PAGE SIX; THE MICHIGAN DAii.V rVTT'l QIM A"V A TTf 9YTL nM na wtsr- a. a. as n avaaavr'a xa aaraaa.a TUESDAYX,JAUGUSTE 24, 196t5 i., Flint Dispute Embroils omney, State Board By JOHN MEREDITH The University's Flint College has attained statewide notice in the past several months as a cen- tral issue in a heated political controversy over methods of ex- panding Michigan's facilities for higher education. While supported by several lead- ing legislators, the University's plans to expand its present two- year senior program at Flint to a full four-year branch college have drawn sharp criticism from Gov. George Romney and other high state officials. Since the University opened Flint College in 1956, it has co- operated closely with Flint Com- munity College, a freshman-soph- omore institution offering prepa- ration for further work at liberal arts schools as well as terminal vocational and technical programs. One of 16 Although Flint College is classi- fied as one of the University's 16 colleges and is administered and financed separately from the local junior college, . the two schools share many facilities. Since its inception, Flint Col- lege has increased enrollment from 167 to more than 600. In addition, over 200 students attend summer sessions at the school. While approximately 70 per cent of the college's enrollment con- sists of Flint Community College alumni, students from all over Michigan have attended. However, in the last two years, more and more people have reach- ed the conclusion that Flint Col- lege's program was becoming in- creasingly inadequate-to meet the area's educational needs. To the, pressure of the post-war baby boom that is forcing changes at colleges throughout the state has been added a feeling of a need for improvement in s'everal features peculiar to Flint College. 'Inbred' Atmosphere For one, it has been pointed out that the heavy concentration of Flint Community College grad- uates was creating a narrow, "in- bred" atmosphere at the school which discouraged applications from students in other parts of the state. Moreover, lack of dormi- tory facilities made Flint a com- muter institution, a factor which some contended deprived students of the opportunity to participate fully in a college community. Interest in these problems led to formation of a group of Flint and University officials to study the possibility of adding a fresh- man-sophomore program at Flint College. Appointed in -October, 1963, the committee examined the matter for several months and finally issued a recommendation favoring expansion. In April, 1964, the University was invited to develop a four-year program at its Flint branch. The Regents unanimously approved the proposal, and officials began mak- ing specific plans with the hope of admitting a freshman class at Flint in the fall of 1965. Progress Considerable progress was made during the summer. In September, the original study committee met again to review working papers outlining specific proposals for an expanded Flint program. The papers-not publicly released-re- portedly envisioned these features for the school: -A gradual doubling, of Flint College's full-time teaching staff - then numbering only 20 - to handle the 200-student freshman classes expected to be admitted in 1965 and 1966; -Concentrated expansion of the Flint College-Young and Mired in Disputes from Its Birth liberal arts curriculum, with some attention also to be given business administration, elementary educa- tion and science and mathematics programs;, -Maintenance of the current University-supervised Flint admis- sions office, and -Continued cooperation w i t h Flint Community College. Plans for the Flint venture con- tinued to proceed smoothly in the fall, and, by the end of 1964, about 100 prospective freshmen had been admitted for the 1965-66 academic year. First Snag' In December, however, the Uni- versity's plans for Flint, were dealt their first major blow. In June, the Michigan Coordinating Coun- cil for Public Higher Education, a group of top state school officials which aims at voluntary coordina- tion of higher education in Mich- igan, had authorized a study of expansion t h r o u g h university branches. A committee of prominent out- of-state educators, chaired by Provost Emeritus Harvey Davis of the University of Iowa, was ap- pointed, and in December the committee issued a report blasting branches and specifically asking the University to postpone its planned expansion of Flint Col- lege. While branches have certain ad- vantages for beginning a college, the committee reasoned, they tend to become a second-rate little brother of their parent institution, often catering more-to the inter- ests of the parent and private fi- nancial backers than to the edu- cational needs of the state. Urge No Moves The group went on to urge that, at the very least, no moves be made in the direction of branch expansion until a "master plan" for higher education in Michigan has been developed by an impar- tial body, probably the newly elected State Board of Education. .. a - i ' ready accepted-which could not easily be broken. The issue remained relatively quiet for a little over a month. Then, on Feb. 4, Romney entered the picture to hand the Flint Col- lege proposal its second serious setback: he pointedly omitted appropriations needed to operate an expanded Flint College in his budget recommendations to the legislature. Budget Politics However, the Democrat-domi- nated legislature quickly killed the governor's budget proposal. A quirk in Michigan's constitution necessitates action on budget bills before consideration of other leg- islation, and the Democrats wish- ed to