Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Parley on SE Asia-Omissions i :--w: he e Opin Ar ree, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH WARREN GreenVile, MSsis1sip: Conscience in Action, LESS THAN ONE YEAR AGO, University students joined other intellectual lib- erals in personal demonstrations of frus- tration with prejudiced anti-Negro es- tablishments in the South. They acted as directly as possible: they travelled to scenes of segregation, they marched, pro- tested, and often fought dramatically against attitudes and rules they judged to be wrong. There is always some surrealism when groups transcend their own environments to act in the affairs of others. It is diffi- cult to gain a credible image of South- ern towns .today, when so much of their image has been overshadowed by their problems-especially those problems at- tacked by Northerners. Thus, the Southern way of life in Northern eyes becomes an image of hel- meted cops, cattle prods, justly mili- tant Negroes and laconic but venemous citizens' councilmen. THE SOUTHERN WORLD has always been obscure to Northerners, and it will probably continue to remain so un- til Northerners learn to appreciate South- ern traditions. There is a Southern way of life, undeniably removed from that known in the North. In addition, the force of current events on the Southern way mires the image all the more. It is most important for Northerners, especially-University students, to gain an appreciation of the Southern way, if only by occasionally reading the front page of a Southern newspaper in a library. Oc- casionally, one can find that the South- ern world is not as provincial, unyielding and un-idealistic as conceived. GREENVILLE, MISSISSIPPI is not a university town. It could be easily con- tained in Ann Arbor. Moreover, except for a rug factory and a few other locally contained industries, it is economically" unexciting. Greenville has a large, uneducated Ne- gro population, contrasted with an equal- ly sizable white population which is proud of its long tradition of residence in Greenville. Greenvillians perhaps fail to under- stand current patterns of behavior. They state that a civil rights worker absolute- ly cannot make any positive gains for any cause if he is "dirty." But what makes Greenville more than a sleepy Southern town is its courageous and creative tra- dition of achievement. For the first time, Greenville integrated its schools this fall. IT MAY APPEAR that developments in Greenville were forced by federal civ- il rights legislation and the civil rights movement, now several years old. How- ever, Greenville residents had planned integration for several years. Selected grades were integrated in each level of the school system to minimize pressure but effectively inaugurate the new policy. The move was made by school officials in planning and by students and citizens in action. In a tribute to Herman Solo- mon, principal of E. E. Bass Junior High School, the Delta Democrat-Times said, "The impact of social change is felt first of all by those who had no doubt of the inevitable collision but who, through a sense of duty, personal decision and individual conscience, find themselves on the front line." In addition, no major civil rights cam- paigns have ever taken place in Green- ville. Either rights workers felt Greenville did not need their influence or they did not feel the town was worth the effort. Nevertheless, without federal marshals and picketers-and violence or attention -Greenville integrated its schools this semester. GREENVILLE IN FACT, put its pride andinfact the very strength of its long-enduring community on an attempt at integration. It did work quietly, ener- getically and with some unavoidable dif- ficulty. And trouble has occurred since those first days of school. There were incidents of violence, as among students carrying knives. There will be time this semester and every semester from now on for viol- ence, and it will occur. But at least Greenville can now never again relax in the comfort of segrega- tion. Its citizens must both change their attitudes and improve their skills, be- cause an integrated society implies a progressive society in which all citizens are active. ANY THINKING LIBERAL must realize that integration can never be easy in the South. Integration means abandon- ing a comfortable element of tradition and introducing tension into a communi- ty. As long as conscientious Americans live in the South, Northerners need not fear that it is anything else but a vibrant segment of America. --NEAL BRUSS EDITOR'S NOTE: This is second of two articles on a con- ference on U.S. Southeast Asian foreign policy held in Racine, Wis. By ROBERT HIPPLER Associate Editorial Director Special To The Daily RACINE -The conference here two weeks ago was apparently planned to give a comprehensive treatment to Southeast Asia. The first day concentrated on history and current conditions of the area; the second day, on the extent and nature of U.S. in- terests in Southeast Asia and the role of regional development there; the third day, on the pos- sibilities for resolving current con- flicts in Southeast Asia. But despite this schedule, a comprehensive treatment