Seventy-SixthYear EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The Pakistan-Indian Struggle: n: _ , : na Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST ANN ARBOR MYCH 1 Prevail' NEWs PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN COLLINS Colleges Should Provide Contraceptives for Students . .. THE EMOTIONALLY charged contro- versy. over birth control, sex on the campus and morality has been rekindled this week by the revelation that Brown University's health clinic has been pre- scribing coritraceptives for unmarried co- eds at Pembroke, Brown's undergradu- ate women's college, who are over 21 or have parental permission. The college campus, with its unique set of social pressures and tensions, is a natural focus of attention for the sexual "revolution" which ,is said to be sweep- ing through American culture. Increas- ingly vocal demands are being made upon university- administrations to liberalize rules of conduct, sanction increased pri- vacy for students living in dormitories and make available contraceptives for all coeds who desire them.. HOWEVER, the University takes a pe- culiarly hypocritical position on the issue of privacy. Dr. Morley Beckett, di- rector of the University's Health Service, says the clinic does not distribute birth control information or devices because this is a "private" area of concern. Yet, Nthey Shouldn't HAT IS SENSITIVITY? The question itself is sensitive, frightening ac- tually to me. There was a time when I was angry when my friends came out of movies and told me how much they had cried. (They think they're sensitive. But if they really are, how can they bear to flaunt it?) But now I wonder if per- haps my refusal to show my feelings was as bad as someone else's genuine nonchalance; for on the surface the ap- pearance is the same. Now I knoW' one must not hide sensitivity, lest it become lost. For everywhere we turn, someone is saying that people do not feel anymore. But perhaps this is why so many to- day, in their efforts to regain sensitiv- ity, claim that you must not let your emotions go' unfulfilled or they will freeze untapped and never flow. Since sex is what people feel, they say, no one, must stifle a feeling so strong. AND SENSITIVITY and these attitudes are relevant to today's problems. The health center at' Brown University has begun to prescribe birth control pills to unmarried coeds.-Girls over 21 can have them upon request, while girls under 21 must show proof of intending to marry. By distributing the pills, Brown is in a way expressing approval of their use. The free choice of the person is all they say they are endorsing; but are all stu- dents ready for that choice? I must think again of sensitivity. The pills will surely slip down, to those who will use them to strengthen their weak and loos- ening ties. They will eventually .come in- to .the hands of many who are killing sensitivity as they strive so hard to find it. Mahy intellectuals say that sex is often a necessary part of affection between unmarried individuals. But how long can it feasibly remain on this exalted plane? With pills available for everyone to try, sex cannot help but degenerate for many into something they clutch at madly for its own sake because everyone is doing it. How many lives will be broken before the people realize that sex without a lasting commitment can ultimately give nothing but pain, how soon before they realize that their sensitivity is gone? For feeling must extend deeper than, the fingertips. I do not understand why the same people who deplore the lack of sensitivity in the world go on to advo- cate sex as a way of attaining it. They don't care that people can take pills and commit themselves, to no person and no ideal except what they think is emotion. They do not think about the day when many will become bored with it and face a worse sterility. And when this happens, how will they convince those who follow not to find this out the hard way? by denying dormitory residents an ade- quate degree of freedom and privacy, the University Is intruding into the student's private area of concern by setting itself up as an arbiter of . personal morality. The administration is, in effect, denying to students the right to conduct any kind of relationship which involves sex- ual activity within dormitories - their temporary home at the University. Thus, those students who recognize that a healthy sexual relationship be- longs within the contexvt of a mature and responsible emotional commitment are condemned along with the many stu- dents who adopt a more frivolous atti- tude toward sexual activity. These latter students have been led astray by American society, which is to psychologically adrift in its sexual code of conduct. Rampant hypocrisy, consist- ing of the still prevalent double stand- ard for male and female sexual behavior and a refusal to acknowledge the possi- ble validity of alternate codes or morali- ties, persists in this culture to an alarm- aing degree. American "freedom" and "democracy" has little if any tolerance for individual sexual codes which may be perfectly valid for that individual but may differ from the accepted standard within the peer group or subculture. The unique combination of sexual re- pression at most levels of society com- bined