PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY gylvnAV nrmntt'vnm 2 tihar THE MICHIE~AN flATly U11IJAX3 UUTUBER 3, 1965 MSU Surge Beats Illini; SMU Ties Purdue 'Feminist' Invades Grid Sphere By The Associated Press EAST LANSING - Michigan State, frustrated in th early part of the game and hampered by bad breaks in the first half, roared back for two touchdowns in the final quarter and stopped Illinois 22-12 in the Big Ten opener for' both schools yesterday. Michigan State, ranked No. 9 in the nation, came to life after an 86-yard power drive in the fourth period paced by quarterback Steve Juday and fullback Bob Apisa sent MSU ahead for the first time 15-12. The Spartans added their sec- ond final period touchdown after intercepting an Illinois pass and moving the ball across the goal line on an 8-yard pass from Ju- day to end Gene Washington. Apisa, one of coach Duffy Daugherty's imports from Hawaii, INSTN MILDNESS yours with YELLO- DBOLE' 'plunged over from the 10 for the first last-quarter score. Illinois was ahead 12-9 before State came to life. It looked at first as if the combination of Fred Custardo, the Ilhni quarterback kicker, and fullback Jim Grabow- ski would be too much for the home team. MSU tacklers were unable to grab Grabowski and he scored the first touchdown against the Spar- tans this season in the first period., A Custardo extra point, a field goal and a safety against MSU added to this to give the Illini their edge. Michigan State /had a touch- down and a field goal for the nine points before the team caught on fire. Purdue Ties DALLAS, Tex.-Battered South- ern Methodist arose from one of its worst defeats to tie Purdue, the nation's No. 2 team, 14-14 yes- terday, missing two chances to score in the fading seconds that could have produced the upset of the year. Mac White, the Southern Meth- odist quarterback, led the Mus- tangs on a last-half surge that had a slim crowd of 17,000 on its toes all the way. White passed for both touch- downs, and Dennis Partee, a sophomore, kicked two extra points. Partee also had a field goal try blocked in the last 14 seconds. Bob Griese, the great Purdue passer, lived up to his reputation by throwing for both of the touchdowns, but his fumble gave SMU its last opportunity to score. Southern Methodist only last week was crushed 42-0 by Illinois A 3 r 1 HUCKLEBERRY FINN and Tom Sawyer are easier when you let Cliff's Notes be your guide. Cliff's Notes expertly summarize and explain the plot and characters of more than 125 major plays and novels-including Shake- speare's works. Improve your understanding-and your grades. Call on Cliff's Notes for help in any literature course. 125 Titles in all -among them these favorites: Hamlet - Macbeth - Scarlet Letter Tate of Two Cities - -Mby Dick Return of the Native - The Odyssey - Julius Caesar- Crime and Punishment - The Iliad - Great Expectations " Huckleberry Finn - King Henry IV Part I " Wuthering Heights." King Lear " Pride and Preudice,- Lord Jim Othello - Gulliver's Travels - Lord of theFlies $1 at your bookseller or write: CLIFF'S NOTESINC. Bethany Station, Lincoln,Nebr.68505 By GRETCHEN TWIETMEYER 72 yards for touchdowns to give embattled Notre Dame as38-7 vic- I'm a femininist, a violent ad- tory over Northwestern in the vocate of the Public Accomoda- Irish home football opener yes- tions Act, a passionate woman's terday. rights picketer. W i t h inspired Northwestern Not really. ahead 7-6 late in the third quarter, I just happen to be the only Rassas seemingly handed the non-male on the Michigan Daily Wildcats another scoring chance Sports Staff and most of the when he fumbled a punt and time it's pretty nice. Northwestern recovered on Notre l However, I am a mystery to Dame's 20. the rest of the staff, who simply But three plays later, the 185- cannot figure out why I joined pound senior intercepted a Wild- in the first place. Usually I tell cat pass on the Irish eight and them that I wanted to be on the raced 92 yards behind a bevy of blockers for a touchdown. Then, in Notre Dame's runaway final quarter, Rassas completely demoralized Northwestern by{ streaking 72 yards through the en- tire Wildcat team for his second, touchdown. That made it 24-7 for the Irish and shut the gate on the 17-point underdog Wildcats who had the: Irish on the ropes for almost' three quarters. Daily and I wanted to write sports. So, despite rumblings from some cf the die-hard, anti-femin- inist traditionalists who believe that only men belong on the sports staff, I