PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tl TVQT A Kt rw-InM^ImLlft r Mt rki rw PAGE SIX THE MJCHIE VfAl flAIIVVrrl ~ 4~fff% TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1965 UAC-LITERARY COLLEGE STEERING COMMITTEE present: STUDENT COUNSELING SEMI NARS Tues., Oct. 5, 2-5 ROOMS 3-C, 3-D, 3-G MICHIGAN UNION For Freshmen and Sophomores seeking advice on concentration FREE COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS Central Camnpus To Be Devoted Almost Entirely To Use of LSA .........::"?S;i:¢'4{:"}'{r"{"'.-":'ti{4":a"'":S:{{;"a{v.;{x{:,..1..t,,.{.. ,{: ":'^:va':.: a":'ti"d^:F:i{'.". v^" :..4LV."".:v. 'tL " t.{.>.. k t"'{., ''t t.h.1 v.. "1, L".. {t;; ":1 "^:{{'.; ^:+'r "... 't1 -}"'; {,,,ti'ti.. ', 1 4 t,>;:::.".}"{., 1t.:: L = '> 11 4. t "L".; ,.V " " 1't1111 ">J 1 S-4 '4 1>L"1}" .titt ".1t ' " "'" L , " " .yq '"' }"."...,..N".! t{".1 """. h.. .'t.....LtV": "......:4 :V.:.LLt1.1:..4. ".:L ':t... ... 1 1 {".^.".>". h^L.i : t11..."..?;L4 '.t {";>ti:'",'v,{ti{i s tiLS .L .{}::°L:=.1 .' .'"Xit.SIL k> i?:sv: r: ''":L L'1L:{? .. I DAILY OFFICIA L BULLETIN _. a> :; : ... :\".ti" ': ti'": .1. 115""''' "::1 ": ": '. 1 "'r". 1v ........................ : ' ?1 . :Y{{:'' 11r1. h . .1 .1 11.1.. .': 1.1, ,;. . :e":::.:v.^:'r}:"?}:":v..::::: {.; :"; .:.:v. :":::.};.:?;.}:":ti4..1 11. ""v::..?."l.":i'$v111:?:? {": :k:?:t11: :v?::"iS3,v,1"::".?.ii-?:;";1k.v.: ? 1, tna'1..},':;+'1?'",.??;.?," r,'; 1vk: T:4ti"?1' .' 'v ...'1':'+ '.. , 1k kc,...'}.1}.1.. w +1 11 (Continued from Page 1) space could involve an addition to a present building, remodeling a present building or building an entirely new structure. An intensive study is then made by the department on what type of facilities they need. These study recommendations within t h e schools and colleges and other units of the University are trans- mitted through the Office of Aca- demic Affairs and Business Office to the Plant Extension Commit- tee for consideration. The com- mittee which is made up of the president, executive vice-president, vice-president for academic af- fairs, vice-president for business and finance director of University relations and the secretary assem- ble and consider all plans for EI~ ./ The Church is still a strong force in the lives of a great many people. Christians every- where stand against the flood tide of moral decay which threatens our world. Have you considered the claims of Christ upon your life? plant extension and make recom- mendations to the Regents. Legislation If the decision is made to build, the request is finalized and put on a capital outlay budget request. The Regents must approve this request, and they in turn will pre- sent it/to the state Legislature. It is in the Legislature that the University's plans have tradition- ally foundered. The legislators must first agree to the construc- tion of a certain building though this does not mean they will ap- propriate funds in that same year. As a last step, the Legislature must commit itself to financing. the buildings and start to appro- priate yearly construction funds. Even if money is obtained, the University's problems are not yet over. Ann Arbor, suffers from a great lack of workers due to apartment and factory building i in this area. This shortage has caused a slow down in the con- struction of present buildings and in the planning of future projects, Brinkerhoff said. Although the literary college in particular is gaining almost double its present footage, planning for I space must also be made in terms of the needs of all the schools, ' research, north campus and1 others. For ,example A&D school needs a great deal more space'f which its present location does not have. By moving this unit to north campus, it will get more, space now and be insured of ade- HAIRSTYLING to Please -CONTINENTALS -COLLEGIATE -RAZOR CUTS 6 BARBERS The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- quate room in which to grow. sity of Michigan, for which The To a greater degree, develop- Michigan Daily assumes no editor- Toa tal responsibility. Notices should be ment of new buildings on the cen- sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to tral campus hinges on the mod- Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- ernization of the heating plant fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday since this is the'unit that heats for Saturday and Sunday. General all the campus buildings. With Notices may be published a maxi- the conversion of its coal boilers mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. to gas, the present structure will Studentorganization notices are not be able to heat any new buildings accepted for publication. You are cordially invited to attend the SERIES OF MEETINGS of the CHURCH OF CHRIST which meets at 530 W. Stadium Pound Look." The Student Laboratory pref. Immed. opening. Determine pat- Theatre wishes to announce its first entable activities and potential in- presentation of the 1965-66 school year: fringements, prepare patent applica- James M. Barrie's one-act play. "The tions, etc. Twelve Pound Look." Speed Queen, Ripon, Wis.