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October 07, 1965 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-07

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Workers Plan

To Combat Social Poverty

(Continued from Page 1)
The report's vaguesness may
have resulted in a misunderstand-
ing as to the area considered for
the grant and the appropriatness
of the area finally stipulated.
In addition, the question of
whether the community has ade-
quate social services, recreation,
cultural or entertainment facili-
ties cannot be answered categori-
WRAND members offer their
day care center, the job training
corps and other community action
projects as novel and well received
programs, helping to fulfill social,
recreational and cultural gaps.
On the other hand, critics point
to local schools as adequate meet-
ing places for community affairs.
They claim that recreational ac-
tivities such as baseball and
horseshoes need not be super-
Pursuing his belief that the
schools should be the focus of
community activity rather than

the WRAND community center,
Roy Smith, Ypsilanti Township
supervisor, announced this sum-
mer that the Ypsilanti Township
board had approved a Mott Foun-
dation Program, comparable to
the Mott social development pro-
gram in Flint, designed to utilize
school facilities for community
Under the program, ten thou-
sand dollars of township funds
were allocated for the utilization
of school facilities in cooperation
with the Willow Run School Board
to "provide growth and adult edu-
cational and recreational pro-
grams," according to Smith.
He said that the essential dif-
ference between the Mott Program
and the WRAND project is how
much the concept of self-help is
implimented. While WRAND
workers strongly contend that
their program operates on the
theory of self-help, Smith says
that it does not and adds that
the Mott Program will.

Another WRAND critic is Ger-
ald T. Foley, who resigned as
WRAND coordinator in July. Foley
said that WRAND is turning into
a community center rather than
a community action organization.
He said that he wanted to see
individual initiative - perhaps
within blocks-rather than com-
munity center projects which are
administered by a central board.
Jesse Hill, acting WRAND co-
ordinator, answered this criticism
by saying, "WRAND is starting at
the very core of a problem. It is
necessary to centralize our opera-
tions at the WRAND building first,
then spread out."
This particular issue-a nebu-
lous hunting ground of attack and
counter attack-is one strong rea-
son for the quarrel's continuing.
Other Reasons
There are reasons for Smith's
criticism of the project. He has
launched the most vehement at-
tacks on the grant program be-
cause he takes pride in his ac-

complishments within the com-
munity and is incensed that it
has been designated a poverty
In what used to be the Willow
Run bomber production center,
there remains only the area where
the old barracks stood. These bar-
racks began to disappear in 1954
as soon as people moved out of
the units.
Permanent housing in many
parts of the area is now a reality.
Contractor Steve Lanyi of Birm-
ingham, estimates that he is now
about 30 houses behind schedule
in construction because of high
demand in Superior Township.
The homes Lanyi is building
are in the $13,000-$17,000 price
range. He said he is selling the
bulk of the homes in the $16,000
Smith has this much at stake:
the designation of Willow Village
as a poverty area-on a demon-
stration basis or otherwise-makes

the area sound "economically im-
poverished." He therefore antici-
pates his governmental achieve-
ments to be overlooked, demeaned
or lost in the project.
The federal government and
the University stepped in, ac-
cording to Smith, where he and
his associates had been doing an
adequate job.
Informed Officials
Fred Lunde, Ypsilanti Town-
ship assessor, expressed this feel-
ing when he said, "This is what
I can't understand. If the gov-
ernment felt that there was a
serious problem here, why didn't
they approach the local govern-
ment? It seems that this is the
proper channel, to administer a
project of this caliber through
democratically established, in-
formed oficials."
Lunde added that no federal
representative seriously studied
the project and its ramifications
with the local governments con-
cerned. He said that they had re-
ceived the ILIR report and various
memoranda, which according to
Smith and Lunde, contained fal-
acies regarding the area and which
the two did not endorse.
Partial Answer
William C. Lawrence, of the
O.E.O. partially answered this
question when he said, "Our major
interest was in the small WRAND
board in Superior Township which
17 TOAY -410.M