am here to stay. Actually, the staff did find a rather novel use for me. They di- rected me to write up the game from my unpremeditated, inex- perienced point of view. Big Switch The main problem in switch- ing from carefree spectator to ser- ious reporter is one of demean- or. The press detachedly analyzes MICHIGAN STATE'S BAREFOC a field goal in yesterday's 22-1 The kick brings the Hawaiian'sf year, already an MSU season reco and in the first half yesterday indicated it might be in for an- other one-sided defeat as Purdue, on the passing of Griese and the receiving of Bob Hadrick, pulled to a 14-0 lead. But the Methodists got a touchdown in the third per- iod and another in the fourth. Missouri Triumphs MINNEAPOLIS - Quarterback Gary Lane scored two touchdowns, set up a field goal with a long run, and directed a grinding Missouri ground attack- which hammered down Minnesota 17-6 yesterday. The Tigers, posting their second straight victory after a season openifig loss to Kentucky, rammed' through Minnesota's defense for 324 yards rushing, and dominated Iowa Felled MADISON, Wis. - Wisconsin, -- plagued by penalties, interceptions )TED kicker, Dick Kenny, boots and a stubborn Iowa defense, broke through on a 42-yard Chuck 12 Spartan victory over Illinois. Burt to Louis Jung touchdown field goal total up to six for the pass with 3:42 left to play and rd. surprised the Hawkeyes 16-13 yes- terday in the Big Ten football the game except for the Gophers' opener for both teams.. 42 yard scoring drive late in the A Hawkeye gamble that back- third quarter. fired set up the winning play as Minnesota managed to get into Iowa elected to take a safety a Missouri territory only three few seconds before rather than other times, and never got closer kick out of its own end zone than the Tiger 28 on the other against a hard driving Wisconsin occasion. defense. | occasion1 Lane, running Minnesota dizzy when he couldn't find pass re- ceivers open, raced 20 and 11 yards for touchdowns in the first half. He also galloped 28 yards to set up a 28 yard field goal by Bill Bates in the fourth quarter that gave the Tigers their final edge. NU Crushed SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Safety Nick Rassas suddenly switched from goat to hero, racing 92 and -- I Big Ten Standings Conference OSU Wins SEATTLE-Bob Funk's slightly angled field goal from the 17-yard line with only 59 ticks left on the clock earned Ohio State a 23-21 football victory over the Huskies of Washington._ The burly Buckeyes, trying for their first 1965 triumph after a defeat by North Carolina last week, marched from their own 20- yard' line to get within kicking range in a fine display of coolness under pressure. Indiana Dropped AUSTIN, Tex. (P)---Top-rank- ed Texas' vaunted defense leakedI for two Indiana touchdowns last night, but the Longhorns crank- ed up four scoring drives to whip the Hoosiers 27-12 in an inter- sectional game. Texas, a three-touchdown fav- orite, held only a 7-6 lead mid- way of the second quarter, but rallied for two tallies in that per- iod and another in the third quar- ter, pushing its record to 3-0. -Daily-Jim Lines APPLYING A CRUSHING HOLD to Wolverine quarterback Wally Gabler, Georgia defensive lineman Dickie Phillips helps to thwart the last-ditch Michigan drive in the final quarter. Gabler moved the Blue attack 30 yards with his passing before the Bulldogs rose to the challenge and killed the Michigan hopes. Dodgers Win Pennant y Stoppin Braves Michigan State Northwestern Wisconsin MICHIGAN Ohio State Purdue Minnesota Illinois Iowa Indiana W 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Pct. 1.000 1.000 1.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 PF 22 20 16 0 0 0 0 12 13 0 PA 12 0 13 0 0 0 0 22 16 20 W 3 1 1 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 L 0 2 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 2 All Games T PF PA 0 58 15 0 41 62 1 22 39 0 51 46 0 26 35 1 77 35 1 39 51 0 64 34 0 40 30 0 31 53 By The Associated Press LOS ANGELES - Los Angeles clinched the National League flag in typical Dodger style yesterday, defeating Milwaukee, 3-1, behind the four-hit pitching of Sandy Koufax. The victory, their 14th in the last 15 games, climaxed a 17-day comeback that brought the Dodg- ers from four and a half games in back of San Francisco to their third pennant in the last seven years. Los Angeles now faces the Major League Standings NATIONAL ROUNDUP: Gators Stun LSU; Kentucky Upset AMERICAN LEAGUE W L x-Minnesota 101 60 Chicago 