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October 03, 1965 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-03

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SMUU ........14 Notre Dame ...38 MSU*..........22 Wisconsin .....16 Missouri .17 OhioState.....23
Purdue .......14 Northwestern .7 Illinois ........12 Iowa ..........13 Minnesota .O... 6 Washington...21

Texas.........27 Slippery Rock .13
Indianc.......12 Ediinboro ...... O

See Editorial Page



Windy and cooler,
especially later this evening

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom


By LLOYD GRAFF honestyb
Acting Sports Editor Wolverin
cending 4
It wasn't the type of excruciat- cend ig
ing loss thathknifes your memory went Mi
with sordid details. And it wasn'tt
a smear that you snicker about
after the momentary sting sub- The te
sides. most gid
It was an empty 15-7 loss, a tomed n
bland and unspectacular defeat. they we:
It was a game you won't long re- ranking.
member, and if it adheres to your attack, s
memory at all, you'll recall the fense, an
score, not the action. necessityt
Michigan . once again proved that pun
that it hasn't jelled. After inching igan hop
by North Carolina and California, son.
two teams which must in all In pick

be labelled inferior, the ( figment


Wolverines, 15-7

of the sportswriter's dime at least on a half dollar, and

es encountered an
Georgia team. And
chigan's eight game


Gid.'y Bulldogs
,nth-ranked Bulldogs, al-
dy with their unaccus-
national status, showed
re worth the pollsters
A thumping running
mart and efficient de-
d accvrate passing when
dictated, were the prongs
ctured any vague Mich-
es for an undefeated sea-
ing a turning point, that

clunking imagination, you've got
to point to a guy named Preston
Ridlehuber; as unlikely a name
for a quarterback as say Francis
Tarkenton, a Georgia alum.
With Michigan leading 7-6, 4:11
left in the fourth quarter, the ball
on the Michigan 28, Ridlehuber
rolled out to his left on first and
ten. The Wolverine defense shoW-
ed good penetration and Ridle-
huber saw a sheath of Blue in
front of him. The instincts of a
polished runner and a scared
human being prompted him to
abruptly change his mind about
running around left end. He pivot-
ed sharply, if not on the proverbial

hightailed it for the right side-
line. Out of the Blue came a sex-
tet of fiery red jerseys. You'd have
though they were hiding in the
grass. The red menace, incarnate.
Follows Masses
Ridlehuber followed his swarm
for 22 yards to the Michigan six.
Two plays later he flipped a pass
on an option play to ace end Pat
Hodgson for the deciding touch-
down. It put the score at 12-7.
Georgia tried for two points, but a
leaping Dick Wells slammed a
Ridlehuber aerial to the ground
just before it was to reach its

As it turned out 12 points would
have been quite enough, but Geor-
gia couldn't resist racking up three
After taking the kickoff, Mich-
igan had one thing in mind. Move
fast, mighty fast and get the win-
ning touchdown. With just three
and a half minutes you don't call
dive plays. But on the first play
quarterback D i c k Vidmer got
creamed by Jiggy Ephram Smaha
(no kidding, that's his real name)
for a loss of five. Then Vidmer
called for the bomb. Jack Clancy,
Michigan's split end who snared
five passes for 90 yards, fled long.
Vidmer's pocket firmed as Clancy

darted 35 yards downfield. He
hurled a line drive pass that
cleared Clancy by a scant few feet,
The Georgia safety, Lynn Hugh-
es picked it off and rambled to
the Michigan nine.
When They Know
"It's always hard to throw long
when they know you're going to,"
remarked a dispirited Vidmer af
ter the game.
Four ineffectual plays later, Bob
Etter, a math major with a fond-
ness for multiplesr of three booted
his third field goal of the contest.
Score, 15-7. Time, 1:50 to go.
But hope, that lovely perversity,
See ATTACK, Page 7