study the budget for longer than this would have, permitted. The matter of appropriations for higher education was sent to the Senate Appropriations Committee, chaired by Sen. Garland Lane (D- Flint), a staunch supporter of the University's Flint branch. Fuel was added to the fire on Feb. 18, when University President Harlan Hatcher declared that Flint College definitely would have a freshian class in fall, 1965, and called on the legislature to "cor- rect the injustice" of Romney's budget proposal by restoring Flint's appropriation to the Uni- versity's operating budget. Total Amount While Hatcher said nothing about what would happen if the necessary appropriation was not passed, the legislature' cannot ear- mark specific funds for higher education-that is, it only ap- proves the total amount to be appropriated for operating each; state school. Thus, if the Univerity's appro- priation was short the amount needed for Flint, the money desig-1 nated for lower priority expends-1 tures could be transferred to fi,- nance Flint College. The, importance of Hatcher's statement was enhanced by Rom- ney, who said that state institu-' tions may "face highly central- ized controls" if they refuse to co- operate in the best interests of, .the state. This threat was givenj substance by a constitutional' amendment, proposed (and since withdrawn) by Sen. Edward Rob- inson (D-Dearborn), which would have increased the authority of the State Board. Still Deadlocked On Feb. 22, Hatcher had a per-. sonal conference with Romney, but the two emerged from the meeting still deadlocked on Flint. The State Board entered the picture two days later, when Board President Thomas Brennan criti- cized Hatcher for ignoring the board in planning Flint expansion. Hatcher replied that the board had not been consulted because most major decisions had been made before the new group took office in January. At the request of Lane, the board undertook an investigation of the Flint issue, and University officials agreed to cooperate fully. The board conducted hearings throughout March, and in 'the middle of the month a new ele- me'nt was added to the contro- versy: this was the report of the prestigious Citizens' Committee on Higher Education. Condemn Branches An ad hoc group of civic lead- ers appointed by Romney two years earlier to study the needs and administration of higher edu- 'cation in Michigan, the so-called "blue ribbon" committee chose to issue its recommendations at a crucial point in the Flint contro- versy. ,While not specifically assailing the University's Flint proposal, the "blue ribbon" report condemned branch expansion in general and suggested establishing a new, in- dependent four-year state institu- tion in the Flint area. A second new element entered the dispute several days later when Lane revealed that-a group of prominent Flint citizens were considering a plan' to make land available for a new campus for Flint College. He explained that; construction of a new expressway would clear an area which the University branch probably could obtain inexpensively. Expansion This would enable the branch1 to expand and separate itself from Flint Community College. Lane implied, however, that the citizens group might not be as interested in helping to find a campus site for an independent school. With these new factors compli- cating its investigation, the State Board did not reach a decisionf until early April. Then, after a two-day private, meeting, thel 4 board recommended that the leg- islature appropriate funds for a freshman class at Flint College this fall. The board made it clear, how- ever, that this ruling was merely a concession to the fact that the University's plans had already gone too far to be held up at that late date. It went on to recom- mend that, while this fall's class should be allowed to complete four years at the University's branch, no freshman classes should be admitted to the school after this year. Independent School Instead, the board advised de- velopment of an independent four-year state school such as that recmmended by the "blue ribbon" committee; this new in- stitution would eventually replace the University's branch. x Charles S. Mot Neither the Davis committee nor the MCCPHE, however, had any way of enforcing their views on the University, and the Regents vowed to continue admitting freshmen at Flint for the fall of 1965. It was asserted that the University had a commitment to the people of Flint -especially to those students al- "Wapsawasse -r -I The board's statement by no means settled the problem, since it is backed more by presitge than clearly defined authority. An in- dication that the controversy is not yet over emerged on April 15 when the Mott Foundation, a key contributor to the University, which had promised $2.4 million for expansion of the Flint branch, announced that its offer would not apply to an independent school. The board's ruling did, how- ever, remove the urgency sur- rounding the Flint question in that the only action that had to' be taken inmediately concerned appropriations for the freshman class next fall; with backing from the board, the needed financial support was included in the high- er education budget passed by the Senate. But neither side has publicly altered its position on the ultimate future of the Flint College, and the controversy promises to make headlines for some time to come. 4 Also the Student NEW Bicycle Headquarters. BeaAN:L I.- Headquarters for Student Savings Accounts ANN ARBOJ FEDERAL Make Ann Arbor Federal your savings headquarters while you're in Ann Arbor as a University student. 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