emphasizes the federal government's irrationality. The Toronto teach-in was intended to be a productive dialogue between spokesmen from both sides of the Bamboo Curtain. Actually, neither side was officially represented. Prof. Robert Scalapino, who defended U.S. policy, is in no way con- nected with the administration. William Worthy, unofficial NLF spokesman,' in an American newsman who has spent much time behind the Iron Curtain, most re- cently with Viet Cong leaders in Czecho- slovakia, one of the three nations which recognizes the NLF. The crucial point is, however, that the teach-in had invited people from both the NLF and Washing- ton. The U.S. government, realizing that its representatives would meet articulate opposition, decided to stay home. The administration has previously de- bated with American intellectuals (e.g., at the National Teach-In in May), but it is unwilling to face the Vietnamese who suffer from or aid in U.S. butchery. Ignoring the victims of an undeclared war solves nothing. Yet the symposium to be held in Washington-purposely timed to coincide with the International Days of Protest against the war in Viet Nam (Oct. 15, 16)-will feature not one speak-, er from, anywhere outside the U.S. It will be a perfect opportunity for government officials to air administration policies without opposition. IT'S EASY FOR Johnson supporters to sound convincing at a packed, partisan lecture, but Washington will not risk its propaganda prophets in a two-sided dis- cussion where U.S. policy might be .made to look as bad as it really is. ;f our posi- tion in Viet Nam is so righteous, why are its creators afraid to defend it? The sim- ple truth is that, in any meaningful dia- logue, the real story of American brutal- ity and hypocrisy would become pain- fully apparent. DOUGLASS CHAPMAN THERE'S NO USE (and prob- ably a lot of danger) beating around the bush: when people talk of civil disobedience in a demonstration, they're talking about opposition to the whole social system. Civil disobedience is much more than opposing the law which might be violated. (As a matter of fact, the law which is violated- e.g., a law against obstructing traffic-is almost always com- pletely remote from the "cause" at hand.) It's much more than simply creating publicity (though this is definitely a consideration in any kind of public action). It's much more even than trying to make an advance on a specific problem. In committing civil dis- obedience one necessarily repu- diates the whole mechanism which a social system has established for changing its laws and institu- tions. PRESUMABLY most people can agree that laws and institutions should in some way change in order to remain serviceable to people's needs. While these needs are by and large defined by the same laws and institutions which ostensibly serve needs, in fact it is possible to speak of something like basic human needs or of lib- erties and responsibilities which ought to be incontrovertible. (Our Declaration of Indepen- dence makes mention of these, and our Constitution-by nature a more basic and universal legal document than the legislation which congresses pass-seeks to establish some of these same basic rights as not open to adjudication. And both objectively-used science and theology tell us, in their pe- culiar languages, about other kinds of needs which are basic to the organism, independent of what his current social milieu says). At the same time, no system's processes for instilling and de- fining values are perfect. There will always be deviants who pro- claim that indeed things are not the way they should be. To some extent, every deviant- no matter how much it might ap- pear that his complaints are merely personal as opposed to so- cial problems-advocates changes which have social validity (since even apparently personal problems derive at least somewhat from generalizeable social conditions). THE MATERIAL conditions of societies are almost always chang- ing (new resources, technological innovations, shifting demographic patterns, the introduction of ideas and facilities from different cul- tures, foreign pressures, etc.). In many instances, the scale and na- ture of social institutions changes correspondingly; in other in- stances, many institutions do not change. In either case, there is always the strong likelihood of growing discordances between basic hu- man needs and social conditions. And at all times these discord- ances are readily seized upon by "outsiders," who most easily per- ceive that something is wrong. The question which civil dis- obedience raises is how men should go about getting laws and institutions altered in such situa- tions. Systems have inertia, and their components have consider- able vested interests in preserving existing arrangements. A system maintains itself by carefully de- fining and controlling the mech- WHY NOT? By JEFFREY GOODMAN anisms to be followed in bringing about change and by inculcating in its members such values as will contribute to this control. THE OBSERVANCE of "proper" procedures, therefore, is essential, not only because the "properness" of the procedures is itself a part of the system, but also because these are the only procedures which the system can control. Law and legislative procedures are inextricably tied to the system of which they are a part. This tie may