Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Social Criticism vs. Common Goals 4 0 77" , - );f - 1 - - M WTruth pinion PAFree. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICr. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: PETER SARASOHN Sororities Must Achieve Autonomy To Attack ledging Problems THE EVENTS of the past week concern- ing sorority recommendation forms have, for all their complex causes and results, brought forth one basic question: Is there discrimination in sorority mem- bership selection? And the answer to this is "most like- ly," for we have yet to see a Negro girl pledge one of the 21 sororities which have traditionally pledged only white girls. However, the present situation makes it impossible to tell whether the preju- dice lies in the girls themselves or in the conventional set of rules and loyalties that dominates them. For the most part, University sorority houses are owned by national organiza- tions which are controlled by alumnae. According to sorority presidents and Panhellenic officials, these "nationals" use both financial and social pressure to control membership selection. A GIRL must be recommended by an alumna to pledge most houses, and "No Recommends" can be used to keep a girl out. In addition, sorority officers who go to conventions are asked to "con- sider your southern sisters." and any un- orthodox action results in a barrage of irate telephone calls, or perhaps in a visit from the regional director. Merchants Or Students? IT'S NOT PARTICULARLY hard to buy a bookstore button saying "Students or Merchants?" Especially since doing so allows one to be both progressive and backed up by a large amount of sentiment, two things that don't usually coincide. In a way, it's sort of like being in favor of free love; you're radical, yet popular. It's not quite as easy to pin the button on, however. That's more of a commit- ment to what the -button means, and this really forces one to think rather deter- minedly about just what it does in fact say. Which should be the more important at a university, students or merchants? Where should the ethic of the communi- ty lie, with whom should it entrust its final goals? ALONG WITH the obvious answer to this rhetorical question, "students," one must grasp an understanding of what the buttons certainly are not, at- tempts by the students to glorify their own status in that community. Rather, they are statements by students that something has gone wrong, albeit uncon- sciously and perhaps unintentionally, but wrong nonetheless. And they are state- ments saying that this "wrongness" is more than an academic question, that it is a question affecting everyone connect- ed with the University in the way he ap- proaches his place in modern society. Is the student more important than the merchant? With all honest regard for merchants, one must hope so. For if not, then we are being run by merchants. And, though merc ants within a larger com- munity may be worthy of a high regard, their goals are sufficiently distinct from those of an intellectual community to make a sham out of a university which dares live at their mercy. 0 HOPEFULLY the button's questions, both specific and extended, will be answered "students." We do need a Uni- versity bookstore, and that bookstore can easily be an embodiment of all the student's rights and duties; it is a recog- nition of his importance here and the position which he should have in the community. So hopefully people won't just buy the button. They'll put it on and think about it. It's not particularly hard. -LEONARD PRATT IIO1 1rfirinif 711fili Although this is not true of all sorori- ties at the University, it is certainly true of the six which were not permitted to submit recommendation forms, and also is true of many others, who filed these forms only after considerable effort and argument. Present members of University sorori- ties claim that they personally do not like the policy of alumnae control-that they would like to be able to pledge any- one, not just those acceptable to their alumnae. And they seem to be in good faith. Al- though the original request for the sub- mission of recommendation forms was made by the Membership Committee of Student Government Council, any posi- tive action to accomplish this was taken by Panhellenic, and not by the commit- tee itself. THEMEMBERSHIP committee "doesn't like deadlines," and was apparently prepared to give sororities an indefinite amount of time to submit these forms. Were it not for the suggested date of Oc- tober 1 set by Panhellenic, it iu doubt- ful that more than three or four, as compared to the 14 that were in last Friday, would have been submitted by now. Sorority presideits were constantly re- minded at Panhellenic meetings to talk to their nationals about the forms, and they were urged to do everything in their power to obtain permission to submit them. Meanwhile, SGC membership commit- tee meetings, which are closed to the public and the press, have apparently yielded nothing concrete. Ron Serlin, '66, chairman of the committee, when asked about future plans, replies in vague gen- eralities about his fear of kicking a sorority off