m Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OFSTUDENT PUBLICATIONS Power's Gift: Ghronology and Fact = - ww Where Opinions 1 Areree, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, OCTOBER 2, 1965 , NIGHT EDITOR: LAUREN BAHR The Schiff Case at MSU: A Test of Student Freedom HE CURRENT FACTION fight within the local campus left has unfortu- tely obscured a far more meaningful uggle at Michigan State: Paul Schiff's ht for academic freedom. The court :ision on Schiff's lawsuit against the 3U administration will set an impor- it precedent in the battle for student 'hts. [he trouble is that students at the iversity shrug off the affair as some-, ng that could never happen here, and m forget it. True, the situation in East nsing is quite different from that in n Arbor. Schiff himself admitted that, his type of arbitrary action is less like- here than at MSU." But we at the Uni- sity must not sit back complacently, ile student rights are endangered. Until last year there was no organized dent activism at MSU. When Schiff ped found the Committee for Student ghts (CSR), loosely modeled on , the rkeley Free Speech Movement, MSU ninistrators shook in their: shoes. Se- e East Lansing, scene of nothing wild- than the usual frat orgies, was in rtal danger. HRIFF BEGAN advocating the aboli- tion of the medieval in-loco-parentis trine and called for a new student- ninistration dialogue to replace uni- sity paternalism. To the horror of the, ninistration, this poison was spread the dorms by CSR's newsletter Logos. tribution of literature in the dorms s immediatelybanned, retroactively, the grounds that it constituted an asion of privacy. Of course, delivery of MSU newspaper, the State News, is regarded as, an invasion of privacy ause its editor considers letters con- ning the Schiff case "too controver- 1" for publication. chiff continued to hand out Logos ause he felt the restriction was un- istitutional. During the spring °term, which he was not enrolled, Schiff ted Logos and was involved in action civil rights, housing and Viet Nam. Vhen Schiff applied for re-admission the summer he was accepted by the history department, but rejected by the administration because he had "acted to disrupt the organization of the uni- versity." The administration had singled out Schiff as the leader of the growing student movement and was going to make an example of him. If Schiff could be kept out of MSU purely because the administration didn't like his ideas, this would discourage future student dissent. Schiff went/to the American Civil Liber- ties Union, which immediately recog- nized the importance of the case. The suit begins Monday in Grand Rapids Fed- eral District Court and will go all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. THE CONSTITUTIONAL rights of stu- dents everywhere are at stake. Paul Schiff was tried and judged in secret be- cause he dared to rock the boat. He is asking to be reinstated with an affirma- tion of his right to free speech and due process. If he wins, then administrators of schools across the country will have to think twice about expelling dissenters. Udoubtedly things are better in Ann Arbor, but students can never afford to take freedom for granted. The recent flap over the Fishbowl sign revealed pow- erful pro-censorship sentiment in some quarters. Adherents of freedom must not fail to take immediate action to safe- guard constitutional rights in Ann Arbor, East Lansing, or anywhere else. Berkeley's FSM accomplished much through mass demonstration, but was effective only on a local level. A victory for Schiff in federal court will have na- tionwide effect. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS and faculty must rally to the cause of Paul Schiff because it is their cause as well. Con- certed effort in support of academic free- dom will result in a vital legal precedent upholding student rights. Hopefully cam- pus activists will bury the leaflet and unite to protect common interests, for a house divided has little chance against the multiversity monolith. -DOUGLASS CHAPMAN THE REAL ISSUE in the Power theatre gift controversy is how long-range plans for University development and commitment of funds are made and who shall be included in this planning process. It is not really clear what deci- sions have been made with re- pect to the theatre, but it is clear that Regent Power and President Harlan Hatcher are the only ones who really know what has been going on. It is further clear that commit- ments have been made, or were almost made Tuesday evening,, that The Daily and its Senior Edi- tors and much of the University community, including many of the vice-presidents, would not have approved of, for reasons outlined in the Senior Editors' editorial. THE CHRONOLOGY of the story is as follows: It was revealed to Daily report- ers several months ago that Power was planning a $1 million gift' to build a theatre and that, various University sources would have to be tapped to supply the rest of the money for a $3 million or so build- ing. Such a leak is not unusual; Power told the Detroit News Wednesday that his involvement had been "common knowledge" for some time. The information given above was printed in The Daily's news digest early this term. We were aware, in other words, of the gift and its unfortunate im- plications for the University some time ago. It was by accident that one of our reporters learned of the impending announcement Tuesday night - from Power himself. He didn't say this directly but strong- ly hinted that "there would be a story." The Senior Editorial was writ- ten to in some way head off that announcement, a n d apparently succeeded. What is disturbing is that not even an outline of a theatre financing program has yet been presented to the Regents, and the vice-presidents have had only very peripheral; contact with the whole affair. And, as Regent Irene Murphy's letterdto The Daily Thursday re- vealed, things have been going on for quite a long time. In January, 1964 the Regents accepted 2000 shares of Xerox Corp. stock from Power for "a special fund." The gift was anonymous and it was understood to be for a theatre. An additional 1000 shares were given in December, 1964 for the same purpose, and the total worth of both gifts at the time they were accepted was $1 million. If the University still owns them, which is not clear yet, they are worth about $1.8 million. They may, however, have been sold on receipt. Further, it is very unusual for the Regents to accept gifts with- out seeing a clearly-outlined pro- gram for their use. No such pro- gram was presented on the occa- sion of either the first or second gift. ANOTHER interesting element entered the picture in 1964 sev- eral months after the first gift. A University committee was formed, chaired by Dean James Wallace of the music school, to study the need for more University theatre and concert hall space and de- velop plans to meet the assessed needs. The committee was not to deal with financial problems, whether related to University funds, don- ors or whatever. The committee did not know anything of Power's anonymous gift until several months after they had begun work and have at no time then or since been in communication with him. They are, however, well along in developing plans for a theatre building and "know of no other projects being planned or any- where near ready for announce- ment." But Power is, known to have done preliminary work with an architect and a theatre con- sultant and, presumably, plans were well-advanced in preparation' for the Tuesday announcement. Yet both Po\ver and Wallace deny any contact with each other's planning. The more puzzling aspects of the situation have been Power's and Hatcher's responses this week. Power was told of The Daily's in- tent to run an editorial Monday evening as it was being prepared, and was unwilling to discuss the matter "until an announcement is Michigan MAD By ROBERT JOHNSTON prepared." We asked only a clarification of the situation with respect to the gift itself. No such clarification has been forthcoming, only con- fusion. Various comments from Power and Hatcher in a Wednesday ar- ticle in the Detroit News contra- dict their comments for The Daily as well as facts about the gift that have since emerged, mainly under the impetus of Mrs. Mur- phy's letter. It was' assumed by the Detroit News and The Daily and at no point contradicted by Power that the gift had not yet been made, while Mrs. Murphy's letter, and a subsequent check of Regents' meetings revealed that it had. Power told the Detroit News that he was not reconsidering the gift, while he told The Daily Thursday night that he was. ANOTHER question is why the gift was made so long ago with only vague plans for its use and why nothing has been done with it yet. (As a point of information, Xerox acquired University Micro- films, of which Power was presi- dent and founder, in April, 1962. Xerox gave in payment 50,000, shares of Xerox stock to an Ann Arbor realty company apparently connected with Power and his wife. Power now sits on the Xerox board of directors.) In spite of all the confusion, the essential point The Daily made Tuesday remains the same-that it is highly inappropriate for a large University financial com- mitment to be made to a theatre building project in view of the many pressing educational needs in the University, needs which any dean or even department chairman could document from his own experience, not to men- tion larger program needs such as the residential college for which no viable financing plan has yet been found. The further point must be made as strongly as possible that deci- sions have been made regarding this commitment of money and establishment of developmental priorities w i t h o u t consultation. with and among the vice-presi- dents, the faculty or even, to some extent, the Regents, THERE IS no excuse for not Working out a coherent, well- planned and feasible program for the future development of this institution in its capital outlay, yearly operations, cultural growth and every other area. Once such plans are developed and agreed upon, it will be very easy to tell whether such project's as Power's have a place in the overall pro- gram, given the other needs. But such planning, or lack of it, and such decisions and the information needed to make them, should not be the exclusive prov- ince of . President Hatcher and Regent Power. * * * ALMOST AS complex but hardly as relevant as Power's gift and its accompanying problems is WCBN's construction of a "New Studio Complex" in the basement of the Student Activities Bldg., to be dedicated today. This $60,000 excursion into ir- relevancy was cooked up by "Chairman of the Board" John Evans, '66, its dedication an- nounced via a highly formal in- vitation, and the whole financed by an amazing complex of indus- trial donors, plus the University. For the dedication, Evans seemsa to think it necessary to bring in a Who's Who among Michigan in- dustrialists to listen' to the former chairman of the National Asso- ciation of