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October 06, 1965 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-06

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H e

Will Have Surgery Friday
.........~..**--* To
..... ............ ..,. ....?'~, .... R em ove
.... Gall Bladder
_ ..,,...~.. .'.,,. ..... In O peration
~> ~

Red Chinese Claim
U.S. Plane Downed
TOKYO (IP)-Red China said one small U.S. Army unit yes-
its fliers shot down a U.S. fight- terday and American paratroop-
er yesterday from a four-plane ers a few miles away battled the
formation over Kwangsi, a main- Communists on a jungle hill hon-
m iognof liaac apovoati AmTeia inus tek absed unit mie
favorble."'lessthean 12 meSan ut d tgv


p U

-Associated Press

PRESIDENT JOHNSON IS SHOWN CHATTING at the White House with two of his latest
appointees, Morris B. Abram of New York, second from left, and William T. Coleman, Jr., of
Philadelphia. Coleman and Abram were named as vice chairmen of the November 17-18 White
House conference of Negro rights, which will consider problems and future trends in the Negroes'
struggle for first-class citizenship.
Law For Personal Safety

slJ g~l.UO '. *JCL&JA. n.'. ayfl~t ,
and was intercepted by Chinese hVitCnjupdaUSM-
Vice-President May pae.i~i~rli1tm aaagae-
Assu e Eecui~e- I** id neotrpcf 380 miles north of Saigon and kill-
Tebroadcast ddntpeiyed or wounded 10 of its 13 men.
Duties in Absence the type of fighter allegedly down-
ed, whether it was from the U.S. Air Strategy Works
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Air Force or Navy, or what hap- Fifteen miles north of the am-
Johnson announced personally pened to the pilot, bush scene, in the vast Viet Cong
yesterday he will enter Bethesda Marshal Lin Piao, the defense stronghold of Zone D, a com-
Naval Hospital tomorrow night for minister, commended the Chinese pany of paratroopers from the
removal of a poorly functioning fliers, Radio Peking reported. U.S. 173rd Airborne Brigade
gall bladder. Caulisfought a rugged day-long battle
Johnsn, reding staementtosElewhee Reported with guerrillas.
Johson redin a tatmen to alswheethere were these de- Paratroop casualties were de-
reporters in the White House velopments: .scribed as lip'ht to moderate with
Cabinet room, said "Doctors ex- --A South Vietnamese military 11 Viet Cong bodies counted by
pect there will be a minimal time spokesman claimed that govern- late afternoon.
during which I will not be con- ment forces killed 1,767 Viet Cong In North Viet Nam, four U.S.
ducting business as usual." last week and the government Navy planes destroyed one build-
The chief executive emphasiz- suffered 229 dead. He said 144 ing and damaged two others 90
ed that, should presidential ac- Viet Cong were captured and 68 miles north of the border. No
tion or decisions be required at a government soldiers were missing ground fire was reported and all
time when he could not personally in action. planes returned safely, a spokes-
carry them out, Vice-President The government, in another rei' man said.
Hubert H. Humphrey will act for port, said that from Sept. 26-Oct. Report Air Casualties
him. 2, 877 persons returned to gov- But three Americans were lost
The one- to two-hour operation ernment control. in air action, all in South Viet
will be performed Friday morn.. -Premier Nguyen Cao Ky, on Nam, spokesmen said. Two crew-
ing at the Naval Hospital in sub- a visit to Malaysia, said the Coin- men died when an Army helicop-
urban Bethesda, Md., where John- munists are "gradually losing ter was hit by ground fire in
son was a patient last January what popular support they had" Binh Dinh Province, 270 miles
with a heavy cold. and the South Vietnamese people east of Saigon, and an F-100 Su-
The President said his doctors are "now beginning to think of per Sabre pilot died in a crash
have diagnosed his condition as certain victory." 215 miles north of Saigon. The
"a poorly functioning gall blad- -- U.S. military officials an- cause of the crash was not an-
He a id th h s cans decided am t t l d 1 17 0 a of S p . g n e s h d h t d wn " 0 .S.
it houd e rmovd.30. jet fighters." Peking's New China
Johnson reported that he first U.S. Bombers Act News Agency, quoting Radio Ha-
experienced difficulty on Sept. 7 Haroi radio assailed Thailand noi, said five U.S. planes were
while on his Texas ranch. . for "collusion" with the United shot down in Quang Ninh Prov-
"I felt some pains in my stom- States "in invaiding Laos, threat- ince, three in Nam Ha Province
ach which seemed to be the re- ening Cambodia and continuously and one each in Lang Son and
sult of something I 'had eaten," attacking North Viet Nam by air." Ha Bac provinces.
he related. Hanoi has made repeated charges Further Conflict in North
Johnson went on to say that the U.S. planes are using Thailand A U.S. spokesman reported
White House physician, Vice Admn. bases for bombing attacks South Vietnamese troops on a
George G. Burkley, suspected gall against North Viet Nam. multibattalion operation 22 miles
bladder trouble and that further Early yesterday B-52 bombers southeast of Quang Ngai in the
examinations confirmed that ten- hammered a suspected Viet Cong vicinity of strategic Highway 1
tative diagnosis. training area 70 miles northwest made contact with the Viet Cong.
The operation will be performed of Saigon, near the Cambodian He gave no details on the latest
by Dr. George A. Hallenbeck, 50 border. It was the 37th raid of the engagement but said 36 Viet Cong,
who heads a section on general Viet Nam war for the Guam- confirmed by body count, have
surgery and the section of sur- based planes. been killed in the three-day oper-
gical research at the Mayo Clinic, In other action, Viet Cong guer- ation. Government casualties were
Rohester. Minn.4 rillas ambushed and knocked out termed light there.

