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August 24, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-08-24

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Lw r~igaux




Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom

XXVI, No. 1






So 'your high school guidance
counselor and wealthy alumni
-friends of your parents got you in-
to the University of Michigan. Or
you were shot down by Harvard;
Yale and Princeton, didn't want
to disgrace your folks by going to
CCNY and picked the University.
Anyway you're in the Class of
You've read the University PR,
scanned the catalogues and been
through orientation. Still you
probably are a bit apprehensive
toward college, even if you don't
want to admit it.
Probably your biggest fear
about college is staying in. You've
most likely heard all those horror
stories about flunking out of col-
lege. Well relax. The admissions
department at the University is
probably the most astute judge of
students at the University, (after

all they admitted you and me).
They figure that if you got in
you can stay in. Usually they are
right as is pointed out by the fact
that the University's. flunk out
rate (about 6%) is on, a par with
the best Ivy League schools. The
courses are tough but not beyond
your abilities.
So whydo kids flunk out? Is it
poor high school preparation,
social adjustment problems, in-
ability to concentrate, slow read-
ing speed or family problems?
The biggest single reason why
students flunk out is that they do
not study enough. Sure, they will
tell you they had the toughest
teachers, most competitive classes
and add that grades don't mean'
anything anyway. But the truth
is that they are just lazy or simply
not interested in school.
One friend who was a merit
scholar in high school flunked out
because he didn't feel like opening

the books. A guy across the hall.
got a 3.75 and he studied seven
and eight hours a day.
There is no sure way of staying
out of academic trouble, if you are
sensible. Don't take more than 15
hours dour first semester. And if
you find that after two weeks of a
course you simply can't under-
stand it, despite your hardest ef-
forts, get out and take 'a course
you egn handle.
Yeu can't afford to flunk any-
thing first semester. Try the
course later when you are on more
lid ground.
The easiest way to stay sane in
college is to study each day. Sec-
ond semester I neglected a course
for four weeks and ended up
studying it four and five hours a
day the last month-and it was
all unnecessary.
Next to flunking out, the see-
and biggest cause for leaving

school appears to. be mononucle-
osis. Total abstinance from kiss-
ing is not the answer. The most
sensible way to avoid mono is rel-
atively simple-sleep-eight hours
a night. While some people can
live on five hours sleep a night,
most can't. You are fortunate if
you can, but it's not a good habit
to get into.
If you sleep and study enough
chances are you will be around for
Chet second semester.
Enjoy Life
Now what about enjoying the
first semester. Generally studying
is for weeknights, partying is for
weekends. While this may not
sound as good as State where
partying is for every night, Uni-
versity students really have great
Generally Saturday is date
night. Dating as a freshman is
positively great-if you are a girl.
If you aren't just be patient, the
girls all need husbands and some-

day you'll be an upperclassman.
While freshmen girls generally
have a better time socially than
freshmen boys, sometimes joining
a fraternity is a good way for a
freshman boy to improve his social
For a lot of people fraternities
serve a valuable function. If you
are one of these people you might
consider joining. But it would be
proudent if you waited until sec-
ond semester to rush so that you
are established a bit academically.
This advice goes for student or-
ganizations as well. Even if you
were Student Council President,
Varsity Club President, and Na-
tional Honor Society President and
a Merit Scholar besides at your
high school, it is smartest to limit
your extracurricular activities to
And kind of go easy on it first
You'll undoubtedly get a lot of
advice about how to beat the aca-

demic system at college. Some of
it is useful, a lot is bad.
Buying Books
Last winter a friend who had
just gotten an A in a course I was
beginning told me the textbook
was worthless and not to buy it.
So I didn't, and what a mistake.
By the time I got the book in the
sixth week of classes I was far be-
No matter what anyone tells
you, cutting classes is a bad idea.
You can borrow someone's notes '
but you will often find another
person's shorthand hard to under-
stand. Besides section leaders who
do. the grading don't smile upon
students they never see in class.
The temptation to skip classes
is sometimes overwhelming. At
times your courses will seem dull,
listless, unorganized and meaning-
less. This is because most intro-
ductory courses are dull, listless,
unorganized and meaningless.
This is attributable to two fac-

tors. First introductory courses
are mostly covering high school
material only a little more deeply
and three times as fast. Secondly
lecturers in introductory courses
are often the worst in the depart-
ment. The interesting lecturers.
are busy working on federal pro-
jects or teaching graduate sem-
The only thing worse than in-
troductory courses are introduc-
tory textbooks. The fact is that
most introductory textbook auth-
ors would starve if they had to
write for a living. Their general,
boring, bookish writing sells only
because the books are assigned.
Testing in college is a hybrid
version of what you probaoly had
in high school. Many teachers
give two essay hour exams at the
fifth and tenth week of the course
and then a multiple guess final
exam. The first question I ever
faced on a college exam read
See ADVICE Page 3


