-1 1 A MATTER OF CONSCIENCE See Editorial Page C, 4c Sjit6r ian &ttJ4 CLOUDY High-58 Low-5O Windy with scattered showers Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI. No. 35 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Students Voice Concern over Lease Arrangements By DENNIS MONTGOMERY Ann Arbor realtors are coming under increasing fire from stu- dents, University housing officials and the Ann Arbor Bureau of Housing. These groups are becom- ing more vocal and willing to take their cases to court. Among the complaints: " Herman Ross, owner of the. Nelson Maiden -Lane Apartment, 1137 Nelson, has been sued in Circuit Court by two University law students for allegedly invali- dating a nine-month lease just before school opened; * The Ann Arbor Housing Bu- reau has filed a suit in Municipal Court against the owners of the Trade Winds Apartments, Hoover at Main, and the Nelson Maiden Lane Apartments, charging them with the alleged violation of the local building regulations requir- ing residencies to be certified by the city before they are occupied; " Certain students in the Trade Wind Apartments said they are refusing to pay their rent until the building is certified in com- pliance with the city ordinance and terms of their University leases; " Some 33 residents of the Ma- ple Ridge Manor Apartments on Dexter Rd. are refusing to pay their rents for the amount of money equal to the cost of their air conditioning bills which they claim the management had agreed to pay; * Officials in the off-campus housing bureau of the University are becoming increasingly alarm- ed because they claim realtors are ignoring University leases. The University lease is a stand- ard rental agreement form which can be used by realtors renting to students. While it is not more legally en- forceable than a non-University lease form, a copy is kept on file at the off-campus housing bureau. This means that the bureau will act as a mediator in disputes aris- ing from the agreement, bring- ing to bear such powers as the right to withhold grades of de- linquent students. However, the Office of Student Affairs refuses to support Univer- sity leases used for uncompleted or uncertified structures. Many of the problems current- ly coming to light were envision- ed last spring when University officials - warned students about signing leases for apartments that were not yet completed. The fears of officials were con- firmed when more than 100 stu- dents were put in temporary hous- ing at the beginning of the se- mester because their apartments were not yet ready for occupan- cy. The Trade Winds Apartments, with 32 units, was one of these buildings. Several of the students allege they moved into their apart- ments under an oral agreement with the co-manager, Mr. Engle, that they would not begin paying rent until the apartment was "livable," which was defined as including the installation of a shower. Problems arose because Mr. Engle has left the country. The students claim they were ask- ed to pay their rent from Sept.I 1, while the shower was not in- stalled until Sept. 16. Samuel Zell, manager of the apartments, said the building contained "32 apart- ments of which 24 were com- pletely done, while eight were lacking showers and a few other things when the tenants first mov- ed in. The management made! agreements with the eight ten- ants that they would not pay rent! for the time before the showers were installed." Zell blamed the unfinished apartments on "the labor short- age and the inability to get sub- contractors to perform on sched- ule which has made it exceed- ingly difficult to complete the apartments." He estimated that the owners had spent $30,000 more than esti- mated for the construction of the apartments to try to complete the apartments on time. Other problems have arisen from the failure of apartments to be completed on time. Howard Grossman, '66L, and Jesse Larken, '66L, said they are suing Herman Ross, the owner of the Nelson Maiden Lane Apartments for $3,- 000 in Circuit Court for the return of their apartment deposits and for alleged damages incurred when they had to take an apartment which had a 12-month lease, be- cause (they claim) Ross invali- dated their none-month lease. Ross was not available for com- ment. The owners of the Trade Winds Apartments, Ron Mitchell, and the owner of the Nelson Maiden Lane Apartments have run into further disputes on two counts: al- legedly occupying their apart- ments without certification from the city and allegedly invalidating University contracts. According to Ralph Lloyd of the Ann Arbor Housing Bureau, the owners of the Trade Winds Apart- ments and the Nelson Maiden Lane Apartments are being brought to Municipal Court for violation of a city ordinance which requires all residences to be cer- tified before they are occupied. According to the city, without the certification it is illegal for the owners to collect rehts4 The Nelson Maiden Lane Apart- ments were certified yesterday. Several students in the Trade Winds Apartments, owned by Mitchell, said they would refuse to pay rent before the apartment is certified. According to the stu- dents the manager had