WASHINGTON (/F) - As civil
rights demonstrations in Georgia
and Mississippi continued yester-
day, a civil rights spokesman said
Congress may be asked next year
to take civil rights criminal cases
out of state courts and put. them
under federal jurisdiction.
Joseph L. Rauh, counsel for
the National Leadership Confer-
ence on Civil Rights, told of the
possible goal yesterday in report-
ing on a private meeting last week
of the National Leadership Con-
ference on Civil Rights. Rauh is
counsel for the body, which rep-
resents more than 10') church,
union and civil rights groups.
"We had the Public Accommo-
dations Act in 1964, the Voting
Rights Act in 1965 and we look
forward to the personal security
act in 1966," Rauh told a news-
S man.
Ready in January
"There's no bill ready yet. We
Red ackCers
SINGAPORE (P)-Radio Malay-
S sia reported that the army forces
in control of Jakarta had begun a
crackdown on Communists in the
capital, arresting 200 Red sup-
Withoult giving the source of its
report, it added that 5000 people
at a rally in Jakarta had demand-
ed that the Indonesian Commu-
rmst party be banned.
The armed forces newspaper
Angkatan Bersendjata and the ar-
my newspaper Berita Yudha are
sponsoring the anti-Communist
On paper .it backed the upris-
ing led last Friday by Lt. Col.
Untung, an officer of the presi-
dential guard. But it failed to
provide effective support.
All communications with Jakar-
ta were still suspended yesterday,
but reports reaching Asian capi-
tals indicated that 64-year-old
President Sukarno was in control
of his government.
He called his cabinet ministers
into session at his summer pal-
ace at Bogor, 40 miles south of
Jakarta, where he conferred Mon--
day and yesterday with various
civilian officials and the armed
4 forces chiefs.
Ai fce s sympathies general
Untung in his Communist-backed
attempt to seize power.
Word here is that Untung now
is at Jogiakarta, in central Java
250 miles southeast of Jakarta.
The situation in central Java was
Reports through diplomatic
channels said, 'however, that or-
ganized resistance appeared to
have collapsed. These reports said
emai1 nnlrt nf 'rph1 fnvorce hal1

SU NDAY-OCT. 10-2:00

AU D. AA. H.