campus for refusing to sub- mit documents when that sorority might not actually discriminate on the basis of race or religion. Commendable statements, no doubt, but far from the real problems of what to do next about the six houses who have not submitted forms, and, more im- portant, what to do about the discrimi- nation that does exist. When pressed for concrete details, Serlin says that the committee is "waiting to see what Panhel does." This is obviously a gross misplacement of responsibility. It is the function of the membership committee to collect docu- ments or to do whatever is appropriate and necessary to combat discrimination. Of course, it is good to see Panhel taking an active interest in this effort, and doing whatever they can to help with it, but as the sorority system exists at pres- ent, it will be a long time before they are ready to take the full responsibility. And meanwhile, will anything be done? Not unless the membership committee does it, and it doesn't look as if it will. BEHIND THE ISSUE of recommenda- tion forms is a more serious problem for the sororities themselves; that is, the question of national control of member- ship selection. Many of the sorority actives don't really know to what extent they would like to be independent of their nation- als. They agree that autonomy in mem- bership selection sounds like a good thing, but they seem to be a little afraid to try to actually achieve it. And they are afraid with good cause, for only when University sororities have complete local autonomy in membership selection will it be possible to evaluate them accurately as organizations. Inde- pendent membership selection is the only answer (aside from having sororities withdraw from the University as student organizations) to the ever-present prob- lem of discrimination.4 PR WHEN independent selection oc- curs (as it must) the sorority actives themselves will be responsible for every decision they make. There will be no hiding behind the nationals, no excuses, no justifications. At that time, it will become clear exact- ly where sorority members on this cam- pus stand on the issue of discrimination, and each house will be forced to face PAUL GOODMAN would wince at the idea that he has become the pre-eminent exponent of a new middle class, yet his volumi- nous social criticism is best inter- preted as a rallying point, however ill-defined, for a goal-less, middle class youth. It is to his credit, given the all- inclusiveness of his indictment, that he is on or close to the mark about 50 per cent of the time in dissecting social life. Unfortunately, while Goodman's social perceptions are keen, he offers little of substance to re- place the social philosophy he would tear down. And, worse, whatever nebulous philosophy he is able to articulate is based on arguments grounded in the least tenable of his criticisms. We would tear Berkeley down, justifiably perhaps, but we have nothing to offer in the way of a replacement. HIS LATEST article, "The Great Society," in The New York Review of Books, is a sample of both his strengths and weak- nesses. He mentions the problems of hard core poverty, equal rights, equal opportunity and the blight of cities. He might have added the problems of health and medical care, transportation, housing and natural resources use. Yet Good- man refuses to give anyone credit for attacking these situations. "There is no cause for fanfare in doing justice where we have been unjust," he says. Yet never before in history has such a range of social problems, unjust or not, even been reluctantly faced, let alone attacked frontally. BUT GOODMAN goes on to ex- coriate the attackers, and it is here that his criticism gets fuzzy, to say the least. "The Great So- ciety is contaminated by, com- prised by, and finally determined by power lust, greed and fear of change." This is a caricature, and an ex- treme one if such is possible, of our political process; and, like a caricature, it takes a few elements of carefully-selected truth, blows them up out of all proportion and presents them as a "true" picture. Of course, as he says, "No good thing is done for its own sake," at least not often. But neither are there things which can universally and for everybody and under all conditions be. classified as "good." In a complex society, what is good for one may be the cause of out- right evil for another. HE TACKLES education, one of his favorite bugaboos. Just about every sociology study ever done on the subject or a re- lated one has shown, however, an extremely high correlation be- tween education and the Good- manesque attributes of the "inde- pendent and intelligent citizen." The literary college with its gen- eral curriculum mushrooms, and a rapidly falling percentage of graduates go into business, yet Goodman sees it as "apprentice- Michigan MAD By ROBERT JOHNSTON training of the middle class for the corporations and military." A common failing, for which he can be forgiven, is his inability to accept the automobile as an in- trinsic and valuable part of American society, one which has done much more than any num- ber of sermons to level class dis- tinctions. A five-year-old Chevrolet