was not what emerged. First, the confer- ence had the faults mentioned in yesterday's article: It stifled con- versation by putting too many people around one table, and it shortchanged some topics by try- ing to cover too great an area. It had in addition a third major shortcoming-it tended to treat only certain aspects of situations and to leave other equally impor- tant ones untouched. FOLLOWING are some examples of this: " The C e n t r a 1 Intelligence Agency has been accused of in- volvement in the recent rebellion in Indonesia, is strongly rumored of complicity in affairs in Laos, and is certain to have played a part in the birth and demise of. many South Vietnamese govern- ments. The U.S. has admitted the CIA offered Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore a bribe of $3 million in 1961 for political reasons. Several authors have charged that the CIA operates al- most independently of the U.S. government and is continually un- dermining U.S. foreign policy throughout the world. Yet the CIA was never brought up at the conference until the third day. At that time, Prof. Gil- bert F. White of the University of Chicago commented that "no men- tion has been made" of the CIA, which had seemed "omnipresent" to inhabitants of Saigon when he was there. That was all the com- ment on the CIA; White's criti- cism was never answered. " Amrom Katz, a senior officer' of the RAND Corp., noted that with regard to Thailand, partici- pants hadediscussed the Mekong river project (two dams are being started now in Thailand, but the effect of the project won't be felt until the 1970's), and the im- provement of counter-insurgency facilities, but that little had been said about what could be done now in the way of social and economic projects in that country to reduce the discontent on which rebellion feeds. (Last year, China announced the establishment of a National Liberation Front in Thai- land). Katz' complaint about the treat- ment of Thailand could be ap-' plied to the whole conference. In general, there was not enough dis- cussion of what the United States should do now to stop subversion and guerrilla actions in places other than Viet Nam. 1 * There have been allegations recently that within the United States government there are ele- ments which desire to involve the North Vietnamese regular army- or the Chinese-in the war. Yet the Defense Department represen- tative denied that there was any "substantial disagreement" in either the Defense or State De- partments or between the depart- ments. Charges of dissension with- in the government have been com- mon enough that the matter should have been discussed fur- ther. * One of the two or three dis- senters from the fundamental thrust of U.S. policies in Viet Nam was Prof. Hans Morgenthau of the University of Chicago. He contended that U.S. policy-"nib- iling away at China by military means "-has not prevented Com- munists from gaining influence in Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. There was too little discussion at the conference of this general argument-that the U.S. Is over- emphasizing military programs in Southeast Asia in dealing with situations better suited to political and economic techniques. 0 The U.S. gives great amounts of aid to South Viet Nam and de- signs for the country large pro- grams-military, civil service, and land reform. It helps the South Vietnamese fight the war with U.S. arms, and has in fact de- signed the South Vietnamese arm- ed forces. It has trained many South Vietnamese military offi- cers; it uses U.S. troops in battle to fight the Viet Cong. It has al- most certainly been involved in many if not all of the changes of government in the last few years. U.S. dollars make or break the entire South Vietnamese econ- omy, and are the reason Saigon is now outwardly a "boom town." Yet U.S. officials leave many decisions about the war-and many more about how the country is run-almost entirely in the hands of the South Vietnamese. One result of this, according to the State Department official at the conference was that the U.S. had designed an entire civil service program for the South Vietnamese "but I'll be happy to see one tenth of it go into effect." TO HAVE so much control over the fate of Viet Nam and then to leave a great part of the crucial military and political decisions up to a military clique no closer in contact with the situation than the Americans is a highly foolish division of labor-we supply the money and then you decide how to spend it. It would seem that if the U.S. is going to invest so heavily in the war it should try much harder than it does now-through eco- nomic pressure or through for- malized lines of command-to in- fluence decisions thataffect the war crucially and are now left almost completely up to the Viet- namese. Many times participants de- fended failures in Viet Nam with the excuse that the South Viet- namese ignored U.S. advice and made the wrong move or discarded the wrong program. The sensibility of letting the Vietnamese do these things was questioned only once or twice by participants; it was never thoroughly discussed. ALL THESE CRITICISMS are not intended as an indictment of the conference, for its accom- plishments