with the blatant, exploitative use of sex in its crudest, most meaningless forms within the mass media results in an increasing preoccupation with the no- tion of physical, gratification devoid of emotional meaning, responsibility or in- ter-personal communication. The result is a confusion of physical sex with emo- tional fulfillment or love. A sexual rela- tionship without emotional involvement, while it may be better than no relation- ship at all and thus should not be con- deinfed by society, rarely brings as great emotional fulfillment ad rewards as one which is a part of deeper emotional commitment between two individuals. THE UNIVERSITY should not take it upon itself to control or limit intimate relationships. between students, nor should it or any other social institution dictate moral standards for the individ- ual. The decision whether or not to en- gage in premarital relations must be left to the. Individual, and should not be an object of coercion from any source. Those students who are involved in what they consider as a meaningful re- lationship with another individual should have knowledge of and access to contra- ceptives. No one can possibly judge whether or not the relationship is "meaningful" except the two people in- vo'ed. Even if they are wrong, they have the right to make a mistake, since learn- ing from one's own errors is one of the most important parts of the learning process in any area of life. However, the University could go far toward minimizing the tragic conse- quences of some otherwise beneficial re- lationships by providing birth control information and contraceptives to wom- en on this campus. In all states women aged 18 or over are entitled to marry without parental consent. Surely college students, who may in many cases be more emotionally mature and ready for deep emotional involvements than non- students, should not be unnecessarily hampered in forming meaningful sexual relationships because of the lack of ade- quate safeguards against unwanted preg- nancies. THIS DOES NOT MEAN that the Uni- versity will eventually dispense con- traceptives the way flu shots are issued -on a mass distribution basis. This would not be desirable or even necessary. There is little likelihood that students not now engaging in sexual relationships would be decisively swayed to do so just because of the increased availability of contraceptives (which are, after all, ob- tainable from other sources). But by dispensing contraceptives through Health Service, the University could take an important step toward recognizing the need for students to be In order to print the above articles on the Kashmir crisis, we are postponing the third part of John Meredith's series on the University's Flint branch until tomorrow morning. By J. SHANKAR Secretary, Indian Students' Association THE SECURITY COUNCIL of the United Nations has ob- tained a cease-fire in the Kashmir war between India and Pakistan. It is not an end for the 18-year- old history of India-Pakistan con- flict on Kashmir; however; it is but , the beginning of another chapter. To appreciate and understand the Kashmir problem one has to look into the historical background of the emergence of India and Pakistan as independent countries -their constitutions, governments and aspirations. As the British were leaving India, in 1947, the majority of Muslims in India, suspicious and fearful of Hindu domination, insisted on a separate state. It was decided Pakistan would be carved out of India to unify many Muslim-ma- jority areas and create a home- land for about 100 million Mus- lims. This still left, however, about 50 million Muslims in India who did not bother to migrate to Paki- stan. Pakistan established itself as an Islamic State where a non- Muslim is barred by law from be- coming head of the state and where a non-Muslim'is, by impli- cation and treatment, a second- class citizen. The country went through several crises of government and after two coups now has a "controlled de- mocracy," ruled by an autocratic army general who esized power by force. It has not held a single free election under universal franchise in the 18 years of its existence. INDIA, on the other hand, has adopted for herself a secular con- stitution where no state religion is recognized and where the freedom to worship according to their own wishes is guaranteed to all citi- zens. True, Hindus form an over- whelming majority, but there are about 100 million in minority groups, including Muslims, Chris- tians, Jews, Parsees, etc., The present Indian vice-presi- dent is a Muslim, and there are many important dignitaries in the Indian government who do not be- long to the majority religion. Three general elections have been since 1951, the largest free elec- tions in the world. With different cultures, reli- gions and more than 200 lan- guages, India continues to exist as a free democratic nation, setting an example for "unity in diver- sity." THE PARTITION of India at the time of independence was con- fined to that part of the country which was directly under the British rule. About a third of the country was ruled by a large va- riety of princes. They were, under the law of independence, given the right to join either India or Pakistan or, indeed, remain free if they could. Many acceded