will go almost as fast and to all the same places for a $3000-per-year sales clerk as a new, $6000 Cadillac will for a $100,000-per-year executive. And does. GOODMAN WOULD dump the Great Society on the grounds that it hasn't accomplished everything immediately. Sure there are prob- lems in urban renewal, to take another case, but the basic ques- tions have yet to be answered by planners and architects, which makes the problem not one of intent but of what, exactly, ought to be done and how. What do you do about poverty? About slum housing? About edu- cation for the underprivileged? There are plenty of people in Washington and elsewhere who would welcome some answers, and they are trying suggestions as fast as they can. Some of them even work. But it takes time to formu- late and then to try out possible solutions. The youth corps idea which first showed up in the Peace Corps (traceable, perhaps, to the college student civil rights move- ment in the South), is manifest- ing itself in such diverse places as the poverty program and Students for a Democratic Society. "Organizing the poor" is a real means of getting at some of the social ills of poverty in America, and it is as much a slogan (un- publicized, of course) of VISTA as it is of SDS. Ask the mayors of Rochester and Chicago if you think they're happy about it. GOODMAN DOES go on to recognize the need for ideology, but he then insists on linking his argument to destruction of "the American Establishment." Here his perception falls apart in a welter of uncoordinated and un- proved statements. There is, granted, an Establish- ment. One doesn't have to spend much time in Washington or New York to sense it (or even invade it-it's not impervious). Unfor- tunately for Goodman's argu- ment, it is neither self-centered nor self-serving. It takes its cue from the great goal orientation in American so- ciety and, with that in mind, has made itself into the greatest problem - solving machine the world has ever seen. All it asks (its income and status have long since been guaranteed by a so- ciety hungry for entrepreneurial ability) is a good problem to work on-social ills, scientific bottle- necks, international relations, ed- ucation. BUT THESE aren't philoso- phers, and don't claim to be. They can, however, take good ideas like the Peace Corps and translate them into social action. And it's no indictment because only mid- dle class youth serve the Peace Corps. It's just that they are the only ones with enough mental equipment, emotional stability and social conscience to do the job. Social philosophy is still an in- dependent pursuit, as anything else mentioned above can be for those interested enough in doing it themselves. The "Establishment and Its President" do not really deal with questions of moral philosophy, not because they are morally bank- rupt, as Goodman says at the end of his article, but because these are not proper concerns for even the best bureaucracy, as he says at the beginning of the article. HUMAN GROWTH in a tech- nological age, democracy in an urban age, the Bomb, good educa- tion, "something worthwhile," are real problems not only for Paul Goodman but the rest of us. But all he does is tell us we have them, and a good deal else irrelevant besides. We know we're lost; but what are we going to do about it? Mutter about the Estab- lishment? * V Too Much Guidance Can Stifle Learning EDITOR'S NOTE: The fol- lowing article, written by a member of the Honors Council Steering Committee in response to a Daily editorial of Sept. 10, represents the views of the com- mittee and of the council on the Summer Reading P r o g r a m which these organizations main- tain. By HENRY R. BLOOM AN EDITORIAL by Merle Jacob. appeared in the Sept. 10 issue of The Daily entitled "Summer Reading Program: Suggestions for Improvement." It described the program as being "designed to prepare the student for graduate work by helping him learn to study and think for himself." It went on to claim that the "major fallacy' of the program is that undergraduates, especially underclassmen, are incapable of independent study unless they have had a good background in the area of study. The author illustrated her point by describing a student taking English 231 (poetry) which, inci-; dentally, is a course not offered for summer reading. The student, when given a book of poetry and asked to deal intellligently with it, "will be lost . . . without further direction." The student needs pro- per guidelines and background, and the author would therefore limit the summer reading program to juniors and seniors, doing 300- level courses and above, since only they would have this "back- ground." Finally, the author says that if the program is to be maintained for underclassmen, they should be given definite guidelines in the form of "written lectures" which would explain such things as "de- velopment of style and general themes." There should also be lists of questions, such as "What is the structure of this poem?" and "What is the role of fate in 'Oedipus Rex'?" After having -devoted a good part of his time to the journal which is required in some of the courses (not all, as the author claims), the