be extremely flexible at the level of formalized statutes and especially of constitutions, but it is considerably less flexible at the level of interpretation and en- forcement, especially after time has allowed investments of human energy and money to accumulate' and solidify. Basic changes are or become .impossible, for the mechanisms of change which the system has created do not allow for them. TO EMPLOY civil disobedience is not to say merely that existing mechanisms are too slow; it is, more profoundly, to say that the values and procedures upon which these mechanisms operate (and therefore the system as a whole) are no longer viable. It's a "When in the Course of Human Events" type of thing. Men perceive that something must be done. Yet the same system which has done nothing or which has done something undesirable (and which still controls the means of change) offers no recourse. The relationship between the problms and the alternative means of solving it is therefore clear-at least theoretically. UNFORTUNATELY, not all civil disobedients are aware of what their obvious refusal toseek change through established channels im- plies. Ironically, those who op- pose them are usually far more aware'; it is quite evident that much more is at stake than wheth- er traffic shall be allowed to pro- ceed down a certain street on a certain occasion. The reaction is stiff. In the most general sense it is "a denial of legitimacy or respectability to the civil disobedients' goals and means. Ungrateful. Irresponsible. They would return society to a state of anarchy (Perish the Thought!). In this context it is somewhat hypocritical for the civil disobed- ient to become angry at how he is treated. He Is offering revolution and he must be prepared to accept the inevitable reaction of what he is revolting against. He can rightfully class this re- action as a manifestation of bad system, but to bear personal mal- ice for the reaction is to say either that his intentions in civ- illy disobeying were not as pro- found as they were perceived to be (perhaps true, except that the implications are too clear to be disclaimed) or that he, if attack- ed, would not fight back. i BY THE SAME token, there is positive value in how society re- acts to civil disobedience: without doubt the whole chain of phe- nomena-action and reaction - does a great deal to polarize opin- ions. In a very real sense the main thing that is respected in this country is courage backed by pow- er. There is courage in the civil disobedience itself, there is the power (an ability to coerce oth- ers) todisrupt andboth courage and power are enhanced by the fact that in civil disobedience one acts independently of established rules. If only, at the same time, the reasons for the action can be communicated adequately, this now respected action will force its opponents to search their exper- iences and their values for the real roots of their attitudes. THE MORE keen awareness of essential differences and essential goals is valuable in itself. It means that people are less likely to be moulded into patterns which they don't really fit, are less likely therefore to have what is unique to them destroyed. Beyond this, that awareness meansthatwhatever compromises are reached as the various par- ties contend with each other will more likely get at what is really at stake. There will more likely be real cures to conflicts of Ii- terest and to social problems, in- stead of merely path-working which solves nothing. The civil disobedient must, therefore, be willing to accept that he is fostering social con- flict, be willing to accept its costs and be aware of its potential ben- efits. I HAVEN'T TRIED, of course, to say whether one should or should not commit civil disobed- ience. But there are some impor- tant implications in doing so which should be faced. 4. Letter from Tuskegee: A Strategy for Civil Rights EDITOR'S NOTE: Prof. Arnold Kaufman of the philosophy de- partment is spending the academic, year teaching at Tuskegee Institute in Tuskegee, Ala. His stay at Tuske- gee is part ofna larger program of educational and cultural exchange between the University and Tuske- gee which has been in process for the past few years. Prof. Kaufman will write a number of "Letters from Tuskegee" over the course of the year. By ARNOLD S. KAUFMAN I SAW Tuskegee whip Fisk yes- terday. The performances were not polished but the entire after- noon sparkled with genuine en- thusiasm. The campus songs were sung rhythmically, the cheers yelled violently, the playing of the Tuskegee band was both accom- plished and tremendously spirited. I have never' enjoyed a half-time, show morie. I thought about the massed bands I had seen the week before at Ann Arbor, about the many superbly rehearsed but somehow mechanical half-time shows the University has produced over the years, and I felt mighty pleased to be listening to a sometimes sloppy, but exhilirating perform- ance. (The U of M would do itself a favor if it were to invite the Tuskegee Band to Ann Arbor to participate in one of its half-time extravaganzas.) My family and I have been in Tuskegee since August 28. Maggie, my daughter, integrated the third grade at the Institute Elementary School on August 30. At 'first she was annoyed by all the attention that was given her silky, auburn hair. At the same time she was