Broadcasters. T h e WCBN staff is of course, invited to attend, assuming they adhere to dress regulations (the only ones in the University outside the Eng- lish department) and keep to the back of the room. Evans also has found it neces- sary to equip his station with maximum paneling, carpeting and telephone accounterments; maybe it makes the sound brighter, but it surely can't help what is said much. BUT THE financing and the space allocation are most interest- ing. The University - specifically, Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur Pierpont - was able to put up an unprecedented $25,000 loan. One is forced to ask what funds the loan came out of and who ought to be able to authorize such unusual uses for it. Nobody is offering any money for a bookstore, and the Univer- sity of Michigan Student Emp- loyee's Union does well to get a few reams of paper on credit. Strangely, Evans' father, a wealthy industrialist, is a big University contributor. He also chipped in a lot of plywood for his son's studios and offices, and Ford Motor, Mich- igan Bell, Precision Scientific, and United Press International added either money or goods and services. The University. Plant Depart- ment did much of the installation work and, according to Evans, lost money in the process because of an unusual fixed-bid contract. And, of course, the students chip- ped in for "wiring, painting and paneling," and dress regs were even relaxed for the purpose ("but those sweatshirts b e t t e r be clean"). A FINAL point is the huge space Evans got in the SAB for the studios. Student activities needs are really acute, yet he gets private offices, a "complex" of studios, the works, in other words. Somebody in the Office of Stu. dent Affairs ought to take a rap for that one, or the other student organizations' might try picketing the studios. One wonders, amidst the formal dedication and the great number of ties to industry and the Uni- versity, what happens to freedom of the press on WCBN. The great dedication is today. But what are they dedicating? Rooms? Carpet- ing? Push-button phones? A rep- tie staff? That isn't journalism, or even entertainment. It's c h r o m i u m status, which isn't going to do any of us any good. 0 4 N .4f A 'Dissident Rep lies to Shortt s Letter Birth Contr olies THIS WEEK the health service direc-. tar at Brown University admitted pre- scribing birth control pills to unmarried coeds, thus clarifying the traditionally- ambiguous position which universities have preferred to adopt on contraception. Though other Brown and Pembroke administrators refuse to adopt a solid stand on birth control, by not interfer- ing with health service operations they, too, have tacitly admitted the morality of birth control-or' at least students' freedom to accept it as moral. Though very few students know about M l THE DEBATE about dispensing birth control pills by college and university health services in the country has un- fortunately obscured the alarming ex- tent to which perverted and shameful sex practices are already going on at our own University campus. The brazen facts: --All female students are required to show their thesis to a professor at the end of their senior year. -Male and female students matricu- late together. -They must also share the same cur- riculum. -Scores of bachelor teaching assist- ants are known to practice celibacy. -Many students are at the University solely for achieving baccalaureate. -Many of the habitues of the Frieze Building are avowed thespians. WHAT MUST BE DONE to stop this? Certainly; the University cannot ig- ore its proper responsibility to act as a parent to preserve the health and wel- fare of students. And it must be admitted that most of the students participating in these it, individual doctors in this University's Health Service also can and do prescribe birth control pills for unmarried stu- dents. Yet Health Service Director Dr. Morey B. Beckett avoids the issue. He claims there is no health service policy on birth control pills but will not say that no one has received pills from doctors under his supervision. Other re- liable sources indicate that many stu- dents have received prescriptions. Dr. Beckett, however, has made no general announcement that the pills were avail- able-if only from some doctors. THE UNIVERSITY Health Service, like' Brown's administration, has already, however indirectly, admitted the free- dom of students to accept birth control as moral. It is time that the health service adopted a positive program-or at least made it known officially that birth control pills and devices are avail- able.w Why not let all students know that if they desire help, they can obtain it from competent professional people at the University? Allowing prescription of pills, perhaps with health service and the local Planned Parenthood Clinic working together, could be accompanied by counseling services. A coherent program of sex-edu- cation courses should also be developed to include more than the few courses now available in the sociology and psy- chology departments and the graduate division of the public health school. Of course even a counseling and sex education program does not insure that the prescription of pills will not become a vending machine-type of operation, with birth control devices passed out in- discriminately as a boon to promiscuity. But students can and should be trusted to decide, on the basis of their own sen- sitivities, in which cases premarital sex will be good for them. - To the Editor: VOICE POLITICAL