know that this Congress is ready counties and put the children in a
to go home and it won't be very highway march to the state capi-
well received," Rauh said. "I think tol, a Negro spokesman said yes-
a bill will be ready when Con- terday.
gress comes back in January." "We probably will start the boy-
Meanwhile, President Johnson cott tomorrow," J. T. Johnson of
announced that a White House the Southern Christian Leader-
conference on Negro rights will be ship Conference said during a
held sNov. 17-18, with a follow- demonstration protesting segrega-
up gathering next spring to con- tion.
sider the conference's recommen- Most of the Negro pupils in
dations. this county-Taliaferro-are boy-
'The leadership conference, Rauh cotting the school. The protest
reported, agreed in last week's began after all the white pupils
meeting that "every assault with transferred to other counties this
a racial purpose or effect should fall when about 70 Negroes had
be made a federal crime." applied to enter the white school
Acquittal in Crawfordville.
The group met shortly after a Natchez
Hayneville, Ala., jury acquitted In Natchez, Miss., more than
Thomas L. Coleman, a deputy i1d marching Negroes, including
sheriff, of manslaughter in con- civil rights leader Charles Evers,
nection with a slaying of Jona- were arrested by police Monday
than .M. Daniels, 27, a white civil night. But officers had to return
rights worker for the Episcopal Evers to the march route to con-
Society for Cultural and Racial trol Negro teen-agers who surged
Unity. toward a crowd of whites.
In suggesting that the major Negroes filled the street when
legislative goal of the leadership officers loaded a bus with arrest-
in 1966 be to take civil rights ed demonstrators. They shook
criminal cases out of state courts, their fists and yelled to police.
Rauh said the group tried un- When Police Chief J. T. Robin-
successfully to write similar pro- son had ordered the Negro march-
visions in the Voting Rights Act ers arrested for parading without
this year. a permit, the whites began cheer-
Crawfordville ing, but the Negroes broke out
In Crawfordville, Ga., civil with a louder cheer.
rights leaders pushing for school The Negroes did not stop their
integration will try to mount a Ne- jeers until Evers was returned
gro pupil boycott in six other some 30 minutes afterwards.
Pakistan1 Breaks Ties with
Malaysi on Kahi a

how a Lanz girl copes with semi-.dressy occasions
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knee-deep in fringe. The fabric: naked wool,
light-as-air. The coloring: blue-and-green cued
to fail. 5to 15 sizes $40.00
.n .~

Dr. Hallenbeck, who met with
newsmen after the President made
his statement, said that the risk
involved in the operation is min-
Dr. J. Willis Hurst of Atlanta,
who has been Johnson's heart spe-
cialist since the chief executive's
1955 heart attack, also was pres-
ale to stand the operation a
anyone his age who never had a
heart attack.
In response to a question, press
secretary Bill D. Moyers said the
doctors expect Johnson will re-
main in the hospital 10 to 14
allenbeck said that after the
President leaves the hospital, "a
reduced schedule would probably
be necessary for a few weeks.",
During that time, he said, John-
son might "become tired more
quickly than he normally would."
Humphrey made a brief state-
ment after Johnson's departure.
Humphrey said, "The Presi-
dent has fully discussed the sit-
uation with me and with the Cab-
inet and we are clear as to the
procedures to be followed during
his short absence if the necessity
He added that, "I shall of course
be available ip Washington at all
times during the President's ab-
sence from the White House."
Johnson, discussing Humphrey's
role, said:
"While I do not anticipate the
need for presidential decision or
actions during the short timue that
I will not be available for the
purpose, the Cabinet, and partic-
ularly the secretary of state and
the secretary of defense as well
as my White House staff, will
always be in contact with the vice-
He said "these men have been
a party to and participated thor-
oughly in all major policy deci-
sions." He said they are "fully
and currently informed."
Johnson concluded his state-
ment by saying that "the public
will, of course, be kept fully and
currently advised of my progress."