to India and some to Pakistan, depending on the religion of the state and on geographic contiguity, The land of Kashmir had been ruled by a series of Buddhist and Hindu dynasties until the 14th century. It was under the control of Moghul and Afghanistan rules until 1819, when it was conquered by Hindu Maharaja Ranjit Singh of Punjab. In 1946, the Hindu rul- er was defeated by the English, and the new ruler, Maharaja Gu- lab Singh, had to pay $2 million to the English to continue to gov- ern Jammu and Kashmir. AT THE TIME of partition, the then-Hindu ruler of Kashmir could not decide what the status of his land would be, for he was entertaining the idea of an inde- pendent Kashmir and was nego- tiating with both India and Paki- stan. At the time, he signed a "stand-still" agreement with Paki- stan. The Indian government de- layed such an agreement while it considered what the implications would be. Very soon, however, the Paki- stani government could wait no longer and cut off all supplies of essential commodities to the state. .Military pressure was also applied in the form of hit-and-run border raids on the Pakistan-Kashmir frontier. When these methods failed, an all out invasion of Kashmir was started by Pakistan in October, 1947. THE KASHMIR Maharaja asked for India's help two days later. On the advice of then Governor Gen- eral Lord Mountbattan, who had remained in India to oversee the transition to full independence, the Maharaja readily acceded to India (under the power given to him by the British) to enable the Indian Government to intervent. He also unilaterally volunteered to ascertain the wishes of the people of Kashmir to confirm the acces- sion. The Indian army was sent to Kashmir to start pushing back the Pakistani invaders. At the same time,. March 31, 1948 the Indian Government took the matter to the United Nations.- The UN was able to arrange a cease-fire to take effect from January 1st, 1949, which left about one-third of Kashmir un- der Pakistan control and about two-thirds under India's control. THE UN resolutions of August 31, 1948. and Jan. 1, 1949, re- quired that Pakistan shall withdraw its troops from the States of Jam- mu and Kashmir and will use its best endeavor to securesthe withdrawal from the states of Jammu and Kashmir of tribes- men and Pakistani nationals who have entered the state for the purpose of fighting. When the commission shall have notified the Government o India that the tribesmen and Pakistani nationals have with- drawn, thereby terminating the situation which was represented by the Government of India to the security council as having occasioned the presence of In- dian forces in the states of Jammu and Kashmir, the Gov- ernment of India should begin to withdraw the bulk of their forces from the state in stages to be agreed upon with the commission. The question of the accession of the states of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan will be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite, and it will be held when it shall be found by the commission that the cease-fire and truce ar- rangements set forth in the Aug. 13, 1948, resolution have been carried out and arrange- ments for the plebiscite have been completed. BOTH INDIA and Pakistan ac- cepted the two resolutions, but Pakistan refused to give up its part of control in Kashmir and India refused to be bound by its pledge to hold a plebiscite uless the first part of the resolution-- that Pakistan should vacate its part of Kashmir-was fulfilled. Each country has held on to its position for the past 18 years, and the process of Kashmir ac- cession to India has been gradu- ally completed. India has taken the stand that Kashmir is an integral part of India. Pakistan, however, has in- creasingly become restless, for it did not achieve its objective of annexing Kashmir. It started sending armed infiltrators into Kashmir in the early part of Au- gust, 1965, to begin guerrilla war. The plan appears to be that Pakistan would later bring pres- sure on the UN for an early solu- tion of Kashmir issue. This was halted by the Indian military counter-action and this in turn has led to a major, undeclared war. It was proved by the UN ob- servers that the Pakistanis started this new series of inicidents, and world pressure has forced Paki- stan to accept this second cease- fire. THE PAKISTANI government is now stating, for the first time in 18 years, that it would withdraw from Kashmir completely-to be followed by an Indian withdrawal' and a plebiscite. One very im- portant point which Pakistan ig- nores, however, is the Communist' Chinese troops who also occupy parts of Kashmir and should also be withdrawn. The state of Jammu and Kash- mir has a total area of roughly 84,000 square miles-divided be-. tween India, Pakistan and China. India occupies approximately 36,- 000 square miles, Pakistan occu- pies about 31,000 and China holds 17,000. The Chinese-occupied territory consists of 14,000 square miles tak- en forcibly and 3000 square miles granted by Pakistan in 1963.. One of the results of this grant was to bringChinese territory into direct contiguity with the Kara- koram Pass, the gateway to the Indian subcontinent. India has never accepted China's right to this land. Does Pakistan have the right to give 3000 