94 67 Baltimore 93 68, Detroit 89 72 Cleveland 87 74 New York 76 85, California 75 86 Washington 69 ;92 Boston 62 99 Kansas City 59 102 x-Clinched pennant. E Pct. GB .628- .584 7 .578 8 .553 12 .541 14 .472 25 .466 26 .428 32 .385 39 .368 42 By The Associated Press Aristocrat, Billiard Shape, $5.95 and $6.95 No matter what you smoke you'll like Yello-Bole. The new formula, honey lining insures Instant Mild- ness; protects the imported-briar bowl-so completely, it's guaran- teed against burn out for life. Why not change your smoking habits the easy way - the Yello-Bole way. $2.50 to $6.95. Spartan Checker Thorn $2.50 $3.50 $4.95 Official Pipes New York World's Fair Free Booklet tells how to smoke a pipe; shows shapes, write: YELLO-BOLE PIPES, INC., N.Y. 22, N.Y., Dept. 100. By the makers of KAYWOODIE GAINESVILLE, Fla. - Steve Spurrier fired Florida back into the Southeastern Conference foot- ball race yesterday with deadly passing that carried the Gators to a 14-7 upset of fifth-ranked Louis- iana State. The Tigers' attempt to prevent their first loss of the yelr in their conference debut was hampered by fumbles, one on the Florida two-yard line with four minutes to play. Louisiana State never led as! Spurrier, lanky junior quarterback, tossed a 22-yard touchdown strike to open the scoring. He also hit passes of 28, 14, 16 and 9 yards in an 86-yard scoring drive in the third period that gave Florida a 2-1 season mark. Kentucky Upset AUBURN, Ala. - Tom Bryan, running fiercely and passing with deadly accuracy, led an aroused Auburn football team to a 23-18 victory yesterday over sixth- ranked Kentucky. The 6-foot, 195-pound junior quarterback scored one touch- down and set up two others with rifle-like passes and with repeated fast-getaway runs. Auburn's awesome defense kept the dreaded Rodger Bird bottled up throughout the game except at the outset when the hard driving Wildcat halfback got away for two long gains. UCLA Triumphs UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - UCLA grabbed a 17-point lead over Penn State yesterday, then staved off a final quarter come- back to salvage a 24-22 football victory. Moving behind the passing and running of sophomore Gary Be- ban, the Bruins started out to turn the game into a rout, cashing in on costly Nittany Lion mistakes for their early lead. * * *, Nebraska Romps LINCOLN, Neb.-Nebraska's im- proving defensive platoon strait- jacketed Iowa State yesterday and the third-ranked Cornhuskers, af- ter a scoreless first period, ram- bled to a 44 to 0 Big Eight foot- DEER-PlZZA-BANJOS BIMBO'S ball triumph before a record crowd of 54,125. So spirited was the ball-hawk- ing of the Nebraska defenders that Iowa State was unable to even cross the midfield stripe. Nebraska scored 16 points in the second quarter and turned the game into a rout in the third per- iod with three touchdowns, two of them in the space of 23 seconds. * * -* Army Wins WEST POINT, N.Y.-Army took advantage of two second half breaks yesterday to dump highly rated Boston College from the r a n k s of unbeaten football teams 10-0. The first came on a recovered fumble in the third period with Army taking possession on the Eagles' 22. Boston stopped Army on the 15, but Barry Nickerson booted a 32-yard field goal. The second Army break was in the final period when Army took the ball on Boston's 30 after a wobbly punt and advanced to the 12, from where Curt Cook passed to Sam Champi on fourth down for the touchdown. Maryland Dropped COLLEGE PARK, Md.-Floyd Little, his jersey in tatters and limping on one leg at the end of a rough, penalty - peppered football game, ran for three touchdowns yesterday in carrying Syracuse to a 24-8 victory over Maryland. The flashy junior, held score- less the first two games this sea- son, ran 72 yards for a touchdown the second time Syracuse had the ball. He was knocked groggy and out of the game midway of the second quarter but returned to go two yards for a third-period touchdown and nine for another in the last. Little ran the ball 23 times for 152 yards to lead Syracuse on a comeback after last Saturday's 24-0 rout by Miami, Fla. The Orange beat Navy in its opener. Maryland matched Little's first touchdown in the second quarter on a 19-yard run by sophomore tailback Ernie Torain. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Detroit 9-6, Washington 1-2 Cleveland 2, Baltimore 1 New York 6, Boston 4 Chicago 12, Kansas City 0 California 5, Minnesota 4 TODAY'S GAMES New York at Boston Detroit at Washington Baltimore at Cleveland Kansas City at Chicago California at Minnesota NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pct. GB American League champion Min- nesota Twins in the World Series starting Wednesday in Minneapo- lis. San Francisco edged Cincinnati, 3-2, in another Saturday game but lost all chance for the title when the Dodgers topped the Braves. Koufax, working with only two days of rest, struck out 13 while earning his 26th triumph against eight defeats. Los Angeles broke open a 1-1 tie in the fifth inning with a pair of runs on only one hit. Tony Cloninger, now 24-11, suffered the loss for Milwaukee. The Dodgers, who were in first place for all but 38 days of the season, took the flag without a .300 hitter on the team. If you've never flown an just $5 puts you at the controls of a Cessna 150 For only $5 you can sit in the pilot's seat alongside a government-li- censed instructor and fly a Cessna 150 while he explains and demon- strates how easy a Cessna handles. Later you'll be presented a flight log with your first flight lesson entered...a permanent record that is yours to keep and add to! You can fly every day or once a week or whatever your time will allow. Call Today, FLY NOW MICHIGAN'S LEADING CESSNA DEALER TWINING AVIATION, Inc. Ann Arbor Municipal Airport ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN NOrmandy 3-9321 every play and looks with scorn at the cheerleadety~ .onduct I display. It took a fe6w playse- fore I managed to balance pen- cils and papers so precariously that there was no temptation to stand up and cheer. However; I ended up umping around quite a bit anyway With all the excitement, how could I help it? Take, for instancethe sequence in which we recovered a Geor- gia fumble, we recovered our own fumble, and Georgia recov- ered our fumble in three succes- sive plays. Exciting. Lousy Pass Or how about the section of my "notes" that read, andI quote: "LQusy pass, illegal procedure against Michigan, 7 minutes an- other lousy pass; overheard-our defense is good enough for State." I defy you to tell me which quar- ter it was. Though my patriotic self could still yell "Go Blue," my cynical and objective self could only say, "What a farce." But being a girl also means being a perennial optimist and I have the perfect rationalization for the game. We have been re- lying too much on past luck and glory and maybe the defeat will tighten up the team and make some of our tremendous yardage show on the score. But in spite of the botch we made, nobody can convince me that State will win, Til next week, I'll just agree with my dorm- mates that "the band was great." Last week at The Tanganyika Golf Course a golfer about to sink a 6 footputt was carried off by a ferocious lion. Of course you won't have that problem at the-. Arnold,'; Palmer Putting Courtse, THE ALLIGATORS HAVE SCAREDALL THE LIONS AWAY PUTTING COURS4 f ~(Your Address) "etnud by Arnold Palmer -nterprles. In.. PiegMtll.. . ARBORLANU OPENING SPECIAL I , ' Pla for 2 The rieof I Take this coupon to your Arnod A Palmer Putting Course and (two)I z players can play for the price ofI I (one). offer good untilmidnigt (date) I I mkr aareaCuum.Pn iwCY p&4 I A I " .1 PALM Rs UTTN OI 0 4 x-Los Angeles San Francisco Cincinnati Pittsburgh Milwaukee Philadelphia St. Louis Chicago Houston New York 96 94 89 89 86 83 79 72 65 65 67 72 72 75 76 81 S89 96 110 .597 - .584 2 .553 7 .553 7 .535 10 .521 12 .494 16Y2 .447 24 .403 31 .311 4512 '4 'x-Clinched pennant. JOHN HARRISON DELIVERS 11 Welcome Back Students "Your Hair Problems Are Our Care !" VISIT The Dascola Barbers (near Michigan Theatre) or The U of M Barbers (North U. near Kresge's) FIRST 1966 MUSTANG YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Philadelphia 6, New York 0 (2nd called, curfew 18 inn) Pittsburgh 3, Chicago 0 St. Louis 6, Houston 3 San Francisco 3, Cincinnati 2 Los Angeles 3, Milwaukee 1 . TODAY'S GAMES Philadelphia at New York Chicago at Pittsburgh St. Louis at Houston Mi'waukee at Los Angeles Cincinnati at San Francisco NOWL' 4 -In ANN.CURRENT ANNUAL RATE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION summi me imui IMPORTANT NEWS! For University of Michigan Faculty and Staff Michigan Bell invites you to visit an activated demonstration of data-phone services and compbter inout-outout devices. * * I 1 F moo. . - mwmw l GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe i -11 - . . . . . .m.u. MONDAY, OCT. 4, NOON LUNCH, 25c 11 iii r 141 MONDAY, OCT. 4, NOON LUNCH, 25c "I U U III .1 I II i