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October 06, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-06

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Cloudy and warmer
Clearing in afternoon

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
r..........................R elocation of Schools To A lter'


ED)ITOR'S NOTE: This article is
the second in a two-part series on
University plant expansion.
The huge building programs
which the University will be un-
dertaking in the next five years
will befelt by every school on
The demolition of old buildings
and houses, the construction, of
new buildings, the addition of new
wings, and the removal of service
departments from the central
campus classroom area will par-
tially answer the expansion needs
of the various colleges, research-
ers, and students.
The Douglas Lake Biological
Station, the University Events
Bldg. on the Athletic campus, the
C. S. Mott Children's Hospital in

the medical area, and the addition central campus will be turned over
to the Graduate Library are parts to one of the literary college divi-
of the modernization plans. sions that will remain here, but
Central Campus the education school and the busi-
For the central campus, there ness administration school will also
will be a gain of 500,000 square benefit.
feet of floor space with the con- Sciences Gain
struction of the Modern Lan- The East Medical Bldg. will be
guage Bldg., the math and com- turned into classrooms for the
puter center and the psychology geology and zoology departments.
building. Each will be about the This expansion will allow the
size of the Undergraduate Library. chem'istry department to expand
The new language building will in the Chemistry Bldg. and the;
house the bigger language depart- f botany and zoology departments
ments while the smaller depart- to expand in the Natural Science

the building up to standard, he'
The Administration Bldg. willa
also be turned over to the literarys
college which has plans for social
science offices and seminar rooms
there. Since the building is set upl
for offices and is so new, no re-7
modeling is planned.
A&D Bldg.j
At the moment Associate -Dean]
of the Literary College William
Hays said the fate of the old Ar-1
chitecture and Design Bldg. is still1
up in the air, but that the literary
college has an excellent chance of1
getting at least some of the space]
once the building is remodeled.I
Hays has suggested that a depart-:
ment such as economics couldi
move in there since the Businessj
Administration, school is right1
near there, and its students use
the economics department a great

deal. But this is only speculation,
and when the building is finally
made available it could end up
as anything.
Another building that may be
willed to the literary college is the
East Engineering Bldg. T h i s
hinges on how soon the engineer-
ing school can obtain legislative
funds to move its entire school to
North campus.
It should be seen that out of
this complicated schedule is that
the literary college will gain half
of its new space just by moving
into vacated buildings. The de-
partments that are left in the
present buildings will therefore
also be able to expand. University
plans call for funds to remodel
many of the structures on the
D i a g, especially the Natural
Science Bldg.

ments such as Asian languages,
classical studies and slavic lan-
guages will be able to move from
Angell Hall and various other'
buildings to the Frieze Bldg.
Exactly what does all this elab-
orate juggling and planning mean
to the student? Basically every
building that is vacated on the

A major remodeling of the Nat-
ural Science Bldg. will be neces-
sary, John Brinkerhoff, director
of plant extension, said, before
these departments could move in.
Work on heating, lighting, par-
titioning, new floors, painting and
exhausts will be needed to bring

THE MODERN LANGUAGE BLDG., which will be built just north of Hill Auditorium and Burton
Tower, will house the largest language departments. This will allow the smaller language depart-
ments around campus to move into the Frieze Bldg. The $4,200,000 structure will be mainly class-
rooms, offices, and language labs.