obviously 'pleased by the special attention she was getting. By now she has settled down to a normal routine, participating in those exclusive, competitive coali- tions of human beings that ap- parently make life, tolerable for children and adults alike. SHORTLY AFTER we arrived, a. good friend of mine, Dr. Branko 'Pribicevic who teaches political science in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, came through on a State Depart- ment sponsored tour. We invited some of the hotter- bloods among the students to our house for conversation with Dr. Pribicevic. I'm not sure they were aware of the evening's purpose. I believe they thought they were going to get yet another dose of "self-righteous white liberalism." In any event, they were first pre- plexed, then taken aback by my friend's staunch defense of the Yugoslav Communist regime. Dr. Pribicevic, in turn, wrote later that the evening spent talk- ing to those students was the most interesting he had spent on his sponsored tour. Some may screech about State Department sponsored subversion-but there is little doubt that thoughtless convictions about others were shaken all around the room. We also chatted with Dr. Charles Gomillion for part of an after- noon. He is the man who spear- headed the fight for political equality in Macon County when voting rights was not even a gleam in Lyndon Johnson's eye. Dr. Gomillion is the major architect of the plan that has resulted in registering a Negro majority. REST4AINED exercise of the newly-won power has, in turn, resulted in a Tuskegee City Coun- cil composed of four white men and two Negroes. White conservatives regard Dr. Gomillion as an extremist, and an agitator. Civil rights militants, by contrast, often call him an "Uncle Tom." He seems unaffected by either criticism. He hews firmly to the policy of gradual assumption of local power, and gives his carefully thought out rationale to those who want to hear it. He believes that 'Macon County can serve as a model for other Southern communities, al- laying the' white man's fears in those areas where Negroes can not achieve effective majorities. He believes also that the less moderate whites who previously controlled city government were prepared to ruin the community financially b e f o r e permitting power to pass to a council dom- inated by Negroes. FINALLY, 'he thinks that it is tremendously important for Ne- groes to succeed once they do, achieve a majority, and that a period in the minority can serve both to avoid any possibility of responsibility for failure during Viet Nam Needs and rospects the initial transition, and to give inexperienced Negroes the needed political participation to insure success. Whether Dr. Gomillion is right or wrong, he seems to me to be a thoughtful person of firm con- viction and great integrity. He represents, articulately and well, one of the many, often conflicting, points of view that have inevitably formed as a result of the very successes of the civil rights move- ment. I can think of few things that do more to erode the civil rights effort-or, for that matter, liberal and radical politics generally- than the tendency to impugn the motives and character of those with whom one happens to dis- agree. Reasoned criticism of strategies with which one happens to dis- InIJt / Of Pop To the Editor: MESSRS. BISSELL, Croysdale and Lubin in Sunday's Daily tsok upon themselves the un- pleasant task of ,throwing "cold water on Pope Paul's effort for peace. By implication, they view Pope Paul as insincere, antiquated, negative, ineffectua except in evil, miserably inactive, immoral, encourager of poverty, disease, ig- norance and atomic war. Cold water, indeed. Some observations: On sincerity: perhaps Pope Paul is concerned both with peace and with the "Catholic church's anti- quated positions." He is, after all, a Catholic, and one can sympa- thize with him for being concern- ed about religion and what his church has been teaching for a good many years. Bissell, et al, of course, would prefer he were a third-year law student, able to see the light, but let us allow that some may be faced with moral dilemmas, honestly torn between, old doctrines and new thoghts. THE LAW STUDENTS "cannot think of anything less moral than perpetuating the obstructions to effective birth control which keeps millions in the chains of hopeless suffering." I can - genocide, saturation bombing, atomic bombing. More- over, just as I think the problem of moral decisions is more complex than do the law students, so too, I think world problems more com- plex. Even if Pope Paul passed out condoms in Harlem, I doubt that hunger, ignrance and world wars would suddenly end. For those who think ,the Pope so ineffectual in other areas, the young lawyers give him a good deal of credit in helping Brazil ("this South American giant") slip "further and further into the pit of poverty." Presumably bound there "in the chains of hopeless suffering"-all because of Pope Paul and the Catholic church. Bissell and companions con- euide with th sinitr wrnin -j 7, agree would be much more help- ful. It is so much easier to call a person a "trouble-maker" or a "fink" than to meet his arguments in a careful way. Such charges are as comfortably thoughtless as they are vicious. FORTUNATELY for local de- mocracy, a number of Tuskegeeans who do oppose