square miles of Kash- mir to China if it accepts that Kashmir belongs neither to Paki- stan nor to India? Can Pakistan force the Chinese to vacate this land so that Kashmir is com- pletely cleared of foreign armies? The answer to both questions must be no. THE QUESTION now facing the world is to how this problem can be solved and how justice and peace can be restored in the sub- continent.' A number of further, more general observations relat- ing to political developments in the two countries for the past 18 years are relevant to this question. Since 1951, India has held three general elections in its part of Kashmir, as in the rest of India. All parties, including pro-Paki- stani groups, were freely allowed to contest, but each time the pro- The Indian View Indian parties were elected with great majorities. The assembly so elected rati- fied the accession of Kashmir to India, and the Indian Government feels this satisfies its guarantee' to ascertain the wishes of the peo- ple of Kashmir. Therefore, as far India is concerned, the accession of Kashmir is complete, legal and final, and the Kashmir question is once and for all solved. Although India considers that the part of Kashmir held by Paki- stan is also Indian, it is willing to settle for status quo in the in- terests of peace. PAKISTAN, WHICH has not conducted a single free electibn under universial franchise in its country, insists on a plebiscite in Kashmir in the hope that it will have a chance to appeal to fan- atic religious elements of the state with the cry of "Islam in danger." It hopes todsow seeds of suspicion against 'Hindu India' and to get the Kashmiris to opt for Pakistan. Pakistan joined the western block to gain western support on the Kashmir issue (not to oppose Communism). When it did not get any material help from the West on the Kashmir issue, it turned to Communist China, and with China's support and American military equipment (intended for' use against Communism), it has turned against India. When Com- munist China attacked India in 1962, Pakistan alone outside the Communist world (except Rus- sia) called India the aggressor. The Chinese, who were neutral tral in Kashmir until 1962, have now suddenly chosen to support Pakistan. To get further help from China, Pakistan hts allowed Chi- nese planes to stop at Pakistan airports on their way to Africa, where the Chinese are trying to build up their image. Pakistan has been attempting everything possible just to get the Kashmir issue settled to its ad- vantage. INDIA, AS A secular state re- sponsible for the safety of about 45 million Muslims outside Kash- mir, does not want a contest where raw religious hatreds are fanned. Any action such as the plebiscite, which is designed to prove that all of the 5 million Muslims in Kash- mir are Pakistani at heart, would make the 45 million Muslims in the rest of India suspect and put theirysafety and positions in jeo- pardy. An election such as this could only result in the type of turmoil that followed te partition of Inlia, with all its massacre and forced migration of minorities fo fear of their lives. "PLEBISCITE" is a nice word which appeals to everybody. By opposing a plebiscite, India ap- pears to be in a position of op- posinc a plebiscie, India appears posing the principle it preaches. But 50 million Muslims in India are equal and honoured citizens, and India does not accept the principle that every Muslim in In- dia is a Pakistani at heart. Pakistan, on the. other hand, is a theocracy, and its claim to have jurisdiction over the loyalty of all Muslims outside Pakistan is fale. It is ruled by a military dicta- torship 'which calls Pakistan a basic democracy. Its call for a plebiscite in Kashmir would be a joke if it weren't for the tragic armed conflict Pakistan has pre- cipitated in the wake of this de- mand. IT IS A MATTER of regret that the Indian viewpoint on Kashmir is not given accurate publicity by the United States media. For ex- ample,.a good portion of the U.S. press writes continually of India's opposition to a plebiscite. The press ignores, however, the fact that Pakistan never observed the first part of the 1947 United Na- tions resolution-it never removed its armies from Kashmir. Moreover, India has declared that in the present Kashmir strug- gle it has not used any of the American military equipment giv- en to it during the Chinese aggres-4 sion of 1962. Pakistan has not de- nied this contention. 'Yet the American press continues to state that American weapons given as aid to India and Pakistan are be-" ing used by both countries. It is perfectly justifiable if the U.S. government and press take a different view on this issue, but if the news media suppress facts and give very biased viewpoints to the public, little is being done to solve the international prob- lems. On the contrary, this com- plicates matters more and certain- ly does harm to the principles of democracy. This makes the U.S. no different from the Communist countries, where it is known that news will reach hte public only when it does not differ from the government policies. FOR ALL practical purposes, India feels the Kashmir issue is closed. Kashmiris have always been peace-loving people and have never revolted against Indian rule at any time-not even at the time of the