were great-the gath- ering of so many authorities on Southeast Asia was a rare event, the facilities offered for the con- ference were considerable, and the discussion showed great familiar- ity and expertise in the area. Yet all the subjects mentioned above were ignored or only slight- ly treated. The probable reason for this was that the participants in the conference for the most part came from 'somewhat similar backgrounds in relation to South- east Asia-25 of the 35 had served in the U.S. government, and most of these had been involved in government policy in Southeast Asia. Intentionally or not, they seemed to look at things from a similar point of view. THE SOLUTION to this prob- lem might have been quite simple: diversify the conference by invit- ing, say, 10 or 12 people from the teach-in movement to participate. Some might argue that repre- sentatives from the teach-in move- ment would be on the whole less knowledgeable in Southeast Asian affairs than the other partici- pants, and not as qualified to comment. While this criticism might have some validity, several factors reduce its importance. First, many teach-in partici- pants, such as historian Bernard Fall and writer Jules Roy, do have a great deal of expertise on Southeast Asian matters. In ad- dition, some others in the move- ment, while not specialists have read widely on Southeast Asia, traveled there, and talked at great length to many who are expert on the area. Finally, it can be asserted that an extreme degree of expertise is not needed to comment usefully on Southeast Asia. Amrom Kati, who was not concerned with Southeast Asia until he accepted an assignment from RAND to study it last , year, made what were conceded by participants some of the most enlightening ob- servations of the conference. THERE WAS very strong anti- teach-in sentiment at the con- ference; the general feeling was that discussions at the teach-ins were too narrow, opinions all in agreement or near-agreement, and dialogue stilted. Perhaps the par- ticipants in this criticism were seeing-correctly-in others the most glaring faults of their own conference. p V Generation, Ill-Oges by on Viet Nam EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third of three reviews of the current issue of Generation. By PROF. RHOADS MURPHEY Geography Department THE ISSUE of Generation which went on sale this week carries a long article by Carl Ogelsby titled "The Viet Nam War: World Revolution and American Contain- ment." Its nearly 50 pages in- clude a detailed critique of the government white paper, a discus- sion of the policy of the "hawks" and of the domino theory and a concluding section on the Chinese "menace" and how to meet it. There is a lot of meat here, and many valid arguments; the white paper bites the dust yet again. But the article's effectiveness is in my opinion reduced by its strident tone and insistently black-and-white portrayal of a problem which urgently needs widespread reasoned discussion if current American policies are to be altered. I doubt that many readers who are not already convinced on the points Mr. Ogelsby urges will be influenced by his article to change their minds. Readers who prefer to make their own judgments may also resent being subjected to an emotional harangue. I AM MYSELF sharply critical of the American position and ac- tions in Viet Nam and probably as concerned personally as Mr. Ogelsby is about its immediate and wider consequences. This makes me regret the more that I cannot see his article as a useful effort toward involving more people in intelligent discussion. Preaching to the convinced will change things little, nor will in- censed appeals to the necessarily small radical group who may find Mr. Ogelsby's sermon palatable. A lot of fundamental change is needed, and this article will not do much to advance it. "THE VIET NAM WAR" is in some ways a mirror image of the white paper, matching its "Ameri- cans can do no wrong" with a similar conspiratorial melodrama on the theme "Americans can do- no right." Fortunately or unfor- tunately, things are not that simple, nor - is American policy that consistent and immutable, let alone coherently planned. Mr. Ogelsby does say as much at one point, only to return to his Jeremiad against a monolithic image-"The West, that vaunted civilization, that aim of history, made more ravenous by its own deceit, devoured its promises and vomited war." This is not a fruitful form of debate, nor does it do much to illumine the forces behind the tragic events in Viet Nam, forces which we must try to unravel and to understand if we are concerned with improving the future rather than allotting blame for the past. AS THE SAMPLE above may suggest, the article is ponderously over-written, sometimes grandilo- quent, sometimes slangy/folksy but. usually awkward, too often obscure and irritationgly pejora- tive. It is an angry broadsheet rather than a discussion, which may help to explain the frequent lapses of grammar and even of spelling. Perhaps I should have anticipat- ed this better after reading the opening paragraph: "... the great tormented metaphysics of Ameri- can foreign policy has there brought itself again to the brink of its inherent