Dr. Gonlillion's moderate policies, are quite pre- pared to counter them with care- fully reasoned objections,, and to translate their thoughtful criti- cisnis into active political oppo- sition. Unfortunately for local dembc racy, some of those who support< Dr. Gomillion's views are inclined to write this opposition off as "extremist" or even as "Com- munist inspired." fense ie Paul apocalpytic judgment, careless .of their own implications and grossly over-simplifying demographic problems, the problems of poverty and war, and what the Pope said and meant, which, if read care- fully in the tradition of Vatican diplomacy, may well allow for ex- ensiebirth control programs. -Edward Hurley, Grad Bookstore To the Editor: As IS OFTEN the case with any large campaign, issues may be- come clouded and facts obscured: Hence what follows will be an attempt to clarify an danswer statements made in recent edi- torials and letters concerning the University discount bookstore. 1) Letters and copies of the bookstore report were sent to all eight Regents asking for their comments and suggestions. Two Regents replied thanking us for the letters. 2) Another letter was sent to all eight Regents asking for appoint- ments to discuss the issue. Replies will be forthcoming. 3) Our criticism is not with Ann Arbor bookstore merchants but rather with the administration for ignoring the students' economic plight. We are arguing for more than just a bookstore that can save students $10 per year. We are arguing for a University commit- ment to a student's economic wel- fare when this welfare coincides with his educational objectives, 4) There is room for a fifth bookstore, and in fact local book- stores have given no indication of planned expansion. With a pro- jected enrollment of 40,000 stu- dents by 1970 another bookstore will be a necessity. Furthermore, this University deserves a quality bookstore. -SGC Committee on the University Bookstore ))open? 4 k s , 1 \1 r y 5 77 ,--- -j " / :-. - A '9'. IF ONE HAD to say what is the, most important function of the United Nations today, the answer would be, I think, that it provides a meeting place where men who have firsthand knowledge of the issues can talk privately. In these talks today the war in Viet Nam is under continual dis- cussion, and the discussions are carried on by men who are in direct contact themselves or through their agents with Wash- ington and Peking and Moscow, with Saigon and Hanoi. The best that can be said at the present moment is that while' there has been no discernible progress toward a cease-fire, the lines of communication have not been broken. They are, in fact, sufficiently open to reveal in very' dim outline 'where lie the major obstacles to a negotiated end of the war. The obstacles are primarily in the conflict between Paking and Washington about where the boundary of their military and political power is to be drawn in the Far East. The grand objective of Peking is to expel, or at least to neutralize and erode, the Amer- ican position in Japan, Korea, Formosa, Indo-China, the Philip- pines and Indonesia. THE MOST promising way to do thisis to keep the American in Indo-China fighting not Chinese,, but Vietnamese. As a matter of The vital interests of Hanoi would best be served by a settle- ment neutralizing the whole of Indo-China and along with it, it might well be, Burma and Malay- sia. Such a bloc of neutralized states, guaranteed by the great powers, would be in the interests of all of them. For their interest is to be independent of and not at war with the great military powers. There are some reasons to think that such a settlement, which seemed more possible in 1964 than it does at the moment, is never- theless still a settlement to which the peoples of the region would readily adhere if they could find a way to reach it. ON THE FACE of the record, at least, President Johnson is com- mitted to look favorably upon the search for this kind of settlement. That is to say, a settlement which brings into existence a group of independent nations not under Red China's military domination nor under ours. I TODAY' anl(d TOMORROW By WALTER LIPPMAN ment. There is no prospect that in smashing the concentrations of Viet Cong troops we are doing much more than scattering them and forcing them back into a con- tinuation of the guerrilla war. THE AMERICAN news reports which tell of the power of our offensive attacks are, we should realize, building up a popular ex- pectation of an end to the war by an American victory. If and when no victory comes of all this and the war goes on, the President will be exhorted to put an end to the war by some really decisive blows. The propa- ganda for this new escalation is already being tried out. . Toward the turn of the year the President will probably have to face his ordeal-the making of the decision whether to engage in a total war in Viet Nam or to work .for a tentative and precar- ious peace.I The argument for a huge war will be carried, along by the glit- tering promise of a glorious vic- tory, a victory, moreover, won al- most entirely by 'using profession- al troops. Such a prospect would have enormous attraction for Lyn- don Johnson. THE SEARCH for a tentative and precarious peace would, on the contrary, require him to sur- render some of his very consider- 0h n VI n "A - a .-.A v-elii 40 i I