threatened to evict the students who do not pay their rent. Of the city or- dinance under which -the students are refusing to pay rent, Mr. Zell, the manager said, "I don't know anything about that." According to Elizabeth Leslie of the off-campus housing bureau at the University, the University leases are not valid until the buildings are certified. The bureau lacks any legal rights to enforce the contracts, but she added the University would take no action against students who refused to pay their rents because the build- ings were not certified. What's New at 764-1817 Hotline Councilman John Hathaway will meet with William L. Steude, director of Student Community Relations, Joel Bernstein, chair- man of the Driver Regulation Board, and otter Board members in a luncheon meeting today in the Union. At this time the Board will present Hathaway with provisions which they feel should be included in a motorcycle ordinance and suggestions for student-city cooperation in this area. Quadrangle residents have been advised against formation of the traditional "police details" to prevent destruction of property by exuberant MSU students this weekend. IQC President Lee Hornberger has announced that such groups will have no official sanction. He said that if someone is injured the IQC would be legally responsible, and that the Ann " Arbor police can effectively deal with the problems which might arise. A controversy has developed in Stockwell Hall on the sub- ject of Sunday sitdown dinners. Two petitions, one signed by the kitchen staff and the other by over 130 dorm residents, have been circulated voicing disfavor with the traditional Sunday noon practice. The residents argue that the dinner is too crowded, time- consuming, and interferes with study. The petitions will come to a house vote on Tuesday, Oct. 12. There are currently over 200 unfilled student positions in residence hall employment, Robert Wagner, assistant to the business manager of residence halls, said yesterday. He defined a position in terms of student per meal, so that one student em- ploye could actually fill several positions. The labor shortage has been temporarily alleviated by the use of full-time help to sup- plement student workers in the dining halls. "Consideration is being given to plans for a long range solu- tion of this problem. These plans may include a system for students bussing their own dishes at meals," Wagner said. He added that there are, at present, no plans for increasing student wages as an inducement to prospective employes. East and West Quadrangles have been hardest hit by the shortage. Wiretap High administiative sources yesterday confirmed that Regent Eugene Power's gift for a University theatre was approxi- mately $1 million. They also disclosed that architects for the pro- ject were approved at the May Regents meeting and a special theatre consultant hired at that time. Officials have issued contradictory statements in recent days about the size of Power's gift and the progress of the theatre's planning. Additional private donations are being sought for the $3.5 million project. An agreement on the University's plans to expand its Flint College branch seems to be imminent. Meeting in executive ses- sion Wednesday, the State Board of Education once again went over possibilities for working out a compromise on Flint. The board ruled against permanent expansion of Flint College last April, but board President Thomas Brennan indicated that he is interested in reaching an amicable settlement with all parties in- volved in the dispute. Brennan said the board also considered the proposed estab- lishment of a two-year medical program at Michigan State Uni- versity in preparation for a public hearing on the issue later this month. Asks Study On Foreign Activities SGC Seeks Review Of Proposed New International Center By HARRIET DEUTCH Student Government Council passed a motion -last night re- questing Vice-President for Stu- dent Affairs Richard L. Cutler to initiate an examination of the ef- fectiveness of the University's at- titudes toward foreign students' activities. The examination will include a review and critique of the formation of a new Interna- tional Center. Charles Cooper, SGC vice-presi- dent, opposes the building of the proposed International Center be- cause it would "physically separ- ate foreign students and American students." Cooper said that the foreign student resents "coming from a cosmopolitan atmosphere to the University where he en- counters a 'quaint' International Center that places too much em- phasis on the church." In other action, the Council agreed to send an open letter to the Michigan State student news- paper protesting the action of their administrators who denied readmission of Paul Schiff, grad- uate student, Schiff allegedly ad- vocated violation of the university regulations but was not allowed to answer these charges. Council member Mickey Eisen- berg reported that over 10,000 signatures have been obtained supporting the proposed student bookstore. At least 5000 more sig- natures are expected because the bookstore committee is expecting additional petitions from club presidents