.rtments Said





To Be Completed
300 Students Who Signed Leases
Able To Move In On Schedule
University Towers, the controversial new 18-story apartment
ilding,.has been completed on schedule and rentals are going very
'll according to -the owner, Robert E. Weaver.
Weaver estimated that 80 to 85 per cent of the apartments are
r occupied. 99 per cent of the occupants are students.
Although there were setbacks during the summer from steel
:ers strikes and bad weather, the building was completed and
Fy for occupancy on Aug. 21, the proposed deadline, Weaver said.
Several four-student apartments are still available. Weaver .in-
a:....+.,s i' .- -, rii~ A n a o nns %a nt4, ., n ri4 .ia n r

dica that each stuent leases o
tact with other interested student
Many architectural experts
Weaver's claim that the building
City Couneil
To Look into


limaxing a' study of intensive
d usage in Ann Arbor, the City
'~cil passed a formal resolu-
to receive the final report of
Joint Committee on Central
.siness District High-Rise De-
.lopments and Parking..
The vote came at the Council's
!gularMonday session, July 19.
made legal action suggested in
e study possible.
~In an attempt to forewarn and
ucate land owners and develop-
s of possible legislation resulting
..om the report, the Council also
gassed an ordinance forbidding
ity officials to issue building per-
nits for any structures over 18
cor es, except with-approval of
The ordinance; entailing the
ommittee's suggested ceiling for
sigh rises, was passed with. the
inderstanding that further study
if the report would yield morej
omprehensive legislation.
To this end, a special meeting of
-ouncil was slated for August 2,
it which councilmen would con-!
>ider the first draft of ordinances
repared by the City Attorney. As-
>ects of the report not covered in:
he then current ordinance would
e included.
The Joint Comnittee, composed
t representatives from the Uni-
sity, Ann Arbor Council, sham-
of:Commerce, and related or-
'izations, was organized in Oc-
er, 1964. Its members planned
consider "large-scale housing'
nand in relation to Ann Ar-
''s responsibilities," according to
eter Ostafin, committee secre-
ary and assistant to the vice-
.resident for student affairs.
Major proposals presented in
he report published by Johnson,
rohnson, and Roy, an'Ann- Arbor

)niy is iouri -and is put in con-
s with whom he might share the
at the University had disputedI
would be completed by Aug. 21,
abut Weaver explained that theyt
are not familiar with his "criticalj
path" method of construction.
Weaver explained that thist
method uses as much prefabricat-.
ed construction material as possi-1
ble and the progress of the workI
is worked out on computers.. r
He added that the method isI
more familiar and more com-f
monly used in large cities, where
the construction of high buildingsI
is commonplace. I
The owner of the largest apart-
ment house in Ann Arbor, with at
capacity of 800 occupants, com-
mented that many people are not
familiar with the method in thist
city because most of the build-;
ing projects are too small to jus-
tify its use.t
- When it appeared severalE
months ago that the apartmentI
house, located at the corner of
South 'University and Forest Ave.,
might not be completed on time,I
Weaver indicated that he wouldf
be willing to have his men work
24 hours a day.
Striking local steel workers in
early May held construction up
several weeks. Federal mediators'
were called in to handle the dis-
Second Factor°
The second factor in the set-
back in construction was that theI
American Bridge Co., which is con-A
structing the inner steel frames
for the building, was put two
months behind because of badt
Three hundred students had
signed leases for apartments last'
spring. Concern was expressed by1
the University as to where these1
students would live if the' building
was not finished on schedule.
Mrs. Norma F. Kraker, supervis-
or of off-campus housing in the
Office of Student Affairs, said in1
May that "the 300 students whot
have signed leases are taking quite
a chance by signing."
However, at a summer Regents
meeting Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs Richard L. Cutler in-9
dicated that he felt the building
would be completed on time. r
A great many of the occupants
are senior and graduate women,
Weaver said. Junior women will

Regents Hikek
Dorm Fees,
TUition Rates
Blame Rising Costs,
Shortage of Funds
For Added Charges
This summer the Regents raised
both residence hall fees and tu-
ition rates in a move that will add
$1184150 to the average fresh-
man 's bill for his first year at the
'A $50 per year residence hall fee
hike was unanimously passed by
the Regents in June, making this
the second straight year that
residence hall charges have been
increased during t h e sumfner.
This action was quickly followed
by approval of the tuition hike at
a special Regents meeting July 9.
The vote on tuition was 5-2, with
Regents Carl Brablec and Irene
Murphy dissenting. Regent Allan
Sorenson was absent from the:
Hint At Hikes
Several University administra-
tors had dropped unofficial hints
about the possibility of fee in-
creases which were published in
the Daily as early as March; how-1
ever, no formal announcements,
had been made before tlie two
Ree~ents meetings.i
Executive Vice-President MarvinI
Niehuss said that an additionala
$250,000 has been set aside for
student financial aid to! enable
needy students to pay the higher
Rationale for Hikes
Presenting a rationale for the
ate hike, administrators cited
rising costs in the resi ence hall
system as the reason, fcr the $501
increase. According to John Feld-
kamp, assistant to the vice-presi-
eident for student affairis, approx-
imately 80 per cent of tljie increase
is needed to finance pad raises for
both counseling and noii-academic
The other 20 per cent, he said,
will be divided betleen wage
hikes for student employees and
the increasing costs of foods and
The tuition increase was at-.
tributed to a shortage of fundsc
from the Legislature. Presidente
Harlan Hatcher poi ted out thatt
the University was 4llotted only
$51.2 million of a 1$55.7 millionx
1965-66 appropriations request. He
said this shortage, i' combination
with the backlog o needs whichc
have accumulated fsince 1957-
when Michigan's financial crisise
resulted in the first)of several con-I
secutive low appropriations-made
raising tuition a n cessity.
Others disagree&, however. Ona