PARTY is to be lauded if, in fact, Dick Shortt's call to interested parties to dis- cuss changes and grievances leads to some hard introspection, self criticism and eventual self im- provement. It speaks poorly for Voice that there wasn't more of the type of discussion Mr. Shorrt now calls for before Voice was threatened with being eclipsed by a new SDS chapter. The importance of self examina- tion, especially among young radi- cals who intend to promote change in their society, cannot be over- emphasized. I applaud its reap- pearance on this campus. In this context, I want to comment upon several points made by Dick Shortt in his letter to The Daily published Friday. First, Voice must realize that the claim that "those people who are now forming a second 'chap- ter' of SDS have not made a serious attempt to join and work. towards building the type of SDS chapter they would like to see at Michigan" is, with a few admitted exceptions, simply not true. For example, we "dissidents" were very active and outspoken at the fall retreat. Voice must ask itself why the dissidents failed to have more influence, why hostilities develop- ed. SECONDLY, the claim that the "actions of the dissident group have accomplished nothing but create (sic) more factionalism on this campus" is unreal and fool- ish. This past week has brought a lot of people, new and old, into meaningful dialogue and appar- ently has stimulated Voice. Hur- rah! I hope that the dialogue will continue to grow, and I call on all concerned persons to involve themselves. The future is extreme- ly uncertain and will be deter- mined 'by personal involvement. I personally find this vital dialogue to be intellectually exciting and heavily rewarding. Third, by way of detail, at the Voice election meeting, I did not explicitly speak for any candidate (Alan Jones or Stan Nadel); my main intention was to inject con- troversy in opposition to the very predictable election of Eric Ches- ter who was effectively "heir ex- pectant" to the chairmanship. (Are not "heir" and "hierarchy" related?) The attack was not directed at Chester personally, but at the system-a de facto hier- archy and a loosely defined ,es- tablishment. "Mr. Thorson himself," if I may be amused, could not declare him- self eligible for the chairmanship -even had he not been opposed to the very existence of the office -as he is temporarily a non- student and thereby prohibited from holding office under OSA IT IS DIFFICULT to say just what the Thursday night meeting of the "new chapter" signifies, but it did show that there is a great deal of concern on this campus for SDS. Small discussion groups will meet independently all next week. (Set up your own.) There will be a second mass meeting next Thursday night in the Union at 8 p.m. to continue to hash things out. The room number will be announced at a later date. -Robert Thorson Apathy, Concern To the Editor: YOU KNOW, I'm a good com- placent American. Just one of the vast multitude. I exist from day to day--eat, drink, sleep, go to class, read a little, and, in gen- eral, enjoy my commonplace existence. What's down inside of me usually stays there; I find it I, like many of my fellow Ameri- cans, sit back and accept the war in Viet Nam as a sort of "nasty," far-removed situation and secretly hope that for some reason I'll never be 1-A. I'll probably still be thinking that on the troopship going over, despite the fact that my inner self tells me that I am wrong. I sympathize with the civil rights movement and long to work on a summer project in Mississippi- and yet what do I do? Nothing. I thought I was bold when I picketed city hall in San Francisco -yes, San Francisco-with CORE (and even then, I must admit, I didn't really know why I was there). I rant and rave about out- rageous book prices, unfair hous- ing, cruelty to animals, terrible FLINT SERIES The third and last part of John Meredith's series on the history and prospects for the University's branch at Flint will appear tomorrow morning. this and horrible that, but, again, what do I do? You're right, not a damn thing. This is typical, and I'm not making excuses for it, but really I'm no different from most of you reading this right, now. Stop and think about it. There is no real excuse for apathy, and yet it has become the watchword' of our so-called Great Society. TODAY a murderer was ac- quitted in Hayneville, Alabama. Despite eyewitness reports that Thomas J. Coleman had shot down two clergymen in cold blood, the jury returned the verdict after less than two hours of delibera- tion. It was crime enough to have him indicted only for manslaugh- ter (on a plea of self-defense by they have put another one over on the nigger lovers, the FBI, the Jew-Communists, and the United States Government. Rise up all you White Anglo- Saxon Protestants and rejoice! You've done it again! A murderer has been freed; perhaps to kill again, but even cif he doesn't, he will have the personal satisfaction of reveling in the "righteousness" of his bigotry. Try to remember September 30, 1965 as a day in which our judi- cial system was again, for the Nth time, ridiculed and debased. Long live the jury system, and woe to those who speak of double jeopardy or interference in states' rights! IN CONCLUSION then, some may laud this event; others may lament; but most will pass it off without the slightest concern. Let me say this though-apathy is, indeed, a poor solution to our na- tion's problems. You and I were not on that jury. You and I did not acquit that man. In fact there