present conflict. If Pakistan should attack In- dia to solve this problem, it would most certainly lose the war, for it is a relatively small nation. And if "friendly" countries should inter- vene on behalf of either Pakistan or India, there might well be a third world war. Unfortunately, there now seems to be no other way except by force for the problem to be solved. As John Grigg, well-known British commentator for the London newspaper "The Guardian," says, If the conflict were only ov- er a piece of territory-it would have been solved long ago. But Kashmir is the symbol of a much deeper conflict-a conflict over . fundamentls. IUotb sides are fighting for national survi- val and for the very principles of their national existence. Pakistan has to assert the com- munal idea; India has to resist it. One or the other must win. There will, be no permanence in a cease-fire until one or the other has established a clear ad- vantage. Only when the under- lying issue has been decided- and decided in favor of secular- ism-will there be any hope of lasting peace in the subcontin- ent. If India loses, the fissiparous tendencies in thhe country wil soon get out of control, and the light of freedom will be extin- guished in Asia. Either way, those in the West who are now failing to support India will have massive cause for regret. 4 4 Shorn Defends Voice Policy, Hits Daily Coverage To the Editor: AS AN "INBRED" and "hier- archical" leader in Voice-SDS, I must respond to the many un- just and exaggerated criticisms of' the present structure and leader- ship of Voice Political Party. It must be said that Voice has not been the most successful stu- dent group in the nation, nor the most successful activist group on campus. Its failings are partially due to the fact that those people who are now forming a second "chapter" of SDS have not made a serious attempt to join and work towards building the type of SDS chapter they would like to see at Michigan. Indeed, they have play- ed virtually no role in Voice nor have they tried to impliment their philosophy through Voice due to preconceived notions of elitism in Voice and due to their own lack of conviction regarding their own philosophy. Voice membership is open to anyone, and those who have cri- ticized it have failed to join and participate in discussions. To be- come active in Voice does not even require going through the physical act of joining. All one has to do is come to meetings. Those who wish to engage in discussion, work on projects, or formulate pro- grams are not prevented from do- ing so. Voice has always been open to those who wish to involve them- selves in any project within the Thursday's election meeting until 9 p.m., one and one-half hours after the meeting began. Stan Nadel and Alan Jones, candidates for chairman, failed to appear, yet all three knew the time and place of the meeting. In fact Mr. Nadel had informed Mr. Jones that he was not planning to run for the post. yet Alan Jones failed to appear at the meeting to inform the group of this and speak for himself as a candidate. FAILURE of Voice to fulfill the constitutional requirements for an election had already caused the postponement of two previous elections. Last Thursday's meeting was advertised in The Daily, and a mailing was sent to every mem- ber as well as every person who had signed the Voice mailing list. In addition signs were posted on the Diag. This meeting had been announced at the Voice member- ship meeting preceeding the elec- tion. Nominations were made and amendments were proposed at the meeting. In all people knew of the meet- ing and its amendments at least one week before the election. Even though Alan Jones and Stan Nadel did not show up for the meeting, people were asked to speak for them. Robert Thorson, member of the new dissident group, spoke for Alan Jones, while no one was will- ing to speak for Stan Nadel. Ques- tions were asked of Robert Thor- up to the actual election. He fail- ed to do so. VOICE POLITICAL PARTY is the University SDS chapter and as a chapter of SDS and a unit of that democratic group, feeds into its philosophy and its own values. SDS philisophy is derived from the values and ideas of its mem- ber chapters. Voice's philosophy is different from SDS in that it is contributing to that philosophy. Certainly if it followed any SDS line, if SDS had a line, Voice would be less democratic than it is. We are not a cadre of select SDS- lovers. We are individuals, radicals and liberals. We are not a mono- lith. We are of varying philoso- phies. We are intellectuals and we are nonintellectuals. If we have failed to appeal to the intellec- tuals of the Ann Arbor Commun- ity it is because those intellectuals have failed to become a part of Voice and develop a more "ad- vanced" philosophy. If some of those who are in the dissident group would come to Voice meet- ings and plan and participate in the decisions that they make, they could initiate many of the pro- grams that they would like to see Voice sponsor. The present actions of the dis- sident group have accomplished nothing but create more factional- ism on this campus. Certainly there were avenues open within Voice for them to create change. They "You Fellows Want To Get Into The Ball Game Or Sit In The .Gra-id-tands?" G. -0