City To Vote
On Huig1 r O



Daily-Jim Lines
BULLDOG FIELD; GENERAL Preston Ridlehuber cocks his arm
to throw a pass in yesterday's 15-7 Georgia upset of the Wol-
verines. Sparking the Bulldog attack, Ridlehuber rushed for 61
yards and passed for the lone Georgia touchdown.
What's New.
At' 764-1817
Ho tline
The provisional campus rules announced by Berkeley's
Chancellor R6ger Heyns, former* vice-president of academic
affairs at the University, have been supported by nine members
of the Committee of 200, an important faculty organization.
These members, who last year were in effect the steering com-
mittee for the group, believe that the rules properly "protect the
content of speech and political activity" at Berkeley.
Charles Cooper, '66, administrative vice-president of SGC,
has predicted that a motion will be forthcoming requesting a
major review of the International Center and the University's
philosophy toward the foreign student. Cooper added that he
and the University International Coordinators believe the review
will increase discussion on the possibility of a Vice-President
forInternational Affairs.
Panhellenic Association has passed a resolution urging
all students to support the idea of a University-owned discount
bookstore. They also urged support of Student Government
Council's attempts to make the bookstore a reality.
Long Distance
Michigan State University President John Hannah and John
A. Fuzak, the school's vice-president for student affairs, will have
to answer charges in federal court Tuesday concerning MSU's
refusal to readmit Paul Schiff, an activist who allegedly
"acted to disrupt the organization of the university." Schiff,
represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, is bringing suit
against Hannah, Fuzak and the MSU Board of Trustees for
violating his constitutional rights.
The Graduate Student Council at the University has rallied
to Schiff's support, condemning MSU for denying him readmis-
sion .and urging its faculty and student body to protest their
administration's policy.
The state legislature has agreed to consider passing
a $1.2 million excess college enrollment appropriation bill. The
money would be earmarked for possible use at Northern, Eastern,
Western and Central Michigan universities, Grand Valley State,
Ferris State, Michigan Tech, and Michigan State-Oakland. The
bill as part of the 1965-66 budget had been vetoed by Gov. George
Romney. He said at the time of his veto that a supplemental
appropriation could better take care of excess enrollment if the
situation arose.
Astronaut James McDivitt will attend the Michigan home-
coming with his family. McDivitt, command pilot of the Gemini 5
space flight and Michigan alumnus, will make use of the two
* day festivities for a brief reunion with his parents, who live in

Petition Forces Ballot
Within Two Weeks,
Challenges Council
An unexpected obstacle to es-
tablishment of Ann Arbor's first
housing commission emerged
Thursday, when George F. Lem-
ble, secretary for the Citizens'
Committee on Housing, submitted
a petition to City Attorney Jacob
Fahrner demanding that the con-
troversial issue be put on the
Two weeks ago, the City Coun-
cil approved on the second and
final reading an ordinance calling
for the housing commission. Lem-
ble's petition, however, means that
voters must go to the polls and
approve the new commission be-
fore citizens can be appointed to
serve on the committee.
Election Soon
According to the law, an elec-
tion is to be held within 15 days
of the filing of such a petition.
And, although this time period
has been termed "impractical" by
state elections director Robert,
Montgomery, indications are that
the election will in fact be held
on Oct. 15. Fahrner will receive
Montgomery's final recommenda-
tion tomorrow.
In response toiLemble's peti-
tions, the Federation for an Ann
Arbor Housing Commission, form-
ed last week, will hold a meeting
of its steering committee today,
and a meeting of all its 62 mem-
bers next Thursday at noon.
At the heart of the conflict
over the establishment of a com-
mission is the question of whether
the need for such a commission
has been clearly defined. Those
supporting the commission cite a
report by Prof. Robin Barlow of
the economics department and an-
other by Thomas H. Moore, Grad.
Low Incomes
One of the major conclusions of
the Barlow report states that 35
per cent (309 of 875) non-white
families in the Ann Arbor census
of 1960 had income below expendi-
ture needs.
In light of this, Barlow wrote,
"it seems clear that if low-cost
housing units were made available
at rents, say, $15 per month below
those charged on accommodation
of comparable quality in the poor-,
er sections of the city, then several
hundred such units would event-
ually be demanded."
Lemble has called the report
"at' best, not reliable." He cri-
ticized it for "the manner in
which it is based on indefinite1
factors of assumption, estimate1
and data which is not even cited."I
Moreover, he has labeled the data
used to compile the report out-




First Public
Appea rance
Eases Fears
President Claims
Control over Army,
Makes Appointments
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (P)
-Indonesia's President Sukarno
went on the air early this morn-
ing and, ordered an immediate
halt to the fighting that has
ripped the country.
It was the first time the 64-
year-old president has been heard
from since trouble broke out last
Thursday in his Southeast. Asian
nation. There had been serious
concern over his fate.
Sukarno, in a Jakarta radio
broadcast monitored in Kuala
Lumpur, said he had ordered all
Indonesian army commanders to
meet with him to investigate the
Controls Army
Sukarno said the whole army
is under his control and told the
people to remain calm.
Sukarno. said in his two and
one-half minute broadcast he had
appointed Maj. Gen. Branoto Rek-
satapmodoko, Atmodjo as tempor-
ary chief of the armed forces and
Ma'j. Gen. Suharto as temporary
army chief and commander of
operations to restore order in the
He made no mention of the fate
of Gen. Abdul Haris Nasution, 46,
the army forces commander and
defense minister. Available infor-
mation in.Kuala Lumpur indicat-
ed that Nasution had been shot
and wounded during the early
stages of the coup threat.
Jakarta radio, in an earlier
broadcast, had announced Su-

-Daily-Steve Goldstein
Station Manager John D. Evans, '66, is shown with Howard S. Evans, Jr. (left) and Willard Schroeder (right), past National Associa-
tion of Broadcasters chairman, at the dedication ceremonies for the new WCBN studios. The new studios, in the planning stages for four
years, are located in the Student Activities Building. Heretofore, WCBN has operated from facilities in the quardangles.