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What's a Four-Letter Word Meanng Welcome?"
santa Barbara News
Join The MiChigan Daily-
A Cance for Fn, Edcation

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taken to fill Smith's present position.
News of the California offer first came from
members of the California board of regents, which

two conservative
governs all nine

of the campuses which make upC
the University of California.
That university has been in a
state of crisis since last winter,
when student demonstrations vir-
tually brought the Berkeley cam-
pus to a standstill.
The Berkeley chancellor at the
time', Edward Strong, was blamed
for incompetent handling of the
events and was replaced by Mar-
tin Meyerson, then dean of Berke-
Sley's college of environmental de-
Meyerson, however, was unac-
ceptable to the conservative mem-
bers of the board of regents, and
never got beyond the title of "act-
ing chancellor." Heyns is report-
edly the first candidate to be ac-
ceptable to all factions in the
politics-ridden California system.
The offer spurred faculty lead-
ers here to call for Regental action
aimed at keeping Heyns here. The
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA), the
faculty's most active representa-
tive group, met in an unprecedent-
ed summer session to draft a reso-
lution, as did some of the Univer-
sity's most powerful deans.
No one, however, was sure quite
what to do. A key question was
Heyns' possibility of becoming
President here (University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher retires in
1967), but it was generally con-
ceded that no -promise-formal or
tacit-could be made now. But
short of the presidency, Heyns
could not advance much farther
in the University hierarchy than
he already has.;
A Detroit News editorial, and;
many faculty here, advocated he
be made explicitly the number
two official at the University,

Judge Rules
In Favor Of
fair Housing'
The question of who has juris-
diction over civil rights matters,
the state or the city, was answer-
ed-and argued-this summer, as
a circuit judge here ruled directly
against' the state attorney gen-
eral's expressed opinion about the
controversial Ann Arbor F a i r
Housing Ordinance.
Circuit Court Judge J a m e s
Breakey on June 18 overrode At-
torney General Frank Kelley's
opinion and declared the city's
ordinance constitutional
Kelley had previously said that
power in matters concerning civil
rights in housing is lodged in the
state's Civil Rights Commission.
Fair housing was not a local con-
co-cern, Kelley said.
However, Breakey, in his opin-
ion said, "the mere fact that the
state has made certain regula-
tions does not prohibit munici-
palities from enacting additional
requirements. As long as there is
no conflict between the two, then
both will stand,"
The only difference between the
city ordinance and the state sta-
tute, Breakey explained, "is that
the ordinance goes further in its
The difference concerned the
case of Ann Arbor vs. Hubble.
The lawsuit, begun over a year
ago, involves a Negro graduate
stuelnt. Bnunan rvant. who

Smith Replaces
V-P September1
Joiner To Temporarily Head Law
School-New Dean Expected Soon
The University's upper administration was jolted in mid-July
when Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns accepted
a bid to become chancellor of the University of California's Berkeley
Law School Dean Allan F. Smith was named to succeed Heyns at
a special meeting of the Academic Advisory Council, the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University affairs and administrative officers of
the University early in August.
Smith Appointment
The appointment of Smith will be effective September 1 and
Heyns will leave the University October 1. Associate Law School Dean
Charles Joiner will serve as acting dean of the school until action is

Six days a week, at about three Quad-a lot of people that have a
a.m., a sound like a railroad train I lot of fun.
going uphill on greased wheels- But most important the Daily
or like water going down a giant is an educational experience.
drain-spreads around the block Offers Enlightenment
behind the Administration Bldg. On all the Daily staffs-busi-
It is the Michigan Daily being ness, editorial, reviewing, sports-
printed. students can take part in the en-
The Daily is a business-it has lightening function of the intelli-
$200,000 in annual revenues, $17,- gent person: to take responsibility,
000 in student payrolls, all exist- to observe, to record, and to com-
ing in complete financial-and ment. They can learn about the
editorial-independence of t h e way the University-and other
University. businesses-works and what the
Daily Serves 'U' issues of the modern school and
The Daily is a service-it has the society are.
an estimated readership of 25,000, They can come to face their

its seventy-fifth anniversary. A'
gala weekend is planned for Sep-
tember to bring together such
Daily alumni as Arthur Miller and
Thgmas Dewey. Some of the most
successful American journalists
will be back in Ann Arbor to re-
live their Daily careers, to put out
a special anniversary supplement
and to put out Sunday morning's
Known nationally as the "New
York Times of college news-
papers," The Daily has won ma-
jor competitions for the quality of
its newspages and editorial page.
Just recently The Daily was


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