Worl Nes Rundu

RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (IFP) -
Pakistan cut diplomatic ties yes-
terday with Malaysia, accusing
that Southeast Asian nation of
not supporting Pakistan's war
with India over Kashmir.
This conflict was the main
cause of the diplomatic break, be-
cause Malaysia is in conflict with
neighboring Indonesia, a declar-
ed supported of Pakistan in its
quarrels with India. Indonesia
and Pakistan are the world's larg-
est Moslem nations, each with a
population of about 100 million.
Malaysia largely is Moslem, as is
Kashmir, the Himalayan. state
claimed by India and Pakistan.
Pakistan also charged Monday
that India ignored a cease-fire
declared under Unitied Nations
auspicez on Sept. 23 and was at-
tacking in the Chamb sector,
which is in the same general area
of Kashmir.
Dispatch Sent
A dispatch from Kuala Lum-.
pur, the Malaysian capital, said
the Pakistani decision was met
initially with silence but that it
had not been surprising.
Announcing the break, Paki-
stan's foreign minister, A. Z.
Bhutto, said Malaysia "has taken
an immoral position, has violated
the solidarity of the African-As-
ion world."

Pakistan's ambassador was be-
ing withdrawn, he said, and Ma-
laysian diplomats were being giv-
en time to wind up their affairs
in Pakistan.
Pakistani Suggestion Rejected.
As Ehutto spoke at a news con-
ference, the Malaysian govern-
ment made public a note reject-
ing any Pakistani suggestion that
Malaysia sided with India in the
Kashmir dispute.
Bhutto quoted extensively from
a statement by Indonesia's Pres-
ident Sukarno pledging support
of Pakistan in its quarrel with In-
dia and said:
"A distinction has to be drawn
between aggressor and aggressed.
Pakistan has broken all relations
with Malaysia."
Malaysia Sends Note
The Malaysian note, which the
government said was delivered to
the' Pakistana embassy in Kuala
Lurmpur last Friday, said Malay-
sia has not behaved wrongly to
a fellow Moslem nation; challeng-
ed a Pakistani claim that Paki-
stan had itried to mediate the
Malaysia-Indonesia dispute; ob-
jected to an "outburst" by Paki-
stani High Commissioner Syxdl
Muhammad Hassan against the
Malaysian ambassador at the
Unite.d Nations.

By The Associated Press
cratic Leader Mike Mansfield of
Montana announced yesterday
there would be a~n initial test vote
Friday in the fight over the bill
to repeal the Taft-Hartley law
section which allows states to ban
the union shop.
He told his colleagues that the
leadership would take the unusual
step of moving to table and thus
kill the pending motion to take
up the bill. Such a motion is not
The leadership will then vote
against the tabling motion, Mans-
field explained.
LONDON-Britian offered yes-
terday to finance a multimillion-
dollar program to prepare Rho-
desia's Africans for majority rule
after the' white-governed colony
achieves independence.
But Rhodesia Prime Minister
Ian Smith, in London for the
crucial independence talks, dis-
played little interest in the offer
and, instead again demanded in-
dependence without conditions.
* * *
CHICAGO - Treasury Secre-
tary Herny H. Fowler indicated
yesterday that President Johnson
is opposed to basic interest rate
boosts by banks.
In an address to the American
Bankers Association convention,
Fowler said the administration
-"continues to believe that the sta-
bility of long-term interest rates
is an important factor in the eco-
nomic environment which has
given us the greatest and best
balanced period of domestic pros-
perity in our history."
* * *
WASHINGTON - Tentative
agreement on an omnibus farm
bill largely along the lines asked
by President Johnson was reach-
ed yesterday by a Senate-House

conference committee.
NEW YORK-C. Raymond Hul-
sart, industrial relations direc-
has been shut down for 20 days
by a strike of the New York News-
paper Guild, says an agreement
reached Monday with the Mailers
Union "might expedite the situa-
gave final congressional approv-
al yesterday to the $3.218-billion
foreign aid money bill and sent it
to the White House for President
Johnson's signature.


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The Canterbury H ouse



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