SGC Committee Ready

To Start

Discount Bookstore Campaign.

Student Government Council's
Committee for a University Book-
store today will put the finish-
ing touches on plans for its cam-
paign to show widespread stu-
dent s'ipport for the creation of
a University-sponsored discount
bookstore; the campaign itself will
start tomorrow.
The members of the committee
have been gathering information
concerning the feasibility of or-
ganizing such a bookstore at
the University for the past four
months. They have correspond-
ed with book dealers, other uni-
versity bookstores and other stu-
dent government councils., These

efforts have produced' plans for
an extensive campaign to demon-
strate student support for the
idea to the Regents.
The major obstacle to a suc-
cessful campaign is a 1929 Re-
gents ruling forbidding economic
competition by the University.
The ruling states that the Re-
gents will not "encourage or ap-
prove the establishment of co-
operative mercantile organiza-
tions within University buildings
or under circumstances that will
give such enterprises special ad-
vantages in the way of lower
rents, freedom from taxation or
other cooperation on the part of
the University."
Committee member Mickey Ei-
senberg, '67,- said recently that
this seemed inconsistent with
present policy because the Uni-
versity sells laboratory supplies;
allows the Michigan Union and
Women's League to sell paper-
back books, magazines and con-
fectionaries; allows snack bars in
University buildings; provides mi-
crofilming and duplicating serv-

tion with the policy of the ad-
ministration and the Regents. Ei-
senberg said that he could not
understand why University offi-
cials do not take interest in stu-
dent economic welfare when it
coincides with educational objec-
Campaign To Start
Tomorrow the actual campaign
will begin, as buttons saying "Why
Not? Dammit!" and "Students? or
Merchants?" will be sold for one
penny to those wishing to show
their support for the bookstore.
In aaddition, petitions will be
available at strategic locations
around the University. Other
plans have not as yet been re-
Eisenberg indicated that some
support may be sought from the
state Legislature and parents, but
that this is not certain at this
The owner of Ulrich's Bookstore
has shown some concern and has
prepared "Facts About Book-
stores"-an answer to the con-
tention that a solvent bookstore

TI nivprT stv' Fi nt r9.,mj1iyy,4' icn

v11vublu 5 '111 ca us, Wnlc,
in conjunction with Flint Junior
College, operates a bookstore that
offers five to 10 per cent discount
and charges nos ales tax. One
item to compare might be the
familiar sweatshirt, which is sold
for $3 at the University and for
$2.15 at the Flint campus.
Arrest 271 in
Rights March
NATCHEZ, Miss. (P) - Police
broke up a civil rights march
yesterday, arresting 271 demon-
strators and holding them in the
city auditorium.
The Negroes, with a few whites,
sang "freedom songs" as they
sat in the auditorium, awaiting
the next legal move.
Officers said bond was set at
$200 each for demonstrators
charged with parading without a
Chancellor Curtis Collins en-

See related story, Page 3
harto's appointment. He appar-
ently has been in command of the
troops that staged the govern-
ment's comeback drive after Su-
harto replaced Gen. Achmad Ya-
ni, Nasution's right-hand man,
who has been reported killed by
the rebels.
No Condemnation
Indonesian observers here said
after the broadcast they felt it
significant that Sukarno did not
immediately condemn the leaders
of the abortive coup engineered
by Lt. Col. Untung, command-
ant of Sukarno's personal body-
Untung's rebellion was believed
to be a pro-Communist attempt
to seize power. It was followed
by fighting between government
and rebel forces in Jakarta and
other parts of Indonesia.
A "state of war" and dawn-to-
dusk curfew were ordered in
Jakarta. Government forces were
setting up antiaircraft guns-ap-
parently because of the question-

/Daily Sparks Dispute over Power's Gift,

Assistant Managing Editor

pear the day of the President's
Premiere of this fall's Associa-
.fn Dno .A.y'insrA ..4.-d .nn

Xerox Corp. stock to the Univer-
sity on Dec. 24, 1963. At the time
of '9v f. P~ nilla. -e nr -lf nf

at the time of receipt, the Univer-
sity would have obtained a com-
hipr t-n- - 40'n n nn

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