and alumni. Today is the last day of concentrated ef- fort before the bookstore proposal is placed on the agenda of the next Regents meeting, October 21. SGC also passed a motion es- tablishing a Student Counseling Advisory Committee. This com- mittee will convey student opin- ion, criticism and suggestions for the improvements in University counseling services to the depart- ments concerned. Ernest Mazy, executive director of Michigan's American Civil Lib- erties Union, said that Schiff's suit "squarely raises for the first time in Michigan whether a stu- dent at a public university is en-{ titled to the rudiments of fair! play. Viet Plan mCivil Protest Groups Disobedience 0 'U' Sees No Civil Liberty Infringementi By NEAL BRUSS Possible infringement of the civil liberties of ten University' students arrested Saturday on charges of illegal possession of liquor was discounted yesterday as additional facts behind the arrest were disclosed. Director of Student Activities and Organizations J. Duncan Sells said that two Ann Arbor police detectives were admitted into the students' apartment by the stu- dents themselves. The officers, without disclosing their identities or their intentrsuccessfully at- tempted to enter the apartment after spotting liquor on the apart- ment balcony. The officers asked if they could "come in," and the students ad- mitted them. 'Negligible' Infringement Prof. Robert J. Harris of the Law School said that this is a negligible infringement of indi- vidual rights, and that it is over- shadowed by the enforcement of law. He felt that the officers had used a definite ruse to gain ad- mittance, but, as they had not forced entry or made unreasonable search of the apartment, had not infringed on the rights of the students. He said that the ten students arrested were under no compulsion to admit the officers-or anyone -into their apartment. However, he added, when the detectives noticed the liquor in the apart- ment, they witnessed the com- mission of a misdemeanor, and in the enactment of law, were com- pelled to make the arrests. Thus, the students arrested had been misled by the plainclothed officers, but their rights had not been violated. Police Behavior Harris said that violation of civil liberties depends on severity and extent of police behavior. He felt that police can assume such guises in incidents where they feel immediate action is necessary for law enforcement. Illegal search and seizure, a frequently cited transgression of individual rights applies more fre- quently when officers suspect commission of a felony and search persons or automobiles without written warrant. If the detectives had waited to secure a search warrant, it would have been likely that the stu- dents would have disposed of the liquor. By entering under undefin- ed but not false pretenses, the officers were able to efficiently enforce liquor laws. Students Face Judge Sells said that after their ar- rest, the students were' brought before Municipal Court Judge TDiag Vigil, Marches Proposed Committees to Set Specific Scheduling, Location of Activities By CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER -Da1y-Steve Goldstein "UNIVERSITY DAY" ACTIVITIES yesterday were attended by (left to right) George Steinitz, '66, vice-president of the University of Michigan Student Employes Union, Barry Bluestone, '66, presi- dent of UMSEU, and Brendon Sexton, director of the United Auto Workers' Leadership Center. UMSEU Hosts Guests By KATHY EDELMAN The "Know Your University Day Conference" yesterday raised some major campus economic is- sues to an audience of an esti- mated 100 businessmen, labor, clergy and civil, rights leaders. Members of the University of Michigan Student Employes Union led by Barry Bluestone, '66, presi- dent, pushed the drive to help influential citizens become inter- ested in University problems. The conference's central theme was the need for more preventive measures against "short-chang- ing" of students here. These include: --Impressing upon the Regents the necessity for a University bookstore; -Increasing communication be- tween the students and the ad- ministration, and Bluestone Warns of Skyrocketing Prices WASHINGTON CONFERENCE: Educators Probe Unrest By ROBERT JOHNSTON Editor Special To The Daily WASHINGTON-The Establish- ment acknowledged yesterday the existence of the student-though somewhat belatedly-as the an- nual meeting of the American Council on Education tackled the problem of the "Student in Higher Education." The topic is apparently an at- tractive one, for 1400 delegates registered for the two-day meet- ing, twice as many as have at- Hopkins Magazine, widely dis- tributed among the delegates, set the tone of concern with a lead article on "The New Radical." It said that "college administra- tors may find, like Clark Kerr," that the students' older, well- developed civil rights picketing and sit-in tactics can be used against them "just as effectively" as in the South. One observer noted, however, the spirit of lethargy among the participants. The students pro- vided most of the good -discussion in the panel and questions from for the New York Times: "Student 