the economics department a great

What's New
At -764-1817
Ann Arbor police made their fifth narcotics arrest in two days
last night when Michael McClatchey, '69, was apprehended and
charged with illegal sale of drugs; McClatchey has since been
released on bail. Monday, William Armour, Peter Boyd, Earl
Pole and Susan Briggs, '69, were arrested and charged with nar-
cotics violations.
John Feldkamp, assistant to the vice-president for student
affairs, said yesterday the University will confer with Miss
Briggs on her case.
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit) said yesterday that the audit
of the UniVersity's books by the state legislative auditor general's
office will not be completed for at least another month. The
auditor had been expected to release a report at the end of Sep-
tember, but Faxon said extra time is being required to obtain
comparative figures from Michigan State University and Wayne
State University.
The audit was initiated by Faxon's five-man subcommittee
of the Hodse Ways and Means Committee last summer, after the
University announced a tuition hike.
* * * *
Twenty-five hundred more students signed petitions for a
University-sponsored discount bookstore yesterday, bringing the
total number of signatures obtained since the bookstore cam-
paign started to 8,000. Members of Student Government Council's
Committee on the University Bookstore revealed that they will
expand from their Diag base today to carry their campaign into
the dormitories, cooperatives, fraternities and sororities. Com-
mittee members will be available in the dorms to answer any
questions concerning the feasibility of a University Bookstore and
its financial implications for the student.
* * * *
Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler yester-
day issued a statement deploring the behavior of a group of
University students who "invaded and did considerable damage
to the physical plant of Michigan State Univeristy." The students,
names withheld, .were retained by the civil authorities in East
Lansing. According to the text of the statement, "the University
of Michigan will not intercede with civil authorities in such cases
. . . but will initiate and sign complaints for the malicious de-
struction of property against any such students and pursue and
prosecute them through the courts on these charges."
John Feldkamp, assistant to the vice-president for student
.aff airs, indicated that this statement was not to be considered a
change in University policy and that it "applies to this week only."
** * * *
Distinguished Faculty Achievement awards of $1000 each were
awarded Monday to Prof. J. Philip Wernette of the business
administration school, Prof. William Bishop Jr. of the law school,
Prof. William Frankena of the philosophy department, Prof.
Robert M. Thrall of the mathematics department and Dr. Fred
Hodges of the radiology department.
Six other University faculty members were awarded Distin-
guished Service Awards of $500 each. These were: Prof. .Billy
Frye of the zoology department; Dr. Paul Kikas of the pathology
department, Prof. Leo McNamara of the ,English department,
Prof. Robert H. Kadlec of the chemical and metallurgical engi-
neering departments, Prof. Martin Gehner of the architecture
department and Prof. Stephen Kaplan of the psychology depart-
Mayor Wendell E. Hulcher addressed a group of city clergy-
men and city officials last night to ask their support for an Ann
Arbor housing commission. The City Council passed an ordinance
to establish such a commission last week, but a group of local
citizens headed by George Lemble has since successfully petitioned
the council to put the matter before the people in a referendum
only two weeks away.
On campus, the housing commission issue cropped up when
the Young Republicans passed a resolution supporting Hulcher's
position on the commission and congratulating the council for its
action last week.
Residents of the Mapleridge Manor apartments presented a
petition to the City Council Monday night, claiming the manage-
ment had advertised to pay for cost of the air conditioning in
the normal rent- but now is charging tenants for the cost of
operating the units. City Attorney Jacob F. Fahrner Jr. said this

HifsIle al'
OSA Official Accuses
Several Landlords of
ViolatinIg 'U' Leases
A bitter legal struggle may be
developing dver rents in three stu-
dent-occupied off-campus hous-
ing units, Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie,
coordinator of associated and off-
campus housing, said last night.
Owners of the three units are
collecting rents when it may be
illegal for them to do so, she
Two of the units mentioned, the
Trade Winds Apartments at Main
and Hoover and the Nelson Maid-
en Lane Apartments, have not yet
met with Ann Arbor certification
requirements and thus are mak-
ing use of University leases with-
out permission of the off-campus
housing bureau, she said. These
leases are not therefore valid in
the eyes of the University, she
Court Case
Further, according to Ralph
Lloyd of the Ann Arbor Housing
Bureau, at least one of the own-
ers, Herman Ross, is being brought
to Municipal Court for a violation
of building regulations, and reli-
able authorities said similar pro-
ceedings are going on against a
second owner.
The violation stems from a city
ordinance which requires all resi-
dences to be officially inspected
and receive certification from city
building experts. Without certifi-
cation it is illegal for an owner
to collect rents.
Yet a large number of students
are paying rents under these cir-
Residents at the Trade Winds
Apartments have met with fur-
ther problems. According to cer-
tain students who wished to re-
main unnamed, they moved into
their apartment under an oral
agreement with one of the co-
managers (now reportedly in Bei-
No Payment
The agreement was that they
would not have to pay rent until
the apartment was "livable," with
special reference to a shower,
which, along with rugs and ade-
quate bedroom furniture, .was not
in the apartment at the time they
moved in. Although they began
paying rents once the shower was
installed, the manager has now
asked that they pay the two
weeks' back rent. The students
have refused to do so.
The building remains uncerti-
fied and without a valid Univer-