student would then be left to "study on his own without direction or restriction." THERE ARE two major as- sumptions in this editorial, the two horns on the head of the devil who is corrupting the Honors Program, this university and, in fact, all of American education. The first of these is the assump- tion that students in Honors, as all students, have absolutely no previous knowledge. They are each a tabula rasa, on which the uni- versity must somehow manage to inscribe an "education." I sincere- ly hope that such an attitude is a gross insult touat least every per- son who is in Honors. Can it truly be that there is someone in Honors who never, in his previous academic or personal life, had contact with poetry and has no idea at all of how to read it? Of course, it is possible that the American educational philos- ophy of teaching high schoolers only those facts and methods necessary for College Boards has produced a generation of students who really don't have any "back- ground." It is exactly that American phi- losophy I just mentioned which constitutes the second, and really central, Satanic assumption of this editorial. This philosophy as- sumes that "education" is the learning of facts, not processes. The student may, indeed, read some poetry, and he may, indeed, learn to look for the theme or the rhyme, but what he never learns, is how to learn. He is never al- lowed to attack a problem which he has never approached before; he is never told to ask what does he know, what does he not- know, what does he need to know, where can he find out and where he might go from the solution. It is therefore assumed that, since the student entering the university knowns nothing, he is to be taught the specific facts and methods germaine to his fields of interest. Then, it is thought that he will, as an upper- classman, be perhaps intelligent enough to ask what the role of fate in "Oedipus Rex" is without guidance. As a graduate student he will perhaps be able to pursue "in- dependent study," never consider- ing that he might someday have to face a problem for which he has little or no "background" or for which the previous methods have been proved wrong. IT IS IN THIS nonphilosophy (since philosophy involves articu- late and considered methodology) of noneducation which keeps us rooted to our seats in lecture hall and in lecture-type recitation, waiting for our minds to be filled with the truth. Somehow, the educators and students think that when we get our BA we will have descend on our minds the ability to search after truth ourselves. And if the philosophy is this bad on the university level, it is unspeakable at the high school level, where students are reduced to computers who absorb facts and specific methods for no great- er end than the College Boards. But in the pitifully few cases where educators have dared to let students try to think, to learn for themselves, the results have been most astonishing. I took Anthro- pology 101 as a summer reading course and asked the teacher how the program seemed to him. He bubbled over with praise. The students, he said, digested the ma- terial, in which, presumably, most had absolutely no background, and evolved many central, probing and intelligent questions. They then proceeded, in most cases, to search, and find, in a most or- ganized fashion, sources which would help them to answer these questions. He reportedthat fully two- thirds of the students had done a "superlative" job of intelligent reading, assimilation, synthesis and inference of where to go from this beginning material. Dr. Otto Graf, chairman of the Honors Program, reports that he finds similar enthusiasm among teachers of those English courses which are offered in the program, among teachers of introductory history courses which involve, he says, as much method as fact- and in other departments in the program. It is a fact that the teacher of Anthropology 101 assigned two volumes of collected papers from which students could get their background. Of course, the teach- er must give the student help in starting. But the teacher who gives the student the entire methodology and basic facts is denying the student the crucial chance of learning how to learn. THE STUDENT who is 18 years of age or above, who has lived through the trauma of getting into college and who has managed to gain entry to Honors is indeed sad if he still can read "Oedipus Rex" and have to be told to ask what the role of fate is. But it is infinitely more sad-in fact, it is ludicrous if true-that an undergraduate, in or out of Honors, is incapable of going to the library to read if he needs background. Are we to be spoon- fed? Where students have never been confronteed with the realities of facing a problem, academic or otherwise, it will be difficult for them suddenly to start. But in the Honors Program, it seems ob- vious that .people are willing and capable of ,trying real learning, and it has been shown that they can do it. Thus, through an expansion of such programs as summer reading, the student-initiated Honors Col- loquia, Honors 299 and indepen- dent study and through expansion of the philosophy behind these programs, I hope