had made an effort by itself-
without any outside aid-to help
"The grant was intended to ex-
pand the workings of this group
on a demonstration basis. It was
to give a self-help project as much
financial assistance and guidance
as possible. This is why we in-
corporated the University of Mich-
igan in the program.
"Therefore, we wanted an an-
swer to the question, 'What can
a local group of workers (such as
WRAND), led by their own elect-
ed officials, achieve when given
the acceleration of a grant of this
type, in a socially immobile area?'
This will be valuable in relation
to other areas in the poverty war,"
Lawrence continued.
Not Impoverished
In this sense the grant was not
intended to help an economically
impoverished area.
It should be noted that both
the Ypsilanti and Superior Town-
ship boards initially took official
action to approve and support the
grant: the Ypsilanti Board by a
vote of 5-1, the Superior Board
by a vote of 5-0. In subsequent
action, after Smith publically at-
tacked the project, the Ypsilanti
Board reversed its approval by a
4-2 vote.
The Superior Township Board
(which is the governing body cov-
ering most of the citizens involved

in the project) has maintained its hunger, a need for shelter and
original support of the project. clothing, can be remedied by fi-
The ILIR in securing the grant nancial assistance. An economic
did not anticipate active partici- analysis of this particular pro-
pation by either township govern- gram is not exclusively applicable.
ment. In fact the affirmative ac-

tions taken subsequent to the
grant by the two township boards
were not solicited by the ILIR and
were legally immaterial to either
the conception or the administra-
tion of the project.
The essence of the project di-
rectors' viewpoint toward the
question, "What is poverty?" was
given by Harold Dorr, dean of
State-Wide Education, when he1
said, "Economic poverty exists in
itself apart from cultural depri-
vation. The symptoms, that is

"I depiore the emphasis given
to economic poverty and the dis-
regard for other areas of poverty,
found commonly across the na-
tion, and reflected in the Willow
Run area," he said.
"I believe that the young man
dropping out of high school, with-
out a skill, without an under-
standing of the society of which
he is a member, or without powers
of expression, is more impoverish-
ed than his father without a job,"
Dorr continued.


Neither rain
nor heat
nor Liz

TODAY : 4:10 P.M.
Arena Theatre, Frieze Building
James M. Barrie's
Department of Speech
- Student Laboratory Theatre
Admission Free

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day, Calendar
University Management Seminar -
Clark C. Caskey, Bureau of Industrial
Relations, "Orientation to Supervisory
Practices": Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m.
Manufacturing and Numerical Control
Seminar-Registration, Cooley Building
Lobby, 8:30 a.m.
University Management Seminar -
Irene Place, Graduate School of Busi-
ness Administration, "Managing the
Departmental Office": 5046 Kresge
Hearing Research Institute, 1:30 p.m.
Mental Health Research Institute
Seminar-James G. Miller, director,
MHRI, "Evaluating Hypotheses Across
Levels of Systems": 1057 MHRI, 2:15
Cinema Guild - "Orphans of the
Storm": Architecture Aud., 7 and 9
Professional Theatre Program Per-
formance--APA Company in "The Wild
Duck": Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m.
General Notices
Statistics Seminar: Roger Wright will
speak on "Identifiability and Bayesain
Inference" in 3201 Angell Hall, Thurs.,
Oct. 7.
Special Seminar: Dr. H. Brintzinger,
visiting professor of chemistry and vis-
iting scientist (IST) will speak on
"Polarization of Some Oxyanions in
Their Metal Complexes IR plus Raman-
Studies," on Thurs., Oct. 7, at 8 p.m.
in Room 1300 of the Chemistry Bldg.
Foreign Student Tuition Scholarships:
The deadline for receipt of applications
is Oct. 28, 1965. Forms are available
from the counselors in the Interna-
tional Center.