Fishbow. Wih


'ree dom



Haber Says
'Crowding Is
Main Issue
OSA Has No Plans
For Further Political
Some literary college faculty
members have suggested that ac-
tion be taken to alleviate noise
and overcrowding in the Fish-
bowl because of desks and signs
devoted to political activity, Dean
William Haber of the literary col-
lege said yesterday.
Reliable sources disagreed, how-
ever, over whether noise and com-
motion is actually the key. issue
at stake; some pointed to the
question of free speech-specif-
ically the feeling that some
signs recently appearing inrthe
Fishbowl. have abused this free-
dom-as the major point of con-
The issue was discussed at Mon-
day's meeting of the literary col-
lege faculty.
"The overwhelming sentiment
of literary college faculty mem-
bers is that nothing should be
done to interfere with or restrict
freedom of expression," Haber
OSA Study
The problem of overcrowding
and noise in the Fishbowl is
currently being studied by the Of-
fice of ' Student Affairs, Haber
added. Several proposals are be-
ing considered which might re-
strict the amount of political ac-
tivity which could take place si-
multaneously in the Fishbowl, he
said, but there are no proposals
which would prohibit all such ac-
tivity there. There is a standing
rule, at present which states that
no more than two tables for stu-
dent activities may be operated
at the same time in the Fishbowl.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler said, how-
ever, that his office was planning
no further restriction on political
activity in the Fishbowl or any-
where else. However, the OSA is
concerned about defining its area
of responsibility in matters such
as regulation of activities in the
Fishbowl, Cutler said.
Cutler contended that noise and
overcrowding was not a prime is-
sue in the dispute over proper use
of the Fishbowl. The controversy
arose after the Student Non-Viol-
ent Coordinating Committee post-
ed a sign last month charging
that American soldiers are corL.
mitting war crimes in Viet Nam.
Central Issue
Cutler said he felt the dispute
was centered around the issue of

Roughly 1500 people attended Yom Kippur services at Hill Aud. last night to celebrate the traditional Jewish Holiday of fasting and
meditation. Dean William Haber of the literary college delivered the principle address. Religious observances will continue today.


Democrats in Livingston County
Carry Feud to Court of Appeals.

special To The Daily
LANSING - A state circuit
court of appeals yesterday heard
lawyers argue points for each side
in a complex lawsuit which sprang
out of a bitter feud in the Liv-
ingston County Democratic party.
A decision is expected by early
next month.
The case is almost without prec-

edent-and, observers here say,
may create a precedtne of its
The Second Appellate Court,
Judge Timothy Quinn presiding,
heard Tom Downs, attorney for
EdwardsRettinger,sthe defendant
and present Livingston Democrat-
ic chairman, and Stanley Beat-
tie, attorney for Brian Lavan,
who brought the suit against Ret-
tinger in January.

-The lawsuit arose after the Sep- new convention is elected in 1966."
tember, 1964, Democratic conven- Beattie, however, cited other
tion in the county of 38,000 north cases, in which a court had or-
of Ann Arbor had been disrupted dered election commissioners to
by a riot. perform acts not specifically men-
Rettinger, acting on the advice tioned in statutes, and added, "if
of his credentials committee, had we had to rely exclusively on
refused to seat nearly 80 of the statute and could never use com-
119 convention delegates until an mon law, we'd have one-tenth
investigation had been made of the law we have today."'
the legality of their election. Both lawyers, however, have
Rettinger and his supporters said in private that the ease is
had charged that the Lavanites unique, and that few preceding
won by virtue of fraudulent nom- cases have even some similarity.
inating petitions, ballots which
displayed their names in bolder Answering a question from
type and favoritism on the part Judge Quinn, Beattie said that
of Republican county officials. saye for "common law authority,"
Reumn Conntons. JRettinger himself did not have
Rump Conventions i the power to call a new conven-
After the violence, each group tion.
held a rump convention of its=Leaobrvssidtsan
own, picking two sets of officers. Legal observers said this ad
Following some political infight- Downs' reply-an emphatic de-

sity lease.

ing, the State Democrat.
nized the Rettinger gro
dissatisfied, the Lavan
took its case into court.
Ruling in May on the
visiting Circuit Court Ju

recgg- Malnwith no reservation--estab-;the content of that sign and the
up and. lished that if the court did order. right of students to post it rath-
faction Rettinger to reconvene the meet-' er than noise or overcrowding
ing, it would not be ordering him caused by political activity.
lawsuit, to do something he already had However, Prof. Theodore M.
dge Leo the power to do, but would nstead Newcomb of the sociology depart-



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