that the Honors Council and its Steering Commit- tee can make the entire Honors Program into a totally real learn- ing experience which can someday be extended to the entire Univer- sity. (The author would like to en- courage comments, criticisms, and ideas on this topic, both in The Daily, and in the organs of the Honors Program). I- 0 )o What Kind of Book Service Can Best, Serve Students To the Editor: ROBERT JOHNSTON is com- pletely justified in arguing for a discount bookstore in Ann Arbor. However, his' contention that a University bookstore is unfeasible but a cooperative bookstore pos- sible is based on several miscon- ceptions. Some thoughts: First, a co-op bookstore requires active, monetary student support. The recent failure of an attempt- ed USNSA co-op bookstore on this campus and the general reluc- tance of students to support fu- ture-oriented projects makes the co-op ideal illusory. Second, a University owned bookstore will be able, after ini- tial capital investment, to exist with no subsidization other than tax exemption and certain utility payments, and still offer 10 per cent discounts on new textbooks. Third, conditions in the UGLI and on State St. sidewalks give dubious credence to the statement that "the student market is not really a large one." Not only is the student market large, but it is ex- panding rapidly. Moreover, it is a market whose economic alterna- tives are basically limited to the immediate campus area,.which is often remarkably homogeneous as to prices, services, and attitudes offered. FINALLY, a University cannot close its eyes to the economic situation confronting its students' Should the student bear the bur- den of securing for himself a dis- of merchandise besides books would solve not only the boo] problem but the general prob of the high retail costs in Arbor for anything ande thing. Exorbitant markup b; efficient merchants would 1 placed by normal markup fast-paced cooperative and at addition an end-of-the-yeari on all purchases. Birth Co To the Editor: BIRTH dCONTROL infot should be made avails all persons desiring them. holding information and/ vices has little, if any eff chastity. The availabilityc or any other form of contra device will not be the ma terminant of morality. Tho are going to have inte probably will anyway, resor less-sure methods; those won't, won't. In any cas should always be an individ cision. American society con abortions and illegitimacy. also condemns any met] avoiding these, short of c abstinence. It seems to m a more sensible and reali- titude would be to makec ceptive devices availablet person who wishes. The policy of having a obtain parental permissi meet with some sort of a is perfectly inane. Those least likely to be "worthy . his Dkstore lem of Ann every- by in- be re- by a low in no less worthy of receiving birth control devices than those who can convince a psychologist or physician that their actions are a result of mature, well-grounded decisions. rebate A SECOND POINT is that it is not the business of the university to impose its standards upon stu- dents-some, all or any. By mak- ntrol ing it difficult for one to obtain contraceptives which provide more than a 50 or 60 per cent chance of safety, the university should not matio be so naive as to think its is cur- Wit o tailing much, if any, sexual ac- or de- tivity. fect on It would be far better if any of pills student (or nonstudent) could ob- ceptive tain contraceptives as he wished. jor de- Then the decision would be se who whether to engage in sexual ac- rcourse tivity in and of itself, which is the rting to way it should be. This would e who eliminate extraneous factors that e, this might otherwise take precedence ual de- in the decision. Intercourse, whether in or out of marriage, can ndemns be for significantly more than pro- Yet it creation. hod of With contraceptives available, omplete people will be free to make mis- ne that takes-and to learn something stic at- from their mistakes-but they will contra- also be really free to decide what is to any right for their particular relation- ship, and the richness or lackof person richness will be a result of the ion or relationship itself and not involve pproval any secondary, extrinsic appre- cases hensions. of this select administrators have the re- sponsibility of supervising our education. They are responsible to the Regents. These administrators should not allow themselves to be pressured.' It is not the students responsi- bility to run the university. The students know less about the ad- ministration of a university than our administrators. I would as- sume, however, that the adminis- tration is open to the opinions and suggestions of the students. STUDENT demonstrators are students who do not belong here because they feel that another university is better than ours, and they think that they know more than all the administrators com- bined, although they know less about administration. I feel that most of the admin- istrators are both capable of doing their job and also interested In the university. Most of the students I know feel the same. -Eugene Mauch, '69 r "What Am I Doing Helping To Plant This Thing?" I ' 4,,, P