'activists' obviously have develop- ed a vested interest in finding things to fight about." Katzen- bach said that these students have recourse to orderly procedures without demonstrating. One panel, in response to a question from Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard Cutler on student involvement in such ques- tions as budgeting priorities, agreed that such involvement was a good thing. Cutler said that this then meant that "students should nar- By AL VALUSEK 'If any of you have children 13 or 14 who are doing well in school, I would suggest that you enroll them in the University next year, before costs skyrocket." This suggestion, made in jest by Barry Bluestone, '66, president of UMSEU, was one of many re- marks concerning the costs of education made yesterday to the participants of "Know Your Uni- versity Day." The opening session, featuring a panel presentation by members of SGC and UMSEU, the sponsoring organizations, was directed at showing, as Bluestone put it, that "de facto economic discrimination exists at the Uni- versity. Rich kids are coming here and the poor aren't." To provide substantiation for knowledged its responsibility for providing for housing." "The dormitories," he added, "have become freshman ghettos because of the rapid turnover of upperclassmen." Private Housing "The University houses only 35 per cent of the students here," Gordon said. The others must face a private housing market which realizes a yearly return on its, investment of 30 to 35 per cent, as compared to a standard return among realtors of 10 per cent. To provide a source for this re- turn, Gordon gave a comparisonj of costs of a small, 2-bedroom apartment, which rents in Ann Arbbr for $240 a month. In De- troit, it would cost $150; in Akron, $120; and, in New York, it would -Lobbying the state Legisla- ture. Recognition Needed Recognition is now described as the greatest object of UMSEU through the pressure of all groups. Following a day filled with wel- comes and panel discussions, a tour of the main campus, speak- ers, and seminars in the after- noon, the facts compiled over the last two weeks were compressed into four concise reports from UM- SEU study sessions. Judy Kovan, '68, emphasized the tactics necessary in achieving higher education at a lower cost. She suggested that union locals and the University student em- ployes union pressure the Regents through a mass letter - writing campaign to meet student needs. She also advocated that a series of articles be presented to ex- pose the threat of community col- leges which offer lower-priced ed- ucation in competition with the University. Miss Kovan's third statement suggested setting up a statewide lobby to represent the University's drive for higher edu- cation in Lansing. Massive Lobbying Darryl Alexander, '69, advocat- ed massive lobbying as the means to a goal of freer education. Be- fore the next conference meet- ing, she urged representatives present to talk to their community groups to bring more people to the campus. She suggested that the press, including labor publications, should be present and that politi- rnf.4.cbilA hnnma nn 4-r ~t.P i Student and faculty groups planning further protests against the war In Viet Nam voted last night to consider actions including civil disobedience, but the ekact location and nature of the actions remained unresolved. The protests will be conducted during the "International Days of Protest" on Oct. 15-16. The demonstrations are being sponsored by the Faculty-Student Committee to End the War in Viet Nam, Voice Political Party, and the Ann Arbor Committee to End the War in Viet Nam in con- junction with similar protests in over 100 American cities and num- erous other countries. Diag Rally The meeting was preceeded by a rally on the Diag yesterday af- ternoon. Jeffrey Goodman, '66, editorial director of The Daily, spoke on the moral implications of the war for all citizens of the U.S. charging that "what we are doing there is murdering a nation." Other speakers at the Diag rally were Eric Chester, '66, and Mike Locker, Grad, who gave informa- tion concerning recent develop- ments in Viet Nam, and the nature of protests that were occuring both on campuses in the U.S. and among soldiers involved in the war. The mass meeting in the Under- graduate Library, chaired by Tom Mayer, instructor in the depart- ment of sociology, addressed it- self to the problems of the nature of the protests and the organiza- tion needed to coordinate the activities. Schedule of Events Peter DiLorenzi, a member of the Student - Faculty Committee, proposed a schedule of events be- ginning early Friday morning, Oct. 15, that would include a vigil on the Diag, several rallies and marches, distribution of leaflets at the football game on Saturday and at other locations culminat- ing in a large march Saturday night. The consensus of the group seemed to be that the protests, while drawing attention to objec- tions to the war, should also at- tempt to include some informa- tional features designed to reach not only the University commun- ity but also the residents of Ann Arbor and those attending the football game from outside the