SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1965 Michigan THE MICHIGAN DAILY "AA" lw cam. ... w w a M v w I aANI nsAlIVAAESVE~i.. r Opposes Intrastate Foe MSU Unbeaten, Attack Wo By GIL SAMBERG Paul Bunyan is all of 8'9" tall. That's pretty big. And, as you might expect, he's pretty much in demand for the jobs he can do like being a symbol of excellence, or standing around at the front of a locker room-that sort of thing. Well, 01' Paul just sort of stands up there and looks down at the Wolverines, looks down and says things like "Shape up or ship me out!" His experience makes him a demanding fellow. You've got to earn his visit. He' demands the best. Especial-- ly in football . . . intrastate foot- ball . . the kind of football that Michigan and Michigan State have been playing over 57 years of real rivalry, and 'the kind that over 101,000 partisans will see again today. Caretaker of Tradition Soapy Williams gave Paul the job of Caretaker of Tradition back in 1953, figuring the big logger could be his roving representative better than, say, Mrs. O'Leary's Cow. (Soapy knew his politics, and he also knew that Elsie's cousin would probably feel more at home up at East Lansing-family ties GOOD BOOKS, AND LON AT BOTH OF+ Bob Marshall ON THE UNIVERSITY O AN EASTERN MICHIG Open Eveni Bill Yearby and ,Mates Battle... partans iverines and all-and a governor must be non-partisan. Well, the truth is Williams is a Michigan grad). He was so right.r Michigan Stadium and Spartan. Stadium. One holds 101,001. the other 76,000. Paul could fill them both on the same day. He generates a homecoming every time he's up for grabs. He puts the fire into a cheer or catcall. And every one of those 105 inches demands the absolute best. Throw Out Record Throw , the polls away. Dump; the ratings into the circular file. This isn't just football. This isn't just rivalry. Scalping or no scalping, every- one will get his money's worth today. Eighteen consecutive sell- out crowds can't be wrong. The Harvard of Horticulture to the north is no patsy. Ranked fifth Bob Aisa and in the nation after not even pull- ing a "dark horse" tag in pre-sea- son predictions, State' brings all field, and with Juday in there, the winning elements-speed, pow- State can emphasize passing." er, and good size-to Ann Arbor Steve Juday (No. 23) is hitting for the 1965 toe-to-toe. at a .583 clip with 31 completions Spartans Outstanding this season. And the senior, last "They have an outstanding week's Midwest Back of the Week, team," said Head Coach Bump El- inall has totaled some 360 yards. liott. "They have a powerful back- MSU's quarterback leads a diver- sified attack which prefers the power sweep and efficient short pass for its drives. Clinton Jones (26) at right half GOOD SERVICE is State's best back bar none. He put on 18 pounds of new muscle G HOURS since last year, and hasn't lost a step on the times which made him OUR STORES a winning hurdles man in the off season. Jones' 221 yards makes him the Green's top rusher. Powerful Fullbacks Eddie Cotton (No. 44) and Bob CAMPUS Apisa (No. 45) divide the full- back chores. Cotton, a senior, and F MICHIGAN one of the few players from New York City to find 'his way to the SD Big Ten, is also an efficient block- ;AN UNIVERSITY er and a good heavy-duty runner. Apisa's 214 yards have been a gained by virtue of his power (he ugs 'til Ten weighs in at 212 pounds) and speed, a combination alien to tra- ditional MSU fullbacks. Though by no means an accomplished block- er, his other skills easily make up for the faults. At split end MSU can boast of a genuine star in Gene Washing- ton (No. 84). Big (6'3", 215) and fast (he won the Big Ten outdoor and NCAA indoor hurdles) aren't enough in description of this jun- ior. Washington, who hauled in 25 passes as a soph, has 13 recep- tions in three games thus far. 'Monster-Type' Defense "State uses a 'Monster-type' defense," explained Elliott. "They will use one man in different gaps and spot each play. (George) Webster (No. 90) is their roving back." The Spartan defense, which has given up one TD in three games, puts the big crush on with a line averaging 245 pounds. The most valuable and dangerous man here is 6'7" Bubba Smith, a 268- pound end. He is fast, aggressive, and powerful enough to cut off MICHIGAN STATE, Jim Proebstie (225)........ Jerry West (220). .... Norm Jenkins (215).... Boris Dimitrof f (225) .. .. . .. John Karpinski (215)....... Joe Przybycki (225) Gene Washington (215) Steve Juday (185)......... Dwight Lee (190) .... MICHIGAN LE ... . Steve Smith LT... Charles Kines LG Dennis Flanagan C.......... ..Joe Dayton RG .. Don Bailey RT............Tom Mack RE . . Jack Clancy QB. .. Dick Vidmer (230) (240) (215) (220) (200) (235) (200) LHi . .Jm Detwiler (215) Clinton Jones (205) .....a.. RH............ Carl Ward (175) Eddie Cotton (215).........FB......., .. .Dave Fisher (215) :I Favored Spartan ~a A . 1 u it S4. a .K . .. t".11 Michigan's right side on the sweep. Rugged Practices Michigan, trying to crack down on mistakes, went through prac- tice in the only way possible'. . . hard and often. The incentive is overwhelming. And if any mind strayed from the grudge game ahead, the freshman squad, jog- ging in from an afternoon of some of their own head-knocking point- ed him right with a bloody yell of "Hate State!" "The backfield is sound," com- mented Elliott on the status of his key runners. Jim Detwiler, Carl Ward, and Dave Fisher will all start this afternoon. Jeff Hoyne and Clayte Wilhite will start at the defensive ends. Wilhite moved up because of the marked improvement on defense which he displayed well enough last week. The trouble here for Rocky Rosema and Tom Pullen, both sophs, is, in Elliott's opinion, evperience. What's the tradition? The score for Michigan is 36 wins, 15 losses, 5 ties. And besides, Ol' Paul said he really likes it here in Ann Arbor. No roosters in the morning. NIGHT EDITOR: BOB McFARLAND The Lineups MAYFLOWER CLUB STEAK or BROILED AFRICAN LOBSTER TAIL Crabmeat Cocktail, Relish Tray,.Caesor Salad (Tossed Before Your Eyes) Homemade Bread and Butter, Baked Potato Duchess BAKED ALASKA FLAMBE AVAILABLE AT Camelet Bros., 1119 S. University Want to Se a Mg hero? Then I..k for big challenges! Tenth Annual Jaycee Chicken Barbecue SUNDAY, October 10 Pierce Park, Chelsea, Mich. Held in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce Annual Fall Color Tour ,Serving begins at noon Take-outs available Price $1.50 ii just $5 puts you at the controls of a Cessna 150 For only $5 you can sit in the pilot's seat alongside a government-li- censed instructor and fly a Cessna 150 while he explainls and demon- strates how easy a Cessna handles. Later you'll be presented a flight log with your first flight lesson entered... a permanent record that is yours to keep and add to ! You can fly every day or once a week or whatever your time will Add these other virtuoso Beethoven recordings to your collection. Come to General Electric,where the young men are important men. g=CcVft g M ISE N55 Important responsibilities come to Vnu ear'h at fl P new "artificial gill" that lets mam- mak breathe under water. If you are good, you'll be rewarded. With monev of curse. Bnt with