consequences. We will try to reach into the heart of this torment." But I perversely kept looking for some clear and reasoned argument; here and, there valid and relevant points are made, but on the whole I did not find what I sought. The polemical language, the loaded words, the selection and twisting of facts (China endured "more than two hundred years of nonstop rape at the hands of Western economic powers") and the lack even of any effort at objective assessment remind one of contemporary Chinese propa- ganda. Perhaps this is intentional, but" although flat assertions and crude insinuations about bad guys and good guys may stir-emotions, they do not inspire confidence in what is throughout an excessively sim- plistic treatment. IN SEVERAL sections the rea- soning is as strange as the Ian- guage. If I understand correctly one obscure passage, it argues that South Viet Nam has been corrupt and undemocratic because of the frequent changes in personnel in power, while the North has, at least by implication, been more popularly supported and more stable (presumably a virtue) be- cause the Northern leadership is still fundamentally the same as when the "liberation movement, was founded in Canton in 1927." There is good sense in stating the unwisdom of perpetuating a policy of unreasoning hostility to- ward China, but the proof-by- assertion about the disinterested concern of Chinese and other Communists for peasant welfare is unconvincing. "Communism is for Asians .. . the one best-proved approach to their special kinds of problems." Non-Communist India, by con- trast, "remains grounded In its backwardness." The drive for poli- tical power is no respecter of poli- tical, parties, nor is it ever quite all of the explanation of all poli- tical phenomena. But considerat, tions which Mr. Ogelsby urges on behalf of the Chinese he clearly suggests are not appropriate for the Americans. "American businessmen have no justification except profit." Does this distinguish them from other kinds of businessmen? THE REPEATED grotesque car- icaturing of Americans and Amer- ican aims and actions reminds one again of the grim cartoons in the Chinese popular press showing a bloated Uncle San baring a mor- ster's teeth and with hands drip- ping blood. Cartoons and caraca- tures are necessarily based on some element of reality, but in- telligent readers will soon weary of such transparent part-truth, presented with the heavy-handed histrionics of a Welch preacher and at similarly intolerable length. I am sorry the article left me feeling this way. God knows the emotions which, in my view, de- stroy its effectiveness are under- standable. U' Store and the Regents A UNIVERSITY-OPERATED bookstore "would put people (i.e., local mer- chants) out of business," Birmingham's Regent Irene Murphy said Wednesday night. Her comment symbolized what may become a case of the most tragic under- standing to hit this campus in a long time. It is tragic because, if Regent Murphy's comment stands the slightest chance of representing the general opinion of the Regents, it will be a long time before this campus sees a University bookstore. It is a misunderstanding because the implicit premises of Regent Murphy's view of the bookstore movement are so over- simplified: first, that students are be- ing moved solely by a concern for their own monetary welfare and, second, that that welfare must, of necessity, be op- posed to that of the local merchants. CONCERN WITH THE PRICE of books is, however, only the surface manifes- tation of the larger issue: students' con- cern with the extent to which their wel- fare is. controlled by local financial in- terests. In its larger context, the issue is a part of the current search on the part of many students for their rightful place in society. Moreover, there is no reason why stu- dents' economic welfare should not be commensurate with the economic wel- fare of the local merchants. Private and University-sponsored housing projects coexist successfully, so why not private and Ulniversitv-snonsored bookstores? In if not most of the Regents. This is espe- cially dangerous because no one seems to be making a really serious attempt to counteract these understandable reac- tions. All the student support in the world will not do the ,movement any good if the Regents misunderstand its desires. It is a shame that no one has explained Regent Murphy's errors to her and, pre- sumably, to other Regents as well. It is significant that Mrs. Murphy has had a copy of the original bookstore report for several days and that it has not helped her grasp the situation one bit. ACTION TO DISPELL these illusions is immediately necessary from both sides of the fence. For their part, the Regents must exert every effort to understand the realities of the matter. They have already turned down invitations to a luncheon at which the bookstore movement's coordinators would have explained their goals. By do- ing so, the Regents ignored 10,000 stu- dents. But the Regents' is a passive responsi- bility. The responsibility for clarifying the issues which rest with the bookstore movement itself must be an active one. MOVEMENT SOURCES have said they have no plans for contacting the Re- gents before