is nothing much that you or I can do; but we can raise our voices in protest-this is the very least that we can do. Periodically, think about Reverend Daniels, Viola Liuzzo, Medgar Evers - about Chaney, Goodman and Schwener and the countless others who have sacrificed their lives for a simple belief. Now you may laugh or consider this trite emotional proselytism, but remember one thing-these people must not die in vain. They got up off their rear ends and, attempted one way or another to right what they considered wrong, and herein, they have done much more than either. you or I. We complacents may be good material for the molding of the American Dream, but is this what we really want in life? To whom does this dream belong? Sometimes I won- der. Anyway, I call on you to decide for yourselves. Michael Gow,'66 Viet Nam To the Editor: I WOULD LIKE to acknowledge the editorial of Mr. Joseph S. Dolan, 2nd Lieutenant, U.S. Army, and Mr. John S. Dolan as one which affirmed a number of our reasons for continuing the present policy in Viet Nam. The principle pertinent cause he mentions is the "adherence to die-hard, hard- line communism" as we see it in Viet Nam. Yet, his argument still leaves unsettled the question of whether or not we can establish grounds for the killing we are using as the means to our goal. In responding to this question, perhaps Mr. Hencken's editorial of when killing would be acceptable to society; therefore, we find so- ciety isn't totally against killing and would accept it if a reasonable cause could be established. UNDER COMMUNISM there is little rationality involved in the murders that have occured through the years. Though the exact num- ber can never be determined, mil- lions of Russians and Chinese died as Communism used terror, tactics to obtain power. Those deaths I'd call 'anything but ra- tional or moral. Many of those deaths were for objecting to their administration no more than many of you have objected in these columns to our administrative pol- icies.' How many more millions died in the famines that were caused by an ideology that was too stubborn to give way to the needs of the people rather than the am- bitions and selfishness of the few+ in power? It is again hard to find how many died, but I couldn't call these deaths morally acceptable to society either. In the United States such ruth- lessness and stupidity would be matched in approximate number if we were to take the citizens of the state of Michigan, divide them in half, and annihilate one half of them while allowing the other half to starve to death. Tihat's what communism has done in the past, and it can do it in Viet Nam. You all realize that if we were to leave Viet Nam now, the com- munists would soon take control by force. In this instance, many Vietnamese who believed in and fought for freedom in their coun- try would die labled "traitors- to the People's Government" at the hands of the communists. Those that didn't die would join the other b 1119o n communist-dominated people who are slowly dying through the mechanization of their minds by the enslaving poli- cies of the Red states. These reasons are why many cannot ac- cept communism and also why we may kill and die in opposition to it. DON'T GET ME wrong. I didn't enjoy hearing of a friend, a U.S. Marine, having died recently in Viet Nam. One thing, though, he knew they were fighting for people's lives and their freedom to think and live as they wish. He died, I'm sure, with his self- respect completely intact and for a purpose in this world which de- serves our respect too. -Greg May, '68 Theatre Gift To the Editor: J WISH to protest the casual Philistinism of your front-page editorial on Tuesday. Like good gay burghers you divide the world into necessities (a Power building for the Residential College; funds for the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching) and lux- uries (the arts; here a theater described unforgettably as "a cul- tural project.") Apparently "Culture" is decora- tive and useless; it belongs with sports cars and electric carving knives among the pleasant super- fluities of a comfortable life. On the other hand are the realities, for which in the prose of the edi- torial we must spend our "edu- cational dollars." (How educated are people who speak of "educa- tional dollars?") YOU ARE complacent in ac- cepting as self-evident this bour- geois division, and you are con- descending when you suggest that Regent Power give his name to a more practical structure. There are people who do not share your ideology; who think a living thea- ter more urgent and requisite than any number of Center for Re- search on This and That. -Prof. Donald Hall Department of Enlish 4 * Schutze 's Corner: Fraternity Life * THE FRATERNITY Presidents' Association last night accepted a series of proposed regulations to modify or eliminate certain his- torical rush and. pledge practices. Among them were regulations pro- hibiting "abnormal, incomplete or, unsanitary dress, abusive lan- guage, external application of for- eign material and forced physical introduction or consumption of any matter." A more cruelly repressive set of ably be termed the social fra- ternity's foremost raison d'etre, its most significant liturgy. FOREIGN MATTER introduced during fraternity initiation cere- monies is transubstantiated into the flesh and blood of the social behaviors which inevitably become a successful fraternity man's way of life, his eternal master. The proposed measures to curtail the observance of this fraternal sac-