-Continu- Students, staff and faculty are in- ing need for grads in any field for vited to attend the invitational dress sales representatives. 6-9 mos. trng. performance on Wed., Oct. 6. as well course. Become district sales manager as the free public performance, Thurs., after 2 yrs. with company. Oct. 7. * .*" The time is 4:10 p.m.; the place, For further information, please call Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg. 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- There will also be a critique of the pointments, 3200 SAB. production Thursday afternoon after __tns____ the performance: all are welcome to TEACHER PLACEMENT: put up in the comning years. I attend and participate. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5atThe following schools have vacancies for the present semester: ('C InGrosse Pointe, Mich.-Substitutes for Da a end a lam*Boys Phys. Ed. & Ind. Arts. ORGANIZATIONCr PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau Charlevoix, Mich.--Jr. High English/ Student Council Conference-Regis of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu- Math. Sr. High Bus. Ed. tratun ackham Lobby,8:3rCone eg ents,please call 764-7460 for appoint-' Maple City, Mich. (Glen Lake Comm. NOTICES ments with the following: Schs.)-Sr. High Spanish/English, UmNote: Dept. of State, Wash., D.C.- Oxford, N.C. (Granville County Schs.) Uiversity MngeetSeminarf - Irene Place, Graduate School of Bus- I addition to the group -interviews on -Guidance Counselor. Ine Adinitraion "Mnagng heWed, Oct. 6, there will be a group River Rouge, Mich. - Elem.. Art, Use of This Column for Announce- separtdministration, "Managing theg interview TODAY at 3 p.m. at the Bu- Speech Correctionists, Later Elem, ments is available to officially recog- Hearing Research Institute, 1:30 p.m. f of Appoionm nts. Call 764-7460 Spec,.Ed.-Mentally Retarded, Type nized and registered student organiza- THRS.,pOT.-8. tions only. Forms are available in Room History of Art Department Lecture AIn urance Co., Saginaw, ArShelbyvlle, ll.-8th Grade Language 1011 SAB. -Ahmed A. Fikry, professor of Islam- chDegrees in Gen. Lib, Arts, Law,* * *Gsid BArt, Universities of Alexandria and Speech, Educ., Soc. Work, etc. Posi- For additional information contact Baha'i Student Group, Fireside: Mu- Baghdad, "Some Aspects of Islamic tions in mgmt. trng, and territorial the Bureau of Appointments, Educa- hammad-Messenger of God. Speaker: Painting": Aud. B, Angell Hall, 4:10 sales. Locationsin N.E. lower Michigan. tion Div., 3200 SAB, 764-7462. J. Livengood, Dept. of Near Eastern ' i Ford Motor Co., Dearborn-Majors in Studies, Oct. 8, 8 p.m., Room 3545 SAB. S l of s Composers Forum - econ., law, math, psych., chem., etc. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- .; colo ui opsr ou colo ui,83 Positions in elec. computing, foreign VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please Physical Therapy Club, Monthly Recital Hall, School of MusIc, 8:30 p.m trade, insurance claims, mgmt, trng., sign schedule posted at 128-H West meeting. Everyone welcome even if prod. sales, etc. Engrg Physical Therapy is not your major. ( en ea *Nones FRI.,.OCT. 8- FRI., OCT.8- Program will consist of movie follow- Massachusetts Indemnity, Detroit - American-Standard Industrial Div., ed by discussion, Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m., Flu Shots: There will be a "flu shot" Dec. grads in any field of study in- Sales-All Principal Cities, Engrg.- CoferUnceHosptfPhysicalclinic at the Health Service Tues., Oct. elding Bus, and Pre-Law for all areas Detroit, Mfg.-Columbus, Kewanee, De- Dept. of U Hospital. 