their Oct. 21 meeting, when the bookstore petitions will be presented. Clearly, something is in great danger of going amiss. Somewhere between the approval of WCIBN Staff Member Blasts Daily Editorial Criticism 4 * 4 To the Editor: AS A STAFF member of WCBN, I should like to express a few opinions and comments in regard to Robert Johnson's "Michigan MAD" editorial in last Saturday's Daily, in which, after a superb example of the psychological de- fense mechanism of rationaliza- tion for the Daily's faux pas regarding Regent Power's gift, he then gave a supreme demonstra- tion of sour grapes concerning WCBN's new studios. I have been a WCBN station member for three years and have beenemployed by thestationas secretary for two, and thus I have seen much of the transformation of WCBN from "quaddie radio," about which few people knew and even fewer cared, to the fine sta- tion and facilities that comprise it today-a transformation which, as Johnston said in what was perhaps the only accurate state- ment in the entire editorial, was truly amazing. It was accomplished through the hard and unceasing work of the WCBN staff under the leadership of John Evans (who, incidentally, to get you up to date, is now "Station Manager" rather than "Chairman of the Board") after many disappointments, setbacks and obstacles that probably would have stopped at least 90 per cent of the population (including the Daily staff). As a result WCBN is now higher in quality and better equipped tha ,,nny brofsinal stateions with, say, God. In addition, one must remember that this is a loan--not a gift, lost to the University forever, as John- ston seems to imply-which means that it is to be paid back. Moreover, it will be paid back, and this is why the loan was authorized in the first place, be- cause WCBN-as opposed to some campus communications media- is making a profit. In other words, WCBN is a good credit risk for the University. Of course nobody is offering (loaning or giving? Please be spe- cific) any money for a bookstore- Have you forgotten, Mr. Johnston, that a University bookstore is still illegal? Why not devote your su- perior editorializing talents to this subject? AND, I would like to know, what is so horrible or crooked about Evans Products Co., Ford, UPI, or other companies giving money or materials to WCBN? Johnston makes these donations sound like the scandal of the century. For his edification, WCBN is not now nor has it even been under the control or influence of big busi- ness, nor is Mr. Evans a "big University contributor" pulling strings and making administrators jump to give his son a new play- thing, as Johnston implies. JOHNSTON then goes on to hint at dark doings concerning the University Plant Department and an "unusual fixed-bid contract," Street, but then he does work so much harder than anyone at WCBN, sitting there pecking away at his typewriter and straining his brain to decide whom or what to criticize next. THE MUCH-ballyhooed dress regulations - which ask simply that girls wear skirts and boys be dressed in reasonably clean attire - exist simply so that WCBN setaff members will look like hu- man beings in the brand new stu- dios, and not like, say, a Daily staff member who wandered in by mistake. Incidentally, we all noticed and appreciated the Daily's sending a photographer by during the dedi- cation ceremony-or at any rate, noticed him anyway-You couldn't mis him, there with his sweatshirt and fiveo-clock shadow amidst the President of the University, rep- resentatives of industry and broad- casting around the state, and the representative of Gov. Romney. But then, I guess the Daily has its image to maintain too. Speaking of sweatshirts, there is nothing like quoting out of context to make a point. That statement about clear sweatshirts was made simply as a humorous remark at a station meeting. IN REGARD to the "huge space" WCBN got in the SAB-If you add up the space we had in the three quads and on the second floor of the SAB before, you will find that the new complex oc- person of Mr. Johnston. Well, I suppose we had better get busy and start dusting out the hallway outside the studio door to prepare for the onslaught of Johnston and his pickets (or per- haps, in this case, we should bring some dust in. Service is our middle name.) WHILE THEY are militantly marching around carrying their banners on high, we at WCBN will be glad to play requests and dedications for them and in par- ticular will make a special dedi- cation to Mr. Johnston of the song "I Can't Get No Satisfaction." -Pat Murray, '66 Secretary, WCBN Radio EDITOR'S NOTE: 1) The edi- torial on Regent Power's gift was no faux pas; 2) The Daily isn't here to make a profit, but its Board in -Control nevertheless is in excel-, lentfinancial condition, and with absolutely no subsidy; 3) A Uni- versity bookstore is not illegal; 4) The Board in Control of Student Publications paid for our building, so I would say we're entitled to occupy all of it we want; 5) 1800 square feet in the SAB is 1800 square feet in the SAB no matter how you look at it. If it was space you were after you didn't have to move. --R.J. "I Move We 'Close The Window --- It's Getting Too Breezy" 3i C _ \ r- K r tty ,.