Astronomy Dept. Visitors' Night: Fri.,
Oct. 8, 8 p.m., Aud. D, Angell Hall.
Dr. John A Williams will speak on
"Mars and Mariner IV" After the lec-
ture the Student Observatory on the
fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open
for inspection and for telescopic ob-
servations of Saturn and the Moon.
Children welcomed, but must be ac-
companied by adults.
Student Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored
events becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All
publicity for these events must be
withheld until the approval has become
Approval request forms for student
sponsored events are available in Room
1011 of the SAB.
U-M Friends of SNCC, Bucket dri ve,
Oct. 8, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Central Campus.
National Security Agency-NSA an-
nounces the 1965 Professional Qualifi-
cation Test for Liberal Arts majors (de-
grees by Sept. 1966). Test req. before
NSA interview for employment. Deadline
for test registration is Oct. 13 for test
given Oct. 23. Apply now. Test bulletin
& application form available at Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3200 SAB.
State of Utah-Various openings in-
cluding Specialist, Criminal Identif.;
Personnel Manager; Accountant; Proba-
tion Officer; Social Worker, etc.
B. F. Goodrich, Akrkon, Ohio-Vari-
ous openings including 1. Sales Trainee.
Degree in arts, bus. or tech. Mech. apti-
tude, above average grades. 2. Mech.
Engrs. BS ME, some exper. in factory
operation helpful. Up to age 30. 3.
Communication Repres. BS Journ. 3
yrs. exper. in Indust. communication or
combination newspaper & Indust,edit-
Local Organization-Staff Ass't. for
Personnel Div. Degree in Public Admin.,
or rel. Course work in municipal gov-
ernment. MA pref.
Kordite Corp., Macedon, N.Y.-Sr.
Dev. Engr. BS ChE or ME MBA or study
in mktg. helpful. 3 yrs. exper. in dev.
engrg. Also, Supt. of Mfg. BS engrg.,
indust. mgmt., or rel. MS or MBA de-
sirable. 5 yrs, exper. in mfg. supv.
Manufacturer's Life Insurance Co.,
Southfield, Mich.-Sales Mgmt. Trainee.
Single man with degree in any field.
No exper. required.
* * *
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.



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Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Forms are available in Room
1011 SAB.
* * *
Cercle Francais, Baratin, Thurs., Oct.
7, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
* * *
Chess Club, Six round Swiss Tourna-
ment, Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m., Room 3C,
* * *
Christian Science Organization,
Thursday evening testimony meeting,
Thurs., Oct. 7, 7:30 p.m., 3545 SAB.
* * *
Folk Dance Club (WAA), Folk dance
with instruction, Fri., Oct. 8, 8-11 p.m.,
Barbour Gym.
* * *
Young Republicans, Membership

meeting, Oct. 7, 7:30 p.m., Michigan
Room of the League.
Guild House, Friday noon luncheon,
Guy C. Larcom, city administrator,
"The City of Ann Arbor and the Stu-
dent," Oct. 8, 12-1 p.m., Guild House,
802 Monroe.
* * *
Newman Student Association, Chris-
tian Unity Dialogue "Johanine Images
of the Church." Speaker: Rev. Dan
Burke, respondent: Tony Stoneburner,
Oct. 7, 7 p.m., 331 Thompson St.
* * *
Newman Student Association, Commu-
nity mass and 'supper, 5 p.m., Fire-
side Chat: "Poverty in Appalachia."
Speaker: Edie Deville, 7:30 p.m. Hoot-
enanny, 9:30 p.m., 331 Thompson St.
*, * *
Nursing Council, Meeting, Oct. 7, 7:15
p.m., 7330 Medical Science Bldg.


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7 and 9 p.m. - The Cinema
Guild will present "Orphans of
the Storm" in the Architecture
8 p.m.-The APA will present
"The Wild Duck" in the Mendel-
ssohn Theater.
7:30 p.m.-The Young Republi-
cans will hold their second mem-
bership meeting of the semester
in the Michigan Room of the
8:00 p.m.-The Young Socialist
Alliance will present Farrell'
Hobbs, national chairman of the


University of Michigan
Inter Fraternity Council

Socialist Workers Party, in Rm.
3D of the Michigan Union.
7 and 9 p.m. - The Cinema
Guild will present "Orphans of
the Storm", at the Architecture
8:00 p.m.-The APA will present
"The Wild Duck" at Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater.
8:30-The University Chamber
Orchestra, conducted by Josef
Blatt, will perform with baritone
Ralph Herbert at Hill Aud.
8:30 p.m.-Prof. L. Clayton Hill
of the School of Business Admin-
istration will discuss "Basics of
Supervision" at the Michigan
Henderson Ford Soles, 662-3261





Mass Committee Tryout Meeting
Open to all fraternity members-Actives and Pledges who
are interested in working on the Inter Fraternity Council.









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