5 from 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-4:30 p.m. The of insurance work. troit, Buffalo-BS: ChE, EE, EM, E * *% charge is $1 for students and spouse New York Univ. Law School, N.Y.C. Physics, ME, Met. Dec. grads. R. & UAC/Lit School Steering Committee, and $1.50 for faculty, staff and -Students interested in law program D.. Des., Prod. & Sales. Student counseling seminars, Oct. 5, spouses, should come for interview. Apply dur- Avco Res. & Advanced Dev. Div., 2-5 p.m., Rooms 30, 3D, 3G, Michigan _____ ing senior year. Financial aid available. Wilmington & Lowell, Mass. - MS- Union. Open House for Women Students: PhD: AE & Astro., Applied Mech., * * * Starting Tues., Oct. 5-Bahbour Gym- POSITION OPENINGS: ChE, Commun. Sci., EE, E Math, EM, Unitarian Student Group, Picnic Oct. nasium, 7-9 p.m. Starting Thurs., Oct. Westinghouse Bettis Atomic Power Engrg. Physics, Infor, & Controls, Ma- 10, 3 p.m., Huron Dexter Park. RSVP 7-Women's Athletic Bldg., 7-9 p.m. Lab,, West Miffin, Pa.-Attn.: PhD can- . terials, ME, Met. R. & D., Des. Bob at 665-5704 and 662-5120. Rides at didates. Various openings including Cooper Tire & Rubber Co., Findlay, the Union and Markley. Joint Analytical-Inorganic & Physical chem., mech., & nuclear engineers; Ohio-Any Degree: ChE. BS-MS: IE & * * * Chem. Seminar: Dr. Walter Edgell, mathematicians & physicists. Nuclear ME. B.B.A. Dec. grads. R. & D., Des., Michigan Christian Fellowship, Spe- Purdue University, will speak on "IR exper. not required. Prod. cial lecture discussion, topic: "Is Faith Spectra and Chemistry of Metal Carb- Pillsbury Co., Wyoming, Mich. - Deere & Co., Mostly midwest-Any a Psychological Concern?" Spaker: onyls," on Tues., Oct. 5, at 5 p.m. in Sales Merchandising. Immed. open- Degree: ME. BS-MS: IE, Met. BS: E Francis Schaeffer of L'Abri Founda- Room 1200 of the Chemistry Bldg. ing for sales career in grocery prod- Math, EM, Mat'ls., Math. U.S. citi- tion, Switzerland, Oct. 6, 3:50 p.m., ' ucts calling on wholesalers & retail zens & non-citizens if fluent in Multipurpose Roon, UGLI. SLT Production No, 1: "The Twelve stores. Degree pref., some exper. desir- French, German and/or Spanish. R. able. & D., Des., Prod. Local Research Organization - Re- Liquid Carbonic-Div.. of General Dy- search Ass't. Woman, degree in med. namics-BS: ChE & ME. A. & D., Des., tech., zool., microbiol., etc. to work Prod., Sales. with animals in cancer research. Ex- Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Gen- per. handling animals required. eral Offices, Toledo, O.; Plants, Res. & Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Pitts., Sales-throughout U.S.-BS: ChE, CE, Pa.-Patent Attorney. BS Chem. or EE, E Math, EM, E Physics, IE, Ma- Chem. Engrg. pius LLB. 0-5 yrs. exper. I terials, ME, Sd. E. BS-MS: Metal. - a a a a ar ea a s--- R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales. 1 Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Gran- ville, Ohio Tech. Center-Any Degree: ChE, IE, ME, Metal., EM, Mat'is. Prof.: Applied Mech. MS-PhD: Info. & Con- trols, Physics, Org. & Inorg. Chem. BS: Sci. Engrg., E Physics. R. & D. Booksore Pe in PittsburgI Des Moines Steel Co. Booksore Petitionsburgh, Pa.-BS-MS: CE, EM, ME. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. E Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Chemical (10,000 signatures Div.,Barberton, Ohio-BS-MS: ChE, IE. ."--"" :BS: CE, EE, ME, Set. Engrg. BA: Acctg. are OUr goal) IId. Relations, Chem. majors for ,-Chem. Sales Trng. Program. MS: Construe- tion. Dev., Des., Prod., Sales, Tech. Computer Programmed Process, Sm. -SGC Committee on Construction Supv., Maint., Equip. the University Bookstore Troubleshooting, Equip. Selection, etc., P rInd.Engr.,Instru./Automatic Con., Power Engr., 1 Fillet--o- Fish . .....24c - v 4 7:30 p.m. Week Nights 11 a.m. &6 p.m. Sundays L' The Dascola Barbers (Near Michigan Theatre) I XR= I I I WOMEN "FACE"ARMS *LEGS"TNI S *EYEBRO . .d HAIRLINES CORRECTED MEN " BEARDS NEWEST SHORTWAVE " CHESTS : BACKS DIAL-O-MATIC METHOD CLEARED Painless (try us) " Years of Experience " Physician's References 357-0373 ANN L. KORSON " R.E. " 17000 W. 8 MILE " SOUTHFIELD " NEAR NORTHLAND SHOPPING CENTER Triple Thick Shakes.. 22c Delicious Hamburgers 15c 2000 W. Stadium Blvd. L Full Time & Evening Employment AGE 18-35 If you are free four evenings each week and occasionally on Saturday, you can maintain your studies and still enjoy a part-time job doing special interview work that will bring an average weekly income of $67. ' " I. 1 p II C -U I: j fli .II p r 11 . _ . JN!' s K - .- --__-_-- ap w . 1 IVl hi E- I ~ .. ... _____. ___ .- I k I. ---;, - 4 ,Ilk .D il4+ U 1 I i s I L r A-LINE SKIRTS 8"9 :. I b '1 Il 1s ,i _ OCTOBER SKIRT PROMOTIONS p H 4 'I FLANNELS, HEATHERS, TARTAN PLAIDS, MENSWEAR FABRICS ERRINGBONE CULOTTES BLUE, GREEN, CRANBERRY 44 'V SHORTEE SKIRTS 8 I I i Ei 4 2 STYLES-TIEI HIP POCKET BELT AND A-LINE Ur. t. e If 70 Ai i